119 of 1915 - Sewer Extension No. 328 - Nineteenth Partial /
ROLL CALL ..,. o
—_---____ _ Salt Lake City, Utah,._- August 31, -_-1915.
Morris . 1 move that the ordinance he passed.
Mr.Chairman . . .
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property
hereinafter described within the following described district:
Beginning at the Jordan River and Tenth South Street; thence east
along the north property line of Tenth South Street to West Temple
Street; thenoe north to Ninth South Street; thence east to Thirteenth
East Street; thence south to Tenth South Street; thence east to
Fifteenth East Street; thence south to Thirteenth South Street;
thence west to Highland Park Drive; thence northerly along the west
property line of Highland Park Drive to Denver & Rio Grande Rail-
road tracks, Park City Branoy; thence westerly along said tracks to
Sixth East Street; thence north to Twelfth South Street; thence west
to Third East Street; thence north to Eleventh South Street; thence
west to Main Street; thence north to Tenth South Street; thence
west along the south property line of Tenth South Street to the
Jordan River, the same being the boundary of the district to be
improved, in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, for the construction of
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
as correoted, approved and completed by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, sitting as a board of equalization and review,
of the property in Lots 16, 17, 3 to 13, inolusive, and 20 to 31,
inclusive, Clearview Subdivision; 4, Blook 1, Bask Bank Subdivisio ;
5 and 6, all in Block 2; 12 to 22, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 11, in
elusive, Blook 2, Webb & Palmer Addition; 1 to 21, inolusive, Bloc
3; 22 to 42, inclusive, Blook 2, Ville Park Addition, all in Block
12; 51 to 92, inolusive, Block 3; 21 and 22, Block 1, Park View
Subdivision; 6 and 17, all in Block 17-A; 1, 8 to 27, inclusive,
Block 1; 1, end 34 to 52, inclusive
and 34 to 52, inelusivJBlook 2, Robertie Place Subdivision; 10
and 11, Block 1; 10 and 11, Block 2, Watkins' Addition; 15, Block
3; 29, and 2 to 15, inclusive, Block 2, Marion Park Addition; 2 to
12, inclusive, Block 2, Maryland Subdivision, all in Block 14; 115,
116, 121 to 132, inolusive, and 101 to 112, inolusive, Marlboroug.
Place Subdivision, Block 15; 1 and 2, Block 3; 1 and 2, Block 4,
Holland Subdivision, Block 23; 20 and 21, Block 2; 20 and 21, Blo"
1, Rioe 8c Gelder's First Addition; 1, 12 to 31, inclusive, and 42
to 60, inclusive, Blook 2; 1, 32, and 8 to 25, inclusive, Block 1,
Baltimore Subdivision, all in Block 13; 1, and 48 to 57, inclusiv-,
Block 3; 1, and 49 to 55, inclusive, Block 2, West Grand View Sub '
division; 13 and 14, all in Block 1; 56, Block 5, Perkins' Grand
View Addition; 10 and 11, all in Block 1-A, all in Five Lore Plat
"A"; 27, and 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 7; 1 to 12, inclusive, Block
8, Liberty Heights Subdivision; 58, 1 to 20, inclusive, and 29 to
49, inclusive, Block 4; 1, and 5 to 22, inolusive, Blook 6; 25,
and 4 to 21, inclusive, Block 7; 58, and 1 to 20, inclusive, Bloc,
5; 62, 1 to 20, inclusive, and 31 to 51, inolusive, Block 3; 60,
1 to 20, inclusive, and 30 to 50, inolusive, Block 2; 30 to 50,
inolusive, Block 1, Emerson Heights Addition; 4 to 22, inclusive,
Block 1; 4 to 22, inclusive, Block 2, Emerson Heights Second Addi
tion; 6, all in Block 11, Five Lore Plat "C", and all in Big Fiel.
Survey, abutting on both sides of Lake Street between Garfield
and Ramona Avenues; on both sides of Ramona Avenue between Sevent'
East and Eighth East Streets; on both sides of Roberta Street
between Tenth South Street and Browning Avenue; on both sides of
Harvard Avenue between Eleventh East and Thirteenth East Streets;
on both sides of Emerson Avenue between Thirteenth East and Fif-
teenth East Streets, and between Fourth East and Fifth East Street. ;
on both sides of Kensington Avenue between Thirteenth East and
Fifteenth East Streets; on both sides of Bryan Avenue between
Thirteenth East and Fifteenth East Streets, and between Seventh
East and Eighth Bast Streets; on both sides of Cleveland Avenue
between Fourth East and Sixth East Streets; on both sides of
Browning Avenue between Fifth East and Sixth East Streets; on the
east side of Tyler Street between Tenth South Street and the first
alley north of Browning Avenue; on the west side of Tyler Street
between Tenth South Street and the first alley south of Tenth
South Street; on the north side of Tenth South Street between Firs
West and West Temple Streets; on both sides of Eleventh East Stree
between Eleventh South Street and Wilson Avenue; and on both sides
of Logan Avenue between Fourteenth East and Fifteenth East Streets.
in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, of Salt Lake City, for the purpos-
of oonstruoting sewers upon said portions of said streets, is heresy
oonfirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said oompleted
lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinanoe shall take effect one day after
its first publioation.
o t .k.i
Passed by the Board of Commissio s of Salt Lake City, August 31,
leyor .
Pity •eoorder.
Sewer Ex eneion No. 328,
Nineteenth Partial Estimate.
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