115 of 1961 - Vacating certain streets and alleys in the Earl D. Grays Subdivision of Section 4, Township 1 South, ROLL CALL ' Salt Lake City,Utah, -December 27 ,196 1
k. I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . . 1
, &E SMART. a
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . t' AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain streets and alleys in
the Earl D. Grays Subdivision, a subdivision of Section 4,
Township 1 South, Range I West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian;
WHEREAS, pursuant to petition, the Board of Commis-
sioners held a public hearing to determine whether or not
all of the streets and alleys in the Earl D. Grays Sub-
division should be vacated; and
WHEREAS, all of the abutting property owners of all
of the streets and alleys in said subdivision petitioned
for said vacation, except the property owners abutting
Lots 3 to 8 of Block 5 of said subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the Interests of the abutting property owners
of Lots 3 to 8 of Block 5 of said subdivision can be pro-
tected by refusing to vacate that portion of March Street
fronting their property and running thence north to 2nd
South Street; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners deems that there
is good cause for vacating the remainder of the streets
and alleys in said subdivision and that such vacation will
not be detrimental to the general interest and that it
should be made;
SECTION 1. That the following described streets and
alleys, be, and the same hereby are, vacated and declared
no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue,
alley or pedestrian way, said streets and alleys being more
particularly described as follows:
- 2 -
Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 33, Block 5,
Earl D. Grays Subdivision of part of the Southeast quarter
of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 1 South,
Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian and run-
ning thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet, West 264 feet,
North 14 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to the South
line of 2nd South Street; thence East 14 feet, South 575 feet,
East 125 feet, North 375 feet to the Northeast corner of
Lot 9 said Block 5; thence East 66 feet, South 585 feet,
West 330 feet and North 66 feet to point of beginning.
Also beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 33, Block 4
said subdivision; thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet, West
264 feet, North 14 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to
2nd South Street, East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet,
North 575 feet to 2nd South Street, East 66 feet, South 935
feet, East 594 feet, South 15 feet, West 1254 feet, North
15 feet, East 594 feet, North 150 feet, West 264 feet,
North 66 feet to point of beginning.
Also beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 33, Block 3,
said subdivision; thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet,
West 264 feet, North 14 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet,
to 2nd South Street, East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125
feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South Street, East 66 feet,
South 575 feet East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South
Street, East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet,
South 14 feet, West 264 feet, South 130 feet, East 264 feet
to the West line of Monterey Street; thence South 66 feet,
West 594 feet, North 66 feet to point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the rights of
entry thereon for the altering or rerouting said utilities and
all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 27th day of December, 1961.
Mayor ✓/�
ity Re l'NelY1/41411f\--
BILL NO. 115 of 1961
Published December 30, 1961
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
• alCNoHen
D M Ockey
tam.aeere a m +ne on
, D.-5@cio^SVA d�Tolwnsh n ;4tll5os llln Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
laftaI West,Solt Lake Base and clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
'WIJEREAS, urtaaii-ta petition, GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaperprinted in the En -
iheBoaro Commis$19411 rem- Y P9
public hearing m deter Ine.syaelbes
of all of,he dents and OW lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
the Earl O. crayi-5bod14!fl
shoeld be vacated; d x;�'. Salt Larne City, Salt Labe County, in the State of Utah.
WHEREAS, all of the BpyN
am;4 ow f II I:tha 1f€M
donietl Ilfors s IA IA 11 bdi I9M 5�.
early nn, abgtring i.bro a d' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
'C Block s or ai0 n btlsi, fig,
-wHEREAo, the hers of i AO,
D.8 ofproperly owners andiVi4j a Salt Lake City Bill No. 7.1.5 of 1961.
ic.e 1 ock s � plat paivaloCnr
nC of nrolecica by ',(yyBlag
Wonting tniheir o Pirolrcrly a G"1 $1 in.9
ton north to znd South d tOkQb attr�, Am Ordinance vacating ce!'t;3f.71 streets
lopp4 E R deeSmsin the
there.5 g 0d
the flreetxy anE�nallevs ii'SdaaneligC+ s
not n and That a< vacation e,R1 in Fer1 Dr Grclyr., Subdivision.
not be etrimentall to the general'
InN OW a that d should be made:,
SECTION I. That the fb,and
i the<sate streets and alleys be,and,
azure noel by are, vacated d
declared'no, loe pubfe,
alerin per use ax cat,avenue,
ley o 'pedestrian w saki streets
tl Ifev, qMing more narNcglarly December 30 1.961.
ne5 Ilboin laid lmlowa was published in said newspaper on
BBginnllRj Af-the.'Southwest Odrv9
Gr oft:Mv33, Block 5, Earl':'D::
rays 5uba'grten of part 'North,'
wealhe va or rter ti Inc Town.
L sou h;Rangeo1 West of is
Salt eke.-Base and Merlalanand
• nln9'ingOseast Sot tent,Noifh�
fee feet, West eel legit, North OTa
feet, East II,tent, North 575 feet to the South line of end South y--------"--'
Street;thence East IA feet,So1Ah
feet, E 12.5 feel, h t fee /�-/
i f t the Northeast corner, Lo
of Lot -L L G
ISy85th3tl feet,Soup,55f West 30 fee
and Barth 66 feet Os INAnt ot be- Legal Advertising C lerk
Also begs I at the
Nririlh 1Is'tiyahel,Woes ast tea(North
ld feel, E,f1st 105 test, Nortti Slot
feet to nod Snulh Street, East 19
.et,South 575 tees,East 125 feet,
Norte 575 lest to and South Street,
East l 65 fret,h Sou+h ltat eef 1 , East
1 feet,North 15 feet, East 59d1 feet.1 Sul 66ofce11s01enet, sbchlnning.North `ore me this ^tt,
U1 of
Also beginning at the Southwest day
corn,or tar:13,tall&3,.old sub, c
dvlsion: thence East 264 feet, 6P
North Ian feet, WAN 264 feet,, A. .D• 19
- - North 1,1 feel,East 195 feet,Nnrih ----------
515 feel to and South Sire-b Earl
feat, South 5 feet, East 125
to feel
feel, North 525 reel to 2. South'
Sweat,East 66 feet,South 575 fent,
East 195 feet,North 525 Teo to and
,outs Sirert, Ens! 14 feel, South
fret, East Octfeet, South In ten - -
ael,West 264 fort,Soolh 130 feet,e -
Mnfe2e(Street;et to phen eeS South 6t line 6i
feel,West 594 feel. North 6 feet i Notary Public
to point of beoinnlna.
sale Conan moan r asslr
and of er all a f all rl N yof w
and r cols of all AWN ed
of a to Y description now IOeatzted
antler e' er the cenrincs of
h/I,II�Ilso nsb hlectd'Pec tlhe d rightsoerfve tryy
II``1'thereon for th^altering re oulln9
said utilities and all of the,
itiPassed b� the Beard of Commis-
or Snll emb ,196 Utah,this
2)IhadaY of December,AC
C,te Recorder
nILl NO.415 of 1961
Published December 30,1961 IC-91