114 of 1912 - Board of Health, re-organization. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah,._iug.._14,._. ____ __In1....2. VOTING Yes No I move that the ordinance be laid over until August Vr Keyser g V 20, 1912. ` i Korns qi y k Lawrence • el Morris . . . . . . T.. .. '' I Mr.Chairman Passed by the Bohr!. of Commissioners of Salt RESULT - - �..__._... _._...... Ia..- ;, ...a .ah,.".ugtst 14, 1912. ..I�. ?gory r,aRmirm, r City '.'•ecordor By Chief Dera.ty. I:OLL CALL t2. Salt Lake City, Utah,..... .:91___.. VOTING Yea No I move that the ordinance be passed.. Keyser Korns --- v Commissioner o'f(Public Safety. Lawrence Vis Morris Mc Chairman . ._.. RESULT - - ....-................ _ , • A 1T0 1: I 'n a . An ordinance creatinm and establieing in and for 2alt hake City, tah, a hoard of health. The appointment of members, officers and employees fixine- salaries and rrescribinm powers .and (I'Hoc. H. it ordained by tHe :card of Commissioners of atat :Lace City ihth. 2ec. 1. Cf 7.L:fahnImD. There is herebp eueated and estab6ished mithin and for 2alt Xa7.-e City, a hoard of health, consist- • ing of the followinm memers, officers, assistants and emloyees, and .• clothed with the po .t6rs and duties hereinafter set forth.. Joe. 2. ,1BCIM=2. OraICB2. H. 'Hh3. The ...card c iusio of a,alt axe City, Utah, may appoint a noarC oalth consisting of ealth Commissioner, A•rsistant Health Commitssioner, each of w[ion snarl be a craduate of a reputable medical collage, two citisons of • aalt Dahe Cite( htia , and the colissioner of Iu:(lic ;.;afety. The Com- missioner of l'uhlic Bafety shall be en-o 'ficio enairman the hoard of Health, which is included in the Depart,tent oi' Ie ho 3afety under the -,;eneral direction of tne Commissioner of Iedslic :;afety. • Dec. 3. ':L.h=E2. Die compensation cc: each member of tho hoard of Health, exclusive of the cocmnissioner 02 relic henith Coil-' • missioner and. Assistant :--,ealth Co=issioncr, ls hereby fixed at Jive dollars for each meeting attended. The ;:oat-il Bomissionor shall • receive a salary of Twenty-four Mundred dcalars per annum, and t,c sum of Hefty-five donors per month for transnortation afid ca7pensos. The Assistant Maalth. Commisioner Em;.11 receive a Balary of 2iftsen Intadred dollars per cainuac, and the sum of twenty-five dc]'!ars per mohth. for transportation C,Ed exI(enses, said aalaries to be payable monthly :11.1.1 are the salaries of other city officers. hoc. 4. DUTIHS. The Health Col,missicuer shall be executive officer of the hoard of Health and under the datrection of tno hoard of ..ealth Mall have supervision of thc Health Department, i,ts officers and employees. assign all officers end emrloyees to place in the various divisions and nhall define 1,110.12 a7Iti,D0 except as other- wise nrovided by low or 01q1i .!).1)L0. 