117 of 1905 - Ordinance 117 of 1905 – Amending and re-enacting Section 68, re: foundation walls. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 68 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 68 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby is amended so as to read as follow.: S1AC4ION 68. WOUNDATION WALLS. CEIONT. Whenever excava- tions are to be made where foundation walls on adjoining prop- erty are less than ten (10) feet below the sidewalk grade, the owner, or agent of the property where the excavation is to be made, shall give written notice to the owner or agent of the adjoining property not less thou three days prior to the com- mencement of the proposed excavation, setting forth the dimen- sions thereof, and the date upon which such excavation will be commenced. The parties so notified shall protect their own walls from danger or damage that may arise in consequence of the proposed excavation, and the parties excavating shall em- ploy reasonable precautions to protect the adjoining property; and it shall be unlawful to start said work without first hay- ing properly served the aforesaid notice. It shall be unlawful to construct foundation walls exoept of stone or brick, -m — -§akpfuredsgst, and so proportioned that the pressure shall be e= qual on each square foot of such foundation wall, or to con- struct such walls except they be laid in cement or brown lime mortar, or to use inferior lime or cement, or fail to well fill all joints in such walls. SECTION 2. All ordinance and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This a. dinanoe shall take effect upon approval. • •s . s n I A C I Q R 0 'I A i boatveR ari. to $ nottDOI eaa}s-sir tam snihnosto sorercilAno cy •Vt0 Wag ttad to smsoasiblO :.t.atU twin„Alaa.T $Lee.Te ttsouofl UM wit 'd bsntabio $i its Ilia 10 eaonan1b10 hoolvoR *AS To SI notos8 fad? .t Vt)7T!ss as bare of sa oa Apaimaa **# `0s�trd soma eel a ,sa 1043 • ca{ t it, am`" e�FoFFot3 . -avaoxa lovsn'rrfI . .._31 ;IL - -ciolq pntntoLba no a' T eYaehe ~ smolt 3dt �ebslp xtas•b �a ta h 2 dal} aret�� � o s / , od of at no#tavao ell",° `. o`,, oolong ad � ,•iaawo tali• To tnspa 30 1 OW et'° t*orr mat • s7, � 'Si! " ra "j -moo edt et 7etYq 'wig* t sset t1eYqa' iotas -nes#b er+t itlo3ttt\ia •!d#biAm1 • bees tq wit 1s 44 oci Iltw ,lottxvaaxs doom dotds agar stab art* bea ,'leirse<t snobs nwo •31y19 loetolq Ilona Aolltzton oat set3teq ol3` .bsonreaasoo `to eoneupeanoo cat sails XIIIt tat to ie nab soil atlas -ma Clad• pciitavaoxs aett'aq ea* bo •nettataoata beaogolq wit -0lggolq lniniotba Brit toeter of sooltuaoryg aldanosaes Vat -var a-s/il iuor+.Jiw /tow bias * at. et lutwataur sd !lads tt boa II-I z nu si _Marls tI .eotlon h#ass7ola ad$ bola„# ;lTsgolq bat Moto ototici pro mods to Amex* allow- nott4bnuol tauitanoo of -'3 ed ii-,a:a aluas*.q end. dannt binctt-togolq oa Ono .fit -neo o :o „Craw no on nue'i LoJI to toot sYaupa dose no Loup 21 -i. . .:.,rl;da .. ,t . :w .• tI e).:3 alipl, Dud tt.l:ts ILO. tiow o; lie' -co ,Inoatu3 to :.,fati lotleolo t t,Ro of to .lk..ickt .aliaw doom nt etniet lia Jo±1tnoc r;i aonuianthlo '>o all „na soaaa±il LEA .S soma .toils/non ci.3t.ra to Jnat'_s art; o:; bela5gal xcfaled ela pit#xelwi .1a.vo-,G4=. noqu loe3'to ei8f lta<. & oonlb 19 ati T .0 Pr.ortntirs 41 A