12 of 1962 - Annexation, Annexing and rezoning a portion of the subdivision known as Arcadia PASSED Heights Plat ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, - ..February 14 , 196 2
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . t� J
Harrison . . / 'r .4" L
Romney . . . V
Result . . . .
WHEREAS, on the 15th day of January, 1962, there was filed with the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 4 of 1962, by Parley's Grazing
Association, being a majority of the owners of real property situated in
the tract herein described, requesting that said tract of land be taken
within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused ivy en accurate map or
plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the
City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and
there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part
of the said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin-
ing said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering the
circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board
in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that
an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of
the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly:
NOW, THEREFORE, be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same
hereby are, extended and enlarged so as to include the following described
tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 23, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake
Base and Meridian, said point being on the present City
Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City; and running thence South
89° 411 10" East, 130.0 feet; thence South 70 20' 40" East,
348.75 feet; thence South 7° 30' West, 110.17 feet; thence
South 34° 00' West, 286.48 feet to the West line of the
Northeast Quarter of said Section 23 and the present City
Limit Boundary; thence North 693.34 feet to the point of
beginning. Containing 2.067 acres.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that the whole of the above
described property be and the same is hereby zoned as Residential "R-2"
takes effect the said tract of land above described shall henceforth be
within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential
"R-2" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, juris-
dictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City
are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of
land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be
controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said
city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence-
forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of
Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the
County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above
mentioned, duly certified, and acknowledged as provided in such cases,
together with a certified copy of this ordinance.
Passed by,the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
14th day of February , 1962.
%%l%1,1 vZ C (�� �/
t R r
BILL NO. 12 of 1962
Published February 17, 1962
Certified Copy given to the City Auditor's Office for the County Recorder, the Utah State
Road Commission and the United States Post Office, February 21, 1962
t t.1 Jti /04 v , y- ."t i. (.� r/ �c, e/ ,)6 - /
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, February 14
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
21st day of February 2
City, this 196
City Recorder
February 17, 1962
BILL NO. 12 of 1962
1829380 s00K 1893 Pa�,^E335 (�
Rtcorded At Stee:Got of rr SIM_ fa-f ",—,- J. LL1 2.3 1J62
at. .."12
'2.....�(:M COr Pal.;v.. ...c:Ca._._..-.-..--.—
M�LLI M.J - ., {,_ dsw i+t' Li'w C+mMey, G-0aah/� N�/0 •
BY �L-e.li'/... .tw)Grr, set.._.D G.,Z• ‘.. :... ..
AN ORDINANCE feet; thence South 70 30' West.
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING 110.17 feet; thence South 340 00'
THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. West,286.48 feet to the West line
WHEREAS, the 15th day fof the Northeast Quarter of id
January, 1962, there filed with ection 23 and the present City
the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Limit Boundary; thence North
Petition No. 4 of 1962, by Parley's 693.34 feet to the t of be.
Grazing Association,being a ma - ginning.Containing 2,067
situatedf th In owners
trafcffeal hereinperty
Or- GAINED and lTdeclaretlH that Ot Re
scribetl, r nesting that Said tract whole of the above described prop.
of land beg taken within the limits erty be and the same is hereby
of Salt Lake City,andalso caused d asResidential"R-2" Din-
anlat o be e trier.
anda certified ato orby a competent AND BE IT FURTHER OR-
Engineer tor o bep filed by the
the eCity w„en this AND DECLARED
Ltaken effect
Recorder. the said Tract of land above de.
WHEREAS,the said tract of land scribed shall henceforth be within
Is contiguous to Salt Lake City, the corporate limits of Salt Lake
d there is proper reason why City and zoned Residential"R-2"
' and
should notn be annexed s to and District as inas
ordinance pro-
m de a part of the said city;and vided, and all ordinances, Iurisdic-
fnlssione spof Sall Lake City,of after pBertaininges10 and obligations
erexamining said petition of said own- extended overand made ppli-
e of ai tract of land and c arele and pertient o the said tract
vltedngbythe circumstances usote thereof, alleysna,danaythe
h of slide tract)shall
embers ofg said Board in favor of be controlled and governed by s the
'• - Lakexl annexing and directed land
that o Salt said city
Inulthatanbehalf, ands ot
ordinance should be passed a monuments of the City Engineer shall
ing said territory and the extension thenceforth be taken therein as the
of the city limits of Salt Lake City standards of locations and distances.
accordingly: SECTION 2. Upon the passage Of
NOW, THEREFORE, be It o this Ordinance the City Recorder of
•- dared be the Board of Commis- Salt Lake City shall file, and he
stoners of Salt Lake City Utah: hereby directed to file, with the
SECTIN 1. That the city Molts isounty Recorder of Salt
pll Lake
of hereby Lakere, extended and enld the arged ame bove mentioned,entioned,duly certified,or and
scs to Include the following de- acknowledged as provided In such
ribed tract of land In Salt Lake cases,together with a certified copy
Caunfy, t0-w tt: his ordinance.
