12 of 1909 - Ordinance 12 of 1909 – Defining salary loan agencies, providing for licensing of same, etc. " 1'" + 1N OiDI1QA n u m . .. , ordinance definingloan agencies; providing for licensing the (,same, And prescr bang penalty for persons engaging in or carrying on the business o aOs,loan agency without first procuring a license. Be it ordayied by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. oan agencies,, as oontelnplated in this ordinance, shall be any person,- firm onx.,eor'poratiof engaging in tie 'business of j loaning or advancing say,m0 r, or w r.eek or drain fo money upOp,•any 1 ri ,asbigxunent or pledge of earitied or uneafnad sakn'y, wages or earnings, or-the business of Loaning b!+ dpsnoingyany money, or vhaek or draft '(,.for money upon any dozrkract,'xtodertaki* ar agreement,;which in 047- I54 8tanoe and effects aaisigns'; ledges or binds the earne4 or unearned Isalary4 wages or earnings of the bo•rhs*er as security for such loan "or advancement. osn SSCT208 2. ef�l a gens very person applying for a license as a y shall, before receiving such license, pay into the City Treasury a ,(license tax of $100.00 per annum, and shall, before receiving such li- license, enter into a joint and several bond with corporate or other (surety to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of $1,000.00 11 '!,dollars conditioned for the faithful observance of all laws and ordi- Inanoes respecting rloen agencies. y SECTION 3. my person engaging in or oarrying on the business of ttrn ,Moan agency without first having obtained a license so to do, and fur finishing a bond as hereinbefore provided, shall be deemed guilty of a i misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine hof. not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail not mor ii IIthan six months. ' SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ord.inenoes in conflict liherewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. l SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. — fl Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, February 8, 1909, and referred to the Mayor for s va • y eco r er. y eputy. Approved. this da o - February, 1909. -% / :..ayor-� a CI ,L....-, . W . , • IA i o0[3: :,..,1v0,,, ;cle.kvrtez-ia a,io.t '3airlfleb bt.3111-%aii,....:p . I FEI4 • i Er „,,, .,,,,,l'Illp '1'0 orb 3.a.b‘;43no snoaleci -i-o'l %-31,efieg 3a1cf1mocoa% Lt ,o,f,:ti.: • i .9affon.il .;:" ziallEtooa,, teall tisor:31w 1Loriesa aeol ti `.1.o iii.Pal.s2Lci ey:r :tfi1 tv,-'3.C. nJ-: 31 ..Z: 'o Ilt,arot) VIO erft xd boatsb.ia :Lc 06 I b a 0 r i r4-7- at jp-ij.24,1 noo a -elonena f1110 .1 1r I% ca. a at\rtILAirAtt ', ca.. CIO,: • - c\ • ITI'l gl SCIO.:1 . VIZ a ,,' as = .,....,• ., ...,0 : ,...„ 0 , ,.i.,. vai aflItklINVb0 -... 3( _CM 0, : ,„_. • 1 a's-_;, ed,.,.SW :4.4 triii,1,0 tat.ki 3s . ....- ', r'.3 . Z•D • .4.., ,— c, ,,,=- 1 , Itibleo?,'. voefaHud ,- .:. Fe; cs 3 — , ..• . . <'‘..T..,,- i — 14- .4i4. ,13Ltil -LC" ii:;, Ikti,. 1., 1 .-,9 9 ctil . c . r,oe.,...e .,..rid ea , , s,,' 4,,, Al: • . \.;.*4 : ' '''-','0 ..• .trtf.Ir-ecnizv .. 6 p.',::. 1.-1.2of,a klZ 0CILV301:1 .•.3 10'1 afaXIC,(1/3 flOW1c,(., ,:19,72. . .1 IluiToaa.: :, -,,,J,. ..6.,,a• v.tio Pri-.1- Chrill XS3(4 ,eargeoll lios:a jfilvlooEri el:0'1Pd ,1.1.3i',a -'.1 1vi,a •,..i .:-.'y i909a 0-1eted' ,1.1.is1b.: L na ellUIXA3 Teti OD.C.)0.te lo x/33 ez-Jaeol.C. -ro f-,taaocixoo 113.b.,., bbcod I:v:oven ban 3atoi., 13 °tat Iota@ ,ertoo j).000,1..„ '.!,_, r.f.x.su loavq fli'.3 at ,•xol,r,,,ali eat xcf bevos 9 Lf 01 143`0'.1/1,:, - ..j'.`f.0 1)1Y 3 Z.17;:11 112 le ef)c-iv•it,f.lcicp .I.LiltitiaI ea3 lot beao13.1.bnoo e•;.allor. r,l. rreis Iwo' - 'leel c eor[r..11 to - a 9,.7;. r*:.;•, ,?tr_17--H.:.1) -r ai zdl- zirte .ao -req, IIA .Z UOITCa: --2r'. I.;--,-. .G b o3 ci:: ei;r:o;i1 : bea.',atdo -,alvatf tali', tcrorrl'Iw y.orfflaB noo.[ .fl Fo ,;;3,1.1u-1-; 15(T:11 0 r) 9:; 1.r.r..11it. ,I:f.-)ii.'..V 01.C, p•ro'le5(iabe-tar; as &rod a z:.-,atc' i!.,1 r“g .1,1 IT', ,. ' — ‘,, -3 ,ptici-vrmo ,0 lt U I,ft.-t ."fOff.,COP:.:' 5,H 97i0E! ,3oa Ikai, ...., 1..:. ,-).f•-1 al 3:-.,..:..1.1.01-;:"'IL0-1 -, (.f -c, . _I' ,,./..F.:,, rl,kril o•sota 3erc ' o i!.0ft20 . X 1 E: ii.,, f- i 1''v.of.) a neoriw-.. i1",0 :.:.: .. ,.,,.I '10 E2.f..f.11i1r. c, NA . ::''.'.1T.:::, - .1-11 ao .i..f.2 m. •]p 31,,P..t. .a ,., 33 b,).1...:.: ,..;. 1 ,;, , , ,,, ey-Lii , . . ,..-.. '.1:11-,C! 3 f.,',.:: E C-s:..:t .[12,-i.: t•,-,,-,,,,I,,,L,-,,; y,fL, ,J, ,,, 1,,,,y,,,I, ..,i, ",z;Z‘l, .• L ,. .