12 of 1931 - Repealing Sections; 1971, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, revised ordinance, •
Salt Lake City,Utah, t p.ril_27, ,193...1
I move that the ordinance be passed.
of Fait Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said Chanter a new
Section to be known as Section 2075X4 and amending Sections 1970,
1999 and 2042, Revised Ordinances of Galt Lake City, Utah, 1920; and
amending Sections 2016, 2017 and 2041, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 6, 1925; relating to
the Later Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Galt Lake
t2 City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter LXIV of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by add.—
inc in and to said Chanter a new Section to be knows as Section :"07SX,
relating to the ':cater Lepartment, which shall read as follows:
a private watermain supplying more than one house is connected to
the city watermains the Superintendent of Waterworks may reouire
a. master meter to be installed near the point where the connection
s to be made to the city main. This installation will be at
the expense of the owners of the private line according to the
regular rates for meter installation. Responsible -parties must
agree to pay all bills for ,ater served through said meter at
regular meter rates. Minimum charge of 70 cents per month for
each service service connection taking off from said privste line
will be made.
fl..ECTION 2. 'hat Sections 1970, 1909 and e04C, of Chapter 1
LXIV, ,Aevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the
same arc hereby amended_ to rend as follows:
tions for use of water must be made on printed forms, furnish-1
ed. by the department of water supply and water works and signed.
by the applicant. The applicant shall state fully and truly
the purpose for which water is required, and shall agree to
conform to, and be governed by, such rules and regulations as
may be urescribed by the noard. of Commissioners, for the con-
trol of the water su .fily. The applicant shall in his applicz,›-ii
tion agree to be responsible for and pay all bills due the city
on account of materials or labor furnished, as provided in this
section, as well as for all water supplied to the premises.
Before water will be turned on to any premises, all
charges against the premises that are Cue and payable to the
city on account of any of the followin7 items must have been
On account of labor or materials furnished by the
water works department in the installation of service cipe;
connecting the premises with city mains; or for tapping the
city mains; or for supplying:, installing or repairing any
meter on account of water previously supPlied to the bremises4,
whether used by the applicant or by some previous occupant of
the premises; or on account of the assessment of any fine forl
turning water on or off.
SECTION 1999 is hereby amended by leaving out the
last paragraph of said section.
SECTION 1.042. Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in any sum not
12 (
. .
exceeding Two Hundred Ninety-nine ( o99.00) Dollars, by im-
prisonment in the city jail for a period not longer than six:
months, or by both Such fine and imorisonr;ant. The court may
in imposing a fine enter as a part of the judgment that in de-
fault of the payment of the fine the defendant may be ire rison-
ed In the city jail for a period not exceecing six months.
CLCTION 3. That Sections 2016, %,017 and ,:04:1 of Chapter
LXIV, �' evised Ordinances of : al_t Lake City, Utah, 1900, as amended
by an ordinance massed by the Board of Commissioners on June 6,
1025, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows:
The rates for water supplied through meters to all places will
be the same for all consumers, namely, seven and one-half cents
gger 100 cubic feet for the first 1•",000 cubic feet; seven cents
aer,100 cubic feet for the second 10,000 cubic feat and six
cents .,er 100 cubic feet for all over 0,000 cubic feet con-
sumed ner month.
The minimum charge for meter service shall be 70
cents oar ;nonth. .U
Here premises are beinc*, sup lied by more
than one water service there shall be a minimum charge of
25 cents per month for each additional meter installed.
Public schools shall. pay the above rates less a dis-
count of 25 per. cent.
Bills for water used through meters shall be render-1
ed monthly or quarterly. If the bills rendered as aforesaid
are not paid within fifteen days after their rendition, the
`iunerintendent of hater harks shall cause the water to be
turned. off and before the water is turned on all unpaid water
rates must be paid in full, together with a turn-on fee of
V:heri for any reason the water meter shall fail to
register, bills shall be rendered at the average rate consumed
for like periods of time.
Should any water taker, using a water meter, desire .
to have the meter on his premises tested, the charge shall be
$h.00 Where the titer is found to be correct or to register
in favor of the consumer, but where found to be over-registering
the cost of such test shall be borne by the city.
Any water user to avail himself of an abatement for
non-use of water on a meter shall report to the `,uoerintendentf
of Water dorks and have water turned off his premises and the
meter may be removed at the option of the Superintendent of
hater horks. Before water service will again be su )plied
written notification must be made to the Superintendent of
star ';::orks. Abatements will not be allowed for less than
thirty days.
