116 of 1903 - Ordinance 116 of 1903 – Franchise, closing portions of certain streets and granting right-of-way t AN ORDINAITCE Closing portions of certain streets and granting the right of way through certain streets of Salt Lake City, to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, its successors and assigns. WHEREAS the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company now owns, or is seeking to acquire the larger portion of block sixty-five (65), all of block eighty (80), all of, block eighty-three (83), the larger portion, including all of the westerly front of block ninety-eight (98), about one half of, including all the westerly front of block one hundred and one (101), all the westerly portion, including the westerly front of block one hundred and sixteen(116); also^the westerly portion and westerly front of blocks one hundred and nineteen (119) and one hundred and thirty four (134), the easterly portion, including the easterly front of block one hun- dred and thirty-six (136), all of blocks one hundred fifty three (153), one hundred fifty four (154) and one hundred seventy one (171), all, in plat "A", Salt Lake City; also all of that portion of block one hundred and nine (109) in plat "C" of said city, ly- ing easterly of the main line of its railroad; and its also seek- ing to acquire additional lands for yard space extending north of Ninth North street to the intersection of Culmer and May streets in said city; and WHEREAS, South Temple street and North Temple street be- tween Third and Fourth West streets in said city are now used by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company for depot and yard purposes by virtue of franchises heretofore granted, and there are now twenty tP.zeka railroad tracks or more, extending acr^ss the said streets, which are used continuously by said railroad, thereby greatly impeding and bhstructing the said portions of said streets for public travel, and by reason of said use the said portions of said streets have become very dangerous to persons and property passing over the same and across the said yards and tracks of the 11_€s • said railroad company; and WHEREAS, the said railroad company porposes at its sole ex- pense to construct along North Temple street a suitable and ad- equate viaduct to enable the public to have safe and convenient passage along said street over the railroad yard and tracks as they now exist and as the said tracks will exist after the re- arrangement by said company of its said yard as proposed; and when said viaduct is completed, to deliver the same to the said city as appurtenant to, and a part of the said North Temple street; and, WHEREAS the City Council of Salt Lake City did on the 20th day of lay , 1902, pass an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance granting a right of way through certain streets of Salt Lake City to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, its successors and assigns ," by which said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company was granted authority to construct, maintain and operate a standard guage railroad track on the east side of Fourth West street, beginning at a point of connection with its present track near the inter- section of First North street and extending thence so$therly along said Fourth West street to a point near the intersection of Eighth South street; and, WHEREAS it is proposed by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company to relinquish its said grant and franchise to construct and maintain the said track in said streets south of a point two hundred and fifty (250) feet south of the south line of First South street; Provided , the City Council of said city grant to the said Oregon Short Line Railroad company the privi- leges and franchises hereinafter contained; and WHEREAS the said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company pro- poses to construct large railroad shops and round houses upon its land in blocks one hundred and fifty four (154) and one hun- dred and seventy one (171), plat "A"; and also a commodious pass- enger depot extending across South Temple street west of the west 3 boundary line of Third West street extending into blocks eighty (80) and eighty-three (83) of plat "A"; and also proposes to re- arrange its yard and 'cracks at and near the said proposed pass- enger depot, said yard and tracks when rearranged being approx- imately shown by yellow lines upon the plat hereto attached mark- ed "Exhibit "A",and hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, Be it Ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah , as follows: SECTION 1. That all the streets and portions of streets hereinafter particularly mentioned and described be, and the same are hereby vacated and closed, and all travel by the public there- on is hereby prohibited, and the exclusive right to occupy and use the same for railroad purposes is hereby i:ranted to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, itsAsuccessors and assigns. The said streets and portions of streets hereby closed and vacated are described as follows, to-wit; 1st. The street known as "Morris Avenue", in block sixty- five (65), plat "A". 2nd. The west one-third of Third West street between the north line of First South street and the south line of North Temple street. 3rd. The east half of fourth West street, frcrn the north line of First South street to the south line of Second North ' """ - street. f 4th. All of the east half of Fourth West street between the North line of Second North street and the south line of Third North street. v 5th. The east half of Fourth West street between the North line of Third North street and the south line of Fourth North street. 6th. The east half of Fourth West street between the north line of Fourth North street and the south line of Fifth North street. 4 J 7th. The west half of Fourth West street from the north line of Fifth North street to the south line of Ninth North street . (3th. All of Fifth West street between the north line of Seventh North street and the south line of Ninth North street . 9t�i.Al1 of Grant street, in Kinney & Gourlay's Addition, be- tween the north line of Ninth North street and a point one hundred fifty six and thirty-six hundredths (156.36) feet north of the north line of Ninth North street. 10th. All of Lynn street, in Kinney & Gourlay's Addition, between the north line of Ninth North street and south line of Hamilton street. llth. All of Culmer street, in Kinney & Courlay's Addition between the north line of Hamilton street and the south line of May street. 12th. All of South Temple street between the west line of Third West street and the east line of Fourth West street. 13th:All of North Temple street between the west line of Third West street and the east line of Fourth West street. \ 4 IY}`?' MO. All of Sixth North street between the west line of Fourth West street and a line drawn twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the west track of the Oregon Short Line Railroad across said Sixth North street,, between Fourth West street and Fifth West street. P5 an. All of Seventh North street. between the west line of Fourth West street and a line drawn twenty feet westerly from and parallel with the west"track of the Oregon Short Line Railroad across said street, at the intersection of Seventh North street and Fifth West street. I(r� MOIL All of Eighth North street between the west line of Fourth West street and a line drawn twenty(20) feet westerly from and parallel with the west track of the Oregon Short Line Railroad 5 across said street between Fifth West street and Sixth West street. t4' N. All of liamilton street , between the west line of Lynn street and the east line of Culmer street. Y6-1111114.. All of Goodwin street. lying west of the west line of the north and south alley in block forty four (44), of Kinney & r-ourlay's Addition, produced southerly, and the west line of the right of way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad. 1R ` gia. All that portion of the east and west alley though block forty four (44), Kinney & Gourlay's Addition, within one hundred'and fifty (150) feet of Culmer street' . CC S. All of Jefferson street and the north and south alleys south of the south line of Ninth North street, and,between Fourth and Fifth West streets. SECTION 2.