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116 of 1977 - Annexation, annexing certain property located between 1700 and 1900 South Streets above Wasatch Driv
nyLL .,NLL VOTING Aye Nay Salt ke City,Utah, July 21 ,1977 Mr.Chairman . I move that the d' ante be pas Agraz Hogensen Phillips ti Result -- AN RDINANCE DESCRIPTION CNE,� AND/ �/ AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. �VED WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 497 of 1977, together with a plat showing the tract of land to be annexed by Hooper Knowlton Land Development, requesting the tract of land hereinafter described, be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits to Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. Viet the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following tract of land in Salt Lake County, Utah: Beginning at a point in the present City limit line, said point being East 516.00 feet and N. 0°17'39" W. 33.00 feet from the West 1/4 Cor. of Sec. 14, T.1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B.& M. thence along the present city limits S. 0°17'39" E. 364.00 feet and West 343.00 feet and S. 0°17'39" E. 1004.902 feet and S. 89°41'10" E. 504.13 feet; thence N. 0°17'39" W. 12.664 feet; thence East 642.892 feet; thence N. 0°17'39" W. 1359.00 feet; thence West 804.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 33.048 acres. -2- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be, and the same hereby is, zoned as indicated on said plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and which tract of land shall be zoned as herein provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of location and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of Tuly , 1977. MAY,��It 4,4 4 e) CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO.116 of 1977 Published July 28, 1977 (Certified copy sent to City Auditor 8-9-77 for recording with County Recorder, etc.) 116 �ers�> .rr carul Q J971 at>c7`��2_ ni' `3 258 /Q/,Lfc.2 & A/ /1fS t: goes?of _ rl Kb TN'1.DO-ON Recorder ,/6y ' ' c(STATE OF UTAH, 51" Sail Lake)County LtHh C% y 3.2-, 7 City and County of Salt Lake, REf. Ry , ` , Se Jt i y-4$/ - I, MILDR.ED-V..-.HI.GHAM , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby yise..G C'\ K.f certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance extitiesd,sxtend Wig. S O -. the limits of Salt Lake City D'"91 —3, 92i // ,-6 o- l-- //ct--ff 3 —3 2S 7 3 8- toe 7,1_/©es — A --a.466, 19 11- ID'to �,d-//6-30e/Grd7 ,�6Y t i v r3 1,1,. ///-—,4/-/3�/4 3 9,4 y z. � -,,`• passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ._.___._ July 21, 1977 . w cD as apppears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said CJt !/ c, � 4 9th day of August,--- ..-_197..7.... r '' ,11 SF A� (/ City Recorder ^,] Published July 28, 197 7 BILL NO, 116 of 1977 1/6 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE HEREAS.there has been filed with the City Recorder of slowing the tract land t be annexed by Hooper KnowltonaLand be tDevelopment, keenn w thin theth requesting the of Salt Lake City;a ddHer eescribee. sof WHEREAS,ms the said real propeerrtyon Is and signed the owners o11 more th of an onethird In value of all the real property,as shown by the lest assessment rolls,sItuated In the tract hereinafter described and WHEREAS,the sold petitioner has caused an accueraatte plat or man by tnM C�EEnginieer,ed end to be niadiwith Wa orCIN R▪ecorder;end WHEREAS,the Board of Commluloners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of lend, vot oiall,nerrWers said Bard in Thereof, rat anneedxing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing tgy said territory and the extension of the city limits to NOt W,Lake City BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH: SECTIsang herebN by are, nlarged and extteena d soke as to Incl and the ude the following tract of land In Salt Lake County,Utah: po being East 16.001aetnandN 01p729"W 133.00 test Iron Ile West t Cor.ofryfSec.16,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M.thence along the present▪ S.0.17.3'limits 1004.02 feet E. SS.