12 of 1945 - Amending Subsection (c) of Section 4502 relating to plumbing ''ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay `.fa1t Lade City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . ' Romney s"" S Tedesm i ..__. ... Mr. Chairman . . . '� ANOR ANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION (c) of SECTION 4502, OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LANE CITY, UTAH, 1944, AS AMEND- ED BY AN ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE BOARD OF CO:iISSIONERS ON OCTOBER 10, 1944, AND AMENDING CHAPTER XLIII OF TEl REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITE, UTAH, 1944, EY ADDING IN AND TO SAID CHAI"TER. A NEW SECTION TO BE LNOP'N AS SECTION 4576; RELATING TO PLOL. IING. Le it ordained by the 'Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Subsection (c) of Section 4502, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on October 10, 1944, relating to plumbing, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: n(c) "Plumbing" shall include the installation, alteration, change, repair, removal, maintenance and use in buildings or on the premises thereabouts of the pipes, fixtures and fittings for bringing in the water supply and removing liquid and water carried wastes and every connection discharging direct or indi- rect into the building drainage system and shall include the water supply distribution pipes, fixtures and fixture traps, the soil, waste and vent pipes, the building drain, roof drains where installed inside the wails of a building, settling traps and connections to septic tanks and cesspools, with their de- vices, appurtenances and connections; provided, however, that the removal of stoppage from the building drain or building sever, or both, shall not be construed as plumbing. SECTION 2. That Chapter XLIII of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by .. . . . . i !kidding in and to said Chapter a ne,;:. Sectiun to be ..dnun as Seeuion I 4576, relating to plumbing, which shall read as follows: . 1 "SEC. 4576. LICENSE 1.7aU CLELNING SI'N,fIE 2IPPM It shall bel cntawful for any person not licensed as a plumber, pursuant to the requirements of tnis cluster, to engage in the business i of removing stoppage fro a bl2a,Liil craln or builaihg scor, i or both, ,,,ithodt Lost obtaining a license from the License " - ,, uso. and Collector so to do and fiiing a cofporate surety • 4q••!:: ii iAt'4 bond in the sum I :,5,0j9 0 with Lait i,ate -City conditioned -,..---, . . that the pTincipana su ty snal a ctTle ej,ty harmless fro , -„,- --, . . . , __ _ . and all inj .lis tot 2,i'livons or. .i. . e/tu ptoitty, ana pai- • '.;-'111'4,1 Ct #.4-- ticularly to th yor* It and 9e_.1prin , 41-mseu by or 1 1 -, through the clea I .; 14 E at of 1 L,Igy4L7pp4 In an ,rains 1 .12 .•- . ru. 1 ',..:;4, 4r.- or seters, and fther c - ioned tift,t-7U Aln ipal will I ''...0 ,,;4 -) 4 I faithfully obser - ail ord nances an,51- dires a)I,Itd.1,regulations . . of said city pertaining to plumbing and se;,ers. ir- The fee for the license herein rebuired shall be ,i25.00 per year or for any part thereof." SECTION S. In Inc opinion of the bar; of CoLissioners, I i it is necessary to the peace, health ,I'lei safety of the iLLabitants 1 kf salt Lake City that this orbinance become effective LimediLtoly) SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effe - a-ion its first publication. Passed by the Loard of Commisiur( -s of Salt Lake City, -.f. Utah, this 4,1c41,-:',dL,y of I, ... - •e -' 4 --- ---, -- CL---- , • .1Iayor- __ --„, , ... arty secordci. . . 1 . . • crem 611 a r• 35. g# • • r•-• II I I F I , .a. • 1`. • . • •„ r Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, Comity of Salt Lake 5 AN ORDINANCE ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING _ SUBSECTION (J- 07)of SECTION 4507, D.. (%k- OF THE REVISED ORDIANCES OF SALT LAKE:CITY, UTAH, 1544, AS AMEND) BY AN ORDI- Being�$rst duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad, NANCE PANS D BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON OCTO- ) ) THE I�p ��L L CBERHAPTER lE 194 AND AMENDING vertising clerk of T E DESERET T NEWS,`,a newspaper CHAPTER R III OF THE RE- VISED ORDI ANGES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH' 1944 BY ADDING IN AND TO SAID CHAP- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,inthe State TER A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS ',SECTION 4576: RE- LATINGUtah.TO PLUMBING. Be it ordalr ed by the Board of Utah:eiorjere of Salt Lake City. Utah: SECTION 1. That Subsection(C) That the advertisement of Section 4 02, f the Reviegd- Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,: 1044, as ems qaed by an ordinance No Cl1 passed by thA Boardof Commie- Ordinance Bill si n Oelober 10, 1044, relat. ing to plumbing, be and e the same- lis ows; Relating amenaea to read a tot Relating to Plumbing. "(c) latlo'Fluting' hall include, the inetallatlo alteration, change..aria buildings m the pram- Salt Lake City Corporation mea there bo la of r the pipes, IIto trees and fittings for bringing in the water r``t''peply and moving liquid .14.e0r carried wastes d e ddd mention discharging' was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the a direct or lndt'et Into the building drainage Meta and shell include 45 the water kup 1Y distribution-pipes, , Ida ch C fixtures d 1xture traps, the oil,. 17th day of f A. D. l.f__-.__. e drain,and Va t pipes.the installed' nstated' drain, roof d ems f where iuildi g, testae the Ds of a building.. ]• time settling OP a a corm ls with and was published___- .._- their de ices,L appurtenan and e lions: provided however: thatthe Mmo al of stoppagefrom the building ddam or building nide,. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the or bath,shall)not be construed as,' plumbing. {` Parch 45 SECTION 2.F That Chapter RLIII 17th dial 0 A. 1 at the Revised Ordinances of Nalt ,f I Lake City, IIT}}IL 1244, be and the game le hereb amended by edam, --y GG�in and to-sat Chapter a new Sec- -Z.------r-T tion to be krown as Section 4575, relating to �nmbtne, whichshall. /, Advertisin le'rk read foIl "SEC. 46T,6T,. LICENSE FOR CLS It 6allA beNunla atoll f G EWER PIPE or any person not licensed de a plumber, Dureu- t to the P auiremente of this chapter, to a gage in the business o f removing a Dpage from a build- "' ing drain' r building sewer, both, without first obtaining a•or 20th day o Oolle fcam th urenae Assessor aria before ore me.this eetor o en d filing / corporate afire bona in the m of / $5,000.00 with Salt Lake City/ - 45e dirt Dmretye shall ts e the epcityy harmless ..A.D.19 -- from .... any an vall injuries to per- sonaedam 6e to property, particularly to the city',water and sewer .`-�. .//(7/ sine,Caused b9 through the cleaning removal of any etoDGage in 9 drains O sewers, and further nditioned that the principal will aitnfullY observe ell Notary Public ordinances a Nlea and regulations of said city p�rtalnlna to plumbing' and ae_ , he re- m ired hall rb,e 525,00 sper eyerar O for y pelts thereof:. or SECTION 31 In the Opinion of the Board of'Commissioners, it le. e cry to ll peace,fsso of the inhabitants health of Salt Lake City:th t this ordinance be-, effectivemme homedlatel9. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect'uofon its first publiem. Om. a Boars of Commie•', Passed by 4 S t Lake 1. Utah.040 this 16th day f March,A. ,1596. EARL J,GLADE,ayyr. IRMA F:)3 NER,City Recorder. (SEAL) BILL NO, 1, Published, rch 17th. 1045. pa) Proof of Publication OF Attorney.