Any contractor or person engaged in construction wo1k
or repairs of any nature renui_ring the use of water, shall ap_ ,
ply to the department of water su3ly and water works for a
meter to be placed, for either temporary or permanent consump—
tion of water, and deposit a sum of money sufficient to cover
the cost incident to the placing of such meter_
There a building Is to be erected, application shall
he made for service pipe in the regular manner, and all water
consumed in the construction of such building shall be paid
for et regular meter rates. It shall be unlawful for any con-
tractor or other person engaged in construction work to use
water from the city ma.i.ns, exce-rt through a meter, as provide '
in this section.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, in-
jure or destroy any drinking fountain, water trough, aioe,
valve or aopurtenance connected with the water system of Salt
Lake City.
SECTION '017 is hereby amended by leaving out the
last para.grash.
SECTION 2041 is hereby amended by amending the last
aaragrash of said section to read as follows:
”Whenever a city water main shall have been laid in
front of premises already connected to a private pipe, the
owner or occupant shall upon notice from the Superintendent
of 'cater 'Forks, make a_;>plication for recennectin* the premises
to the city water main. the city will tad the main and extend
a :7/4 inch service pipe, reconnectin,7, the premises at the curb
and the owner must extend his pipe to the curb in front of
said ;remises at his own cost.
CCTION 4. In the .:)pinto .of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the pace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of dalt Lake City that this-ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 5. Thisinanc shall take effect May 1, 1971.
Passed by the Boar' Commissioners of halt Lake City,
(Utah, this 28th day of April , i�. D. lakl.
I Cam.
City , erord-er.
_, . -a'
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake 1
n Ch OrdinaUtah, r 2%ae Section 20° 19T0, 1999 d
2042, Revised Ordinances of tit Laka
�IGity, Utah, 1929g ana m beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
llone 2016, 2014 nd 2041, Revlsefl oi-
din...es of Salt Lake d ordinance Ltp6CHe.2, p
amended by or
ard f an f Salt
Lake City. Utah, on June 6, 1926; re- ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
lating iO the water Department .
Re It oero of Salt the Eoard of
1.That Chanter ke LXIV tithe
Revised Ordinances of salt Lake City, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah,
ah, ended by`adding°in and isto here-
chapter w Section to be known a •
That the notice
Section 2096X; relating t0 the Water
Department, which eha11 read as tot-
-� / ,a
laws: i7'i`1"/`/l/{f /�' fy��,/�f,/
ate watermaln supplying More than to[e
house 1s connected to the city water-
, s %�':� /
Ina the 9equiretendent master wafter L, '//%/a�),J
to be installed near them point where
the cono eation is to be made to the
' tat s ineta11=twon will be t
of the Aire of the
prlvte line'according to toereg-
spon rates for meter install...to a. Re.
poneibl,parties mart BTth to pay all
mete'a t -water ea through Bil data of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said
meter at regular meter taros,nflmmnm
charge of 70 tents per month for said ,t
service Connection taking off Yren,said Fib/sf-/ .-.-fay of
____prlva<e Ape wul��-,yi� -1999 newspaper,in its issue dated, the t4
and 2042, d Chs sit LX1V Revised �
Ordinances of Salt LaES City, Utah, SS
De and the s are hereby A. D. 15�..T.,,
n fled t0 read as follows:
R, madeApplication.printed
for vie of
,ter must be ads a onot forms, and was published -- -supply and
by to departmentof water
e e ay water works and signed by
the pfund truly
ru` t applicant shall state
ateer in eqW d, ana shalliagree to the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
s▪cribed to, d be governed ise such C�
rules and regulation*se may be pre. l
forlb the
by the soars ea water ehroere, A. D. 19 for the control Of tine star cation day of
The'applicant Omit in his appllca pay
• agree s be ee oity for and pay
all bills due the ofu is account of /
td in labor furnished, ae pro-
elll in or
lied to as well a for -- ._
Reforer supplied
will be to ned is°n° w Advertising Clerk.
any premises, all obargee against the
he city onmises anoount of y of the
t are oande t °fol-
lowing item,must bar,been paid.
