119 of 1960 - Amending Sections 3, 4 and 6 of Title 6, Chapter 1 of R.O., 1955, relating to sale of grave sites, ROLL CALL -9 Salt Lake City,Utah, October 11, ,196 fa. VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . . ' L . . Piercey • • • Romney . . . $ AN ORDINANCE Mr. Chairman . •,/ Result LII ((II 1.1 N "AN1kNOT.NG (,M;'. 3, )i a 11:-i (), C,i1Ppte,:. ito‘riN Ord i,rh, IC INi f. • C I 12`., ano tiNC zrt tir,t; :^(:-.11(1,:t,-id. CC1-,he II Cl I the • :.: LC rior:; II 11.11:t1ko tri ONI irilA it ii,,,ix-rir(tri )i Atati H71'71 , CH-14)1701, .1, of h(2, n_s• IC CV sr-t , 'Aorrihr 1-Arrt-:tt (Alt illr •-rr r•or Irri Coo (it ,J,ktr, III -H , r, 1;() ;;.1.1 v ,- . c-,• . Miqe 3ft,<L,)11 ri ;700 77.c.0,17-7751-1 I U7, t.J14:1 (th -h. 1 'roc) r•I. o ;LC , 'NV_. Wor I ; t 11:,flo.00 ,r20 1[1- W."1 r7, e? 1;0, VN , .(I() "The I-Ie., ,11 110,, '01 I "I'' " ' i,; IlL ri;.: , I. I ou ,(0 (do "7 Id 'IHi "1VI.1" 0 ""100II1I. 1, .1 I 0,,;11,j Cl'i 1 Ile "i1).1';',"'"'ed. Cr' (--;•Iri 1)er, rl!,(1[,,,,; cy,;(1 or ;--,1 -h-OH dt--,r;;,ta J.t-Aenu DAty-inerki-, i H if, 1" pke opt-.i on o' (tee led (( JV N 1111(?_(:).1 iVVI e o (VI' 177; „C ter- 01, i, --(sc ,(•-• CIVIC -t: 1111 MK] IiffIr` :JrVII C , 110 ) C VI ,,(' ipt,1 ((hi CA", I I Le j j 14,1 71(7,1"i (II ((IC. on, c-.01 be ic, , I.(V"17., i '1 I')I,7V (le e01.1.1 I ot i, 3,1 Cl'Lii V1C 'If 0 1'.7,1 (:,,ft,„c1 , 1,,i(1 '',7171, N. 1,n .,h ? ,Cor,r, V r A): V I V C IV VI rf,I.c 1\771,73 (;(-)pno.on-- ,1 1. wo -4) pit3'('•h ,f; 1 (,;),;;1'01, r) V VII ,)1)0(qi, ';or i ititt •(I t, C 1.-,tirr-t oti, for and ori 1H,h,)-1 nC V V 1.he CI)1." c'ee1,i L'IC,711,0 I, 'GI() HtF , 1,NC 'CC', '(( (Cr' Lir 47) docconnorn, snhject tn tke kre.nt 1O.111.1-T111 1,1 Xt91-k Itske Cil-,y to Im.ty,toio the CeTetory os d hdrih.] ni o id fur decesned porsono. The eo.ton nhall kcep depitcates of all c,entlfi.caten ltedloe hy htm dd h uark of the recerdt, of htn ok-fice. sltes, tn,L.ethoe oith tho improuemooto theruol, toonnferred by the Otty to the uurchaner an providrd tn thLn oectlpr, shell be exompt from r.x.noutiun uod Laxatton docnrCihe 1,0 lay!. The puymoht meh-- ti.oped. i thi.,-; teci•-ine .thall net be dol3trund to inelsde osyment for ony of the norvi.co mentioned 1.n [-ieckion b-1-T of this 1)10, ahal L oolude luerpotual c1ro,1 wLich eondit.vt of filTjett, of thr t:rav-e, utae-tor,; 'kap entl, upon the same, ntosve stto settahlu or nakerlor, ond cuttlon; (AC the ,;rann, buk, nhst.'..1 not inolude rtrr okher "No ethos imprevementn, rUd.r.z,es OP 2OP1/1.CDS, except eeroetual oare en herele definod, shoal be made uuon any dtrave 3j6e witheuk the f!1_,7.;At ntifemtft,,,in,r; to snd recelv-tne from the Ctty Se.t.ton hls o1nroyT11 for suoh improvemenks, chantzes or nerAcon, , u0 by odyind to the CiLy "ThuKkon the reasooahle 133111s of al.). work no P00,11026UO TOO auuroyed. reeethtn ond carh recoi, ed hy the Sextoe from sales of avo :tit6on end from nor/icon reodored nr motor',.als farniGhed, nhoJi he dcpodit6ed wich the Treonorer of 8 lk 1.aLe Clty evecy AD0'(1:Q, q111C1110110j1y 11110 11P1.011.L1 1-1117 CaCh wock, uni.':,ss any nuch day in o hollOay, and to that e,ent, khe doponit ma be mode on the oext suceoodit,-, doecditdtoy day. "Whrm a udeehnned tJu.e.; a rale sl.te and mokcH full, payment at ihe LPun ,io n a, 1l 3130.I.1 he entitled immedlatey to oertiftooto of burial rt,z,hts add all of thc benefLts ')rovitied noctloe. "Tho prieo of L,,rave nites, roTardless of 1:oration, nhali be the name in the '(Ott I,oke Cty Cemetery " 6-1-4. HpatiboArd. add tombntoner.3. Fences anu -2:rades, The own('1' ol er ci coo 6.71 pe T073I)1r (!cmot,ery 1.).c_t.coby PoO:11-ed to e-!7:2.ct jr, niPY-11100 nattnfac- ry tu the o.,ton tnmW.;tecc oth.er ILL')')to menum( nt ;-1, the Oe..;---6s of t-.,raie , uith the name n_r 1•,ho docconed Imrnou pialety '-oacritted thereod. No 1er,2w.P.1. L;hall :-.