117 of 1910 - Ordinance 117 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 220, Fourth Partial Estimate. ,.,,..
. . ,
All CiRDIN L 1.• 0 S. .
An ordinance confirminL the aseessuent 1.1.,..,on tio i.)reiderty herein-
e,.:il;er described in the territory included bat-oeen South Telri,die and.
Ninth South Streets, and. froyt the IntorcedtinC Sevier east to Second.
WeLt Street, in Sevier District No. 2, for the construction of sewers.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Sell ,S,ho City, Utoh:
SECTION 1. Ti :t tLo non not list ade Cu the City Treasurer
:-.i corrected, al)yrevof ::,-,a coleted. by the Board of raivalisation. and
Cavil- ;, hereto ore July aid)einted by the Ott; Council so: nA .,..7-1T-
,,, e, off to ireoi)erty in Lots ;;, 7, 4, 5 Ln.d. 6, Block 38; 29 to 46,
inclusive, and 35 to 96, 4seluive, ':fiehrs Subdivision, flock 22; 1,
12, 3 ana 4, Clock 13; 1 to 55, :Inclusive, :aped, 1, Cloth's Sublivisioil,
Block 39; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7 and 9, Clock 34; 1 to 52, inelnBivo,
Block 2; 1 to 52, leclusive. Clock 1, Coui;es and torso'; 'subdivision,
Block 27; 14 to 39, inclusive, Clock 2; 1 to 52, inclusive, 2dock 1,
Coates and torus;'s Subdivision, Block 26; 16 to 37, inclusive, Clock
2, di2itt'.'s Lubdiviaion, Block 23; 2 ::Had 7, Taol.. ,7,n, all' in .,?lt "C", 1
._• ...
Sdt She City Survey, abuttinL on the east :,-id,-; of Seventh Coot StreOt
between Second South and Third South Streets; on the w(not., Bide of
Seventh West Street bet,:,een Second South IC 'fourth South Streets; on
the south bide of Second South strait bete.een 3inth .dot aud. Seventh
West Str....cts; on the north side of Third South troot bet-;een 5i7eth
[sot and Ei.:-,hth ',lest Stroots; on the south sie off Yifth South Strectl
beteen Seventh West and. Ed. hth list 3freots; on no north side of 1
fifth South Otreat TJet..eon Si: West nut Ei,hth Cot ;.;troots; on the
north side of Seventh South Stnet hot -1 "r!.f-n hut F:na Siath West
Streets; on the south side of fier,,:ont Avenue lictoo-h. Seventh 'lest and.
Ei4...hth ':.iest ,Jtroets; on both sides of litt ..stroat la)twec,ni nird. South
and Fourth south streots; oil ',;.1 eot Bido of i,:iLLth lost Llto-eA Lc-
tween Third South. and Vourth South streets; on the south side of 2ourl2h
South Street between Sixth W'est ard Biehth West streets; on Coth ;Adel;
of incific Avenue botaeen Sloth "Jo'ot ,o,nd. r2i,hth '.1t St outs; ooi the 1
. ,
erect Bide of :...)'ith :'eA Liyd,::-L Cot sun Filth ';:,onh z:nd .;:i.,;th '.;oath
6treets; end on the cent side of 3om.-irby ;Jtrot bet\ieen Fifth 0outh
and Sixth ;Jouth btracts, in Sewer Distfict Bo. 2, of Slt b 7xn Oity,
for the ihir2ose of contructinE.: sewers u2on sa,i3 .L)ortions of said
streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and eturned
in sedd completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SEOTIOIT 2. This ordinance shall take efleal- on al)roval.
5.elaer Extension 11-o. 220.
iFourth l'artial Estimate.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utiab, August 15th
1 1910, and referred to the Mayor for his apprav -
pproved this / day of August,1910,
K - / Mayor.
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