114 of 1959 - Amending all of Title 10 of the R.O. 1955, as amended consisting of 5 Chapters constituting the Elec ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, .04 I ' , 195 VOTING Aye Nay Burbidge . ✓ I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . J� Geurts �a r Romney . — ; Mr. Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE Result . 1 l AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ALL OF TITLE 10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, consisting of 5 Chapters constituting the Electrical Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to the Division of Electrical Inspection, Certificates, Licenses and Permits, Inspection, Standards and Regulations, and General Provisions and Penalty. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I . That all of Title 10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, consisting of 5 Chapters constituting the Electrical Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to the Division of Electrical Inspection, Certificates, Licenses and Permits, Inspection, Standards and Regulations, and General Provisions and Penalty, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: TITLE 10 ELECTRICAL CODE CHAPTER I DIVISION OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION P9••is Sec. 10-1-I . The Chief of Division of Electrical Inspection. Item I. Qualifications. (a) The person to fill the office of Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall be of good moral character, shall be possessed of such executive ability as is requisite for the performance of his duties and shall have a thorough knowledge of the standard materials and methods used in the installations of electrical equipment; shall be well versed in approved methods of construction for safety to persons and property, the statutes of the State of Utah relating to 1.1A -2- electrical work and any orders, rules and regulations issued by authority thereof. He shall have a thorough knowledge of the National Electrical Code as approved by the American Standards Association; and shall have had at least five yearsr experience above apprentice grade as an electrical inspector or in the installation of electrical equipment, or in lieu of such experience, shall be a graduate in electrical engineer- ing of an accredited college or university and shall have had two years practical electrical experience. Item 2. Appointment. (a) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall be appointed by the City Engineer with the approval of the City Commission. (b) The Electrical Inspector and his assistants shall not in any way engage in the sale or installation of electrical equipment upon which they are required by ordinance to make inspections. Item 3. Duties. (a) it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection to enforce the provisions of this Title. He shall upon application, grant permits for the installation or alteration of electrical equipment, and shall make inspection of electrical installations, all as provided in this Title. Fle shall make periodic inspections of electrical ' merchandise being offered for sale, so as to enforce the provisions of Section 10-4-5 of this Title. He shall also keep on file a list of in- spected electrical equipment issued by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., which list shall be accessible for public reference during regular office hours. He shall hold membership in the International Association of Electrical Inspectors and the National Fire Protective Association, and with the consent of the City Engineer, shall serve on any electrical com- mittee of these associations to which he may be appointed. (b) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall inspect all electrical light and power wiring hereinafter installed to fixtures, appliances and apparatus, and shall also inspect wiring heretofore installed which he may have reason to believe may be hazardous to life or property and require the correction of any defects found therein within fifteen (15) days after oral notice, which notice is to be confirmed in writing. -3— (c) In cases where an extreme hazard is found or any installation hereinafter installed does not comply with this title, the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall cause such equipment to be red tagged and he shall require such electrical equipment to be made reas— onably safe and shall immediately notify the person, firm or corporation responsible to correct the same within a reasonable time. (d) In cases of emergency, where necessary for safety to persons and property, or where electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the fire department, the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspec— tion shall have the authority to immediately disconnect or cause dis— connection of any electrical equipment. Item 4. Authority. (a) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall have such authority as is granted by his appointment and shall exercise such authority as is necessary to the proper enforcement of the provisions of this title. (b) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection may dele— gate any of his powers or duties to his deputy inspectors. 1, Deputy Inspectors shall enforce all of the provisions of this title. (c) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall authorize any electric utility to ,take necessary connections for power to all applicants for such power in the city when the wiring conforms to this ordinance. (d) With approval of the City Engineer, the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall issue all correspondence, notices, cer— tificates or findings of the Division of Electrical Inspection, (e) Certificates of the Division of Electrical Inspection wherein fees are involved shall be signed by the City Engineer, Item 5. Certificate and License. (a) No person shall engage in the Installation, maintenance, alter— ation, or repair of any electrical wiring, signs, or fixtures inside or outside of any buildings either by himself or his agents or employers, without first obtaining a valid electrical contractors licens from the State of Utah and a certificate from the City Engineer and a business • 114 r license from the City License Assessor, except that no certificate or license shall be required for the installations, alteration or repair of electrical wiring or equipment installed by or for an electrical public utility for the use of such utility in the generation, transmission, metering or distribution of electricity. (b) Upon the payment of the fee required by this title, and re— ceipt of information from the City Engineer that a certificate has been approved, the City License Assessor shall issue a license to the app— licant, except that no license shall be issued to an Electrical Con— tractor until the contractor applying for license has furnished a good and sufficient bond in the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($l,000.00), which bond shall be filed with the City Engineer and shall be condi— tioned that the said Electrical Contractor, during the continuance of the term for which said license shall be granted, shall faithfully ob— serve and honestly comply with the provisions of all ordinances of Salt Lake City regulating Electrical Contractors and indemnify Salt Lake City and any person injured or damage because of his failure to so comply with said ordinances. Certificates and licenses shall show the name of the persons qualified and the firm name, if any. Sec. 10-14, Board of Review. Item 1. Appointment of members. (a) The City Engineer shall select a Board of Review consisting of the Fire Marshall, the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspec— tion (who shall serve as Secretary of this board), the City Attorney, and three members from the Professional Building Trades, including one registered architect, one registered professional (electrical) engineer, and one electrical contractor (certified by Salt Lake City). This Board shall serve voluntarily without pay and under a chairman appointed by the City Engineer. Such appointments shall terminate Dec. 31st of each year. Item 2. Power of Boards. (a) The Board of Review shall have power to review decisions of the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection and shall have power to sustain or reject such decision, Any person appealing from the -5— decision of the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall attach to the written appeal a certified check for ;r10.00, made out in favor of the City Treasurer. The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall not sit as a member of the Board of Review when his decisions are being reviewed. The City Engineer may sit on this Board as an alternate member. (b) The Board of Review shall immediately after every board meeting, or within five (5) days, submit to the City Engineer its findings of action recommended on matters considered by the Board of Review. (c) Any person, firm or applicant dissa.tist:ied with the findings of the Board of Review may, within ten (10) days after such findings, appeal in wiitin, to the Booed of Commissioners, and the Decision of the Board of Commissioners shall be final. C:A^TBR 2 CERTIFICATES, LICENSES AIiD PEX,iITS Sec. 10-2-1. Applications and fees Item 1. Annual fees. (a) Applications for electrical certificates shall be made in writing on application forms provided by the Division of Electrical Inspection. For the annual renewal of a certificate, fees must be paid to the City Treasurer as follows: Electrical Contractor's Certificate, sy1.00 Electrical Sign Contractor's Certificate, t¢1.00 Item 2. Expiration and renewal. (a) Each certificate shall expire at midnight on December 31, following the date of issue and shell be renewed upon application to the city Engineer end by compliance with all provisions of this title. Sec. 10-2-2. Display of license. Every holder of a business license shall keep such license on display in a conspicuous place in his principal place of business during the time such license is in force. Sec. 10-2-3. Permits. Item 1. Application for permits. -6— (a) Before the installation of electrical wiring to fixtures, appliances or equipment, and before any additions to or alterations in any old installation of electrical wiring to fixtures, appliances or equipment is made, a permit number shall be obtained from the Division of Electrical Inspection for identification of each project, wich pro— ject shall be described. Item 2. Requirements for permits. (a) No electrical wiring or equipment shall be installed within or K on any building, structure or premise, not shall any alterations or additions he made in any such existing wiring or equipment without first applying for a permit therefor from the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection. The owner or person authorizing electrical work shall share equal responsibility with the Electrical Contractor involved for secur— ing required permits and electrical inspection for safety of life and property. If it shall be found that the installation will conform with all. legal safety requirements and if the applicant has complied with all provisions of this title, a permit for such installation shall be issued, except that no permit will be required to execute any of the classes of electrical work specified in the following paragraphs 1 to 4 inclusive. 1. Minor repair work, the replacement or lamps and fuses or the connection of portable electrical equipment to suitable permanently in— stalled receptacles. The addition of outlets within the restrictions of the National Electrical Code, to existing circuits. 2. The installation, alteration or repair of electrical wiring by a communication agency regardless of voltage between conductors or by any other person when voltage is less than 50 volts. 3. The installation, alteration or repair of electrical wiring or equipment installed by or for an electric public utility for the use of such utility in the generation, transmission, distribution or metering of electricity. 4. Any work involved in the manufacturing, testing, servicing, alter— ing or repairing of electrical equipment or apparatus, or appliances, ex-. cent that this exemption shall not include any permanent wiring other than that required. for testing purposes. (b) No deviation may be made from the installation described in the permit without the approval, in writing, of the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection. -7— Item 3. Annual permits. (a) In lieu of an individual permit for each installation or alteration, an annual permit shall, upon application therefor, be issued to any person, firm or corporation regularly employing one or more elec— tricians for the installation, alteration anc maintenance of electrical wiring or equipment in or on buildings or premises owned or occupied by the applicant for the permit. The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing to the Division of Electrical Inspection and shall contain a description of the premises on which work is to be done under the permit. (b) The person, firm or corporation to which an annual permit is issued shall keep a record of all electrical wiring or equipment in— stalled under said permit, and the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall have access to such records for periodic inspection. Each annual permit shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it was issued. Item 4. Sign permits. (a) No person shall install, maintain, alter or disturb any elec— trical sign, supports or parts, nor repair, extend or reconstruct any electrical sign or wiring intended to control or enhance the appeal of any electrical sign without first notifying the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection and securing a permit therefor; except minor repair work such as replacing switches, fuses, or sign parts which can be effected without disturbing sign supports or primary voltage lines. Sec. 10-2-4. Owner's permits. Item 1. Work by individuals. (a) Permits will be issued to individuals for work to be done by themselves on family dwellings and appertenent property projects such as garages, sheds, etc., not used for commercial purposes, and owned and occupied by themselves, provided that such individuals prove competent to do such electrical work. If owner's work is not according to this ordinance or is incompetently done, a licensed electrician must be called and take a permit to make the necessary corrections. Owner's permit shall be forfeited,,. CHAPTER 3 INSPECTION Sec. 10-3-1, Inspection. Item 1. Notification. (a) When notified by the applicant that the work is ready for inspection, the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall inspect any and. all work for which permits (other than annual permits) have been issued as soon as practicable and. within 48 hours. Work will not be considered ready for inspection and covering until all concealed plumbing, steam heating, furnace work, and gas fittings are in place. (b) Inspection shall, when necessary, be made two or more times during the progress of installation; first, when work is roughed in, and, last, when work is completed. Item 2. Inspection cards. (a) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall indi— cate inspection of work by making out an inspection card. Such card shall state the date and whether first or final inspection has been made. It shall be unlawful for any person to lath over or otherwise conceal any electrical work until such first inspection has been made and card signed which shall be within forty—eight (48) hours of the time when inspection is first requested. Inspection card shall be located at main entrance cf building project or on electrical service panel. Item 3. Concealed work. (a) When any electrical equipment is to be hidden from view by the permanent placement of parts of the building, the person, firm or corpora— tion installing the equipment shall notify the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection and, such equipment sh•11 not be concealed until it has been inspected and approved by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection, provided that on large installations, where the concealment of equipment proceeds continuously, the person, firm or corporation in— stalling the electrical equipment shall give the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection due notice and inspections shall be made periodi— cally during the progress of the work. Item 4. Work under annual permits. (a) At semi—annual or more frequent intervals, the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection shall visit all premises where work may 114 -9- be done under the annual permits and shall inspect all electrical equipment installed under such a permit since the date of his last previous inspection, and shall indicate approval for such work as is found to be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Item 5. Work not approved. (a) If, upon inspection, any installation is found not to be fully in donformity with the provosions of this ordinance, the Chief of the Division of Diectrical Inspection shall immediately notify, and which notice shall be confirmed in writing, the person, firm or corporation making the installation, stating that defects have been found to exist and state briefly the nature of such defects and require that satis- factory corrections be made within fifteen (15) days from such notice. (b) No permit shall be issued to any applicant for a permit during the time that he shall fail to correct any defective electrical work after he has been duly notified to correct such defective work by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection, unless an appeal is pending with the Hoard of Review. Item 6. Records of Inspection. (a) Upon inspection of any wiring, apparatus, fixtures, or appliances as hereinafter provided, the Chief of the Division of Elect- rical Inspection shall orally notify the permit holder of the result of such examination, end. retain in his files a record of the inspection made and the result, Sec. 10-3-2. Inspection fees. Item I. Computing fees. (a) The fees to be paid. to the City Treasurer for Electrfoul permits shall include two or more inspections of installed electrical materials and sh 11 be computed for residences as follows: 1. The minimum electrical permit fee for new construction shall be 5.00. 2. The square foot area, as determi ed from the building permit, shall. establish an `i retri-cel permit fee of Q.01 per sq. ft. 3. Electrical germit for renovation of electrical systems in existing buildings i10.00 -10— 4. Owners electrical permit on existing dwellings, not including main service "5).00, 5. Owners electrical permit on existing buildings including main service or for now dwelling 12.00. 6, Inspec ,ion to cdvis re cppraise existing dwellings (con— sulting) a ."„5.00 per hour ;';5.00 min. 7. Electrical permit for each unit over three in multiple unit dwellings '.6.00, per unit. 8, For connecting furnace to existing panels one for special circuits to single appliances NOT involving service wiring 2.00. (b) Plectrteal permits for temporary metering and service facilities -45.00. (c) The fees to be psid to the City Treasurer for electrical permits shall include two inspections of installer electrical materials, and shall be computed for commercial and/or industrial properties as follows: 1. Nleetrical inspection permit fees for co:;merciul and/or indu industrial properties ,shall be based upon transformer secondary capacities in all instances Whether the installation includes transformer Jut—station or independent secondary service supply only, Primary capacities shall not be considered in computing fees. 2, The electrical permit fee for new construction single phase and for 3 phase, 4 wire WY systems, the fee shall be computed by determining tee current carrying capacity of the largest ungrounded conductor and dividing this capacity by four (4). The resultant shall be the fee charges in dollars and shall corapr_.se the total electrical inspection fee for th-e entire project thus metered. Each metered service shall be considered separately. -ii 3. For new construction, three phase the fee shall be computed by determining the current carrying capacity of the largest ungrounded conductor and dividing this total by four (4). The resultant shall then be multiplied by 1.7 (approx. f) to equate the electrical inspection fee, which fee in dollars shall comprise the total electrical inspection fees for the complete project. Each metered service shall be considered separately. 4, The formula set forth in b-i, b-2, and b-3 of this section reduced by 1/3 the sum thus determined shall apply to the installation or renovation of main service entrance facilities, in existing buildings or structures. 5. The electrical inspection permit fees for inspection and appraisal of existing electrical installations or for a special circuit to serve only one (1) appliance or furnace from an existing service, the fee shall Item 2. Annual permit fees. (a) Annual permit fees shall be determined by the City Engineer, based on the amount of work performed, except that no annual permits shall be issued for less than E25.00. Item 3. Double fee. (a) A double fee shall be charged for all electrical permits where work has been started before the proper permit application has been made, plus a 1% per day penalty for extended delay of fee payment. Item 4. Fees due and payable. (a) All fees provided in this section shall become due and payable in advance. Fees will be due and payable on annual permits or applications requiring annual inspection when inspection is completed. CHAPTER 4 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS Sec. 10-4-i. Regulations. Item 1. Emergency lighting. (a) An emergency lighting system approved by the National Electrical Code, hereinafter referred. to, shall be provided in all enclosed gathering places as required by the Salt Lake City Uniform Building Code and the Salt Lake City Fire Department Ordinances. Such systems to automatically operate to illuminate the exits, aisles and corridors or assembly areas in the event of failure of regularly furnished power. The emergency system shall comply with the operation requirements of the Fire Department and shall be inspected for operation each six months by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection or by the Fire Marshal or both. Item 2, Plan of wiring. (a) Any person desiring a permit to install electric wiring con- sisting of more than six (6) lighting circuits of 20 amps eac'a, or :more than two (2) motors, or more than two (2) ranges, must provide a sketch or print showing in detail the proposed method of installing wiring and equipment. Plans or prints furnished may he rejected if not certified. Item 3. Receptacles. (a) Appliance outlets hereafter installed in dwelling occupancies and located less than seven (7) feet above the floor line must be equipped with approved receptacles of a type w>>.ich has no electrical current carrying parts exposed when appliance is not connected, Item 4. Service entrance. (a) Service head for overhead service entrance shall be located at first point of attachment of service drop to the building. Service entrance conductors shall be in rigid conduit, electrical metallic tubing or approved. metal raceway. (b) For single family dwellings to and including 1499 sq. ft, area the service entrance conductors shall be rated at not less than 95 amperes and shall be installed in a raceway of one and one-quarter inch minimum using an approved. 100 ampere meter socket and for single family dwellings of 1500 sq. ft. area. and over the service entrance conductors shall. be rated at not less than 125 amperes and shall be installed in a raceway of one and. one-half inch minimum using an approved 200 ampere meter socket. The load center shell have main lugs as large as the service entrance conductors, • Item 5. Branch circuits. (a) Unless other facilities are specified by the home owner or consumer, e. branch circuit terminating in en approved receptacle shall be installed for an electric range. (b) r'or the appliance load in the kitchen, laundry, pantry, dining room and breakfast room of dwellins occupancies, too or more 20 ampere branch circuits shall be provided for all receptacles outlets (other than outlets for clocks) in these looms, and such circuits shall have no light outlets or other outlets. (c) Facilities .for as. least two spare circuits wit:, a minimum of 20 ampere capacity each on the load center shall be provided in dwelling occupancy, for future use of appliances, etc. (d) No service disconnect in residences shall exceed thirty (30) externally operated branch circuit devices in a common enclosure and attached to a common bussing, without the installati_oc of a single main disconnect switch. Sec. 10-4-2. Standards for the installation of electrical equipment Item I. acquireuents. (a) No inspection shall be final unless all installations of electrical. equipmcrfi, obell be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, and any orders, rules and regulations issued by authority thereof, and with approved electrical standards for safety