12 of 1917 - Amending Section 666 Salaries of Recorder's Department ROLLCALL ,r.2,15 600 S.L.',TINTING CO. VOTING I AYE NAY Salt lake City, Utah,. January 22 __191 7_ !, Green I move that the ordinance be passed. Vr Scheid I !Shearman •-\:\ , •• -- f ,-, 04_1_ Wells ' "' :'' '' - 11 Mr.Chairman 1 T---' Result i • AN ORDINANCE ...____ An ordinance muendihu,' section 666 of t:•to Revised Ordinances of Cult Lake City of 1913, as co.iled J-i, co. ocCinanse passed by tho Board of Colerilsoloue-as of spat -11Pe City, February 12t, 1916, relatir.::..; to appointTients of deputies, assistants ah3 elerIrs it the office of Voe City Pc:.' or of cccat La.he City, Utah. Le it 072:"..r.Dlo by ,t .e 7.0,7- of ceo 0..n sz,at LH:.o City, Utoh: UCIL'IOr 1 -- That f•ectioh 36 of tRe Cortical Ordi=ces of • Salt Crhe City of 1913,as accded. hy eo. ordinance passed by the Board of Con.,oissioners of T.-3alt Lah:c City, February lot, 1916, relatisL, to appoint:eents of deputies, assietauts a-ct clerics in the office of tRe City NecorCer of .A:.-JA Bahe City, U::ah, be, and Lice ZE,Ille is hereby amended to read ao follows: SLCTIOR 666. APPOIT=TS, BEP=S, ASSICT=, CLTiRKS, TR,_,ro arc 'hereby appointed in the office of the City Re- ' corder of Salt Lake City, the followin c.eputies, assistants and clari7s: Oho cRief (:.C.pICC,::' rOCO2J2 ',7t a salary of not c.xecedinL: 1,5300.00 per ahulta. In to absence of or cOor Li tRe iisarbility of the City Recorder, the c .ief deputy recorder Ilhall eczereisc all the functions :1(1. DOW0r0 of the city reorder. Be sdeall fIre a bond to the City in tRe sum of 14,000.00. Otto deputy recorder who shall act as olerl: of the city courts at a. ssluzy of co, ciijer Li .1000.00 2er aJhunl: -fl- l'wo eeputy rPoorers who crhsll act es olerkb of the city courts, at a salary of no. 0:cee0in :)1,200.00 each per P:111U ; One steno -rapher Cor the civil aivision of tha City Court, ot a salary not e ccc :10 000.00 nec annuLA- One deputy -2000r02 W110 ahall act , clerk of the city courts, at a salary of not execadinL; :,1,080.00 per annum; One chief clerk at c. salary of not exceeding ,.1,56"6.00 por annum; on. clerk at a salary of not c:::ceadin •1,200.00 per annum; Ora stanoraeher for the recorder's office et a sciary not ex.ce00in .?g00.00 per annual. Two clerks Co;. the cri-linbl division of the city court, bt o sbacry of ::,.ot 07.ceerlinz 31,0,90.00 eren per annum; All of wi7dck salaries shall Ipe. )bl,7. hontnly. 000TI01:" ?,. All ordinances brd resolutions ar.c7, parts of ordinances an.1 resolutions is. conflict herewith ore hcraby cc- peeled i to the orient of such conflict. Ci,CTIOJ: 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. ,../j . (0 • ,. ;. - .._)(t) • ... .. ( ,c Passed by the BOrrCi of Comissiones of Salt Lake City, Utbh, ,Tanu.sry 23, 1017. c;ni2 „k"_ Mayor 77-,‘ City P.coorder . . , ...,... : - ,...„ ........, r to‘' I, ....!. ; ' , J.. ' ,.. ,, I", • - ..3,, ' r I"Z\D . ,..;:) 1):i al?, ". ,-.0 -• 1 g i .11 r„.... i ,„„ J 4„ I e I .. 6' .1 ' , _ i 1 I , I 41 _