117 of 1979 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezoning certain property on the EAst side of Redwood Road between 400 and ROLL CALL PaZ
Salt Lake City,
i VrOTING Aye Nay r1o,u Utah, August 14 ,19 79
Agraz .�./ I move that the Ordin passed.
Gree r ,
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-1.2-2 of the Revised Ordin-
ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to rezoning and
fixing boundaries of Use Districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, has
determined that the rezoning of certain property currently zoned
Residential "R-6", Located on the east side of Redwood Raod
between Fourth and Fifth South Streets including a depth of
275.87 feet will encourage compatible development therein and
shall he in the best interest of the community, said Board hereby
adopts the following amendments to the "Use District Map" provi-
sions of Title 51.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 1. The use and "Use District Map" as adopted by
Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of
Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows:
That the following described parcel of real pro-
perty located in a Residential "R-6" and the Use
District situated on the East side of Redwood Road
between Fourth and Fifth South for a depth of
275.87 feet, more or less, more particularly des-
cribed below, is hereby zoned Residential "R-7" and
the Use District Map is amended and changed accord-
Beginning at a point which is 346.59 feet East
and 630.25 feet South of the center of Section 3,
Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and
Meridian, said point of beginning also being 33.5
feet North and 947.1 feet West of the Northeast
corner of Lot 5, Plat "A", Glendale Park
Subdivision; thence running West 275.87 feet along
the South line of Fourth South Street to the point
of intersection with the East line of Redwood Road;
thence South 0'46'30" West along the East line of
Redwood Road 561.50 feet; thence East 110.0 feet;
thence South 165.0 feet to the North line of Fifth
South Street; thence East 175.96 feet along the
North line of Fifth South Street to the point of
intersection with the West boundary of Wright
Circle Subdivision; thence North 726.5 feet along
the East lot line of Lot 8, Plat A, Glendale Park
Subdivision, to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30)
days after the date of its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 14th day of August , 1079.
% mow
7041442(-1K;4 !," (444-'
BILL NO. 117 of 1979
Published August 18, 1979
ADO 3b0.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN Otto N l20 Shana D. Conaty
ORDINANCE INP CE AMCNI)INC Derion 51-I22 of ihe nevoca
r Sall oi2.(to.Utall,965,relntiro Io moonl g
t oondan•ds of Use D l:tricb;_ mooning..
E,'r R ed 1 i o i r C - of Lake
r Utah,
WORROis ;t�r�dn f�rtunisain, Salt l k,,City,hay Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is legal
'" RL R-� 1 advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
nr B drumSouth Sloe.includdir drool
a�'inroapjl;°;z1fl�;,ot"r" m,;,P;;, al".63'"rard he, ;g (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
ernendrnents 1n the"Use Divlrlcl Mar•" language with general circulation in Utah, and
r �lonnd 3l11d 51,
r NOris5loncErs(51f La411°.d!°,:1hed by " eoDi1 "I published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
Secnron SO1i12-z of Revi and Ordinancte�`of LtIti.ntcc�0v ht i. State of Utah,
1965,as;landed,r'(Latino In nn:Iair.of boundaries of U,•
DT- fthe following dthe
described bed te b par-l of er amended
t p l lyolocated r,
ResR°gin k ti-6"nod
Fourth ereitnHh s',ntheE Itl`oi That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
"SA/foot,more or less,more particularly South ibex d,'otl, t
hereby ooned Residential"12,2"and the Use District Map o
a ended and changed Lertordingly.
nBeginnin9 at a point which, 3wL5-9 foe)East o,n L301,3 fe' Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
South f renterof Sect 33 hi IS n R- q I W
Salt Lake Ettlee And Ny+'d Id matt of It:coasting also
335 feet Ntleth alld 947.1 fent West of the Nor tneaut oornerf
47sb1)test ale.the
n S.f�ruurthSoaRs:iusltomewt• rezoning & fixing boundaries of Use Districts
f i'JO' coon with the East line of t l009 i f>.oad;Irtence_500,
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Fifth South Street to the tomb of info1'L,n1�'ce w•,th the WOO'
boundary of Wridhl Circle Subdiv,u,n,t;thence North 00,,1 fey:
Slung the(-,lit bl litre o1 L.at U, Rlnl A. Gli•ndalo Fear'.
ubdivision.to lho pointofneginninn.
SRC r ION o, I'h'e,rdir'ancc shall tat-'rflerf oho Is CO,dav
-rrler the dale or Re fleet fuhlie tian.
ss d by the Idea,1,I9i9 rtml.sioners of:all t_,�Fc Sily,Ins,
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r(_rr L Wn Srto
mILDRRI)V.iitOoAk, NhtY,r
City R'_Looter
:SEn ANlo ll>or Ma published in said newspaper on Aug. 18, 1979
onhlishon Oransl n„ .o, In3I
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of
Aug. A.D. 1979
Notary Pub1
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1.981