118 of 1918 - Amending Section 1018, relating to disorderly houses I ! ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY H-4 Salt Lake City,Utah, Jecomber 16th 191 " Crabbe i VJ I more that the ordinance be passed. Green JJJ Neslen Mr. Chairman — - Result AN ORDI NCE _ section 1U16 of 'heviJed 0din,reo ; of City of 191o, rel-ting to diJorder- ly houdei. 3e it orudined by the 3oerd of Douhissioners of 'hhke City, Uthh: 5C'12101j 1: ',2h,t section lolb of the :Zevided Ordi- rh,riced of ,tilt hiike City of l9lo, relatinu to disorderly houded, be diad the dhme is horeby dmenued so ds to read ds follows: brCTIUjj 1010. H011; . It Jh,..11 be uni-wful for any e,:ion to hnowingly mLnage, heeb or mdinteiin a disorderly il01130 ithin the limit; of ,dlt City or ithin three miles of the outer boundhries thereof. It shhll be unli,,M1 for any j.03:0011 to knowih6- ly vidit, fre.luent or redort to d disorderly houJe, ox- 0u0t for a legitimete burpode. 11 bawdy houdes, housed ol ill-fdme, disi[];ns!tion houses, ll hot3e3 or plees fre,luentod or resorted to for lewd, unehddte, or immoral purposed, all unlicensed ! 18 -1- I I, , I 1 1 I public dance halls, and all houses, restaurants, hotels, 1 soft dri nk p.>.riorsr pool hulls and othIr place:; where in- _ 1 t OX1Caa1Y1;;' liquorsliquorsare sold, kept, served or consumed, or adhere intoxicating liquors or vessels or bottles which have i recently contained intoxicating liuuor,i are found upon, unde.4 or near tables, or in rooms or booths, shell be deemed and held to cc disorderly iiouaoa. :SuOtIO1.r 2: any person violating any of tne,prov-ieions of iection 1018, shall upon conviction thoreof, be punished by a fine in :any sum not exceeding ,b99.00, or by imprisonment in the City jail for e period not longer than six monfhs; or by both such fine and imurisonment. The court may in imp;osina a fine enter as -,L:rt of the judgment that in default of Cie payment of the fine the defend- ant I,i;,;y be imp.isuneu in the City Jail i'or a . perice not exceed— ins,: thirty days. :� CPIO2 5: It is neceasary,i.n 'Cho opinion of the Board of Commissioners, for the peace, health and sa'afety of the inhwitants of this city that dais ordinance take e i'ec t i.mmod- iately. ordinance steal take eL.ec one\day after 1"l:S passage. k , �L '?aseoci ey .ne :3oro-sf of Goamissioners of, bat Lake City, Utah, D;cac,ber 2IALL , 1916. i -- :.,T y or.------ — , a- City decors r. • , if'ti . 3 '''::-. .,:. - .:-::.'1:-..'::.," , , .._. . ,, ,.... rr., , _ co: = . :. ,. .. . , J RI . :<,. 1 1 "al.. :*6 2 I i C 2 ''4 cyl 9 b a • •