�61end 'E 50st�1.13 feeeil thence N.017'39'W.12.644 feet;thence East 642.592 feet;thence N.0117'39"W.1359.00 het'thence West 1104.00 het to the point of beginning and gprhtainlna 33.043 acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whets,Of the above described properly be,end the same hereby Is,zoned as indicated on said lat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of lend above Lake Citty and winch tractbe o within shall 00 coned ass Mroiln are extended over and made epproov�iideed,and all ordinances,Juralnino to Salt Lake rlylddictions,rules and obligations of or backs_mile a a d iwet,of s id had 6hpila b�Ileddand nutMwt�beM}Y end the ennonumelnts of regulations Citty E�noi of near city thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of location and dtntences.p Upon passage Remrdder of Salt Lke City shall fil,of he Isrherebyyadi the d M file,with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County,a copy of the as provided in suchnacases togethere wilt a certified copy�M ordlSECTI SECTION 3.In theopinion of the Board of Commissioners,it is salt City that tills oordinanceand beecowelfare e feffecct of ive immeendiatelyf SECTION 4.This ordinance shell take oiled upon Is first Pessed by the Board of Commissioners of Stilt Lake City, Utah,this 71sf day o1 July,1977. CD TED L.W IILLSON City RRsuaccdtr HIOMAM (SEAL) BILL NO.116 of 1977 Published July20,1977 IC•Wi a OD //6 1 . _ . ,, , . _ ____, Spy 6/ ASS _ _ ___., . TO S4L T LAKE C/TY , UTAH /A/ THE S /¢OF SEC. /d , T/S., 1 /E. , S.L.B. //ICI. !� No/erg SU,gVEYOA's CERT/F/C47 /, C-J. SCNUCNE.QT, 00 1/E4'E 8 y CERTiF y 73Y47/4A,e A RE G/.STE,PEO LAND SURvEYO.P 45 0RESCR/5E0 By/we Lq/y.s OP Tf/E ST,ITE OL UTAN ANO TNgT /NOLO L/CEA/SE NO. 2868 . / PURT.yE.' CERT/Py TA/4TTNE TRACT OP LAND ,SNO.AVN ON TN/S PGA"- is BOUNOEO ANO OESCR/BEO 4S FOGLO1V.S_ l' SC.4GE:/"=/QQ .BEG/N.v/./6 .or,4 PO/NT /N THE .o,PESE•Nr Ci Ty L/.NiT.Z./NE, SA/0 PO/NT BE/NG EA S T .51'6.00 f'EEr 4,v0 N0'/7 397Y 33-00 FEET FROM T.4/E /'nST4 COR- OP SEC./4,T./S.,R./E.,5.z.E.%M- • TNENCE ALO G "'We oPESG yr Cary L/y�rS 5 VOO°/739'E 364-00 O FEET A,NO it/ESr 343.00 PEST ,4N0 SO°/7.39••E /004.902 PEST YAND,5 89°4/-/O'E 504-/3 Peer; TNENCE .t/O°/7.39'•WV/2 664 PEST; V • TNENCE EAST 642.892 FEET; TNENCE NO°/7'39 h//359.00FEET TNENCE WEST 804.00 FEET TO THE .QO/Nr OF BEG/NNiNG ANO V Cr) CONrAnv/L/G 33.048 AcRcs. 0 vj Ogre "AV 6, /977 .0. C.J.5c/./UCNERr, PEG/STEREO LAND SURVEYOR .z Q \ L/CENSE NO.2868 INS.7wd weft,7'7,, 1'0 r GOO •OOL S / / Q / /� / L / p o---- '` r _— r_M4NCNE _ 79 zz Il i 0 1 'y Q o ti H H I /O I 7� ^ '2 0 fir,°�\ Pt tJolP 1 20 O I WE5r4 co.?. 5Ec./4 / I 1 P ,a I , 2, >is.a..E.,st.a.- \ LEST 8041.001 I \ r — BLA/,v& - vZ. 1 \ // , EAST 5/6-00 .s \\ ; f I l --I- - -1 _ I _ _—I w PRESENr C'iry L,.csir ' \ I I \ C/ ' 5 1 6 I a 1 i2 1 • a 1 I I o I I /a O __ _ _ __ H BLA/.t/E \\ O A I V $PR/NG —— —I I AVE. Y/ 3 I 7 ? I eh — — — — —1ku \ \� —— -1 Q SUBOiV/S iON '5 I Q `;V 2 8 m \ I Q I I r 0 I hl- - ---i-- - --I I I io I I �� o I 9 I - - - I --J I33 :33I--- � — I BeLLE Ave. L✓L`Sr 343.00. `. i-- 32— — ‘....PRE SENrCiry Lix&r `— — 0�-- 29 28 IN._— Q 27 \ Fv_ 26 Q I-00— ZS O -- 1 177„__ _ . - .a'"✓d-N . ,,,,a..7-r�Al... a u.. ., ....;k>.. ,u nm ,. o _..�._... x. O (✓ACArEo) o �" -s2 m k0 30 _�_ _2s � pRESENr Ciry L7,yir —28�—01 —°_I._' 27 __ I � ! I 25 �� \ _24 __(r) Q23 1 *\,.. I 'DAV.4RO AVE. Il✓acareo) r_....._32 4^ I 30 �_ N. r—,� za _ h 0_26 IN NIzs _ m �_24 _ a 23 *14GG/Ea✓E- t PRO.aos ED C/ry 4/Mir 6/NE i (VAfC.)l y 89.4i�O 773.op' �N 33I 589°4/10 504./3" 1 \ 2-.457- 642.832' 10 `\ o PRESENT C.ry 4Y.Nir----"'\ H . 4:cr:/, .5.hWCor4.SEC.i¢, \ T/S.,.P./E.,S.c..3.e M --- 2/00 Sour,z1 Sr. \ \ V --:��.o-•ost-row- .._- - .- - --- _. ---- .., r��.�irt�v`7-Un�iv"rcF'o��Tc'.+nc—ire'-� G.vy Uf---'_•.•-.�iw;::�:' c�.'a.'�-=' .— _....�.. pa J � ,Vo7A,Qy pv6L/CES/'/NG My COMMISSION EhP,,QES ),1.P-,N `- r)) v1c1 • crrY AP °RO VA S ,4Pi9RO✓EO 7;,//.5 f- DAY of /977, 54LT Z.44-4 C/Ty -�N�c O/- eCTOAQ PRE SEA/P&p TO THE BOAR' DE 5.4 L4 C/Ty COM,-://ss ONE,QS r/.