12 of 1907 - Ordinance 12 of 1907 – Repealing Section 355, re: employees in office of Land and Water Commission - :. .:
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An ordinnce repealinE Sectien 535 or the Revised Orlinhees of
Salt lake City of 1903, ant the arcendnert thereto panced by the city
Council of Sit Luke City, Utah, January 22, 1906, aco &pproved by
! ;
the Liuyor J :lioz,, 24, 1906, aha onactih a new ordinuaee to be known
. . .
as Ideation 355 of said Roviced Ordinances.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Suit Lake City, Otal:
SECTION I. That Section 355 of the Ravieed Ordinamea of Salt
Lake City of 1903, and the amendl-lent thar6to, pucoed by. the City„ ' d
Council of 6,:.it Luke Oity, UtCe, January 22, 1606, end. approved by
, . the Mayor January 24, 1906, be, cal the Salle hereby is re.LDealed,
SECTION 2. That an ordinance ie hereby enacted. to be hrocn ac 'I
Section 355 of the Ordinoncos of halt Lebo City, to read ae foldoais:
SECTION 355. The hand and hater Commicsioner shall hu,ve
pov,er, etiaject to tie appre‘a:1 uf Lha City Coifluli, to aplr,oint
the followinL nalced deputieF; and coo
One office deputy at a u.,,ity of !9.J.U.0C per L.flflUff.
One palrrlricn, aith horce, for Clt7,:: Croak Caayou, .at a
sulary of, tEingkrpeer lay, ':. ace duty lie shall be to kcep tic
Callyen cdtr .': '.:.,11. f;11::61E:13 and rafdbe, sad to patrol the Once
each day to t2,::: .0ivide, f:-o,v, the lirat day of 1:Jarch to the first
d_Fy of Deconler of each ieual..: . .
One putrelinan, :;:ith havoc, f,;.3. 2,.,..-1 :/',-i C2uyou, .-(: a aelary
of 4,dfA:;.c0 per annum, uhds,- Jaty It ahodi he to keep U.:, Ccnyan :
act creek free (',.f.' all rubbich and. debris, en il whose duty it shalH
be to live at the etation in today'cc Cunyon Oroco the l'irht day .
of idfcrch t,rtil the fit .-..'.. ,.. of Deco!cfeer uf each yaui.
, 1
On,', pttrolnr...n, . ith hurue, fur -31u,-: Outttn7ted d- ra,,, hi, at E.:. :
L.1-,' of !,900.t0 per nnuu).1c, v!Cae a.,,ty it ehall be to keep the .
dtc:yor and creek c7a- - of til rabi,ish ahl reruoc, an2i to patrol
the cc cc dully, Ira le lie ia!,u.I.s., of io, 71fi- ,dettca.-, O'oh.dult
., : ,4 , • 1
ten m Tau:, u-Cat:vt u.t id iu..!.7 .--. .1.:.K!
-2- 1
Ono r-nolhean, hore, to Live in tho C: !,:nd look
after the ranehe.-, In 7( Danyon and lonatain
Dell, and to keep the creek open d.uri'LL, the winter in the upper
part,..of the Canyon, of 9 C.00 per
.t 4 One fonatrf !,ndi tv-e.nen . es, 2:oo jordnn, arid Salt
• )1..tzle 0 -L atI "T, r i y e! eh.
41.1Q) additiqual Lebor. that emork;enc1,. s my require.
Such saDari„ae shall be paid as arethe 4Ulario., uLher
SSOTI Old 3 Tl,xt4 ordinal4oa7 shall 1, ke effect iii•On v 1
.7assedthe 21. ,e' Coupci 1. of 2alt Lake c1.1-,-,r,T11; th; 3:lareh
1900, an ryeer-reil to the -roe. hi r!! -fTy•ov..1
094'111, n„c1)6-7:77/7!)roved this etaz, e 71,17-ch,lqn7.
.,, i _ _.BlitJ fZ`sT ...
7:3C14IJ _ -."J .... ;il SL � C4C k` .. f' 4": 1 ,
``��,Of f.'
. .';1'._ "�n(1 • . �lL-ld,a� .i._ -%1 I`3-0
411, ; ; _ t' N7t\$
.41 ';t iy ® < t Et 01„,fyg.
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