110 r:7T.,,:;11 Be responsible fot the enforcement of all laws, ordinances, rules and reLlations relative • to public health and sanitation. The other officers of the health derartment shall each under the 'direction of the 'Health Commissioner, have charge of the...divisions hereby created c. i established and. iciall perform sucl,. duties as are rrescribed by law or ordinance, by the regulations of the -hoard of :;ealth ccu ue] otner duties as arc*ssigned to them by the Health Commissioner. Sec. 5. DLIAHTI=TS. Die Departments of tao ...card of heLhlth s7call • be as follows: The Division of health. The Division of h(acteriolomy. ' The Division of nanitary Ins-n•ection. The Division of heat and food 1cc-n Division of Dairy and hill: Insv,octio The Division of heights aed Eeasure . The Division of shamistry. The dvision of ceaith shaal ihclude a a ( ffico :Mployees„, • the Emeruency hospital, :Cc hnolaUon Ho.mpital a..6. empmc detailed 2or duty in other divisions. Tice Division of Bacteriology a_Bail include the I;ao- orioloij.st • and his assistants. • The Division of aaBitary Inshection imalude 11 iof i=1,-00'602, Inc Banitary patrolman ccJ !garhaps; CO-llec.r6ion at;- -_?o2La service. hic Division of 1,:eat amd food Inspection shall imoluhe the chief veterinary inspector and hiz assistants! The Division of i.niry aa.d Mrr Inspacion shall include the chief dairy inspector and his assintants. The Division of ieights End t".easnres shall inclu4.e.4he sealer • of 7ei1nts and measures and, oil inB,pector and his assist-allus. The Division of Chemistry shall'imeln.dc the' Chemist and his assistants. •• 114 ...._ _ . . -2- , .. . , • 1 ) • .J. 'Joe. G. hCAD3 C: IALT-7. :TPZ. 'Zia, 2.actoriol oc:j.ct., abadl. nu.d.02 the direction of the .7.To nith Coh.missi oncr, have ch at.- e of the haetorioloi;ical laboratory and of tne assist:ants 1Ie ft to -',.2-i a diviJion. The aj ate f Uanitary Ths,,•ec t or shall hnder the direction of the heaath ooru.dE,sioner, have char -e of tr .o oanitary ha trolmen and. of the :::,72C.,L'e col',c c tion cnd dlanosal aervic c. The Chief Ga.n-i tary T=flOettlr 5.-. ..._111.; 11110.0-f -71-.0, a*:,!oo:i;ion of the enith Co.miss i oneT!, have chnrEe of the moat a-.1d i'e od i112-200, -.1.07.1 • shd of the na si a tants as s i :-ned tochi division, and shal 1 uerAlrm the duties -)2reflernOd 1.-",',T law nnd 02(1 in.7..lico ,.?:1-1C. ch cnf._or duties co ,1171y 1.!•e o0011,!.,-0a liy ., 0. J0.,:.1th C o ,-,.-•.is a i on_er. The Chi of Inshoc tor f-l-oal; nndor -The direction of th.c Y..ealth Coma!ic si on 02, have char;e of tho Dcluy ::,•-xla -.J.17:-. Ths-jection and of t'he naciata,ets mil ..-no.a to this aivicion and a bfe':Ci -„,caoe'crom 1;10 0)-,ties -1)7ce- ,s c r ib e a -oy law and ordinance and snch other Coot i e s f.-1S 1J1:17 1.)e cos igned b-y- the i!!enith Commicsioner,. , Ho jocier o.i-: -., ._:..[ ::',.;:: and. l'ensur es aud o-',1 insnocter ahnii; 'der tho direction of the Health Co...!iun',.oher,, hove C.i:!;A :0 Of 11110 divisiDr. 0 : Wei!..1 .: and ' ea:: .).ea; -hha:-...•eet i on of old n116. e.,- the ae s is t- ants noo i!aed to tbi a division and h all CC" COO the e-,,ties ,L)re scribed by law and or divance and snch other dnt-.•!es an 2,, e be ao a i o7n a d hy tho . CCeafjth Comei a a i Oner. The Cb.)... 'CI shal 1, u=oaol, -:::,:o direction C !- il...c b!ealte Com- Ids si onor!; haye ef-cy..‘,qe o tree C yi ol on c.)- ehner!a try and no aca iatnnts ass i .oc,_ -:0 tilis div.is i on. hl) )fhall -:.a..Ce cll. such tca_!ts ohle nualyseo cc ,c.y !!!(-: renui.red 1 .-,;- law and 1 ,!- th.e :).ea.