115 of 1959 - Vacating certain property on Hot Springs Street running North from Maack Avenue to O. S. L. Railroad IROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, Decembe.r...31 , 195 9 VOTING Aye I Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge f' Christensen . Geurts. . . 6 G Romney . . • _. . Mr.Chairman . / _ AN ORDINANCE \' Result __,_.L__ AN ORDINANCE V'^.CATINC certain property on Hot Springs Street gunning North from Maack Avenue to the 0. S. L. Railroad right of way, ro n �11 abutting property owners having potitionslfor the vacation. ai Be it ordtU ned by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Hity, Utah: rn SECTION 1. That the following described portion of Hot Springs HStreetrunning North from Maack Avenue to the O. S. L. Railroad right raof way in Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and -declared ro longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way: Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 16, Block 1, o Maack Addition, thence South 44°04r East 677.7 feet; thence o North 89°53r2E" West 92.02 feet; thence North 44°04r West 612.4 feet to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 1u Block 2, Maack Addition; thence Northeasterly on a curve parallel to the centerline of the 0. S. L. Railroad right of way 66.03 feet to place of beginning; all being located within the boundaries of the north half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, a Township 1 North, Range 1 West. 0 U o Satd vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of y wi way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description O• now located In, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of. the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. 2 - SECTION 3. Thi.s ordinance shall take effect upon Its ftrst publicati on. Passed by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 31st day of December , 71-9 59 • �x r \'°44(/41110 c r er ( SEAL ) BILL NO. 115 of 1959 Published January $, 1960 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, Bessie N. Judgeg, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An Ord;roan.e_.ya ,g.txn,g...aer.tain.-property-.on--.Hat--Spr-ings..-Street;---rutrn-i-ng north from Maack Avenue to the 0. S. L. Railroad right of way, all abutting property owners haying_-_petitioned--fey.--the--vacation.-" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 31, 1959 mix as appears of record in my office IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of 4th April, 1960 said City, this day of Iri (SEAL) L.) 2_{.� Deputy C�-Oily Recorder BILL NO. 115',of 1959 Published January 8, Ig,ix 1960 M1r( /5 Recorded APR 5 1960 atm 1709624 Request of ° Rff Fee Paid.Ne a M.i k, 4 Recorder;Salt J � $4�L� -- gy-ti4. a t /Deputy / Ref. fo�3../- l`B/�- e- 0 .IS9-ie9 - 911'n uit 7 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain property on Hot Springs Street ng rth from Maack /IA'I701. ry Av toy.a O.S.L. RaLLrety BOOR f 0 .?AA /1 went of a LL . tone Railro d ` I l owntie having petitioned for the on. Commissionerslof by the Lake City. VlSECah: TION 1.That the following described portion of Hot Spp tags Avenu runningt north S.L.nRaiilaioad Uright of waySalt Lake City. tah, e,and the same hereby s, vacated uand declared for longer ta street. avenue,pro alley or use as titan way:y e lyt coiner at the 16.Block s1, Maack Addltlon,thence South thence min. 89.53 6Imin.£28 44°We00 shi92.n.2 West 612.4 feete r to_ lint 16°Block t2rlMaack Addt cure tit �to the t'center- line of parallelthe O.S.L.Railroad right of way 66.03 feet to oae ltedf thn the'boundanes of the northhall of the South- TownshiDr lr North a Range23i Sa West SLIDi1R&M.ade ex gash subyect doe all entsttof allehisblle utilltlec of as and e r descrlD. • Lion now located in. under o r the confines of n the above describeldh r tv:and also sub- or the thePose of inspectinahere n • taming.replacing, g alter- byorring said utilities and Sail ofthem. the N 2. In the opinion of • Salt Board Citf Commissioners t itnseee stirs to hohabitanisheafth Salt L ke°City! Utah.that this ordinance shall be- come effective3.e, is ordinance shall Mire effort nolnh its first Dubllca- th'A pu missionersbof the Lake City.Utah. this 31st any of AllUEL F.STE WART, Mayor. CEEte AAN CorderHOGENSEN, BILL LNO.115 or 1959 tA961 DI Published January 8,1960 l /� Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 11 ss. County of Salt Lake �y AN O N ORDC£AN Ickrwo - j.F D. M. Ocked §trtaln prgpeety o Hot suu erne ree[r the north from Meack A to the O. S. L,F{allroatl t 'vet E 11 eb ttl x'n n moire h Hecht d-f the Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising cMmeP 'et aF s u"LBe cii°yf i clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- d sEie dplonrtion of the t sVichar GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- 1 At ent t th d..4 fL IyM tickµ' F T tot f a. m s m L ke ?iy, � lisp language with general cfratlation in �,tah, and published in ttho same toreb>�ta, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County. in the.State of Utah. to (ed..and d lard IonlSe' 4inuhllc neoncrety for u t sb Cet avenu', alley Oc ne(es fa.Cla �W Y:, ' °e simmne at the sdninwest: 9 That the legal notice ofwhich a copyis attached hereto r'corner .f Lot.° 61C t, •a 9 Maeek Addition.thence South 4 4 90.E astsie'feet:ttfWpence Salt Lake City Bill No, 115 of 1959 612L4 ee trtoNthe Necthwester. ]v corn r of Lot 16,Hlock 2, Msack Addttlon; then3V rth- therlyonacOFthe 1s.L, An Ordinance vacating certain property e eenterrigh of thl1 y S..L: 5 Rntlroad Inht t Sv 66.Od T Feel;to mock of bµnl riV4 all L' bet"" ,net°° ttm `he T on Hot Springs Street running N. from • Of therS f the lath half 6i Sf the soethemj�i o1.0 r E : h ection 26,T w snl —rth, s; s d �afa ne>s Sae 'eaoy �s Maack Ave. to OSL RR right of way. sutY oa asel bniv°og-ai�s�tsm�i ati iUdtnar of are and every nescrfor he toe�nary meated tn, n, tier .>af th above f escrlbea n ightu� nd a th b.r Ln feet td the nnhts pfagi y thereon for the Du:yose o21n b'edYfng,m:dtt-: ins oe'tc=oniFnsndsa d'+ties l a � January 8, 1960. • t SEso hi 2. 'net he opinion of was published in said newspaper on et li salt Lake Ci[ ft is n as. Se Me the hen7v(h anti safeiY of the tnhabltan(s t/.S It Leif Clty, 5 Uotah,that thSx Vrd�nance hall be for e ffecttvAhntnetl Lately. !l 'Sf:CTION�y�i'hm o�'dlnauce shall Vni take effet upon Its first nubttca. Hl�l it [toles zed be' he Hoard f Com- A' leesion 9 f nit Lak C'te'O h lets 31et d D f Dec b ]B, ' ADIL;L F.STE WAR7o - AN S HOG6EN M r' hi i ( _ j CI yAL) d • s (A.48) tort Legal Advertising Clerk J. Ftilhe?I Jal6..f V.9 Fr lda P b7 shed vary tL 1960 _ Fltth • Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of January A.D. 19 6O Notary Public My CommisfioonvE,xis 1961.