//S OAy OF /977 4,v0 rNE CI Ty 6/weeA, 1✓4S A4,'Y),4/ 0 ro A°PQovs rvis AOLAr // SALT LACE C/Ty RECORDER A.PPRovv0 7W/s Z�roay OF \/U.(y /977. ,SALT LACE C/Ty EE/G/NEE,Q APPROVED TH/S 20 0AS/ OF TUL/ /977 SALT LAKE CITY ATTORNEY 5700. 003 ADM.aaA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. Countv_of Salt L ake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE HEREAS,there has been feed with the City Recorder of Shana D. Palmer Salt Lake City,Petition No.497 of 19T/,together With a Plat --'-----' - '- Dhowing the tract of land to be annexed be Hooper Knowlton Land evelopment,requesting the tract of land hereinafter described, be taken WHEREAS,thecssaaid peti tion caLake Is sip signed by a majority of the of the real property and the owners of more than Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advar- wnthird In value of all the real property,as slow,/by/the lastNEWS,uSSessmenirolls,situated in the tract hereinafterdescribed;and //sing clerk of the DESERET NEi1'S, a daily (except Sunday) WHEREAS,the said petitioner has caused anaccurate plat arereved by made Clty Enoifneedr and toobee competent surveyor therCIte 1Ir7C.tip(Ipe7• printed 41L the English language with general f,L7'- Recorder;and culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake WHEREAS,the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land, County. in the State of Utah, and considering the ctrcurrBtances thereof,voted by unanhrrous vote of all members of said Board In favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City end directed that an ordinance should be assed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits to Salt ttyaccordingly. That the Legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto NOW,W,THHEREFORE,BF IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH: SEhe eb"'are henlarged and limits of Salt sokaCity io include the Pub notice of an orclil')_ance_,y� following tract of land In Salt Lake County,Utah: point ---- '-�nml{,c being Beginning 51600 feet .011e 73939'"W City line, the W Tl}�.^ Cor,of Sec.14,T.I S.,R.I E.,S.L.B.&M.thencee long the af_Salt_Lake_Pity present city limits S 017'39"E.364.00 feet and West 343.00 feet -- and S.O'77'39"E.1094.902 feet and S.89'41' 2 E.504.13 feet; hen 54 N.feT7'39"W.12 664 feet;thence East 642.092 feet;thence N.0117'39"W.1359.I feet;then West 904.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 33.048 acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that hereby is,zat the oned above indicated on salidbwi properly be,and the same AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that "eSreallo�yitthed t,ratf land obStdeSlbd shlhencef be Whin corpoelimits fal ------ Lake City and which tract of land shall be zoned as herein of or pertaining t all orFSal It Lake Cliy arel�tterdles ded over andobligations -. bapplicable ocks,alleys aannddtlnent why,to the of said said i of shall be control and the sedand governed by the ordinances,rules and regulations o said city In the'Weeh bend the therein th f the Ceeards Eng'..eonsanld was published in said newspaper on __alAy_?a�_1977 distances.SECTION 2. p gordinance,Recorder off Salt Lake t City shall file,and he shereby l cted City the to file,with the County Recorder of Sait Lake County,a copy of themap or ---.- - -.-.- - lat disve als ed,duly ied and e,ovied n such cases,together with a certified COPY of this ordinance. SECTION 3 In the e,to on of the Board of Commissioners,d isnecakeC totheppee heancebe omerttothe lnhabl lnteivl -'-' I \-SdI1SECTION l4 oThisordinance shalls take effect WOOIts ifirst c ` \ I\\ 1 7 ` • Publication. __:`Ss11�_�\._� L \..Y Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, - - ---- ---= - ,f Utah,this 715t day of July,1917. TED L.WILSON Legal Advertising ClerkMayer C ifc ReecordeV.r HIGMAM (SEAL) BILL NO.116ot 1977 Published July28,1977 (C-50) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd _ day of Aug. A.D. 19 77 Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb. 13, 1978