12 of 1910 - Ordinance 12 of 1910 – Repealing part of ordinance levying tax on Sidewalk Extension No. 95. C I A II 0 U D I A II C E . An ordinance repealing a portion of an ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property abutting on both sides 8f all wide streets fro!.-1 East Temple Street to Ninth East street, both streets inclusive, and from Fourth South Street to Ninth South Street, both streeto inclusive, on State Street from Ninth South Street to Tenth South Street, and on streets around Dlock 5, Plat "A", and on all narrow streets in said district, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 9, 16, 20, 22, 30 and 40, for the construction of oelment eilew^.iirc, pn.soed by the City Council October 9, 1905, and approved by the Olcyor October 11, 1905; and also repealing an ordinance co"firr,int>' t',e .asse,snmeat under said levy, ,,assed by the City Council October 23, 105, and ay- !proved by the Mayor October 26, 1905. Be it ordained by the City Council of Sslt 1,e, e City, Utah: SECTIOI 1. That that pv.it of an ordinance levying a tax and fo the assessment of property abutting on both sides of all wide street i from Best Temple Street to Ninth East Street, both streets inclusive and from Fourth South Street to Ninth South Street, both streets in- clusive, on State Street from Ninth South Street to Tenth South Street and on streets around Flock 5, Plat "A", and on all narrow streets i said district, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 9, 16, 20, 22, 30 end 40, for tic construction of cement sidewalks, passed by the City Council October 9, 1905, and ayproved by the Mayor October 11, 1905, be, and. the slue io hereby repealed so far as the sane ti2iLljes to the iaroper'y in the following lots, block and plat, fronting on Lake Street (for- i newly Glenn Avenue): 1 All of Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, bloc;:. 12, Piet 13", Salt Lake ,0ity I Survey. i 01100ION 2. That an orliM Tlee con 0ir, it.y the assessment upon the! property described in Section 1 of thin ordinance, sassed by the City! Council October 2 , 1905, and approved bythe ivic:.yor October 26, 1905, !be, and the oaele is hereby repealed so fax as the s.s.e ac.Itlier to the g @.f� -2- propIrtv ioribe in section 1 heiof. 3EC1IC2 3. This ordinfince shad take effect uon a_difroval. ( C inc .] r t , 1 .;1; 11.9:10, - rroaIC ioi• 17,7' Locnracr. AlTrove0 !;111B Fetro, 7,101r). Aiffit r i - - . `\ E ± ? t F CD a. : §� ® \ E. \ < - 4c1.1, @ 1 / { 1