12 of 1939 - Ordinance 12 of 1939, Amending Section 98, Revised Ordinance 1934, appointments and salaries, Health ROLLCALL .;R 23 :;39 Salt Lake-City,Utah,_____ 193 VOTING AYE NAY a` . Goggin - - - - - I r ovg That the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - •- - 1 OR INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 98 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on September 8, 1937; October 5, 1937; March 29, 1938; and February 15, 1939; relating to the Board of Health. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 98 of the Revised drdinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on September 8, 1937; October 5, 1937; March 29, 1938; and February 15, 1939; relating to the Board of Health, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 98. APPOINTMENTS. The Board of Commissioners may appoint the following officers, assistants and employees of the Board of Health, who shall receive annual salaries, payable semi-monthly, not exceeding the amounts as follows: Health Commissioner $3300.00 First Assistant Health Commissioner . . . 2400.00 Second Assistant Health Commissioner . . . 2100.00 The Health Commissioner and Assistant Health Commissioners shall each receive the sum of $35.00 per month for transporta- tion and expenses. Chief Sanitarian, who shall have charge of division of milk, meat and food inspection and division of sanitary inspection $3000.00 Assistant Chief Sanitarian 2400.00 Bacteriologist 2400.00 Chief of NursingDivision 1920.00 Chief of Quarantine Inspector 1800.00 Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics . 1800.00 Chief of Restaurant and Market Inspection 1800.00 First Grade Inspectors, each 1620.00 Second Grade Inspectors, each 1500.00 Third Grade Inspectors, each 1380.00 Fourth Grade Inspectors, each 1260.00 Chief of Venereal Clinic 1200.00 Medical Inspector 900.00 First Grade Veterinary Inspector . . . . . 2460.00 12 -2- Second Grade Veterinary Inspector $2340.00 Third Grade Veterinary Inspector 2220.00 Fourth Grade Veterinary Inspector 2100.00 Either the Chief Sanitarian or the Assistant Chief Sanitarian 11 shall be a veterinarian. Veterinary inspectors shall be graduates of an ap- proved Veterinary School and competent and qualified as veter-. inarians. • SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety f the jnhabitants� of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall,trakeeffeYst immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall tare.ef 'ect upon its ' first publication. ni R Passed byJ the Board Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2 3,L4{ lay of Mar A. . 1939. s2PA Mayor. 7 Ci y r I I it . r. S(:_' _ , -it- .. ..a .-1g,T .:) tl .,J 1.411111 �'`' ., j4 • t) 7 CwD I o i V �'S • r t �r� igi) y yer - ^#- F' Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake - Legl`a Notice Leo H.Young AN ORDINANCE. • - -�AN OBiDiHANOE AMENDING SECTION ppg' of the IN eegg ordinances ox Salt Lake Ctty,.Uteb, }039, Bt amended by at- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- nnncea passed by the'Hoard of Commie eie¢ere S101,r 8, 1e37: October 6, 105g9; March 9B, 183a; and f Health. 3a vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 10t ordained to the Hoard o1 Health, i BeHe dt oOof Bel by e C By,Utah: i Com- • !rSFCTIO of;Salt Lake City, -R�ed Orddiii 000 00 Sat Lakex°ty, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State ces ®Dtemb�er 8,A 37 0 0ober 6m192 by 2 00arch of Utah. 29, 1938; d Mue 16,1039: relating bbltoaaslasame •1ehe yamened reed as SEC.86.APPOINTMENTS, The Ceara' That the advertisement Ordinance Bill no. 12 -01 Commi.e100ers may aDpulnt•the follow- g officers, assistants and employees o1 ' the Board of Health, who ¢ball receive.. annual salaries,payable semi-monthly,net relating to Board of health (Salt Lake City Corporation) exceeding the amount.as 00110Wa: ealth commtaeioner 63300.00 First Assistant Health Commission-Br 2400.00 Semon¢ Aseistant Health Com 2100.00 •The Health Commissioner and Assistant the s Cot 930.00 Derners Month thacfor receive ta 1,, D Mation um and expses.mo¢ Chief Sanitarian, who shall have charge of divielon of milk,meat a xD a lmpactlpn and divietnn waspublished in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the s.eanttari mapecnon 93000.02 qq et t Obte1 Samterlan 2400.00 a400 00 o $15ftiiii,W4W44 4mom, 24th day of March A.D. 1939 'Chief of Quarantine Inspector ,1800.00 Depty Registrar of Vital Smile- tics 1600.00 phial o2 Restaurant and Market In-1600.00 and was published.....1-:t-imer First epectlon Grade•Inepectora,each 1820.00 Seeend Grade Inspectors, each,h 1609,00 Third'Grade IInnsppectors,ach 1380,09 Fourth Grade.inspectors, each 1260.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Chief of Venereal Clinic 1200.00 Medical Inspector 900.00 First Grade Veterinary Inspector 2460.00 Second Grade Veterinary Inspector 2340.00 day of A.D. 19 Third Grade Veterinary InePeoler..2920.00 Fmtrth Grade Veterinary Inspector 2100,00 Either-the Chief Sanitarian or the AB- eietant Chief Sanitarian shall be a veter- inaan. Veterinary Meeeetere hall be graduates F o2 approved Veterinary School and ertising Clerk. ntent nd qualified veterinarians, co 01 i.'In the opinion of the Board of Co health noarid safely of ni theiv habitants a Beace, mie shall S&IE ewke City eda tely. ordi• N take effect ordinance eU • ent upon 3. This o bana shall take effect upon ts besa topublication. PSaltd by the Board of ie 23rd d y of 1 Salt Lake city Utah,this aim day e0 28th of a,D,1&39. 'of ore me this day of JOHx M.WALLACE, Mawr. 4sEd1.) ETHEL Mciy°Reorder. • A.D. 19 39 HILL NO.12. • Published March 94th,1939. _ tary Public. - - ) 1.0 eg r 00 - 0 , lir .09 r Vitt ° f 81. . 14- k