- That the said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, �p,04R2,4/a itsAsuccessors and assigns, have the authority and consent of the said City Council, and permission is hereby granted it, to cross at grade, with its necessary tracks in carrying out its terminal Wins substantially as shown by the map herewith presented, the following streets, to-wit; street 1st. Second'Solth street, between Third West^and Fourth West street. 2nd. First South street-, -betwien Third West street and Fourth West street. . . . - Sri. :4ui ar;t Nor;h Str:a; je o,_iao a ooint ona hunac.:.i in+ (155) E:- P;t of eh. wa3't 1ina i''nici laRt tcraat and S=),onl Nor h ;.. .,, oa'twa;n .ha nrcah of •=.a? ^a= (int) oa-a 'a1rn7r>.( (tH), prolu:..a, and 5th. Phi.ri '4orth ^t. ,,- b t +s;n ",h, aocth And ;oath C bloez>. on' hu-i7r;l ana .x.'s>an (11.8) Ln hanlcal -a,nl ei.naa ,aa (119), orolu;a 1, au{ a_,.t•';'n ltna of tot F:oa (1) . yt bto.k aa; 'hl1-1'1i n;- :'a ;T- xar (191), o -)lu;,i, a,ni ,roar a d;;: df Pig°,h Va- ;1 3th. Ninth North etrt tta aaat Li.n. ot Nasahialt:)n ra,.. in [Aka Viaas sa'b-ii._ ion, qal ,ha Ke„ tin; of Co; oo Short Gin; 3ai.lr3�� �ovoaa '� risht-of-w'-'✓ pp SECTION 3. That said Oregon Short Line ' ailroad Company, its .Csa4AAu, successors and assigns, have the authority and consent of the said Council, and permission is hereby granted it, to construct, main- tain and operate one additional standard guage railroad track in Third West street beginnin at a pdint of connection with its pres- ent tracks, at or near South Temple street and extendin; southerly to and across Ninth South street; such track to be ::o located on said street near the center thereof as that the center line between said additional track and the existing track of the said railroad company on said street shall coincide with the center line of said street, and the said tracks shall be at such distance apart and from telephone or other polies situated in said street as will per- mit the safe operation of said track. Sec. 4. That the said Oren'on Short Line pailroad Company, itsAsu ccessors and assigns, have the authority and consent of said Council, and permission is hereby granted it to lay such addition- al tracks on its property and the intersecting streets in carry- ing out the plans as shown on the said map, and as from time to time may be necessary to enable it to properly transact its business on such property. Sent.ion o. intl as it ?arthac ocla.iaal a, ,a conliH a a? the treatintl of the irsnohisa nar:sin orovidsi for, that.ca.it trentl,a, ,i' eucoaasors and assisn;a, shall oonsiraat th., v.;a1aon horiAn oroo:) sl on North Peilola atroot, shish shall 'oe autii-a;ot to coon1anoia;a the oubli_, tra,v:1 :afar au- alont_ sui:d atriqq , a,ui -.)on a nola;i.3;1 thot ant a.33 O',Aa3.. a[ sail si.ay, tn:; ;'o.la-s )r 1. ri. l.l;, >ilal1 pity, sat ;h tru.tural. -r ";:L .net .')n: .,,hilt n, i7a1. 5„ oc; n Lir : ) ;:auth I'h i.".I. 9. a,;)? na-• , ;i)r 515t acx. arc)ual ,;i�— SEC. 6. The rights and franchises hereby granted and confirm- ed are for the term of one hundred years from and after the passage of this ordinance, and are granted upon the following conditions, viz: lst, That all of said railway tracks shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade of the several streets upon which 7 they may be laid, and if such grade is afterward changed by order of the City Council, the said E;rantee shall, at its own expense, change the said tracks so as to conform to the same. 2nd. Shall keep all of the space occupied by said railroad tracks in said street and for r?.istance of twenty (20) feet out- side of the outside rails of such tracks ballasted with gravel to within two inches of the tops of the rails, and shall also make and maintain such crossings of all of said traoks as shall from time to time be required by the City Council. 3rd. Whenever any of the streets along which the said rail- way tracks, or any of them, are built, shall be paved, then the �Q tgaeR� said grantee, itsnsuccessors and assigns, shall pave between the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each rail, with the same material as that used in the street pavement. 