117 of 1950 - Lighting District No. 602, 3rd and Finale Estimate ROLL'CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah,___ __ ,195
VE3i'ING Aye Nay
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . .
Romney . . . .
Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING a tax and"for the assessment of
property (Sewer Extension No. 602) for the purpose of constructing
a sewer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described (Sewer Extension No.
602) for the purpose of constructing a sewers to-wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Red-
wood Road and the south line of North Temple Street, thence
east 3,476.55 feet; being part of Sections 3t1 and 35, T. 1
N., R. 1 !".'., S. L. B. & M.;
abutting on and adjacent to the south side of North Temple Street
from Redwood Road east to Jordan River.
This tax is levied to defray part of the expense of con-
structing and laying sewer laterals consisting of 3579 linear feet
of eight (8) inch to twelve (12) inch vitrified pipe, including
manholes, flush tanks and Y's for house connections, all complete,
under the portions of said street opposite the property hereinafter
and hereinbefore described to he especially benefited and affected
by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and es-
tablished that said property will be especially benefited thereby
to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land
are hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accordance with the linear
foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership
back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet. The total cost of said im-
provement is Thirty-two Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty-eight and
66/100 (032,758.66)/Dollars, of which Salt Lake City is to pay
Eleven Thousand, Four hundred Eighty-two and 17/100 (011,L82.17)
Dollars; and the tax hereby 1e vied and to be assessed upon said
parcels of land is Twenty-one Thousand, Two Hundred Seventy-six an4
1E9/100 (021,276.i9) Dollars or Six and 12/100 (;!°6.12) Dollars per
front or linear of abutting property, there being 3476.55 feet abu.-
ting said improvement, which is the total abutters' cost and cost
per front foot of said sewer to abutters, according to the contras
entered into for the performance of said work and making said im-
provement with EvanW. Ashby Company and The Wright Company, dated
the first day of June, 1950, MRS and the Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provision:
of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned;
Fronting the south side of North Temple _ east of Redwood
Roa11-to Jordan River.
LeginninD at the intersection of the east line of Redwoo
Road and the south line of North Temple Street, thence easterly
3,476.55 feet, in part of Sections 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 N., S.
L. H. & M.; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said
city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said
street, not exceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of
this ordinance (Sewer Extension No. 602) of Salt Lake City, for
the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portion of said
street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returnee
in said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization
and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are
hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five egxal year
ly installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest o
the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay-
able at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that
one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the who e
tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from th<
date this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments
to the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax,
may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first install-
ment becomes due by paying the same with interest from t he date of
levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more instal -
ments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special
tax may be paid on the data any installment becomes due by paying
the amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default i,
the payment of any such installment of principal or interest when
due shall cause the whole of unpaid principal and-'interest to be-
come due and payable,immediately and the whole amount of the unpai4
principal shall thereafter draw: intere t at the;rate of ten per
'Cent per annum until paid_,, butat any 'tame .prior,---'to. the date of
1 ,.,
sale or foreclosure, the owner-zday pay 'Zhe. amount `a' all unpaid
installments past dUe with intOrst at-the rate o ',ion per cent
per annum to date of payment the delinquent installments, and
all accrued costs,"jan d shall' ereupon be restored to the right
thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default
had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day afte,
its publication.
Passed by the Board of Comssissioners f Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 1 day of ,�17'a,.i , 111."'1-y 1
j i
- X t,. -- ayor.
City ieoorder.
Sewer Extension No. 602
3rd & Final Estimate
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
i Legal Notices
')e ''�, OvY?sY
AN ORD,59,N00E 1,I;Vrk,N(i a i,ax Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
fo: the property
(9ewer P:xteslon No. fi02) for tha
p°rl'°:°°ora;��'eln"a el°^ vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper neu ythe Tr of
Otgh;lasl0ncra of Salt Lake Clty
mmTJON°r I. That the lt LBoprtl 1Ly published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
does hereby levy then tax a tl Pro- of Utah.
vJde for the ars cot of the s t:Pon the Property herein a lter am^
Ih°d (9ewer Extension No, 602)
sew 4h topw?it: pf 0onstroct,ng a
Arolooing at the Intern etinp That the advertisement
of the east line of Redwood Road
I sieei°,inencel,e:if319S5feet' �.n. Godir.nnoe R11_1_ PTO. 117
helog❑art or Sections 34 and.15,
'abotiine'n a a,,a,L.R,4'NO.
