12 of 1954 - Amending Sections 6180, 6181, and 6182, Chapter LIX, relating to adoption of Salt Lake City Traffic ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, t�s.........
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen . . . r> ? ..
Nicholes - ✓. �1 / �L
Romney . . y
I /
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 6180, 6181 and 6182, Chapter LIX of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1944 relating to the
adoption of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code 1954 Edition
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections6180, 6181 and 6182, Chapter LIX of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1944, be and the same are hereby
amended to read as follows:
SECTION 6180: That the Salt Lake City Traffic Code 1954 Edition,
a code in book form, three (3) copies of which have been filed for use
and examination by the public in the office of the Recorder of Salt Lake
City and which code establishes rules and regulations for the movement
and parking of vehicles upon the streets and roadways of Salt Lake City
e*"' and provides penalties for the violation thereof, is hereby adopted by
Salt Lake City as the ordinances, rules and regulations governing said
subjects and may be cited and designated as the Salt Lake City Traffic
Code, 1954 Edition.
SECTION 6181: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
with any provisions of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code 1954 Edition are
hereby repealed.
SECTION 6182: The declaration by any court that any clause or
provision of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code 1954 Edition is invalid or
unconstitutional shall not affect the validity of any other provision
or clause, it being the intent of this ordinance to adopt each section
and provision of said code separate and apart from all other sections
or articles contained.
SECTION II. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Two -
Lake City that,this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTIONIVI. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah
this 3rd day of March, 1954.
/ " a�gr
ity Recorder.
( SEAL )
BILL NO. 12,
Published March $, 1954
March 1, 1954
Honorable Board of Commissioners
From time to time over the past few months, the Hoard of Commissioners
of :salt Lake City has authorized changes in the 1953 Traffic Code
with instructions to this department to prepare ordinances. As the
moat economical and appropriate means of incorporating these ohangee
into the Traffic Code, we have, in cooperation with the Traffic hnginoer,
S. ,5. Taylor, prepared a 1954 Fdition of the Traffic Code with all of
those changes incorporated. This revised code may be adopted by a
single adopting ordinance to become effective on publication thereof
with three (3) copies placed on file with the City 'Recorder for use
and inspection by the public, thus avoiding the expencc, of publication
of a separate ordinance for each authorized change. We have prepared
• and submit herewith such an adopting ordinance.
The revised code, designated as Salt Lake City Traffic Code
1954 Hdition, three (3) copies of which we forward herewith for filing
with the Salt Lake City Recorder, contains those ahanF'er and only those
chanres as authorized by instructions contained in City pecorder's
letters hereafter referred to.
rTith regard to Traffic Administration --
Lotter of 'ebiruary 1U, 1y54 authorizing adoption of the
Traffic Administration Article as part of the Traffic Code,
which Article appears in the 1954 `dition as Article IA.
With regard to Section 68-A on Yield Right-of-Way, S.igne --
This section was adopted by a separate ordinance
passed L�eptember 22, 1953 and appears in the new code.
With regard to Section 12c on Cutbacks --
Letter of August 11, 1253 directing that `section 12r
be amended to reed as follows.:
"No cutback shall he constructed between
a curb line and sidewalk of any street
unless in accordance with a permit issued
therefor by the City Commission on
recommendation of the City TraffT
Engineer and the CIty Engineer.
every such cutback must be so con-
structed that vehicles must park
at en angle not to sxoeed degrees,
and the front of said outback must
not be less than 15 feet beyond the
said curb line and et least 3 feet
from the outer edge of the sidewalk."
'pith regard to Schedule 2-a on Thirty-Five Yile Speed
Zones —
Letter of September 1, 1953 authorizing deletion
from Schedule 2-e of the following:
Alternate U.S. #40 from 13th South
Foothill Boulevard to the intersections of
5th South and 13th East Street.
With regard to Schedule on Forty-Mile Speed Zones--
Lotter of September 1, 1951 authorizing
deletion of the followings
Foothill Blvd. between 1300 South and
the east city limits,
and authorizing addition of the followings
Foothill Drive (Highway Y40) from
1300 East and Q00 South continuing to
a point spiG7i1Titely 500 feet eoutTrly
of the Intersection of"E.00 East and Poet-
Letter of February 9, 1954 authorizing deletion of the
Redwood Road between Sooth City Limits and
North Temple Street,
and authorizing addition of the following:
Redwood Road from its intersection with North
'ALTAe northwt77 point 500 feet north
-6T-7th North (1007,-Niir-fET:"
With regard to Schedule .4 on Fifty-Mile Speed Zones--
Letter of September 1, 19r3 authorizing addition
of the following:
Foothill Drive (Nirhwa !/40) from a
point approximately eet southerly of
the intersection of 11T0 Eaat and. FootaTi
77Tve to the south WET-Ja3T-7ity Limite,
end letter of February 1954 mu oriinp addition
of the followlne:
Redwood Road between youth City Limits
and forth 'fomple Street.
