12 of 1951 - Police Department organization and salaries. ROLL CALL. t) VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah,.�_'.-.�j_2O_.k 51 .. ,195 • Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed, / Christensen . . . Lingenfelter Romney . . . . • - - Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result !� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4601 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners, relating to the Police Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 4601 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 5, 1944; July 31, 1945; February 7, 1946; January 28, 1947; April 5, 1949; January 10, 1950; and June 6, 1950; relating to the Police Department, be and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4601. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Polies Depart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and employees and none others, eh o shall be appointed by the appointing power subject totheapproval of the Board of Commis- sioners from the certified CA it Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each such office or position to be filled, and the annual salaries for each such officer or employee shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners at not more than the amounts hereinafter set forth, to-wit: Chief of Police, who shall be head of the Police Department and the appointing power . . . . . . 54.00.00 1 Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740.00 Captains 1st Grade 4620.00 First Grade, All applicants for the grade of captains,/shall have served five years in the Police Department and three years as Captain of secotd grade. Captains 2nd Grade $4440.00 T ere shall be not to exceed seven Captains in all to fill the two grades as above set forth. x2s 1 Superintendent of Records . . 44440.00 1 Assistant Superintendent of Records 4140.00 1 Radio Technician . . . , . • . ♦ 4440.00 Lieutenants, lst Grade,.eae$ . . . . . . . 4320.00 All applicants for the grade of Lieutenant First 1 Grade shall have served five years in the Police Depart- ment and three years as Lieutenant Second Grade. Lieutenants, 2nd Grade, each $4140.00 There shall be not to exceed six Lieutenants in all to fill the two grades as above set forth. Sergeant4,lst Grade, each $4020.00 All airlioants for the grade of Sergeant, First Grade shall.thave served five years in the Police Depart- ment and three years as Sergeant, Second Grade. Sergeants, 2nd Grade, each $384p.00 There shall be not to exceed twelve Sergeants in all to fill the two grades as above set forth. 1 Radio Operator $3312.00 Patrolmen, lst Grade,First Class 3720.00 All applicants for the grade of Patrolmanw 1st Grad , First Class,shall have served fifteen years in the Police Department. Patrolmen, 1st Grade, Second Class $3600.00 All applicants for the grade of Patrolman; 1st Grade Second Class, shall have served ten years in the Police Department. Patrolmen, 1st Grade, Third Class $3420.00 All applicants for the grade of Patrolman, 1st Grade Third Class, shall have served five years in the Police Department. Patrolmen, 1st Grade, Fourth Class. . . . . . $32140.00 Patrolmen, 2nd Grade 30 0.00 Patrolmen, 3rd Grade 2928.00 Policewomen, 1st Grade, First Class 3720.00 All applicants for the grade of Policewoman, 1st Grade, First Class, shall have served fifteen years in th Police Department. Policewomen, let Grade, Second Class $3540.00 All applicants for the grade of Policewoman, let Grade, First Class, shall have served ten years in the Police Department. Policewomen, 1st Grade, Thif+d Class $3360.00 All applicants for the grade of Policewomen, 1st Grade, Third Class, shall have served five years.in the Police Department. Policewomen, 1st Grade, Fourth Class $3180.00 Policewomen, 2nd Grade 2820.00 Policewomen, 3rd Grade . . . 2700.00 Clerks, male, 9ia'st Grade . . . . . . . . . 3180.00 -3,- Clerks, male, second grade . . $3060.00 Clerks, male, third grade . . . • • . . 2928.00 Clerks, female, first grade 2370.00 Clerks, female, second grade . . . . . • 2301 .00 Clerks, female, third grade 2250.00 1 Police Matron 2568.00 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, 4ealth and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel . SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon ' ' 'its first publication. Y . 1 % :Pa'eseli`by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utsh, this �0t ,� of February r A. D .951. i d / ,/' yor. ())12,,,;; ;,,,,,'"`P ,/y)/1".. .