116 of 1911 - Ordinance 116 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 132, Second Partial Estimate. AN • ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property here-; !inafter described within the district bounded on the north by Hint1 South Street, on the east by State Street, on the south by Martin i :and Roper Avenues, and on the west by Fourth West Street, in Side- !walk Districts Nos. 31 and 40, for the construction of Bement aide.. walks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake Oity, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City TreasurrA. ss corrected, approved and eompletet by the Board of Zualisation 4 ;ant Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that j ,,purpose, of the property in Lot. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11, Block 23; 12, IBlook 24; 2 to 23, inclusive, Bleak 2, Glenn Subdivision, Block 23;I 1, and 6 to 14, inclusive, Block 2, Jefferson Street Subdivision, "Block 23; 1 and 2, Block 1; 1 to 46, inolusive, nook 2, Hunter's Subdivision, Block 23; 1 to 34, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 12, inolu sive, and 14 to 22, inclusive, Block 2, West Drive Subdivision, Block 23; EX Block 3, Edwards' Subdivision, Block 23; 4 to 29, in- ! olueive, Block 2; 1, and 24 to 56, inclusive, Block 1, Harrington, ' ;Donnelly and Newell's Subdivision, Block 23; 18 to 23, inclusive, 4ox's Subdivision, Block 23; 1 to 13, inclusive. Block 1; 4 to 19, ;!;inolusive, Block 2, South Gale Subdivision, Block 24; 1 to 13, in- elusive, Block 5; 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 4; 1 to 23, inclusive, , jBlock 3, Coates & Corum's Subdivision, Block 24; 14, and 1 to 7, ;;inclusive, Block 5; 1 to 17, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 16, inclusive, Black 3; 16, Block 2, Ontario Subdivision, Block 24; 1 to 5, inclu-I '!sive, Block 2; 30 to 51, inclusive, Block 1, Brooklyn Subdivision, Block 24; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 20. inclusive, Block 2,'. ;,Geneva Subdivision, Block 24; 1 to 20, inclusive, and 30 to 49, in-! olusive, Block 4; 30 to 49, inclusive, Block 1, Davis, Sharp and :Stringer's Subdivision, Block 24, all in Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, abutting on the south side of Ninth South Street be- :twecn Washington and Gale Streets; on the east side of First West -2- Street between Ninth South Street and Mead Avenue; on the west side of First West Street between Brooklyn and Goltz Avenues; on the north ;',side of Fayette Avenue between First West and Second West Streets; land between Third West and Fourth West Streets; on the south side of Fayette Avenue between Third West and Fourth West Streets; on the west side of Washington Street between Ninth South Street and jll'ayette Avenue; on both sides of Washington Street between Brooklyn and Paxton Avenues; on the east side of Second West Street between Orinth South Street and Roper Avenue; on the west side of Seoond Went ',Street between Ninth South Street and Paxton Avenue; on the south ;!side of Brooklyn Avenue between First West and Gale Streets; on the ;north side of Brooklyn Afenue between Seoond West and Gale Streets; on the north side of Saxton Avenue between First West and Third West Streets; on the south aide of Paxton Avenue between First West and ; Second West Streets; on the north side of Lucy Avenue between First West and Third West Streets; on the south side of Lucy Avenue between ;First West and Third West{.streets; on the east side of Fourth West ;Street between Ninth South Street and Montague Avenue; on both sides of American Avenue between Seoond West and Third West Streets; on !the east side of Gale Street between Ninth South Street and Ameriosh 'Avenue, and between Fayette and Brooklyn Avenues; on the west side Iof Gale Street between Ninth South Street and American Avenue; on the east side of Third West Street between Ninth South Street and *ad Avenue; on the south side of Mead Avenue between Gale and ThitM ;'West Streets; on the north tide of Montague Avenue between Third Went and Fourth West Streets; and on both sides of Goodhue Street between !Ninth South Street and Montague Avenue, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 181 and 40, of Salt Lake 0ity, for the purpose of constructing oemenjt ' J !!sidewalks upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, land the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are 'hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. 1 Sidewalk Extension No. 132. `J 1Seoond Partial Estimate. „1.61.1 / Passed by tho City Council of Salt lake City,jltah, Lnennber 4th, 1911, and referred to the :;layor for his yY vxI.- City R.'endnr. Approved this / dqy of Dncnmb nr, 1911, '!I • - : ,,-. • . ; '..-0-);•', , !-v I, ,,..#.1.,3•:: ,.:',' mr.Eifc:o-r.'f). 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