117 of 1912 - Sewer Extension No. 305, First & Final Estimate. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug..19th _ _ 191.2_. VOTING Yes No I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser , . . . . ... �^ O-�fT Lawrence P, Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements foll Morris .. .. Mr.Chairman . . .i RESULT - I�Y i • 1 . . AN ORDIEAl: CE . 2Ln orinance contirmin t .,,.: sl.: f- r.-,cnt upon tile property herel in after described in Lslincton (Hotchkiss) Ccrlt, :,hich ran; north 1 from Sixth Sor,th Streot bcteoh Cocoa d hest Lnd Third West Streets in Sower District Do. 2. for the conatrrerion of a sewer. I • Be it ordained 1:,:y- -th.o Board of Commissioners of Salt -L .'ke 1 , City, UtCh: • • 4 , I I*. .i - •. t i • : i I SCT-102 1. The-, 4le .T.ssossment lit 1ado by the City TreE.SUrr as corrected, a,r)roVIOd 6d. eemPleted by the Board of Commissioners of Sslthe City, sittint aeILoard of equE,lizaot and review, of the prorcrty in 4t:7 -s 5, ( and 7, Blesk SO, flat "L.", Salt _1'. . 7 t •. Lake City Uunrcy, app,t'iV6 on both sides of vatakkisi Islington • ,;: ; (Hotchkiss) Court, whici runs north from SixD Sot:th Street between Second. West and Third West Streets, in Scor District 50. 2, of Salt Lake City, for the 1,11T-1,00 of con),otiliL a seer upon said portions of said street, is hereby confirmed, slid the assessments made and rearned in si2.d completei lists are hereby confirmsd. i SECT-13P. 2. This ordlnance ouch l tshe effect one 0..ay f.ter 1 - its first publication. , . . i0u;rer Extension. .Uo 305. Fir:t slid 2inal Estimate. I Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 11,Aun 1 h, 1912. I Ha or ! ! Y ecor er 1 1 . , . . I !I . i i____ 3 • 0-5 -61.�.• zo : �- o -) "r- 3 � c a <.�> s�> ea • t? i•.1 N 0 t r c( I II ICI `,