--: pity Recorder. — ( ON ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- TION d601 of the Revised Ordl- n1 Salt Lake City, 'ah, n Glid U amended by ordinances passed by t. Hoard of Commissioners, relating to the Police Department. Be It ordained by the A and el CoremRsioners of Salt Lake City, ■ ■ Etah; Iffidavit of Publication SECTION 1, That Section 4601 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,as amended by n dhrances passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 5,1999;July 21,19.15;February 7,1996;January 1092.Abell 5,1099;Jdnueey 1U 1950;end June 6, 1950;relating to the Police Department, he and the ea. m a is issy further amended In SS read as(chows: "SEC.9601.ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES_ The Police Department of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and employees and i ethos. who shall ap- pointed by the apponting power .suE- Ject to the approval of the Board of Commiasloners from the eertlfied Civil Srfyire- Commission of Salt Lake City for each p nlfire o position to dG filled,and the a mai ll. IoIA OCK.SY .11 ties 1each such ni facer o pf y.shall be lixrd ^ She Board of amounts ,rs at not mere e elthan Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- the ani Chief of Pollee. who shall vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper he head o[the Pollee Do- pa2tment and, the ap- Pn'$,.r n power g"90 o published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Captains tit Grade 4620.00 All applicants for the grade of captain./ First Grade shall have of Utah. served five years in the Pollee Dc- nme„t and atires yearn PS Cap- tain of second grade. Captains e, pond Grade m 10.00 seven That the advertisement There shall be not to Captains In .11 to ;he seven g-adr_a as abo, sat forth. 1 AssistantnSuperintendentt $441 0.00 l p�( of Records .. ,.9140.00 Ar. OC(lii nanf)Q 81�11.r.ow..�.G 1 Radio Technician 441000 Lieutenants,1st Grade.each 4.120.00 All applicants.for the grade of Lleutonant Eitel, Grade Shall have served'five yearn.In the Pollee De- partmentandp threed de years as Lieu- tenantLleulenantn, 2nd Grade, each A.190.00 There .shall be not to e eed six 1.ho Omen In all to Ill's yRR two ad:, as aoo e ,t forth was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Sergeants,Omen's vGra., each.020.00 I Ail appllcande for the trade tit 9e1geani, First Orada Shoff have pa;rM live years Ir. the Police De- day of tment three ear. as A.D.19 nd Grad, See c5 andGrade.each.840.ao l `rh I ,1`° ci,.e and was published on Febx t ary 21, 1951 S la 1 All t0 efillx: thelien grades as ahOv,set forth. 1 Radio Operator 3,3212,00 Patrolmen,1st Grade.'First the last publication thereofbeingin the issue dated the Class Tr2n.oa of Patrlolmenli•1st Gracie Eli,the LaClass, shall hale served Ill teen yearn in the Fallen De0x;`Gent. day of A.D.19 Patrolmen,l,Grade,Sec- Atd Clzss r3e00,00 I ll applicant, for ;he grade of Patrolman. 1st de Second Class, hall havee d ten years In the '�� _-1--E---, • Ponca D 1 t qt. Patrolne, 1st Grade Advertising Cleitk- -. Third clan .- .33420.00 All aPnlleants for the 8rada of Patrolman, lot Grade. Third Class, Hall have served five years In the pollee Department. PaD'olmen, 1st Grade, Fo'nrth Class .,. 22240.00 ratramimi, sod Grade an6po° , e to before m this 27tn Patrolmen. 2re Grade . 2928.00 day of Policewomen 1st Grade.- First Class 2220.00 All applicants for the grade of A.D.19_E1 Ihilirebo.,,n.1st GYM., Cass, shad:have.served ft,teen years to the Pot:ce Department. F ollecwomcn, Is,Grade, Second Class _ ..12540 00 All aPpl.ants for the. grade of 111 / Poll,.mon 1st Gad First t Class, hall have d ten y f the Policewomen 1st Grade, •�\ ^-^S"^`�•�A^"]� 111,,,) Third Class .. E1360.00 Notary[outs - All applicants for for Calaeic grade hlif Pe 1f,shall have server. (Ive years CI Grass, the Pad. Department. PO tarn. 1st Grade, Fourth Class $2 00 Poliecwomen Grade 2220.00 Policewomen. Grade . 2.100.00 Clerks mae, FGade 3180.00 Clerks,111ale,second grade.306000 Clerks isle,lhlyd grade a 2928.00 Clerks, rein air. first grade 23000 Clerk/ female second grade 21179.00 Clork.s, female, third grade 2258.00 e0 1 Polite Matron 5d SECTION a.InIs the omit Is of the 1111' of 1 00111ne1 nitert iith t Is 111, : [Ifhee'nha Ra.tx of a Sall a I.eke safety that;his ordinance shall take etree: Immediately. SECTION 3.Thin ordinance shall take nffeet at once upon Its f.r-et 9s'rpelication. d by the Hoard of Utah title ,.:1 elonets f Salt 10419 day of F'esr000l,.A� D.1951, EARL J.GLADE Mayor. IRMA F.BITNER City Recorder. if11 l.NO. t -1 .�41 Lshed n•o firnarf`I. ,