Redwood lioTia from a point 500 feet Eorth
of fth Forth-TIUOu North to the ;orth !.4y
- 2 -
/ 2
With regard to Schedule 6 relating to Traffic Control Sicnals --
Letter of February lti, 12,4 authorizing deletion of
the following:
Seventh Sat end 1st South and 7th East and
2nd South,
and authorizing addition of the following:
Seoond East and South Teeple
Fourth TM 167 '''ourth South
Pourth Fast end irl-RIThouth
State Street & Kensington Avenue
fltote Street & Westminster Avenue
State Street at 130 North
21st Sast andBunn side Avenue
highland DRlie at , ,,, South
3.K4 Seat and 2 at South
TnA West Fa th South
mulqwEgiTla 1 t South
With regard to Schedule 8 on One-Way Streets --
Letter of August 2 , 1933-authoTritripraddition of the
Regent :,treat between 1st South & 2d South,
south bound only,
Orpheum Avenue between State St. & decent
Street, west hound only,
Plum Alley between 2d South C. Orpheum Avenue,
nosh bound only,
All service alleys in the Central Traffic
Dritriot thich hove two or more useable means
of access
Letter of February l , 1951. authorizing addition of the
follorin ':
Sunnyside Avenue west bound only between 13th
East and 11,th 'A,.st
and authorizing deletion of the following:
Helmont Avenue, East Bound only, between 7th
last and Lake Street.
With regard to Schedule 2 on Thro2sh Streets--
Letter of September 1, 12r3 authorizing addition
of the following:
Seoond Zest St. between Ptb South 'A.
and 21st South St.
Letter of December 1 , 1253 authorizing deletion
of the following:
8th South Street between 13th ;last end
State Street,
and addition of the following:
3th South Street between 12th Last and
- —
- 3 -
/ c2
With regard to Schedule 1 -b relating to Hazardous Cargo Routes —�
Letter of July lb, 19;3 authorizing amendment of said
schedule to read as follows:
North Temple St. from the City Limits on the west to 2d
West St. Redwood Road from the City Limits on the north
to the City Limits on the south,
8th West via connecting road from Bookie Hot Sprines
on the north to 21st South St.,
Beck St. from the City Limits on the north to 2d 7.est -
thence along 2d '^'est to the City Limits on the south
Third Test from the Utah Oil Refining Company on 9th
north to North Temple Street,
Vehicles from the east ropy not enter the City until they
reach 21st South and 2d West Ste.
In aecordanoe with further instructions contained in City Recorder's
letter of July 16, 1953, we have prepared and submit herewith a separate ord-
inanoe, the purpose of which is to amend Section 3111 of Chapter XX.X of the
Revieed ordinances of Salt Lake City, pertaining to Fire Prevention to
render this part of the Fire Prevention Ordinance cons stent with the
• Traffic Code, said section as amended to read as follows:
Section 3111: "Tank trucks or trailers making deliveries
to storage tanks at service stations, eereges or other
places within the City shall do so over the routes and
within the hours prescribed by the Salt Lake City
Traffic Code or under the special permit provisions of
Section 107 and/or paragraph (e) of Section 106 of the
Salt Lake City Traffic Code as amended."
With regard to Schedule 114-a on Angle i'arkinp, —
Letter of July 30, 1953 authorizing deletion of the following:
east side only of "C" Street between 8th and 9th Ave.
• With regard to Schedule 1 -b on 30-Degree Angle Parking--
Letter of July 28, 1 53 authorizing deletion of the following:
South side only of 9th South Street between Main Street
and State Street.
Separate letter of July 28, 1953 authorizing deletion of the .fol-
South side only of 2nd South Street between 13th West A.
University Street
Separate letter of July 28, 1953 authorizing deletion of the fol-
North side only of let South Street between University St.
&: Butler Avenue
Letter of February 16, 19514 authorizing deletion of the following:
North and south ::Ides of 3rd South Street between
3rd and 14th roast Streets.
- 4 -
With regard to Schedule 14-d on Parkin! Prohibited at all
Times .--
Tatter of July 2 , 193 authorizing deletion of
the following:
let south Street, south side, between
University Street nnd "ialcott Street.
and, letter of February 18, 19514 authorizing addition
of the following:
South aide of 1st Forth between State Street
With regard to "-',ehedule 14-e on Parking Prohibited at Certain
Letter of February in, 17; 14 authorizing addition of
the following:
21st Solith Street between Main Street and
7TZTe Strut. - south side 77-57tP to 177C1 PM
21st South Street between ' ain Street end
-1"-t-Fit70.--7-EiTo7.7-7-16r17= 777UA to 977 Ar
Pith roard to ScSuduie Iii12 on Lurking Time Limited on tAreots --
Lotter of-T5Zaber 1, 1953 authorizing addition of
the followin :
lythGuth roL, 7'eln Lro. t to )rd ' est
7tat(;MtreeT fi;ov:I7tE775outh-to dleWITInd Avenue
1<onpin,-57-Wvenue fron0/1717:7 7Treet to 2nd. raat
771Tson Street etweeu Pilson Avenue iNd-rieveland
Avenue to the dead-ends
1iTiVexi TTiim Pci Feet westerly to the deed-end
Second astTetween-771I71157i Avenue anirelevaTina
Avenue to the dead-enda
Bryon Avenue b177eon 1413c5r .,treet and State Street
ood Avenue between Major trretaFTE- tfitte treet
Letter of December 1,;, 1214 authorizing addit,on of the
First south ft.reet between let -Sent' & 2d Sect
Letter of December 22, 1253 authorizing addition of the
South side of =,th L,outh between 12th Past P 1,th ',est
T,orth side of to oth between 12F5-77t Etnd 111117st
Letter of February 17, 17rA n' thorizino ition of the
followin :
Third ',est from Lorth ersio appraxi .arely 1/2
blOCT rorth 't70t71:; 01.(10A
First 1,orth between. ;lain Street and State btrett -
n7FTT-1 711E,
ith regard to Schedule 14-1 on Two-iiour Parking Peter :,ones
Letter of ,oveTil5or 177 aciciTEr71 of the
- 5 -
/ 2.
First South Street from Seat Temple to 1st ,A)st St.
Tast and west sidea77-2d Fast St. between Soutir-
Te7TIo and 2d South St.
Letter of December 15, 1953 authorizing addition of the
Dest Temple from 3rd South to hth South
Yrrast betwTi;57 South snd-qth South
With regard to Schedule lh-k on Sastricted Perkinf !jotet 'Zones--
Letter of AuF:ust 20, 1953 -authorizing the following
All zones in the Central Traffic District
designated 22y !Ipp7priEiTo traffic control
devises as truck delivery zones for morianF
Tourii-TiraT1 1100 A.S. and EiT-7o7770"zones
?Tom 11:66-A.
ThQ two ordinances are in prop.3r form for paziotle by your
honorabla boe,rd and the throe, (3) 0Aus of the Salt Lake City traffic
Code 12514 sbnitted herewith for filing with the City Recorder
sre exact arvies of the 1?5,3 code excoot for chances authorized and
directed by the comlasion as oat forth hereinbefore and except for
minor typorraphical errors.
Very truly yours,
Gayle Dean Hunt,
front of 3nbl ration
Tnitrb tatre of Aatrrira )
lions 6180.6181 and 6182,Chanter LIX
1 the Revised Ordinances of Satt,Leke
City,Utah,1944,relating to the adop-
tion of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code-
1954 Edition.
' Be it ordained by the Board of Com.
missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah:
SECTION 1 That Section 6140,Sell- -..-- Da..d. Ccktr'.-
d 8182,Chapter LIX of the Revised•
Ordinanc s of Salt Lake City,1944,be
and the-a a hereby amended to
res ei[<ix°Ileioor Thar. me salt Lake being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
City Traffic Code.1054 Edition,a code.
in book farm,three<31 conies`of which
have been filed for use and examine
lion by the
ubilSalt iei<e officeCitsi and of the the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
Recode establishes rules and'regulations
for the movement
vehicles ake citCand°prov and
Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
for the violation thereof. is hereby
adopted by Salt Lake City as the
ordinances, rules and d tItan_eions Rev
aria d saga sub)ccts antl may be cited
and is Code. 1 as Edition.
sou Lake City That the Notice_.Of_.An_t?rrliraaaCe--rf.=_1ai;inr..-icy---
T SECTION°81814 Alll ti o ordinances o
Parts of ordinances in onflict with
anyE[provodcnr19at the Salton,are Lake
City lldont:i.ori of Salt Lake. CityTrs'Tjc Code 1954,
' SECTION 6162: The declaration by
any court that Manse or provision
of the salt Lake city Traffic Cede, Edition. Dill No. 12
1954 Edition,is invalid or unconstitu-
Atonal shall not affect the validity of - -- - - - - ----
'the intent pof this°o dinance'to adoni
each section and provision of id
code separate and
sections apart from all piper
or articles a opiniot ....-.
SECTION C II. Inse the mt i n of the
Booth of ease, health
n is naoee. -
-iie,;bn`nabitents of°salt Lake Cir'man of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
this ordinance shall heconic effective
SEC po This nrdinxlicits firsta shall
rti0SaltdL y the
e Bto dU of Com,thmissio3rd ers' issue dated the....-... l�bn
of March,1954.5
NS.5OL J. GLADE, day of March , 19._-54
city Recorder.
Publish a march 8th,1054 -� and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
for .. -
thereafter,the full period of one
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the -8th --day of
J'ia s' h ,A.D.19 5i.y
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..__._ _9th.. day of
March ,A.D. 19 54
Notary Public.
Nov 25 1057
My commission expires
Advertising fee $