Beginning at the Northwest nor- Passed by the Board of Commis-
ner of the Northeast Quarter f loners of Spif Lake CItY, Utah
Section 23, Township 1 South, this idth day t February.1962.
Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base J.BRACKEN LEE
and Meridian.
resent City Limit Bouint ndary of HERMAN J.HOGENSEN Mayor
Salt Lake City;and running thence (SEAL/ City Recorder
South son 41'10"East,130.0 feet; BILL NO.12 of 1962
thence South 70 20'40"East,348.75 Published February 11,1962 (A-26)
Affidavit of Publication
County Of Salt Lake
11HLREA' h 151h d f +/ N OC_F,;CV
X' r�1 t 5 1 Lak¢ i1
P 01100rf tf✓L. A of 19n3, by Paley
Grating A5506,171.,b1n. a Mai owners re prn • Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
°red,ti mn •:;I narpin e�e. P Y 9 9
scrlb-d. •tin that said Iraq
of land be taken ,,ith;n the hinds clerk of the Dl SERF.T NEWS AND SALT LAKE TEhE-
oof Safi atn al ldalso
1 be m`a GRAM, a daily (except Sundav newspaperprinted in the En -
a (cried at y b mnotent 9
to be flied
,h 16e afv lash language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
; f p1 1Eosethr sant
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
I no d� y
,ad,J=Chlbarr of bhe adia><iiy:e ti nd
v.,1 KEAS, the,Beard pt c ett That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
'. a M s'�nf;ds tui k 1c l m Itec
crs of
:. 11 vt 9brik c 1 t ore thi eof d tract of 10.1 and con- L�.ti. 1%'.iCf'! U I hV B"ill NO 12 of 1.762
C faa d tract ntl directedof d lndt to Salt
'ordinance 1fyka.uld b passed a A.n Ordinance annexing paraei- of nxoperty
Can s terrilorr and°gibeextension.
Ifm,_ f 5 ak lty
w rHAAFFORd be r s- to ��@.l,t; T,�tft'; Vl'71y'o
as f •I of SalIket A.tea r c Utah:.
f Salt Thal the limits
���"'r'i ION 1 Thal he city limlfa
010. ol'v pc,and the 5
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C eeyinhit t ,at the NonthWPst
nor the Northeast Quarter Of
R hok "'FI h Idrat
d M idin be' -
IY f C L I3'dV of• 1` 2
w d waspublished in said news a er on re113uat'v 1,7% 1 •
snpm e9a r 1a"easl'eTio:ref: newspaper
th'"' ScidM1 1"1b'10"Easl,JeQ.)S
fe=t; Ikenre Soutn 1� JU' West,
1 Inct; IM1eri Soofh e,1 00'.
csh 29NorJ feet to the Quarter of laic
f the Northeost aors of said
Lin, 23 a the t North
Lirnil Boundary:ttthence North
69131 feel 1 the point of hCf
AN Dbe-e tIfT I61 OR-
DO NE and declared that Ila // y/
f Ihn bed P OPf
/ Lt
Web Lk A,,D EF RTH�R oR al Advertising Clerk I/
lakes effect
lore :aid lts trs o•fn land above de•
idr'b_c .shall here forth be within
n corporate limo is c Sall Lake
Ceti an o roiled a Residential"R-1"
C's r in the ordinance pro-
tiers.vidre, and•ules •l ordinances, lu ofd icy
" tinto obligations a Sell Lake C"I'/.
ncr a�t„dcd to id o rn<i
�;nle a he rryi�iit io the said°ir 1'
nr la a .nd ono ent.. mks, 1.�"�kl
lev�n nil � ye I� �I2rl anon.' before me this clay of
ae nirmmli ana ��ioFina by me
p•alranrat, -wbs anti e<planone f
aid c'iiv In nal betigl, and one 9!� 62
Is of Ike GIY`nginr r shall A.D. t>
ihenaennn bo falcon therein Ctas the
zlr ndordz f bcotlons m,d d
SECTION R. CP,n ih.c P =of
this n Lake
eice he City l eaarn r
sale Lake City M1nll flee, and ofis I
so floc,with the
C R y f Son Lake•
C cadovaony of
ttl theTeti and %�
ark d 0 r with st dtified w Notary Public
ordinanceof this
Passed of y Salt Liked City,c Utall,
M1�ci its av of JcbO rise'SEN2f EE
(SEAL) City Recorder
DILI N0.11 of 1962
Published FebrOary 17,1969 IA.261'
... 4: