12 of 1929 - Amending Section 1411 relating to salary of appointive officers ROLL CALL Cit y, Sa lt Lake VOTING AYE NAY Utah, "i`"c ch 1 192 9 Burton - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - Finch - - 1 ...-‘Z--,7. /i— Moran - - - Mr.Chairman - __ Result ORDINANCE - - - AN OB CIUANCIP, ( 'PILING SLCl iUil. l u1., 'devised 0 pinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1020, relati-n to munici c..l- -,overa.aent. Be it orcai.ne: by the H,oard of Commissioners of . al.t Lake City, Utah: SECTION) I. That Section 1(11., iievise4 Ordinances of i-:alt Lake City, Utah, 19 '.0, e atin> to scalc_i)al ,:overnment, be and the same is hereby amens<es. to read as follow _. bt ... iJ -�-_ ��L_._. �,,. 6= 1 vt1Oi-.a„ .a1a other of.Biceru shal-1 receive such com2ensation as may be fixed by ordinance. The corn ensat-ioo of officers of the city shall be payable monthly out of the city treasury; nroviued, however, that members of the .,olicc arr_ fire ce- _smtments, all secretarles, clerks, i.ncluP. n chief clerks, anc all city emlo+,secs may be .)EAP..)EA semi-monthly. SECTION. In the ounton of the ,>a of Commissioners, it is necessary to the health, eeace and safety of the inhabitants of aalt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immec:iately. SECTION This ordinance shall take effect coon its first publication. --- Passe(' ,,‘ by the Boar;; of Corr„i :sionr_s of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of _ , _ l 2..9. )\\, uy 1, City Recorder. - -1( 12 12 1229 First Pstl-tt .Ru,, Apt • 0 Cll'Y Rg;CiRo3R Proof of Ilnbtlirttttnn 3hntteb*Yates of America STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE . 7 AM� iltne[C0 , ikx tgqit-oig •XMRkOING 1�C 13�Rlel6eri Ordlnpnees o1 baTt,- i ,.1 o rotstmg to mn-. HARRY.-Y�QI,F&. st I iP mined, ww.. Z t,erclailred.._1iy Ln9 Board o1 eldhef...4 belt Lake C1t Ulan: DN I. That 9ectldn 7911 ILe- e ed ordlnaheea 441 salt I ak c1t, being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk 1 rela Igto monl t Rob zhenK 10 end as same Ss hereby. ended.to read 1. follows: ,SECTION. PI SALARIES. AN- 'POIq7{yF,OFFIOERB. All other of- of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in ire,shall recelve5esuch compensa- `t7ti.r ln9y'.'41 11ked b,y ordinance. e sofapen9atlda"of otTlfefs of toe' a+1 elxdtl lit'S ktile anontmr out of Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. ,�ryd tty treaeuat pxovldl..sad fIrt, d{eaartmentlere'of the-Caries and see det>eltilog a, all leics. and' decks irapldlriH coy timid arid.o city <.mp)o,a meyt a mid Pinion of the That the NoticeAN_.ORDINAiIc&. 5 rS st Oom In the pbinion of the $$Opvd of tri alopen,It Ss necessary t§.l;h hFSdth,.b0aee assd;safety of the D rr� �,T }7abkUdnta aC,'_all Lake Olty that mined!. SALT CITY CORD;QRAT I QNa Edlnadcd.become effective lmmedt- 1dF.CTION $. This ordinance shall take•sires nlron,114.1ret.pnbllcatton. OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER. er ofed It the ECity,,of ah,Usiaslo 5 day of sett Lake D. 19 Utah,4his'2nd day of April,A.D:.18. 'i arlr ram Chairman. et Afacddnald, 1ty Recorder. o No. t.p�pna)wd.,�.Aarus leas- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- paper in its issue dated the 3rd day of April , 192 9 , and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on April 3rd. for thereafter,the full period of One insertion. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 3rd day of April. �192.-9. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of April ,A.D.192.....9 t Notary Public. Advertising fee,I . - . _ \‘‘ kN) 14: 0 at 0 5-3 . 0 ‘‘\