114 of 1976 - Amending section 37-5-3 increasing sewer service charges. ROLL CALL :'VOTTNG Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, a„np 94 19 76 Mr.Chairman Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed. ;)). Greener Hogensen Phillips Result OR CE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 37-5-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to sewage service charge. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 37-5-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to sewage service charge, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Sec. 37-5-3. Sewage service charge. The sewage service charge imposed by Section 37-5-2 hereof, shall be as follows: (a) For each single dwelling unit, $.06 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed for the first 4,400 cubic feet and $.O1 per 100 cubic feet thereafter. A minimum charge of $1.00 bimonthly ($.50 _center per month) and a maximum charge of $4.66 bimonthly ($2.33 for each month) shall be imposed. (b) For each duplex, $.06 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed for the first 8,800 cubic feet and $.01 per 100 cubic feet there- after. A minimum charge of $2.00 bimonthly ($1.00 per month) shall be imposed. (c) For each triplex, $.06 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed for the first 13,200 cubic feet and $.01 per 100 cubic feet there- after. A minimum charge of $2.50 bimonthly ($1.25 per month) shall be imposed. (d) For each apartment house with less than ten dwelling units, $.06 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed. A minimum rate of $.90 per unit per month shall be imposed. (e) For each apartment house or permanent mobile home park with ten or more dwelling units, $.10 per 100 cubic feet of water con- sumed, or present fixed rate of $.90 per dwelling unit month, whichever is higher. (f) For hotels and motels, $.10 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed. A minimum charge of $2.50 bimonthly($1.25 per month) shall be imposed. (g) For hospitals, $.10 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed. (h) For schools, churches and charitable organizations, $.06 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed. (i) For all other users, $•10 per 100 cubic feet of water con- sumed. A minimum charge of $3.75 per quarter ($1.24 per month) shall be imposed. (j) Since the charges specified above reflect an allowance for water which is consumed but does not enter the sewer system, any consumer who has more than one water meter (one or more of which measures water eventually to be discharged into the sewer and one or more whicJl measures water not entering the sewer system) will be charged (a) the amount specified in Section 37-5-3 of these ordinances, and (2) 8.05 per 100 cubic feet of water flowing through the meter, which measures water to be discharged into the sewer. The foregoing notwithstanding, no charge will be assessed on the meter which measures water not flowing into the sewer system. 114 -2- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica- tion. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of June , 1976. • 77:17/2// MA CITY RECOR (SEAL) BILL NO 114 of 4976 Published July 1, 1976 114 ADM . Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 J?• ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING h9Section are-J Of the sewage Shona Palmer Ordinanceswinage Salt Lake City.Utah,1965,relating to sewage service it ordained it,U if ordained by the hoard a/Cpmmis:loncrs Of Salt Lake City,Utah' SECTION I.Thal 965,Section 07 nit of the RevisedSre Ordinances of e, and heksamleheeby s'a4men'dedasfol�waeser„I<e<narge.be, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- an sec.J13a sewage service Barge.The sewage service tising glens of the DESERE'1'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) eharge imwseA by Seeflon 293-9 hereof,;halt be as follows: c a1 For eae, single dwmhny uolo$o6 er 1a cwlm leer of newspaper s pa per •/Tinted in the English with general ro- w-ter c med for the first 4,400 Cm,m feet and$.01 100 7 F 7 language feet thlereaflerh miniiaz rn chac a of$1p bi t,o f hly.(.i0 n d Ytn far. P°uk6 6�fion$lY crrluti nt in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake ISO asr n +�f¢1.7 le imposed. rn d I s.oe r 10 cubic feet of water{ County, in the State of Utah. consumed for Poe first 0,200 cubic feet and .1 per 100 cubic fee! thereafter.A minimum charge of 49-00 bimonthly($1.00 ter month)shall be imposed. lcmedforthefirstt"113e200cu0nlcfeetandS.0hi`aer100cubicioei That the legal notice of which a ropy is attached hereto thereafter.A minimum charged of 5250 bimonthly($1.25 per month)Shall be Imposed. ' (d)For each apartment house with less than ten dwelling n units,5.06 per 100 ubiceot of water consumed.A minimum rare ___. pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to of 4.9 per unit per manic shall be Imposed. (el l For each apartment house or permanent mobile borne park with ten or more dwelling units,3.10 per 100 cubic feet of water consumed,or present fixed rale of S.90 per dwelling unit sewage service charge month.wochevor is higher. ------ _' -- ---- -. (II r hotels iimum charge.1p per 5250 100 cubic watere I consumedh shall be imposed. o r pe m —LL For schools,churches and cwmtable rwater garlatnswnm (h)For schools,churcnesantl charitable organizations,5.06 per 100wblclmtofwaterconsumed. cubic feet of water I'r tl, all other uscha e o per 1W consumed,A mmhnum charge of 32_74 per ouerter(31 14 per month)shallbe imposed. (I)Since the chargesd but doeabove ntelede sewerelle allowance for water which ir who has morer than one waters nof r the meter le ors more of which wafer eventually es he ool.eed into the ---- --- -- ----- -----of whim measures -- ------------m s sewer sea PRO m gf.i a charged II) wame opt specified Nn Sects system)will be charged go the amour! cub In of Section water flow of these orgh the he roote,whichd i21 measures per ater fee+ July 1 e 1976 d ch rg d into theosewmeThe fo 000)rotwhsandin,he urns published in said newspaper on discharged ha qe vwillll be assessed on'the looter witch measures water not eowmg imo rap sewer SYstem. SECe Cif,s isthe0550r ne_of theeaard ofCommissioners or Sae lake abitan,it f a etCltc fins s ordinance lfare become - --'- -effective Inabmr,eeo immediately.. Lake City that this ordinance become cMect IION 3,This SECTION J,Thl ordinance shall take effect upon Its first publication. v the Board/ f Comm" -�---- _--- - P d ppCommissioners of Salt Lake City. Utah this 9dlh day of JuneI,1076. Teo L.wlnaaGvo City DREDV.HIGHAM - - _Lk— 1 <" •I�� \l' - City Recorder BILLN - Legal Advertising Cleric NO.Jul o/1996 Published July 1,1920 (C-59) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July A.D. 19_76_, / f Notary Public My Commission Expires February 13, 1978 i r