to persons and property. Where no specific standards are prescribed by this ordinance or by any orders, rules or regulations issued by authority thereof, conformity ci tL the regulations set forth in the latest National lilectrical Code, as approved by thc American Standards Association, shall be prima— facie evidence of conformity with approved standards for safety to persons and property. (b) electrical equipment requiring more than 250 volts betweee conductors or more than one phase for normal operation shall not be used in dwelling occupancies unless protected with suitable guard or enclosures. (c) Where there is no specific ruling or where standards are not set forth in this ordinanc , the Chief of the Division of hlectri.cal Inspection shall have the power to allow or forbid. by special rules or regulations to be approved by the Board of City Cormnit inners t:e installa— tion, use or se,l.e of electrical materials or equipment used in the wiring 14 for electric Light, power or fuel purposes. Sec. 10-4-3. Wiring standards. Item I. Enclosed wiring required. (a) In any building in fire zones #1 and #2 as defined by the City Building Code (b) In Zany public building such as churches, schools, hospitals, hotels, store$, theaters, commercial buildings and garages, or industrial and manufacturing establishments, warehouses, or buildings containing multiple dwelling occupancies of eleven (11) or more units, anywhere in Salt Lake City. Item 2. Wiring methods restricted. (a) Thellfollowing methods of wiring for light, heat and power shall not be hereinafter installed in locations requiring enclosed wiring; 1. Open wiring on insulators. 2. Ooncaled knob and tube work. 3. Non-Metallic sheath cable. L.E. Armored cable of the AC or ACT types. 5. Service entrance cable. 6. Non-metallic water proof wiring. 7. Non-:metallic surface extension. (b) Shot lengths of armored cable Types AC and ACT not exceeding 24 feet may be used without special permission for motor connections or for fishing in inaccessible places. (c) Wiring methods enumerated in (a) above may be used by special permission where corrosion, moisture, or structual details make it im- practical to use a metallic enclosed. system. Sec. 10-4'k. Standards for electrical equipment. Item 1. .quipment standards. (a) All electrical equipment installed or used shall be reasonably safe to persons and ;property and in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the applicable statutes of the State of Utah and ordinances of Salt Lake City, and any orders, rules and regulations issued. by authority thereof. Conformity of electrical equipment with standards of Underwriters, Laboratories, Inc., listed by or bearing the Underwriters, Laboratories, Inc. 114 -15— label, shall be evidence that such equipment is reasonable safe to persons and property. (b) This section shall not apply to equipment owned and used by an electric supply or communication agency in the generation, transmission or distribution of electricity, nor the operation or transmission of signals or intelligence by such a communication agency. (c) The Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection may, with the approval of the Board of Review, authorize the installation of special equipment. • Sec. 10-4-5. Sale or disposal of electrical materials, devices and appliances. Item I. When lawful. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, loan, rent, dispose of by gift or premium, give or otherwise furnish, provide or make available-for use, any of the following electrical materials, devices, or appliances, unless such electrical materials, device or applia.hce as enumerated below complies with the provisions of this ordinance. 1. Electrical materials, equipment and. devices for use in making interior wiring installations operated at 250 volts or less between conductors. 2. Lighting fixtures and portable lighting equipment excepting the light bulbs or tubes. 3. Electrically heated cooking equipment, intended for household use. 4. Electrically operated toys. 5. Egdio or television receiving sets and. electronic or electrostatic reproducers and amplifiers. 6. All other electrical appliances intended for household use. 7. Electrical cords and cord sets. 8. Portable motion picture projectors, and portable electrical illuminated signs. 9. Transformers operating et 50 volts or more between any two conductors, or consuming more then 50 watts, designed or intended for attachment directly or indirectly to any electrical system, circuit or electrical service for light, heat, or power in any dwelling occupancy in Salt Lake City. 10. Snow melting, soil heating, or labor savor equipment, electrically operated. Item 2. Rating. (a) All electrical materials, devices and appliances as hereinbefore enumerated, designed or intended for attachment directly or indirectly to any electrical system, circuit or electrical service for light, heat or power shall be only those which conform with the requirements of this ordinance. Each article shall bear or contain the maker's name, trademark or identification symbol, together with such rating by the manufacturer as may be necessary to determine the intended use. The correct operating volts and amperes or volts and watts shall be stated and no person shall remove, alter, deface or obliterate any such marking. (b) Nothing in this ordinance shall prohibit the sale of used or second—hand electrical equipment by the owner, provided, however, that no used or second—hand electrical equipment shall be installed or used unless such. electrical equipment conforms with the requirements of the ordinances of Salt Lake City. (c) Electrical equipment or materials disposed of as junk or salvage and so intended by agreement shall not be subject to the conditions of ordinance. Item 3. Adoption of standards. (a) All electrical materials, devices and appliances as hereinbefore enumerated, shall conform with the code of safety standards for such materials, devices, and appliances entitled Code of Standards for Electrical Materials, Devices and. Appliances. Three sets of such Code are on file for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Recorder of Salt Lake City and by reference are hereby made a part hereof as though set out in full herein. Item 4. Evidence of compliance. (a) Listing or labeling of electrical materials, devices end appliances as hereinbefore enumerated by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other qualified test;isg laboratories as complying with the Code ofStandards for Electrical Materials, Devices and Appliances, shall be accepted as prima—facie evidence of the conformity of such electrical materials, devices and appliances, and that such materials are reasonably safe to persons and property, Item 5. Where no standards have been provided for. (a) Where no standards have been adopted for any such electrical materials, devices end appliances, the Chief of the Livision of Electrical Inspection may require that such materials, devices or appliances be submitted to a testing laboratory or laboratories for testing same, Upon receipt of a report from such laboratory or laboratories, he may designate a standard for each such article submitted and tested, which designation shall be in writing end shall be adopted and promulgated as a rule and regulation, which written rule or regulation shall be filed with the City Engineer of Salt Lake City. Any such standards so prescribed shall be designed to provide as a minimum the degree of safety to life and property as is required by the standards herein adopted for materials, devices or appliances or similar or related. character or name. Item 6. Revocation of approval. (a) Any approval granted by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection may be revoked by him if the electrical materials, devices or appliances are found to be hazardous to life and property for the purpose used or intended, or do not conform with the standards under which they were approved for use. Notice of the revocation of said approval shall be given in writing to the person to whom approval was gJx.nted by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection. Item 7. Materials otherwise covered. (a) The provisions of this Title shall not apply to electrical materials, devices or appliances designed or intended for attachment directly, or indirectly to any electrical system, circuit or electrical service, for light, heat or