On account of labor or materials fur-
nished by the water Works department
in the installatioII of ee vice pipe:con. �s
netting the premises with city mains; ...ref'
• for tapping the city mains: or for eI
supplying, installing or repairing any a me this 's — day of
meter on account Of water previously sun-
plied to the premises,whether need by
the applicant or by some previcue Occu--
pantoeoethe prorate.; on acoonnt of A. D. 101.
the any or
/Or turning ----
water on or
SECTION 1999 is hereby amended by 6
leaving out jhe last paragraph of said
eoUon • V
Notary P tic.'
aECTION 2043 Any person violetP,e
shall be of the provisions of this chapter
guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof,be punished by
a fine in any sum not Two
Hundred Ninety--nine(4299.00)Dollar.by
Imprisonment In the city Jail fora per-
iod-not longer than Ex months, or by
both such fine and Imprisonment. The
court-LIMY'in 1mDusing a fine enter ea a
Pert 0f the judgment that 1n default of
the payment of the t 11na the defendant
may be lmprleoned in the city Jail ion
a,period not caceading six months.
•SECTI N,2 That Section.301s,203T
and 2e41 of CIV,Revised Or-
'ainancee Salt of Salt Lake City,Utah',111m,
amendedby an
theBoard of Commissioners e on June be,
1926,.be and thb sameend-
ed to red es-followe are hereby amend-
ed •
water eupplied through meters to-all
Paces will be the same for all coneum-
mely, Conan and one-half cents
per 100 cubic feet for the first 13,000
cubic feet: sevencent. per 100 cubic
feet for the second 13,090 cubic. feet
and six canto per 100 cubic feet for•ail
over 26,000 cubic feet consumed pet
'The minimum charge for meter service
shall be 40 cents per month. Where
'Premise.are being supplied by more than
water service there shall be a Min-
imum charge of 26 cents per month'for
Bach additional meter installed.
Public schools shall pay the above'
rates lees a discount of 26 per cent.
Bills for Water need through mature
Mall be rendered monthly or quarterly.
If,the bills rendered as aforesaid are
not paid within fifteen days after their
rendition. the Sup_erletendent of Water
Works shall cause the water in be turn.
ad off and before the water.is turned on
all unlink'Water rates must be patch 1n
full, together With a turn-on tee of
When fur any reason the water meter
shall fail to register,bills shall be rm.
dared at the average rate columned for
like period.of time.r taWur, dieing a
mShould an9
watere premises Heated,they charge Mall
be 82.00 where the meter is Viand to
be correct or to register in favor of
the consumer, but Where founde to be
W o
over-registering the at L h test
shall be borne by the ety,
Any water user to naafi himself of
abatement ter shall for
to the SuPerie—
enant of Water Works and have water
turned off the premises and the meter
may be removed at the option of the
Superintendent of Water Works.Before
water service will ”alb be mpPlied
written non meet be made to
'the Superintendent of Water Works,
•Abatements will not be allowed for less
than thirty.days.
Any Contractor or person engagedConstr In
rs of MY
natureurequiring work
eous ofoi water,shall
apply to the department of Water sup-
ply and water works for a meter to be
plmanent for u either Ption tof pc.rary or water. and per-
Doeit a sum consumption
money to cover
the cost Incident to the Placing of such
Where a building is to be erected,
application shall be made for service
pipe ll
wa l regularn the terc nsumed in manner, and a the construction of
such building shall be Paid for at reg-
ular meter rates. It shall be unlawful
for any contractor or other person en-
gaged in construction work to um wat-
er from the city mains,ace Dt through
a meter,as provided in this.section.
It shall_be unlawful for any person
lt'defad0,riderb-oY-destroy any drink--
ing fountain, water trough, pipe, valve
or appertenence connected with the
water metem of Salt Lake'City.
SECTION 2017 Is hereby amended by
leaving out the last paragraph. •
SECTION 2041 is hereby amended
!by amending the last paragraph of said
section to read as followed
”Whenever a city water main shed
•have been laid in front of premises al-
ready connected to a private pipe, the
owner or occupant shall upon notice
from the Superintendent of Water
Works, .make application for recon-
necting the premises to the city water
main. The city will tag the main and
extend a k inch a rvice pipe, rec
necting'the premises at the curb and
the owner must extend his pipe to the
curb in front of said premises at hie
Own Coot '
SECTION 4. In the r'opinion of the
Board of Commissioners. It la nacos-
eery to the peace, health and sal sty
of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 6.This ordinance shall take
effect May 1, 1931.
Passed by the Board of'Cowwi,rlco.
ups of nail Lake City, Utah, this 23th
day of April, A. D., 1931.
• City Recorder.
PRubllehill No.ed A Iit
pr11 Mu, 193E
; o
� a
_ 4.