117 of 1902 - Ordinance 117 of 1902 – In relation to sidewalks, defining ordinary repairs and prescribing the ma AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance in relation to sidewalks, defining ordinary
repairs, extraordinary repairs and new work, and prescribing the
material and method of construction.
8e it ordained by the City Council of Salt hake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. The unit of measurement and computation of all
sidewalks in Salt Lake City skull hereafter be a section of what is
ordinarily termed a cement sidewalk four (4) feet square, composed
in its principal parts of crushed rock or gravel,and Portland
SECTION 2. Ordinary repairs on sidewalks within the provisions
of this ordinance, shall be deemed to be such repairs as shall not
exceed in cost ten (10) per cent of the cost of laying a cement
sidewalk over a given surface.
SECTION 3. Extraordinary repairs within the provisions of this
ordinance shall be deemed to be such repairs as .hell exceed ten
(10) percent, and not exceed fifty (50) per cent of the cost of lay-
ing a cement sidewalk over a given surface.
SECTION 4. New work,under the provisions of this ordinance ,
shall be deemed to be all sidewalk construction work which shall
exceed fifty (50) per cent of the cost of laying a cement sidewalk
over a given surfaci.
SECTION 5. Whenever any portion of any sidewalk in Salt Lake
City,consisting of one or more units, shall hereafter he found to
be out of repair, it shall be the duty of the City Engineer to com—
pute the cost of repairing such sidewalk, and if such repairs shall
be found to come within the definition of ordinary repairs ae pro-
vided in this ordinance, the City Engineer shall at once report the
necessity for such repairs together with his estimate of tde expense
thereof, to the City Council; and if such repairs shall be found to
come within the definition of extraordinary repairs as provided in
this ordinance, the City Engineer small forthwith report the
necessity for such repairs together with his estimate of the cost
11 Fes.
thereof, to the Board of Public Works; and if the estimate oil such
sidewalk shall be found to be within the definition of nee work as
provided in this ordinance, the City Engineer sal). forthwith report •
the necessity for such new work, and for the levying of a tax to
defray the expense thereof to the City Council.
SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works
between the first day of December and the thirty-first day of
December in each year, to advertise for bids, and to let to the
lowest responsible bidder, a contract for the making of sidewalk
repairs for the next ensuing Pia calendar year; such contract snail
provide for the prompt making of all ordinary repairs ordered by
the City Council, and the making of such extraordinary repairs as
may be ordered by the Board of Public Works, and shall specify also
the contract rate for such classes, grades and kinds of sidewalk as
the Board of Public Works may see fit to include in its advertise-
ment fee- bids.
SECTION 7. Whenever it shall appear by the report of the City
Engineer that ordinary repairs on any sidewalk should be made, and
whenever upon such report such repairs are ordered by the City
Council, they shall be at once undertaken by the parties holding an
annual contract for sidewalk repairs as in this ordinance provided,
and under the direction and subject to the approval of the City
SECTION 8. Whenever it shall appear from the report of the
City Engineer to the Board of Public Works the.t extraordinary
repairs are necessary to be made on any particular sidewalk in Salt
Zahn City, the Board of Public Works ;hall at once notify the prop-
erty owner or owners, whose property abuts upon the sidewalk where
such repairs are needed, that certain repairs upon said sidewalk
are needed, as in the notice specified, and that such repairs have
been determined to be extraordinary repairs within the terms of
this ordinance, and that unless such property owner or owners shall
cause such repairs to be made within fift ,en (15) days from the date
of said notice to the satisfaction and approval of the Board of
Public Works, such repairs will be made by Salt Lake City, and the
expense thereof taxed against said property.
SECTION 9. Whenever extraordinary repairs shall not be made
by the property owner or owners, as in the last section specified,
within the time therein named, the Board of Public Works shall at
once proceed with such repairs under the annual contract for side-
walk repairs as in this ordinance provided, and immediately upon
the oeetpletion thereof, shall report the expense thereof to the City
SECTION 10. Whenever extraordinary repairs and the expense
.thereof are reported made by the Board of Public Works, the City
Council s all at once levy a tax against the property abutting upon
: the sidewalk where the repairs have been made, to meet the expense
of such repairs. Said tax levy shall be reported to the City
Treasurer and ex-officio tax collector, who shall give notice there-
of, and at once proceed to collect the same in like manner as other
special taxes are collected, except that notice of such tax shall
specify that it is to cover the expense of extraordinary repairs on
a certain sidewalk, and that said tax is both due and delinquent,
and shall fix a time not more than thirty (30) days from the date
thereof when said property will be advertised for sale to pay XXX
such tax and the costs and expenses of levy and. sale.
SECTION 11. Whenever the report of the City Engineer upon any
given sidewalk shall show that the construction of a new sidewalk
is necessary, the City Council shall give notice of intention to
levy a tax to defray the expense of re-laying such sidewalk, and
shall thereafter proceed as in other cases of special taxes.
SECTION 12. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith, are hereby repealed.
SECTION 13. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
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