power operating at a primary voltage of less than 50 volts and consuming less than 50 watts, or to electrical uses excepted in Sec. 10-5-2. Item S. Exceptions, special appliances. (a) The provisions of this Title shall not apply to these Industrial or commercial appliances which are to be used in. a specific location or appliances which. have been submitted to a laboratory for approval to determine their conformity with the standards herein provided for but with respect to which final approval is still pending, providing that an ex— ception is applied for and granted in the manner herein prescribed. The person desiring to make such installation shall submit an application in writing for such exception to the chief of the Division of Electrical In— spection accompanied by written evidence satisfactory to sue authority, indicating that laboratory approval has been applied for. Such exception, if granted by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection, shall continue in force only during such time as such Inspector believes that the testing laboratory will grant final approval certifying compliance to the prescribed standards. If for any reason the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection believes that the testing laboratory has not made an adequate test of materials, devices or appliances, he may require that the same be submitted to some other competent testing laboratory for further tests. CIAPTER 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS & PENALTY Sec. 10-5-1. Existing ordinances Item I. Repeal of conflicting parts. (a) Parts of existing ordinances that are held. to be in conflict with the provisions of this Title are hereby repealed. Sec. 10-5-2. Jurisdiction The provisions of this Title shall apply to all installations of elec- trical conductors, fittings, devices and fixtures, herein referred. to as "electrical equipment" within. or on public and private buildings and pre- mises with exceptions as provided and with the following general exceptions. 1. The provisions of this Title shall not apply to installations in mines, ships or railway cars or to automotive equipment, but shall apply to portable dwellings and trailers having electrical systems exceeding 50 volts between conductors or consuming over 50 watts. 2. The provisions of ibis Title shall not apply to installations used by electricity supply or communication agencies in the generation, trans- mission, distribution or metering of electricity or for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence, and located within or on buildings or premises used exclusively by such an agency or on public thoroughfares; 3. The provisions of this Title shall not apply to the Installations or equipment employed by a railway utility in the exercise of its functions as a utility and located outdoors or in buildings used exclusively for that purpose; 4. The provisions of this Title shall apply to electrical equipment used for radio transmission in amateur radio transmitting stations and shall apply to all electri.cal, equipment used for power supply to radio transmitting equipment, but shall not apply to other electrical equipment used for commercial radio transmission. 5. As used in this 'title, "reasonably safe to persons and property" as applied to electrical installations and electrical equipment means safe to use in the service for which the installation or equipment is intended without unnecessary hazard to life or property. Sec. 10-5-3. No liability of city. Item I. City not liable. (a) Nothing in this Title shall be construed to relieve or lessen the responsibility of any electrical contractor, electrician, owner, or any other persons involved, for wires, fixtures, appliances, cpparatus, con- struction or equipment installed by or for them for damages to anyone injured or damaged, either in person or property by any defect therein nor shall the city or any employee thereof be held as assuming any liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or the signed ceri: Cthate of inspection issued by the Chief of the Division of Electrical Inspection. Sec. 10-5-4. Penalty. Any person who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Title shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than `;:25.00, nor more than ".299.00, or by imprisonment in the City jail for a period of not less than ten days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective irmnediately. SECTION 3. This oridinence shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this 31st d.ay of ➢erPmhPr MAYOR CITY R CO ( SEAL ) BILL NO. 114 of 1959 Published January 15, 1960. 114 Affidavit of Publication L STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 114 of 1959. An Ordinance relating to the Division of Electrical Inspection, Certificates, Licenses and Permits, Inspection, Standards and Regulations, and General Provision and Penalty. was published in said newspaper on January 15, 1960. GIG =ter Legal Advertising Clerk - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of January A.D. /9 60/ - Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov. 25, 1961. 114 AN ORDINANCE A E MENDING (at The Chief of the Division of ALL OF TITat 10 f the Revised SSuch autr Ity selion start have Orden 1955, of Saot La t City. rh ntmenttY as is s ell a Sre his tem =- tr;rats. Vinol adte as ii Ctit s'lee- appointment and hall raise i item a ore t e In far permits, Pt 5 Chxptrra cnna<Ilutlr 4Cthe Flec- Such rohnr7te is necessary to l 1 al wiring g lnfix;uris. of Srlaal Cnde of Aalt Lnke Cltor the peeper fm Title [ the •chances w'rune a features,ire lftah,zetal•na to the Dlvlrron of provisions Lets TEGe. pllmrces or equipment,and before Electrical Inspection, Certificates, fbr The Chief o!the Divi•rnn of any additions to or alterations in Licenses and Permits. Inspection Electrieal Inspection a delegate anyi Old t Installation of electrical, Standards and i,aand ens and powersduties p P t tl l r General Pr gvlsipns nd Pnnaeif U n tl h s ecn rto his fixtures, appliances He it rdained by the lame*of I, D tv I t. h..11 n- b shall beobtained Rom the Commisslpnera of Salt Lake City, f all of theprovisions of this ➢ .'on f Fleet at Inspection Vtaa. Title. The Chief f the Division of wohlehenticrceti ehalfC each denrie project,3MCTION Tha<all of TPIl10 1R Elechdeal Inspection hall au hnrbe- oins R Is<a Ord{nnnces f 3 alt Item 2. Requirements for u r- Lake City,Utah.195o, amend, r any electric utility to make mite ` ed• case tlna f 5 Chanters con- connections fo.. n (al No electrical tlIt S I the Elrntrieal Carle p f to all r Y w hen £h such nosy, equipment shall be installed With• theL k CIl Vt h 1 tl t r the miv wh the 'bonding. t the r i f I !1 I]_ - forms to th'c a d' Iron C flit t. LI d P (nil With ap 1 [th,City Por remise.additions b d 'alterations mils. Inspection. Standardsi Engineer. theChief t la Divr t wiring t h Regulations.tl General P i s of Electrical 7 t' shall £ t I R f t all d t th f t tar_ Cr ( I'e same hereby is.la be. and to read issuecertificates findings RaoDi f ID f Electrical I a foil Mon f Electric, Inspection., The 1 11 l';AFTER t TITfF II Or EIe 14£l I flit DhJ'li kl t bl.l k shall ll share 1 S ]0.k 1N3PEC LION Ff CC't'R1 AJ CODF II p('IAPT R i i Iv tl h]I b sl ed 'Contractor1 d 1 It 1 Notification.tl DIVISIlI RI f TP()CAL bY the Clt' 1 required it delectrical r iyh notified b. h tt- INS CfION It. S Certificate tl 's t f s E t t'E d nt fh t th k i d. (or See 10 ThyChief 1 Di- 1 N p. shall g. t ff t h it b f d t t I I .eh't fl Divl V' n Electrical Inspection. theI t 11 t 1 e, 1 tall I 1 f with I f El [ l,I I .shall It_m 1 rt 11fi tl c Oration, t f _ - 1 11 t 1 t t f t d -s t d 11 1 f 1 c i f l Thefill theofficeI I R,signs,or flunn).inside or j of the l' t has I d y'ith Permitsi1 than I f Chief of theDivisionf El - outside f building eitherb. all f thislit] p mitt11 b issued n t' 1 Inspection shall h t d himself h t nit t h t Il f I-Il b - ti.DI d n moral character.shall b possessed without first obtaining valid 11 d I t th t t 11 Fi II l b till 1B h i`. E h executivehit tricot l h [ th brequiredt execute -thef I d I f i such t th f f, State e Utah t f t I 1 t' I t d all concealed 1 bi a h1 d f d i 1!h th- f h City E t h n 1h f 11 I g Pi I L 4 I h al f k d a. Yough knowledge f the standar& peas A license t that t City YieenYs• I inclusive. fittings Inspection sl t. d methodsd- N 1 Minornplace. installationsfelectrical - lie.,shall b d h Placement f lamps and fuses I b d two oo me,shall. 