117 of 1911 - Ordinance 117 of 1911 – Curb & Gutter Extension No, 17, First Partial Estimate. • • o I An ordinance confirmin the assessment upon the property here- jinafter deseribed,,in Douglas Park Subdivision, and on Ninth South j $treet from Thirteenth Bast Street to the west boundary line of Douglas Park Subdivision, Paving Districts Joe. 89' and 32, and in i 'ISidewa7k Diatriete Mae. 23 and 40, far the purpose of providing fox{ I ' !!the grading, guttering and curbing thereof, and laying cement side lwa thereon. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SEC'(&ON 1. That the. aaseasiaent list made by the City Treasurer His corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalisation and Review, heretofore dulpappointed by the City Council for that ) purpose, of the property in Lets 1 to 52, inclusive, Block 21; 6 to 16, inclusive, 58 to 110, inclusive, 113 to 130, inclusive, and 132 laad 133, Bleak 8; 2, 8 and 9, Block 9; 29, and 11 to 18, inclusive,! (Block 20; 26 to 31, inclusive, and 34 to '43, inclusive, Block 6; 1 to 18, inclusive, Block 6, Douglas Park Subdivision, Section 9, ',!Township 1 south, Range 1 east, abutting on both sides of Michigan Avenue, from Ninth South Street to the western boundary line of Devglaa Park S;ibdivieion; on both sides of Fifteenth Bast Street ibetweCm Michigan and Williams Avenues; on both sides of Vista Street faadIMMIS from Michigan Avenue east 313.56 feet; on both sides of Ninth South Street between Amanda and Miohigan Avenues; and on both sides] lof Amanda Avenue between Ninth South Street and Sunny side Avenue, �l ijia Paving Districts Nos. 27 am(' 32, and in Sidewalk Districts Nos. �I 83 and 40, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the ''igrading, guttering and curbing thereof, and laying cement sidewalks) on said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the aeaeasmente made and returned in said completed lists are hereby I i een$irmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Curb and (hatter Extension No. 17. Firat Partial Estimate. ( � Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,U , ecemb,r 4th, 1911, and referred to the i:oyor for his o L f"_—_ cit y 17!?corder. Approved this V,' day of December, 1911, oz , . . . -- : go,-, f:.c11 r0QP laomaqerio ont .,w1ttrirlinn ..-,),i..tao cT L. rIc !II,r' .aflistvtbdoe A-isc,_ emilvoe 1± itedi*-foRtIfi 1101.-lai ' 0 KT'S IMEnuod tlusw f4rid ot 13vV4 t,?..faff sitaeol-rIOT moa,. le.eln -: r_41r, ,V; ban TS .so* .0o •vte.b: Ariva5. ,acialvkLdot 1/1Ai asIgss00. ,:,`I .:ia.i.1.-,LY4141- LC -Cal.iir ferrrfi.-40.04--.7,41; -,44.-.r..a.* Z.:;• -sat 4ii,-t ,f'",,ta IL ifLi:40.6.6. i'; f ' ,--- '-, ta6o,so latxzi ban ,''sowtefit Saidar.0 ba , a.taetts:A ,Ini 'it,. ni'.J' 7 , ; r4 ,o .ao,,loricd. '.,_ Rw:, ' 4r :co Itan b ' ,,,i stf, v bnatakeTo ti.ifl % .A,,jtAp7 : -r7ft 10 nt.sm tat! ta,,,;. ,a42 t.f ..1' .1 TIOLIVee „101 fffkk;lj 01.. r so efit y,6 .1) . Are ii:as ifvo-R1(if (1 .b.tt A“:1,3 fr. ,EPTOOte).110_/70;trelflibaai: 1r t I r,f' .=virt.e“loat , :(1,. o,i• i .,: t r i „ 40-,1 nrut '2;.:9 .eso N.'' qi I ozf. ta ,4740loat( '11' 4 11 . !' ,,locr ,8I O. 11 :,... - Zr.loIF! , ' .bar, 8 .3 :8 1'14P' , 6.f. b1•1; ' t ' 1 oft' ,evIs_ivPial ,77,="OTFr-F, .tivieur6,7 Jr 0 1 , -., -1,'-rC ,01 ci r 1 .3.fin ,-1.nd fIb ,,r-t4tt:6 ,',,,1:4n .r. ,a," .:.:1-vo.; I (edw0T .i. tatOmaad anotaow t,e71. at tRt3.:14a Atmoa etpf.r: mo.1.%. emanevA te *:,,,Ii'l sitaect12: Io aoble I-Pod TM :10IfdV'.15(We, • pten ".t.o sehts ff_tod no :-,!egnovk emilin L,r,o aez.416niii. rzoewitd 1 -1-obi's ritod ao ;tRol: aa. IF, ',i6Ze oLlrwa a_niaDtN: moal isw*mt J.,-oci ao F1-.e ;soma5vk nE°44,1ActM bEO aLawA aoewtoo 1H-v>.*E atuo8 bast tr_, •-7.t1 ritpo;', .--rtai nos,. : .:,d rilr,v.i, .f3agtita Io 1, .po _ 81antp,IG IlIswette at bag ,3 has V... .00.T: atojazro.te laivisg, ai 1 -- .fal. sim111-4-07.41 lo 8 .-..c7rr, otSj - '.- .,. 9.1.4..a i'L'Ai!. '''0 ,(.4 .A,.3 sa 1 !; oo ta.vloo .. .,t2I ta2 , .0 .-'1 ..ydd...f.vn T%l'IA AgI7OttUl ,11TIbIlll'A 1 • i ,s1- ila ,bbrtrit',t,rn ,,- ,-,,f-r It ,atseata 'o snotl'io9 btse no I -,:ilef 1v151 ..-:°teirl bet9lomno EIP at rc3 f5Iillfg stasmeaseas 1 .beryl%ftoo 1 t...)s".,) oglt Ifsrfe eba,cflo -ir!T .3 NoITOSE .VI .oN aofmitate 7.911a 1)51 41.5.k .Fit?pltaF lit*ab', 71' ..1-q-_ i i ) It- .