NOrnha.tacont Iho tIr Idr. of 18004 Ten pie Ordg,,. -
!iro,n rioawooa Road east'to anrdan 'ie4"7e1^ 'x'I;ec�S10❑ No. 602
. This tax Ie levlotl to defray part
f I.hc ex]lonae of nstr'lcting a nayhrg .ve er et 51is f Isting°'to
e1vIlneae 2) c avitr.f8) lnoh In twelve (nh Inch Itrifned pipe,el odnng menpokn:eflueh tphks end Including
h° a°ons ail° was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Hale I.Im' the no.tiohe f 5 1
street oppo-site the property hervn'�after pnoltlallycrelnbrttore ad 00er
by i d,nprp neent,a ., f'hete. day of A.D. 19
5iv dolt.o here.by adlurgodregy{efgyQ,gr�; pOs e,=teb-
Ished that gg� yy p
p.eelally bniet) d atlnpBfLh4:' ire
f,lna notoft thetdex,hereb9iev°et and was published on 1ovember . , 1.950
xal rl sea°AruetiFoYi� F VI. V'�eor"
old the
the ca.tiret depth°aoi;�er'eane the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
from not ea h1p sgbackc 4here-
5�4 8lk6—e51 C. The.
Thirty-twol T>a s ei 0'' 4,In- day of A.D.19
d d.1?At RI¢Et,antl os i000.(592 118 66)DD II on which boll
Lake C t, to 10 p 51 m Th000and Pan, i t""',Hundred Eighty-two d 1' '" "`�f-- r '`
here y levied
Dollars' e tY tegx /
hereby Ic d d to b. /Y
one pooh,t'housald and,Two arcels of land
Sevetn� / Advertising Clerk
tv-six nod 40i/100 f521,206.40, 10)- .7
lars 0,Slx nod 12/100 156.12,Dol-
lars per front o 'Inca,of• hvttln-
Property, here being 34R6.55 font abutting .said Improvement, hich Is the total abutter cost and"cost
per front loot of said sewer to ab0t-
t", miudioe to
ethe contract cr.r2 to before me this 9tt,i, day of
perfomance of
said work and innking said Improve-
t with I W a hb Como.
Wrightand The C pn dtla A.D.19.50
f t of Jone, 1950, d'Inc
1. hr th toy i cr '-
-tit I
I1 p ei tt :di t�'
1 th P ln. h l n l e .
F ling Ih Id o1
R d to
North rJ pl n danR1 t Iof Redwood kf../41
,, Publw
Fep,nnrny at the Intersrc'ion of_I
;the east lino of Redwood Road and
the south line of Nor':h Temple
Strort, thenna easterly 3476.55 feet,
In part of S ear 34 and 33, T.
1 N.,R.1 s,e S.n,n.H M.;as the
shown tupon the official
Plato ofrsald cl tyw to the a fire froth
f the a me exceeds hack Srom
said to not exceeding 530 feet,
said attax.
94oads 2. City Treasurera ras
list made ny the Ctty riop as
corrected, approved E qu and ,and a Re-
view of of o the o[opei y, teen end Re-
view of the property, antedescribed In
tion I of this ordinance ea f5 make
Extension sons ,tyn o Sa Lat-
Clay, for the upon ill construct-
ing tt x upon sold portion of
se ssesme hereby Bond returned
the a node. and :'the ea..
soldecompleted oaOtis n the-
Port et e Board hmn
and, nvle:v to the ]Lard g asot Com-
of Salt Lake Clay ere
r m; ratified, Approved entl can•
SECTION fON e3.qual
al yearly tax shall ht pay-'
able In flyide r analala Innd oreinance.,
witNA h intleredst by lon eaf
whole sum
ri o un-
meld at the of firs o cent
per a payable at the.timcn each
Inetatiment Is due; provided, how-
1 eye,that in-
stallments In a the order or more of
the whole tax,may be paid without
Interest within fifteen lost days
from the date this ordinance becomes
effective. One or more Installments
ha the order In which they are Pat-
able, the wh troy
a real ta,
be paid after raid oftecn days and
before the first tnstall:ncnt hI rnmes
due Fr paying Mr same
nst from the slate oflevv to the
data such Hess. installment Is
One One. or name loatallments In da
'ar p.in which they a pamanle,o
the role spedIM v be Pall
I MI slr date any installment becomes
Moe by paving the amain herof
and lalenns[ o tine date- f Imm-
inent.Default In the payment of x
nch Installment of principal or Iv✓
serest hen fur shal I c the
whole of unpaid princl pad and in-
torsot fo become dueand sayable
Im mrel unpaid
sod tci hole at v-
et the unpaid principal hall there-
after drew Interest ob the rate of
ten par cant per ri until paid,
Isar at any time re,Prierthe th data of
sale foreclosure,r, the owner
NOS the amount of ah unPaldress at
the ratols Past per with er an, at'
the date
o of t o per oncent➢e a
1.0 dalin of payment the undo titans.
andInat ah ll t And eu all a mt ansts,
l .hall thereupon be n in
the.riebt therm.(Err to nor in Inrtri -
stallments is a he r ounce
If FCTI had het recurred.
$F(�'ff et 4.This cm�fter Ifs
tal;r a fret pea day after Ifs Onh-
Passed by the Board Cdr. mlh-
tinnorc of Salt take do r_ Utah,
lids fly day of Nnvers lser, A.Is.�
Irma F. Abnee
CA Recorder
Seal NO.117
Seaver Ideal Vs We. 502
Puas Tonal em a xta
Published November 9th, I9 sf1
l/ 7