119 of 1905 - Ordinance 119 of 1905 – Extending the limits of Salt Lake City. A OR7,1TA74' 1‘; . An ordinance extP.:neirv7 .0!• City. 1 WRKII.E.AS, on the llth dsj of SeptImber, 1905, a Majority of the owners of real property in tu tract of land hereinafter doecribed signed and filed with the city Bctoord“r of Silt Lhu peti.• ti. n requostin7 th0', tract lurid be taken 41thin of it 7.17,, t, City all .r,4) zuLua part of uiU ity, and Kn accurate map and plat of 11 treat of land to be :uad‘.% by a 1 oompetent surveyor and certified by the City Enf7inoer, to be filed with th‘: L:Ad ( it-j kocoraer; and -vrTaAs, tie Woove territory is contiguous to Sait leilt0 City, and no prk.pir reason exists wny it should not be made a itrt of said 7ityi and n7;YARAS, the City Council 7Solt L1/4ke City, arts examining the said petition of said owners and said plat, and having consid- , ered the eirouraetncos surroundin, the same, voted by a vote ',f more than tee-thlreo of all members of tarry City Council in favor of said annexation, ..nd dirseted the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance makin,,7 ann declaring sl.id annexation; T17.117,POITR. BE IT OFDAINRD by the City Council 07 Salt ?Alm City, Utah: SBCTI ;',1 1. That the city limits of chid Salt LW-7e City he, and the same hereby ere extended and, enlarged so as to include the fol- lowinr7 ,viscribud tract +if land, to-wit: t Coltwmoing at ft eoint or stone on tke rr,euth boundpxy or 514.t Lake City norporati llmits, sq.id point being 33 feet south andA141 feet went of rock monument net by City Enginuer of Salt City at the interaoction of tate f,ris '%Inth South Streets; thunee touth 0 deg. 03 min. west on erect line of State Street 2950 feet; to stone on south line of 7.1evolth South and State Streets, t'cainee east on south lino of ..leventn South Street 6235.4 feet to center of Vifti Beet Stroet, thence north 0 deg. O 1n. east on center of ?irtla luet Street 2964.4 font to south line of Tenth South 'trot, or city limits, thence eooth d do,!!,. S5 min. west 52:66.1 feet to stotw and place of 'KerlinnITt. And it is further ordained nd declr.rod Ghat upon this ordi- nence takingeffect the cald tre.ct of lurid above describd shall bt thenceforth within the ceror.,.te limits of sc.id Mat and kjc part Of is t o all or u.rici,.)c „j o , ralA; an(1 obl igati out, a..f.;.,1.iblfr; to or F.:.rtaininp. to Fr,,.t oity hereby extenacta over and oade applica.ble awl pertinent to to..id tre.ot or 1 and above tIncribri. "rri()F.: i(7-liporOtho ira t.Lr'e o tii7 or n,k.n o t (7 5.t..,/ Rts- ce)rdk....r n f ii ir 11%,n-,;} re."t;(1 to file with t;',-e olInVi/tacor pr co.dy o f ..1„,, plat r,kbuir,.. duly cortitio4'and We nliikidiTed an pr ov5.6cdi law in Stieh r mit;, r L. togr,eth...:r WIth ttIed\'QPY of hi ti 1ordinar.o.o. krno rsii ta: e affect at 3;i o'clock, noon, on tho di4f Jantp-i ry *1-14 11, 1.71.9 conted to the C' Council, NOu 2 9 19f)5, CITY RE'Q06'1)r2- t .