1 r: moot:shalt be tl d _ 1 t ll l 1 t th t £ portable i during) .h wells f ;,t 111 safety methods f construction t of electrical a tr t t t suitable t=o fst 1 fety top d property,the installed h forI 1 r ll R d t 1 th I d i e h k 1 m n+ utility r h n {r 1 t d statute, e it. S I Utah tld'tl f tl t Ital h ]ating t 7 I 1 1 d utility o er i 1. Ct t f st National.Electrical I' ',Ruction d outer ]ll it et e dish b 1 of Code.toexisting is tat)TheChief t the❑ hurdb t it th f tl I Ii el t t 2 1 t 11 t It. t Elcrt1 I t h 11 1 d' t[ ave, thorough l 1 d f thefb V h payment [the[ e f t I b 1 -° t [ b National Electrical C required b. thisTitle. .tat C t d1 - t d S h ,��d ed by the A Standardso1 information f the City receipt s' f It between I h II tthed l a h tl e, Association) d shell h had neer that a certificate has been of otherh It ff 1 1. b n t e t f1 Is] than60 1 l i d ceeoIt h I1 b 1 f i for above apprentice d 1 re3 1hf nail]installation. 1 eh tt fl thl..tl 1 h I then) t 1 the i S-11. - tron ofelectrical i m t [11 d a f [' -t b.-rt ht eh + shall 1 Legal Notices p m e I I 1 a d 'a signed h h r it teea graduate I del.I Il A engineer- aer -` rt t l 1 F I h nth f ht t0 1 • ap0 eid the h l City Li A n d f b t roe,,,,„ f f F t I j h st verwo i'is t.a[111hti ave h I a ftp r t t!it a. 1 th. ittA l k 1 d th bql] id. Itt t l t o ti,d e• item 2 A poi t t 1 shall be issued toEl t' I i f l t t t (al Th CI 11 t Ih D 11 t Coxllra[or.unt11 th _ t t r It ; telectrical Itr 2 C1. I d 1 Elcefri l I n shun"t 81 Ina i ]Seen h f I,h tl C [ t 1 f l tlh I t iC a d to i b d i I t that thistt 1. Pointed n theCOF I c 1 11 Include ate a i f lh Cil C nn E ONC TFr'f0 SAND p0L ip b 1 t o hl ktl. f LAAS. (R10 with h h b - p t - d rolbl The PI i 1 L d'. shall be dfllh fileddif btl the d tCrllY dEngl.t for btesting d b d Is t the b'Itl g sta f ration t t hnC the en a,s i Is It t th 'd EI t- 1 C t t d I thetl permit l without the `d nlpm¢nt ahp17 notiLY the Cir lei or Fa electrical m -II o n tar Mg !the s id license ash ryll emmina t the Chief of She which they arc equipment by upon granted, ball faithfully observe ve 'Division f electrre'I'Inspection. hence t 1 e d honestly 1with the oi- Item a.Annual nermits. Item] Duties. of all ordinancesr .all ( I lie tindividual1 ter;tf 11 tl d f th Lake City ]t'g Decimal it for each - Iifeeri hl Df'1 f 1 I Contractors And d '[ Salt do I t ell n Lake City and d pl t ti f b lr Mons t thisTitle.Heshall damaged bee f h- f'I v ff application,grant it [ 1 to so comply with said d a 1 1. 1 Installation alteration ( Certificates d 11 shall 1 le 1 i t tl t ll t t l a l 1 l shall -k the f and oers n qualified 't r t d i s 1 ectl felectrical 1 111 a t f1 s am if na. true 1 4 t f n tl. q.I Id d' th..Titl buildings e L .l 00 of ah 11 kit I 71.1 t 5 1012 point et A^vletnem d 1 theapplicant he I Appointment 0f electrical erchnndi..nteing fe bera f Permit. The application forthis feted for sail.so s to enfere•the (ai The City Engineer shall se. annual permit't shall be made in TItIe ti h,.5 It kc f tfhtc if tine Board Resinew 1 h Ch t writing I the Did]shall f Elain a list f t 1 1 1 description f h on remit issued!i 'Rode which' it b. O ]1 h 1 „rye,t ee I S I ( hf h t b d der ¢¢oeaCssrIc 1 bli list 1 11 b.. of th B tll the ut Att a tl a It 1 le r office h f shall and three4 f tl Pro tiny towhR The ich on,i annual a hold a berslrte in th.T t.euee rim-- n ei B sry T r to e tlonal Assoclatlon of Eicet e�l In. lea n Pgisterri leiec u d h 1 ep .ttl of tall f alsierea terse of tesectrlcao' I tier 1 prrters end the Nall 1 FireP . 0 i eel en« a lectrical ie d d alit q t dote cOnseo Association,Con end with tall . Gnctoh fcertlflede b> Sart Lake Chief t the Dives f F .alert, nl of the lee ic bill • Clta This Hoard shall env vol Inso ; hall h (e on any t mYapwithout P d d Cl tl t i p a tho associations electrical it whichcount-kilt... •.ul .t d bytheCity bon.Each 1 [ I z 111070 b i t tl. E Such appointments shall I December Ol (theyear ( TheChief f the DI I t. terminateDec.rl L f a 1 s s .. t i a Electrical t t it - o It. 2 P /B d it 5 ( )The Board f A 1.1I a1 Ishaltanyiiistulh el lriltt electrical o t II lf light 11 d t f 'h t d f ! I disturb' electrical turns ,the Chief f the Division' f Ele- [ t air d Minn al 1 t l here, extend . l c- tofrre Installed h cl t decision. 1 Ito sustain n, l h of I t 1 sign g intended Yet an n to believe mns I il rl to life or m'mrch tv and tb dr o h' A t l Chief it eny permii annealing t ll t' 1 enhance lta t[' tl o ellrlelnio vlthlna flora f 1 f theDivision f Electrical [rs tl y'r th Ch'[ th D' 1 iof fter o d ni)c^.•vl h tl tl shall attach t th- written EI et it tlin o tf d t a to be 6 f- U t - appeal t in certified check for S10.0i e5 h t -or !cl I hmade t h f C t Mitch b,namd f d -(.t 1 s Th Ca favor. E h D b EfP tl th t d E b' tion h 1 ft. I r t I [EI.t t I ll 511 1, n his o 1 ltageI cothn[x with this it 1 I f r t t n f B d l of 11 a DI i. f El i f P h. h ri Ite 10 2 4.O t .I n shall F m d The City F It 1.Work bindividuals. t b_ L d may it thisEd It (a Permits 11 b issued to h it r q l h l t i 1 I najhl TI bB d of R. h 11 d'rd 1. [ I t b tl Dyl f i b d h [ immediatelyafter_ bo d tl m l f 11 d Il- s d shall immediately notify totse ue-her, s etsraecs shedsa ear.-rtItl person.flan or corporation ten n submit to the!City Engineer Ible na .t the r Within a findings of action recommended its) me cI'm h]e time. alters considered by the Board selvnes provided than duchy Indheild t ere in cases r eemergency,per oft FevlAC>, s.firm a '' v 1s roe a tents to owuciusdo such where for [t t r lectrlca lv irk If wrlral and pl t or a E f e e t dissatisfied with the findings ork nr s ten,, 1 f the FI N_ ri oc th H d RevicY is t,1r CI I.f f ih D I of within ten (1)1 d afterm 1 t ct according ra beblind aid l ke ed fleeter 1 Inspection shall a the �=r'pgs.' peal 't'e_ Ih_ q Authority to immediately discon- nect Board of rc minis_ ne d tl o pr.ctinnst Owner sth mnhrI ehall or cause disconnection of:ny Decision of the Hoards of COm• bee forfeited. P lctrical egatoment missloners shall be final, Item F.Authortty, CAPTER 3 EN CERTIFICATHES LICSES AND P. AerlS Ices.c. 10-Z-I. Applications end Item 1.Annual Ices. certApplications for etect•ioal ificates shall be made in w'rt- Prliatlma£pans po'<laa nseetihona➢Fort the of nu ltrienl lnl sf cc liticarr,terannual e rnuast be°alit to Etlectr cal Contractor's'Certiti- rate,51.00 E.leclrieal Sign Contractor's Cer- I tit ic:rte,51 00 Ito Each Cer lion and enewre f l Each crtl[ic ce 113' at midnight December'1,expire. the date of issue.apll shell lhre Cltr t100inevr anrt tIn un_n It with all provrsr of this Sloe. oof Beare, See. I0 of Di.s seat E shall holder f ch business li- cense splay in r spicuous p oin n his re al marl f l'eV'sn our. irie`rilme aneri firenre ;a Id //g Legal Notices Itzni A°'bl `f shall be f theElvl'1 of Electrical Id charged o k Allelectrical s [ and hequipment hat. f l._ the 1 b. istarted t d b motion- LeyO! Notices -_. ' t beeconcealed tl Veit hos-been Inspected and pp d-M hf tl T �]t. f made,1 plus d1 pot regulations issued o authority Chief f the D 1 f'Electric. tereof,and with approved elect^J ,'.Inspectmm provided that.n huge Ife1 nap a t. cal stanards to,safety to aeons. Ans t II t o where the i It 4.F d d G bl d pr p¢tY Where p olfl [ f c I ¢ ntl fsect Ashall'rocs provided ill 1 sta ndards e or h bye b this es ll It. 1 `the Person.firm or cOr tt li 88i TLT' Ch�f 6 null t'in advance. ons requiring lath be is onnual r thereof,ti regulationsor f ly with the authority Na- tion tluclon tree Laz d lecher ens a.ton when inspection I Coin. ,1 t s e forth- thelatest N etched. •I Dana/EI lrlael•Code, approved hall be made periodically dueled by the American Standar; sso the nr 4.W of the,C`oelr er CHAPTER 4 elation, shall be pram facie eve II 4 W k I sTANDAFDS AND cnce of conformity h anoroved mns. REGULATIONS 'standar safely to persons )At semi-animal or more fee. Sec.1041 Regulations, and pronerty quont intervals.theCI I P of Me I A1 F ll%t bl El 1 t t re iiir- D f Electrical I 6 POW. nilttl 25o 11 n.lt visit ➢ 1 l I b the Nation.Fl c conductorsthan h - pp may b I a L r, t C hereinafter referred t for tl normal operation shall tub permitsand 11 a all lee- 'T k beprovided i all enclosed [neat equipmentsince st '.ed under hexing lace required by Mess prsleeted elf sultabier sward such a ne imit.m a the date f the sail Lnke Chen Ito rm m'Cit ^closures. his last previous inspection, and %8 Code .d the Rut Lake Grt o cl Where le at i specific shall indicate approval for such Fire Department Ordinances,Suchu reline ne- standards are not W elk as- fount^to is In - to terns to automatically exits, De aid t forth In rthis o dinance. th .ordinay wltk[Ac rovlslons of this De Illuminate the 'Its,aisles a Chief f lee Division f Electrical ordinance, erit of r assembly areas hi fur- Inspection r l:ball have the power to • al I:.,Work o'ec moved. event of wee.failure o[regularly fur- allow r forbid by arm rules (al 1.. 