-xeuck too medn Lain any f0000, podt, coeTnt,, hede or bourdaln„, of L;,] i xi III) ) ) 'I lot, ':0'T!11. ;'11.1,0:11 OP TOt11; ,r seld demetnry, noa tho 1,-n.,Onfj land thO1'OOf1, Tho :-.;etkon viheneAeo reedenteU, fudni.nh tho tI' ll) ti utt t: the offt.ctn.A erevant and orobj.t7..l mariCti,-; no L/1OGOI. OL offto'r.ol. intdmarks, ocd hh.1.1 ''0111 ,r, and Opn- Cni ejnt thy met,f' Po,y ,P/ th Lh.e tho land. Soid ;--;111 aloo hxoc _foonvol cart: of sli tota aod treyo nlk-:-J oatd comete.cy ohd shalt Mr ; 1412-P,,!00," (( ''Cl; aethe-Tnnd, etk)e,.,icpnd (' I I. 1-1 c 0 .r'111111: ;1, 1)11, 1O11111 111 COP I', (1,) 0,1 -!,r1 .1,111:1vc; 0i) o O1' -11j 11010',1111d ;Adif1_:,, „L;t1'`;? err LOU,(1) 9 !;(ilio : 1. !„!til'! 'flmr, n!; ▪ ;,,1;!! (10(! y2,0 p !!! 'flbrbYur, I, '„"(-"TICLePy '7)0.0') licyli:),b)I1 n o b c•brny ),-‘" 410,()CD ?::1"nr)V:,I dr"; t00 "I!?ot? bur!,i • ayl:v cb,,y y,f). ;-1 I 1 bC 011.0 '• few!, pod, •!-)ro-v (Inc] OnL'rl ,;taaL:t!e('." o.',crffolm 2, T)1 Clf' • • flf the Peaed CJ,rnmi! hniet , 1.t r:, thn ;lb(' thc rin' D trAtrc "!1;,.1.1; !;Q Utnh in thin ohdite;:ehm--.! bonn-rne etnc:octitve !-e-olhanthe nh:111 'tafre effo,t !men itn fipht .!.!.;!,0)3 y3n 1,Hi nn,,7,-., F; ,n[7.A; (j 111;aIi, 1.1th October , lob°, ••• C/L _(1)11‘1\k4k,,,\6MIVUtV\.1 (S E A L) BILL NO. 119 of 1960 Published October 15 , 1960 7 1 0 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake i) i,: Pokey Legal Npficei.v w° o1yns se r Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising Actionsa Ti t!-e—L trt clerk of the DESERE,T NEWS AND SALT LAKE TE.LE- .( °��e` °r a �p tl tli. "r" 3fah, GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper in the En - 'ts r���trreag-�e.n� oikr:,ye f Tprintedg 'e""` naafi_ lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in lea d a romps[ d,natc_ sezi° tr I es-a d a by mP ina a h Ppp11 g0B5t1ng i Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. s tt . t'cl b n s d ac .c it sl e s. i s rm y k ici& utan SLCTI?N ah s (i ,�-a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto d 6 I d''', t Lh b[ 1'.,e Lak`ty Vraw 105 ,l i 8 to Erie[ .L.1ke City Rill. No 17.9 of 3_960 R 1,'1 th ''r 11 tt.tnmbstbries. C mtl Y h55 d�ttii1��y�$d 1 b egthn t .i h tl l 5 to°iih 5nabd th d, An Orni.nence rlipting to the Stale of grave ti a 1 s'sairt nr Itas, ' ,[ m i.t e m 1 o zIfvnOo P,h S htrids sitesi7 the City Cen!eter Y hr�tItnri. i.'f I is e°n decroli yCremtah,Wici l hr sol tion Fo o%t clanerPwaanR ''d64 aciton eclo a90.00 :!:tce to] -t t a4 �tl th t£n . n'1�tl loan a l��d cniir tidik October 1_5, 1960e �ti ¢IdnID g i !!:;::::''t:'jl:::',:::'"s!o:2'1:le:ftlt::ws p ; tmewas published in said newspaper on�p [hoes�MI It 'u '-eft .'tea shal l defaultbf�uloilos 5hpv,Y SaIC rttkP14�t1nihI t £s � tl h 1 pp II11 l a t tl f t�tt J th td uh I- ip S it LFlk ClttI ih. t t ' I rh]t h h i [£ t t 3.b tch ll I t to �bll Z �`�-d t�l�_ H ndt th h:e L ( b1. Al�h ! e dfG het Ihll,S - Legal Advertising Clerk'/ b s'h Gv tvh,nh rec]n11�]> I b^n£i] bets ian SuahSlltld;-,cri bei bn • s(te e ycca, i Ir.", ms f, lots ^",-,wtllt tl f(lcl�ri Ic ec,�- s l l , [i� b tl o .t tC(Uo t nM,' bS ltdlt kl_ 7th day of Ill n °hr:a t ti'ar'•i t£n .tit( before me this I rt ta1, l s n if reb oh r c ieR 60 i oh ehall 1 in , hut' _ A.U. 19 h h h I I t. n d b .