12 of 1940 - Amending section 1396, revised ordinance relative to pedestrians crossing streets and roadways ROLL CALL •
y r _ f Salt Lake City,Utah._____ 1
h. t__���' . 193
Goggin �V I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser ✓ — �^� p
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE
Result I
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October
8, A. D. .1935, relating to traffic and travel on streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 1. That Section 1396, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October
8, A. D. 1935, relating to traffic and travel on streets, be and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1396. It shall be lawful for pedestrians to cross
streets and roadways in all marked or unmarked cross walks at
At intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic-
control signals or by police officers, pedestrians shall not
cross streets or roadways against a "red" or "stop" signal.
Between adjacent intersections so controlled, and between inter-
sections within business districts, it shall be unlawful for
pedestrians to cross streets or roadways at any place except in a
marked cross walk.
The Chief of Police of Salt Lake City may aesi;>nate both
in business and residential districts such cross walks as will
best promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians in cros-
sing the street. Such cross walks shall be marked with painted
lines extending from curb lines across the street or roadway.
In residential districts it shall be unlawful for a pede -
trian to cross the street or roadway at points other than (1) regu
lar cross walks at intersections; (2) marked cross walks as herein
above provided; and (3) half way between intersections.
Every pedestrian. shall keep to the right of the sidewalk
or cross walk and shall not obstruct or prevent free use thereof
by others.
Whenever any vehicle„has stopped at a crows walk to per-
mit a pedestrian to CIbss the street or roadway it shall be unlaw-
ful for the driver oS any`othe-r vehicle to overtake and pass such
stopped vehicle.
SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect thirty days
after its final passage.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 2nd day of April , A.3. 1940.
Ethel Macdonald
City Recorder.
By Frank A. Shields,
L ,r
Deputy City Rec der
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
, .Legal Notice . .
13913,., ReMsed Ordinances of.Salt Lake
CRY, 1.7e.h,.1934, . amended by an:or- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
dinance paseed by the Board of Conw
Menne.of Salt Lake City,Utak,on October
IL'A.D.1935,relating to traffic and tram vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
el on streets.
.No it ordained.by the Board of 'Coin.
imissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah. •
SECTION 1.That Section'1396, Revised. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Ordinan.s of Salt Lako•City,Utah,'1934,
ae,amended by.an ordinance paned by,
the Board of Commiesioners of ,Salt of Utah.
Lake City,Utah,on October 9,A.D.1935,
relating to traffic and travel on etre.,
be and the earns I. hereby amended to ,
read as followe)
SEC.1398.It shall bo lawful for pedea- That the advertisement Ordinanoe..releting..to..Traffle on
trims to cross etreete and roadways io,
all inerked or unmarked.cross walks at
At intersections where truffle is,con.• -- Bill.ldo. 12.
trolled by traffic-control eignale •dr bY
police officers,pedestrians shall rot'c,ross
etreeta or roach.. againet A 'tea' or
"stop" signal. Between adia.nt inter-
sections so contrelledi and between:inter,-
[Maio.within busineee-dietricid,It!abed
,by)unlawini .for polestrinnt to:areas
-etreste or roadways'eV Ray piece except
in a marked cross walk. , • . .
The Chief:f Pobliezi 0,1 Salt Lake ree.iir.
tioltiargelttebtch.croer',11k:"A, wit'.
best promote tbe.,oefety and,convehlen. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
of pedestriape in crossing•thg:stret Sligy
:rdlhaVtgliatl'hfaronr'clAY-Was.Abe. ,
the street or roadway. ard day of April A.D. 190...
In residential districts It shall be une
lawful for a pedestri.e to cross the,street
or roadway at points other than (1,1 reg)
Mar crone walks at intersections: 13) and was published 1.time
m.ked cross walks as hereinabove pro.
cited; and (3) half way.between,inter.
Every pedestrian shall keep to the right the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Of the aidowalk ot croes:walk abut shall
Not.obstruct or prevent free use.1bereof
by others..
Whenever an vehicle hati etopped at a
.cross w y alk to permit a pedeetrian.to cross day of A.D. 19
the street or roadway it shall be malt,- -
fnl.for the driver of any other vehicle to
overtake and pass tuck stopped vehile.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall
effect thirty days after its final Ten:.
Passed by the Board of Commie lone s A ertising Clerk. -- ,,_
of Salt Lake City,Lltah, this 9nd'day of.
Ethel MaceionaM,
City Recorder.
By Frank A.Shields,
Do1,69ifity Retarder.
BILL NO, 12.
Pablisbed,A.prit 3 1 d.MO. before me this 5th day of
April A.D. 190...:
I v xi.
. .