1 t I- '..h d The .ei e y sus regulations o t o d ip the f conformity t I found t ip sfully t shall i Lhe Doer. Board of City C in s 'mil the provisions - requirements [the rsr toinstallation. a sale f t.I the tt this ordinance. the Electrical I et c- nrtoper ntl _hall be In the bd ca ptcr rin a equipment i tl he llhall i of alyn In-a10 th e operation ash sir,months by r the wiring for electric light, lion hall notice shallcl l goti fit and the Chief Inspection tone or bye af Elea er fuel urn.M in w ing, shall be uosfirmed cal '2'. or by the Fire aSec.10-Enclosed wiring emus 'tine the person, f r h 1 b th Item n Enclosed wiring iii fire one, corporation making tlst ;t Ie. Il 2 Plan [ % la'In building m_r t stating is defects I b I f -A n rdesiring c r- No.1 and No,2 de defined by the i t I d state f t install 1 x wiring City➢nil dins Coat; quirethe t- f h o t' d 1 t ui 20 mp lea t 11 fbl ur ns pubha buildingNos such - P 20 1 h 1 h I. mmeiccia b. d t within fifteen f151 err; 'e than ng t 'hotels, t lh t 1 f such [ thanL or t o 'd buildings tat (hiNo 't shall be l Our- i sketchprintshowing1detail g manufacturing Industrial t t bll 1 a tourgY piiaag,Lor it Im theProposed method f installing warehouses,I buildingscontain- ing lheatlmrs lhet rtq s51a11 Lnll to wiring and 4 ilpinent Plans a multiple dwelling o up set andefective eleatricn- ints f rushed may be r tested of eleven ll) - unllsa any ncies correct after.any hat been nfo pa- prints not cliriitletl, where rn Sel!liake Citv Liked to or S- such arfcesive Item 3.rlecentacies. Item 2. Wiring methods re• owork by the Chief of the Division cal Appliance u.lets hereafter stcicted f Electrical inspection,unless'a Installed In dwelling occu n (al The following methods of o[Ical Is pending,with the Board antilocated less than seven s(11 Wiring for light,heat and licviaw. feet above the floor line must be Ishall t be hereinafter installed Item s,Records of Inspection- equipped with approved ro - n locations reuuhing enclosed wir- (al Upon inspection Uf an0 w'r. fades of a type which has cev _ng,a :at ,f:xtureo a v b cleatro 11 ur ant cart na parts Iri.Onerr hinB o srl]atotu ChaPS hereinafter r vicled.the i.when annllanecYisrnot coin 2.Concealed knob^nand tube ief pof the. Division Pb Eke netted. work. teical Inspection :hail notify 'dm n item 4.Service entranee wfi,Nonmetallic sheath able pezinit holder of the result of such !al Service head for overhead 4 Armored cable i the AC or .examination.and retain in his tiles service entrance shall be located •ACT types. rd of the inspection made at first point of attachment of serv- ice 5.so[vfee trance cable_ 'andethe 1tdrop to the building. Service Ohmetallic water proof wig ease Sec.]1.Co tinting fees, fees. rigidentrance o o do elect shall lxe et Item 1 Comnutina Papas. rigid conduit. electrical metu:lira 1e.Non�metalhc am'faee exten- Tgc fees o bo -td to the lulr' C annrovtd m=1al at•a. sloe City Treasurer tint Elecl:'Ieal n'- !an For siding family.ft.area (SieTypes Amgen: of arm.ed mils snarl include two er ore la- to and vice nt 140e n area cable.Types AC and CT s t lnataticd elertrleal a- the evict entrance lid a ding 24 feet may be eed wilh- Lcrl0000el shall ba ompu[ed for shall ape rated t t less han 0� out special o permission for' motor c.dences AS follows: and shall n be installed in connections or rfor fishing In inac- r i.'Cho m electrical cr- n to of o and o, uart<r e places. t f e fin constructionha:: l .1 Im nip d c(cl whine methods enumerated n o0 100 ,socket d f in la)an r ip used ep n. 2.The foot a.de 1 family dwellings f 1500 ern h - ton t d f the OuddIng perm., ft. ntea and over Me t t or shall tab-I en eetrical hermit t or l halt b d k It I v t't I tt use a details fee f fiatnon o-ft et of less than 125 amperes and t closed sv t_m. 3.oof etticai cent for ready.. shall be installed Ill a raceway of Sec. 10-4A. Standards far elec- ts f le td tl systems hneexist i one-half 'h 1 um bicet cauiamnt. • b IdinC ]0.00 =e p d 200 Pere item 1 Equirlrlent standards. 9. D vie 1 p r It on .t r t 1h load cr 1 hn11 fa)All electrical equipment In d e-i Ise is e111n..s col mcludln8 have main In.,, s lard - the stalled o used shall beer reasonably t ere electrical l conductors. f 1 Persons and property and 5. Owners Igorincl permit In I D 1t conformity in ordinance, the provisions service buildings including U 1e t - t eIw a thisod' the llrcand f dwelling— 0 I b tla h - statutes es the State e Utah and 51200 b 't - I ordinances Salt Lake City.and 0 praise ti Iwo d[=r nst It- -.ill ebin Installed ford an electric -1 b r t I rity the f,Cs and an- an and repolotio n 1 b5.00 p h u—55.0l-pin i13 felectrical sill 7.EI tr l 1 for h 't b For theload in the 'll ,lend d f Und ' n s er three multiple u/t dwell le t.l Winery,d v dining I b etc- I -. 1'sted b ruos so.Iaa,P nit end breakfast fast room of dwell hearing the U der, lters Liborar tg Por tot connecting g furnace i I f`- branch two or stint,20 tortes, ir tsuch Inc label,shall be evidence Fite single appliances10 S2.0. top (other than Itl is for 11. 1 IiII safe b)to This t and h shall not a equipment is pply lot Electrical t ring and service;twill. lave no rllight and or other out In cllectrl-t owned r o used apply transmission on agency in the n nnation, t1 t-• SST to ices 1 h raid the 1 t )Facilities f t least t distribution of Cite .Ilslini i tl t l It.-1 nee- spare I' nit F minimum s of le l nor lhr operation [ 1 taped t 1 I ce 1 1ss 20 h o r the lonnof signals t II and .shall he C ut rj for cn . load center Mall ab provided In au n.. by such acommunication al Inc( a n t future '1 I industrial proper- f appliances, t [1 The Chief f theDivision'. t - follows: d 1 NoI t t - f Electrical i t with L Electrical inspectionI[ d Mall Il i 1'0t. "3ot t- 1 f tic Bad f Re- • aexternallycrafted branch circuit h h installation of. trial f en shall and/or d Indus- In 1 rc.ntl ] t, panel f transf dcapacities t) t bill-da S 10.4-6 Sale or devices in 1l Instances the instal- without theinstallation of leelectrical materials, devices and lotion includes transforincro ub- '- t h. appliances, k t' 'independent secondary 104v t d f th - em l When tan ful Ice:noel}only.considered raps IstanaDon f cl.ctr cal equipment, Ice It shall s Iawfdi for any citties shaall no e considered in Stem 1.Remrirrmous, to sell, Her for alp,torn, fees. e No f 1 n shall hefinal person disc. f by gift sot.pThe c 1 -mil fee f 1 all I t it/ 0 1 fie 1 giveotherwisefurnish st t1 ^lr base and ant 1 b. conformity Irle or k available for use • icnhase.4 i'sine. •te ins i00 he '.i in n thl f the following electrical ma- the fee.shall b computed br do and eiders. 