[ t It L'�It i t th C It l k C t `' burial S d i d / / // 1,6 t o[ Ii t t'iIt t l fi t Jr`jl S th f[I ti All }[] t'.,tht ( .� n th- u s(e�r,rl b, the Ciltr / Notary Public this secte,n hthali he c'cmpt trom J to cliwia�l.he navxnoitt tra coral nd this s ce,, shall no[ab 1O s h�uel to'lenc[uttc pnvmartt far a�ey£the [[malt Shi lion gj�'ees ma .shall Lhis hnpter. i ut uhlch inahrdb 'pe'p ce nal care,' .shall constsi of (Illii of the M,":..plocini top soil"goon 961' [Ito same,fllh with sable ni of _.. eedstaatet?ne suitable I:PR oths,k it set all n,t Inched?anv hr set'v1ec. • • •'No other'improvements,cbanal vlecs; madecarets herein dny graed,site with, out the owner ar thereof first ts b- • 'tting topa d receiving from rho City Sexton ehis approvalh for such • or seu- Semitone lie Cie p nri,lgletcoseof r l ml<s estctl a ved. w"A11 f' nd cash r ' n revhe Cod xloomfrservices om sales o egra'a materials turn iolilyd, shop be oleo led with the Trcasru-er of Solt nLake City r v Monday. • Wednesday and Friday f each aeax, mness a na, dent i na art and hit ie n cot, oot succeeding, mar be made on the nett VII, depository y b -lioh or s buys eat at itheaiaum�nfet F.efullle.he shill hr.entitled r lately to • a certificate f hhtmai lights ana ' all.of the benefits provided in th''The delve of graveitas, c- ardless f'ovation,oali he tire same• to the Salt Lake City Cone- tiy" , • tombstones,QFFetoes Headboards glad,. The o oo£ner;ecenseshrive a n sinns or vela in said o meow are hereby r ,red to erect in sail,,- factory to the Sexton,her tboards. tombstone.,fir other suitable mon urnents at tile heads of graves. • persornulairlvetn cr'bed thereon N person shall exec or n ntam hedge any c of e boundary of tan dint Y tat nr� srles any Osn d n and t er grade the and nl.land thereof.The Sex • Leif shott, hoe requested furor=n the true]ins•.Of esx�id lots ra+ne to lhn fflcial s and mar ent nd tohay ark'na oo[the ZI • olyt'by olfi^ial in egra n ere andnt0i might, gradingenereaf that m;snt oral 01 or fntorfeeo with the z rat.lave f fhn have 'general Set ttttallhlots also hive Fend vrave tes'said • cemetery ant thereon.' a es in m"See.H-1-G.Fees.The City Sex- his o services,the fode ng fees, • ooeifing anti closing nl f5 fuleO l recldi mar ' Foil and closing S 40.00 a Removal male f adult eit vg $50.00 of any deceased ariult aothe',rvrlh;nr the ^.v City iln wthve t•-r�e A^Crva-�•t 3100, Rinva fthe ofavtof O.fsehiestmia0.Fl0 • Removal aentoncs£therifery another t ' Sf0.00 R Interm0 vmovl ent outride nt r the the • Coo 00 hrre-a. czd It ,.Fora y hurrah r i;"n?t0d ana aver 4:05 anf. dnyurr r Sr to shall a er fors andf costs l to a other fors os[e provided n in this SPCTIONe2C In the pninion n the Anard of Comntls.q:nnet's.it iv • n eesvat••to try eo..,hemm of afrty os th^ ^hahslant= f S t Lance becomeeffect vetoimmedi- ate, sC ON ft.This ordinance shall I.rke effect upon its first a nublfra- tioP'. ced f lfr It Teal, Cite. , Utah ihi.s r11th dxv101 BinAC[Cr:�'LEE. NSsvn^ r,i 1,,,,11,1 J.HOGENS^,N `,• Fr' -.der CCAt; Ru!11 9.19. Published October lath.I960A 45) • • • • • 119