4th. The said grantee, its^succeasors and assigns, shall lay and maintain sufficient boxes or pipes to convey all the water required to flow along the said streets crossed by said railway tracks, the same to be of such dimensions as will permit the free passage of all water ordinarily flowing in or along such streets! • inclu4ing all streets closed as well as those not closed, and Where sail boxes or pipes are laid along the lines of streets now existing but which may be hereafter closed under the terms of this franchise. The said grantee, itsA.uccessors and assigns shall, during the life of this fran- chise, maintain and keep said boxes or pipes in repair, over, through or under those portions of such streets closed under the terms of this fran- chise as shall be used and occupied by the grantee, itsnsuccessors or assigns. ItAktuZl 5th. The said grantee, itsnsuccessors or assigns shall i;:Lnediately, upon the completion of its depot herein proposed to be erected, petition the City Council of Salt Lake City for the pave:mnt of Third West Street between forth Temple Street and Second South Street. e,ea- 6th. The said grantee, itsnsuccessors or assigns shall, within sixty days from the approval of this ordinance, accept in writing, filed with the City Recorder, this franchise and. the grants add privileges heroin given together with the conditions upon it bieding and shall with- in six months from the date of such acceptance commence the a . ua con- struction work on its yards, depot, shops and buildi.ngsA prove ed, failure to accept this franchise, or a failure to commence work as herein provided and within the time limits specified, shall work a forfeiture of all rights of the grantee hereunder. 7th. The depot or passenger station herein referred to and which the grantee herein is proposing to construct shall cost when completed not less than : 200,090.00. 4 atli t `7t This ordinance shall take efect upon approval. Peeeei by the Ci.b Counxi,i DC Selt rake , Utah, Seot,-3mh,,:,. 1p03, anJ. r,=,t n:c3t t :h= 'J,a.9rc r hi:, � pc,•�-i,'._, -0t- - 11//�{f�-�t-t: _ .c YI/f ,1� „,„ / i Q1ReEGUI�+N.[ OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. SN�nRAoOp ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. IN REPLY,REFER TO wnc.ASHTON. flce,ocnr Enexcc.. x0..-.......„„...... SA LT LAKE OITY.UTAII. Oct. 16th, 1903. Mr. J. 0. Nystrom, City Recorder, City. Dear Sir: I take pleasure in handing you herewith a blue print of part of Salt Lake City showing franchise as granted the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company September 28th, 1903. This for file with your copy of franchise. The reason this is being sent you u..1.::at—t.w een you were somewhat changed before the ordinance was passed. This you will _ notice is colored up in accordance with ordinance as passed. Yours ly, A Resideh -Engineer. C May 11, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: For reference to the blue print mentioned on the previous document, original documents. Thank you, S.S. Diversified, Inc. ., .. . , . , 17.:Port N°4•4•1 - ,--: iii.,t.;-:-fi..,. e,-,-,e,i..---,,_,----/_ ._—_,. . ..- 1-.. ..‹, -;<---/i:'rr,•/''''..-. . -requegt -Ti-s,,t1 • 7-7,,, 0. x.. 4Z .,,__,--tiectit , --.i- SEP 21 1908 • ''±'!'41.-'4,:o.e•-' /7-4,---z,_.,.0 c-._;,ri -.4---,__=_--6• . ' ,, .. . ) •‘).* *41;654111V141 ' -;*---„,2.. .. --, ,',,,-/_, -f*:: -ofir iiionei. -;41:It'..7. .,.._ --1- : ' ..,. ; . .011/- es,tu",- c•-,-.4-, Presented to the City Commt, r •.. •..,.., 1.....';'..`,:: -:, „..-,! -(;.--:...,....-.,4 . ' ,,, 4,--:,•-i -:•:; ',-• - . . ;,'• - ••'''-. - -,.; . ';'.',-,.;:-:... ,,, sEp 2 1,1903 -- "--- 1.i.:..--i- ,kg,_—,-,-,4,- 4.;- ..--,.;4.g._0.-•-I. . . ..' • .,.,,,,,•• ,I ri 04.'4 , i-: . .0 I...4.44641.141;"#11 , '-,,.,--''' •-:.C.,t:.-q•'11;, !:' . ' on'RECORIEM. . , 1 .. :.. s. :t . / '1 1'1'1:-„_:"-'111141111: 11 'Presented to the city Couniik ..,, . . . '' '''''fi:'•'''7'i' '' :i-1-(-1./,‘L 6/1,7* .......,..,....,”sees , : ..,,. -• .*- • :%.1,,,tc,,,knii;.,,;4,1 ,'.... .- SEPtym2 8190 ,..3',.--6,,,,,cia . . .. . __ . , , . . .. . ---,--- ... Firstblication In ' ,'3-,i '.-..!:-...: •--- ty , "-:4',..-,:t 0-1,1,:',;.= .............:t'ri••,i T f t rirr i••ft I V,•••••• V, , ,•5,4! . ._i'V. ,' 3 1903 , .... . J.0:NY5TRON1, : . City Rigerder. , ; 1 4 .. • . ' " :=7.1;:::,;•:- . . - .1, - ...-:,; t : ?. •