-.!....a.. ...!ol!elo!aioner The Chief Clerh shad 1, nnder the ,-.!Yroc',ion of the n-,!alth • Oolm.liesioner, have caeZ ,',0 0: -,:.]!..(I clari.cal work of CO office. -,-k-)c. T. •-..h!rOT-.--h:-:.-TG. The -3ca2(1 of C ome.i a a-',eners obal.l ate)o int oil • ofi'icers., asaistants and employees of tj) - 0:,-:fa of ..o!-.71th ryad an cl. C. fl Ger s, assistants anO., emuloye es shall 20C c ive a-fa-coal a,-.T.Meie s hayable monthly as are the saloon3os of other city e1Zic era onG e:Tlayoes • ! , it' the amounts no folder's: 71a0teriol oci at tyelve 1.1-1malroa dollars. Ohio f .vnitary Inse•ector, twelve :nn-el..ced. Jo..lars., •!. - Chief 7etorinary hnsye04 !„01e:teen. thlndred and. t-eenty dollars. ! • Chjef Dctry Tnsyector WW1 hundred d !;ender of -...e,Ldnts ..L. :.ical.; "02 and 011 Insuecter; fifteen - hundred !dollars. . Ghem!ia...,, ,!ain -:acc dred dollars. X Chief Clerh-, Tel hundred dollars. Steno .-'Ca' ,e.r ned con:iiht, a 07("M lanldred c:,o.d. twenty Coil' s. el Coo. C. 17.2=CTO2S. There :-.',:: 11 -1)(I twenty Ca:'ecc tors of .:c.).c1 deunrt- ments who niao,11 -o,o, divided into three r,-indes 0r1 fel lo-,:s: Pi r a t, f,ocona and Third Grades. lucre ctors ithout v!..07 i()us en-nerience shall be Y-!)ointed to 'Co Third Crade only,.and. mc1 after !ccvine of ono year.; ! - if qualified; no yTomoted to the deco, Groile. Inceectors of the Coe ond Gr3,60 must hay° served at least 0110 -j-enr in the Third 'f,rade, or two years or more in f.r., ,HI" De-unrtannt Cm:vice elr°where. inseectors of the 1.:-irst GT2.0.0 1.-=',-,' nay° served two yenra or more in the i]:oalth h!etartment OT -,-.'.02001,0 s-i!ec hal enclis)Th_cnations for Health Beynntment service to h,o ectermin•ed by the ..:o s.-.!:a of 1 ..1.it'o, Insectors of -the --..)ir st C)r-cde shall .•)De-e iVC ,:.. ..C -,1;Cy a ciory of teelve hundred a01:1 aa's. Insneot ors of th.o -,ocond )h)..n•!':e shall a nee Ivo n yearly alary 1 • of ten o•undTed and ein-:hty dol.]ars. Thsnectors on the rZhird! .,' Cc E.h.nil reecivo a ye).-cl y an:ery , of nine huhdred anil. s!ixty dollars, all un.--,)nb-!e moutbly ac arc the , caD pries of other city olTicers and employees. All ano2,licants for the yes i tli.on oe' TRI-1I-4IC-1:01' or for advance- ment in the service chall anon( n.7.).7..- -!::•ca.s fiu.oL e,.,..,,china ion aa may be required by ciao T',L)ar 6. of. .ealth. 3oc. O. 1-2.1.C11:01' 'HI. A nenrso at the Isolation f.ociritn1 at twelve hnndred dollars b_car year. A janitor at the Tsolation boor ital at nine in:androd dor ars 1'O2 70:1'. .41 CO ok CC the Is ola',;-i on aospl ted' ot sha:. ihnldrod cle,:h':',22 pox' Z ! • :---ire, On, fireman at tho Cr omatory to 2(IC:11-;Ile a. Oalai'y ch;: -nine, ,/;.-p hundred dollars Der ye nT., '4•w • ' P-1.44- ti."0.4-t)--1(...-1.1-I,fa.....„„,‘. Gi.,4 1-4, 0,,.6--(4 ..0-,,, /4041-4a d -,.., 4L4 ..,0-1.A.,t, .K,AC ,eiA4.1k , f—L7 04 (141..(04.-u ALe.„ 1,0 et,,,. ,H i„1 • _ ___ , - - - A . - • !-. . - Ifincteen nen w-it'L, '6orams, or such lesser nly_ai!er en Iley be recp2ired in t],e ga.:.• ao disDosal oervice, each of anon shall receive , ' doll,!rs t:nd fifty cents :::or day. _ j Tnree laborers at two dollars and twenty-five cents iOT day. One l'on at lho lolushinc Sttion at nne hlYhdred dolars yer year. In all cases where eLYployees arz-w daily on woolly :: !cs, the same shall bo paid "ols ill.ont'ay. - Pecan e ' Soc. 10. 