1 and 't I Is,devices, appliances. le coollyg e eer'r' tl ear iyne less such electrical materials,de- c, de- capacity of the largest ungrounded Ices or av lip neon enumerated e Pductnr and livid leg this-ape .below comply with the provisions 11- by tour' f4` Tho re�ul!:ml of this ordinance. shall be the fen charge In dollars 1.Electrical materials, equip_ and shall contorts,the total cite- ante d devices for use in k rical ncetinn fen for the og i terior inn nstallations therxc, I shalt etconsidered I operated,t 250 It lest be- metered 3. Form w n'tra.tl three It S.I'0htinit fixt ndnortable base the Ice shall be computed I ghte a a t ex coiled the light tlh e ui tubes. by determining the current arrv. 3.Elech-icallr heated cooking Ice a poetic f the largest on- equipment,intended for household mo i conductor and e result- s^,Electrically p rated loll. groin-died bis ed env four 141,Tee b- (nt shall then be .ul:lobed by 1,4 Radio o television receiving aeTIVC,tic Tit rtmo¢31 to nil arc sets d electronic o eleciroatatle fee ale u0lal I shall tco prise tee rc r a.Inroers 1- a DDllfiera. fee in dollars shall comprise the B.Ail ashcr glartrtcal'gfd ices total electrical brpeul. C`che [e- 3nitanded for houseehold us. teredc scdvice shalle be. considered 8.Portablelm done picture ape- icecons pp actors, nd,portable electrical it- selgarTb rfobrmnlf sot fermi h,Pl. lu n tea Sens, b2, -g leis s c Ise ro du,cr<I b.v 'r the su bus r. - P Transformers b ,urn any,at two 1 d shalt an ly.a the installs ports r mooer bee iveen nil v nonrenovation of . aucrore. o Ice entrance facilities in existing roan 50 ch det atrtl r ry n'in- d fordirectly attachment ctriclly o bu.The r structures,caluins. a recur to any electrical ysle or 6.The or inspection her- r 1t o,or power service for fees for inspeletlonand ell ii8h%eta%l pliv n dwell- praise,. of existing Bice ea r- q4 up 6,'loi City,. illationa only for •a s ec ell Gait nr10anorosvPiVrne][in%ufpmenLaatlee•, to:riven n� 1 appliance or or11a1Tv ^saving.e e teal Pee hrll�be-2.00. r. 2.Fauns'. Item).AnniialnreCmit[ens. ter Annual v tic_st5,II bn 'based on nr the City Pin,err, eased nil the t of annual par- ;'.formed, CnI etc nil r less an 'ts shall De lsivetl for less than $25.OU. //y k_'gal N.it ces 2; (es and appointees mks hererobe- tlob shell -ubmit n e➢➢lieation 'vices an aenco ltirsIHnesl 'in, w'iefH for s h :ic of e- I tended�tlorenttachmcnt dlrootly or the chief of the Di Division of Mee- ' o to n electrical Ystem, !trical r'spedlipn ac am d by Ir-Z, ce,','.calshulllvbe ofl-�l '+l[en.t[tepee sat lslae:ta. to circuit Weal or o cr t 'such eutappro.l hot beene that lab- i ht k ubbiments f k f d' th the re-; oratory approval h gplied tan Lhc for. Such t 'f t d he ly t 1 1�11 4 the ChIie5fg f theDf if. f Elec- ko.s symbol,nc,n 1 'k 1 such Vie ti h II t In ratlnllron bye,the together uas fuPc+ `61HY dilYing-3krh time y Ire lee' Flo daterm+ne nc h Inspector ywill that the aThe c act Per at- such Inspector believes will the final 1intenacn na a rtoyal e Myna o hanee m InR volts and a+nnoros or o]ls and tine reason!th L+n rlarmds I[ for watts'hail be s°lald k o er- any s the Chief o£the Dbe- shall t' o Itm'i lance or 'Inn of Electrical Inspection be- lieves No nY tech a'f uS lipsrs that the testinghq laboratory hi NnthinR , this rdance has not made an adequate test of chap PP hlbil the lc a setl or Hate vials, devices a nliances, d ho nn electrlCC 1 q plant he:n uirc that th're, tram be by ther...provided.lrawever, ;tbmittedrto some other compctrt that , second-hand elec. leStlnH laboratory for[urlhee tests. trical+dauimnont .l be ild Wled CHAPTER 5 P. or t coess such.rth the r' GENERAL PROVISIONS& e uie�mep ° PENALTY rVt c t the equipment o- Ip c.10s-1.Exlsticl orcihsanees- Se{�Lake CStY Item 1, Repeal of conflletEnC let Electrical hush o[m- a+ts•Pacts ofexisting ordinances [trials disposed sunk ar sal- !thatare hed t be i+ conflict!aid lnho sal by �e°t shall t be s ire.[.o rime with e provisions of this Title o ditlonv fothls oof i`anda hereby i Peeled. °Item l Ad electrical of standards. ac See. rovi.Jur'of t his- (a)All elcetled clesma tehrelnbe- The porovtii lhstalletsons{llf'seat ionea e1u nnled, hall o form ,local t auctors,mti+'gs.deviccsi Ea the code ri safely ices, add 1atd fixtures. herein !erred t0 for such materials, devices, and 'etectr,ca] uipment" thin appliances entitled Code of Stand- or v remise and vote Lions„ask blots for Electrical Ma Thops,De- and Premises with 'captions ofcesehn Cotlnlfancos.fTerlo I sate sa ovldedn and with the following! e 1 exprou,tisn „d°u '+,nlnatfo+�ebvonthe public I.The s of this Title'' thy.office f`the City y reference ii shall not apply railway installations fie t Soh Lake of end by c s m cc, hies or to hcmbv m de Pa t hm'eof a automotive equipment.nvs shall I[hough ct vil in full hompll; only to pore svehings and 4 tsem 4.Evldrocc f con e'+ ce. trailers having electrical systems (c5].:stln tt: ordevbccis mom anlcc. xc ues 50 volts between c l+^leal matminls, um rVuctrs o: consumlrrg over o50 F c hcr.'wrigorc rated s tls Eby IUcallnder w,rte rfi Ldboratoris. 2.The provisions of this Title Inc.,nr ojhcr a uol l[lo<t testing lob- shell not appply to installations toms f +torioes Iy Opt 'sec the used by elecagencies trene e s only o C'°Ue f Si+mslamrcls for Clsect cat' rn r tiara .e In the tion t-II aerials,atpepb s and pnitliaaficic. lion,ation,eutiioe.distribution r c resin R of electricity the t `Idcn e of thetcon'rm LN o such metering f signals x thootirane1 eleptilcel +naterials, devices d eats on £ intellon ce. am ]o-II an liana;, d that each 7;oag Ia1e Gated within to n buildings a,' ably safe to pe:e on premises used exclusively by such 1 r:t�° n agency or on public thorough-- h Iteme 6 Where no standards have fares: been stet for any have 11 The provisions of this Title 2 ()�V licre shall not ae t etc love�n tivllatloals} been adopted for u h ale- r eau n a a, trical n laid[',de.'wes nd amnu- way utility to the zero of its e the Chef of n 018),v bee of' ou [tons s a utility and exercise Pr Uiectr such Inspection Y c ere !ro[doors r le buildings used ex•n tercelsy,te devices o elusively or that p Il000toe en bye sub�nbordatorle.st for- 4 The provisions tof s this Title ccilaboratory or shall apply electrical equipment c o-ataii tram..Upon receipt of a - ra -mgs+ to p rt t!om uch IeboradesiC.nateleh l used radiaodtranam{ttin stations tones. ho rrr, and shall apply to ali electrical 1 s illeard inc c. has a ch [idle'e-'p equipmentPower ea sited d tc,I on which dd R o r I+l trznsml Ming IDmen14, tilt hall be In wgl'tfg e d In �I lh but 'hall of a lY to other efec- bot e an d 'ula frrnnlnlHb in !trical equipment used for radio f rule and rcRulalion.whl[h written transmission. tat p hall b° fried Ij: 5.A6 used In this Title, n i rvl'it oche dClty Ensucherstanda ids-' j ably safe to persons and property"_ Lake city. ropy such s poked to electrical instaln- so 'bribed shall be designed to Itions and.[electri al the t �rl f ro degree D, - ' f 't t UM t P o -t Fi chi hintended ll without ouor t equip- in I is d b th .t idle li h, L� is dttt d for E Il 1 t d oa S 10-59aN 1 f lr lit f 't z It. cif o tt blc l „!felt 6.Revocation of RrantcU by t ( i Nth ne th T llshalln I r Ci the Chi it of lh DI Hai f 1l t.V. be construed, Mitt relieve 1 lessen dl him if theton may elf electrical tf l l lit i t other eu electrician, I owner,to It tb h the purpose 1{f ad i Ho [o with lF'I installed bes to econstruction'0110 ill oa for e or quipment ni I I tended 01' (la not the standards under which,thcs p.,,pp p aged.either person theor a1=1`dr,of u Nnnroval l Soil' the any oaf inty or then,)",[ •gall be niece in writing n the I cur. be hetld as s u mR y 1l ability to mom al by season of thenspection author- stand by the Chinspe the D�vl• k Izod herelnp r the 9 d tif of EIa ateri Inspection. het to of [ion ,-�a.d to the sr tram'! Materia,s othecxdsc coy- het, Chief f the I){vlsion of Electrical Olr Ilnspection dri`;'1 The nr of vtgnv (this Title •rY' Sec,18-Sd.Penalty. shall not amok,to clecirlcal mate n.em a Anypersonnwho shall coil to nl.pot ,' pn lances de- n pl.lr with a f the n ovlosions t heed or Intended for o any elect tea t ibis Title snail. p nlc! I trical s e indirectly to any e tun I(ton thereof,Yoe pe Islrednfor -ch trical system circuit h electrical ,, ffense by a fine f not less than service. for �Ig'pr moat[ c svr for $2500.nor mar than SIPS00,o,- s!'flue t a primary Cp1LURe of Sat by imprisonment, the City all operating [hap a0 vot tea lye for a pr+o not less than ten, Ice than 60 v Its,or fo clf.ctrl�crl Frl� darn nor more thanfine six months.or stet to Sec.10.ec8, Mq days tooth such tee endimprison- [pimonths. or V used rah R Eucentipna, arc lal ap ynces' r c s '�of this Title Efo, SECTION 2 In the opinion o[ 1 t The n t' the Board of Commissioners,it is I`.1:1, not nan l','t"'s intlustrtal CUA to the .health end + coor a slat!ices Ia hitch filch ;la' q[ the i liabllanta of sa_t iron[ ' appliances s+hich have P yoke City that this di Han ce be- been c�;bmitted to a laboratory for}oil c fEective immediately. o determine their c d SECTION 3.This ordinance shall for may with he standards herein�Va take effect upon its first pubi,ca. video for but with r act to Fri [ton' • provided `. :al rs still end-RRC Passed by the Board of Commis lee. v'dlnznihnt an ex"itrIr n is loners of Svlt Lake Clhr, Utah a coiled for and er ad the Lat fb,s 33st dam f Den;b^r. 1358.. e[hetein prescribed?AZT Me ADIEL F.STEW ART, son tleslrine to make such inatella-Pc HERMAN J.HOGENSF.N,Mayor City Recorder SEAL, BILL NO.114 of 185g Published January 15,1360. fA-961 Ily