0::I_...). _C:!1 . In° .,/,lon !..o.....1,:sioner, a .-.11 L. (AJI.u, inir npon the duties of his office, ta. e end ET.Iscrlh)o .i:_ e coaatitutional ---,,,_ oath ei' off:Co and execute a bond nit's cood and snf:'bciont ,retieu;. q6N t be a-oproved by the - - , aole to the city in the 1)encli mum usan of five thod Tba:ars, conditioned for the faithful )erfornance oi t: :, ln:l os (-):: i: (.: :.:ficr . ' '2n .e_L — ft' (. , ,:a 1.10 .7.1 ::cceiyed by 7.--(1---- -- '- lv- - -- '' o ordirnce- O . ti‘o -oia ci.t- ' 2ec.,;11. TT. The nsaistalit lica1t1 CoAiisscaoner $ 11, 3)4:fere onoring -t-pcnftho duties of hiE oftica t0itc4,a'nd51rt.1)ele cokEltitllttona oath of office and executi a f.00ndl4 ,D5'eo4 Lnd: Eo'f •ic dit aucei;ieS', to be approved '7- 'h !. ; , Tay41,],e7tet:.4 c_,.t.:74 : c. penalsUm-Of VoT, u, —In. collars, con4itionedf0:tile lai7t17rfoacc of the dtkties of his office a: cl,theipejy&nt oi: all 410eU0 received I',YF sucn officer aceordink; tcOlaw qnd :;.ht 'oribil'ancosOf'the t-ij.(1 CPT.:!4 ' 1 7 - , Sec.-12. In 3 Chief _ ani,tary I4ppeptolc- the :Thief '',1:sternay Insjlector, the Chief DarZ insr.r, to ! e 1ealcr 6:' .e'fnta and Z:naturcs and each Incl•secter o2 thencalthDe44 -,e-ht ar, all,, before enteinc 12- '- upon the duties of thoreq:ectiva4i, icOs, ta7..e and aftlbaeribe the ' constitutional oath of oiC# c.nd. =ccuto\t ,one wth !:oed zi;nd r-liCfi- ,„„c„4.o..:4144.,vesj 2_].), aps:creed 1.4 Lil4K-..44, pe-eThle o 'C.c., "c;ty in the-;,endl slam cfd'A6-1.7holasan170-7/7=, condtioned .:o..r• the faitbful performance of t'le duties of t',eir rea.2ective offjces and tLe nayment of all moneys received by such oincers accord -nc -et) law and the ord- inances of t::e said city. Sec. 13. Fe= POI:::; (-'' T."11414. 141 ins.2ectors of the .'eelth Dc:artueht sball .,o ayitably uniformed mla wear a i!.e.de c-oncti 7,y the D-Oard-of Can.lissioners,, Said inspectors shall have all rijIts, di ties and obl.itions an liGliceolen and shall enforce and c: ectuate all laws of t, e . tse, of l'tah, ordinances on !••,lt :ahe City and rules of the l'.oard, of health, rslatinc! to the onerel health of the city. Sec. 14. n11 ordinances and resolutions and Yants of ordina,Ices and resolutions in conflet herewith are hereby re2,olod to t- e oni;ent of clich conflict, - rovided, hoy:ever, t1at the :ch,ers, obliatjcna and duties o: the off:cors o:' t, o varions 1(7-2art.!en.a of i !.: Board of health heretofore en;atinc all he vosied j 1, e:cmciL-d and n.-c:oreed. by the divioions, denartnts ond officers of Lhe Jkw.rd of :relth op this ordiraoice created. L it .-i 1 - e e. le:. ' His. ordinance shall talc e a ect - _ 1 : TIN!***ROLIMIT4"" ? ssed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ci y, Utah,Augu t 22na, v92A--. i--- -"- ( layor 1 Or Or • , 2 1 • Ltw 1 . a c p 1:J 1^} r., r ;3_, ii. r A.„..., ' t'1JU 14 _.t., t., , , N ,_. P . . .1. , , , 1 1 ,..,.,..„ , , • . , , . . . . • , : . . . . . . . .. . „ ,. . . .. . .. . . T . , . . . . , " . . , , . . , • , , , . , . . , , _ . . . . , , . , . , . , . . . . , _Jt • .. ..,... sN `fit`