120 of 1918 - Amending Section 1376 relating to water rates ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, jJcor,oer 16 ti, 191 . Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Y4/ Neslen 4 Scheid Mr. Chairman ! Result I 1 AN ORDINANCE Ordin. nee Lo,r)r6i- •ection 1376, -:avi.sod ()I:d-i- nancos of _alt ke 3111 a3 al!iended oy on ordinanee 003 Oft by the Board of Uotrdssioner3, 0 /eh 7-Ln, 191S, and omonft- 1(10 1693 of :10.10 Ordinanoeo of Be it ordRino(, by nf of oil Lake (iity, Utah: T',CTTON 1: 11:576, ::?evised ',irdinsnoes of 'ait Lake ettl aNesuod By an o.,:dinonee f0000lt By 130 door/1 of Comrnis,idones, i:_rch 7th, 1"11,,xid :ection 1695, Coin :30(9 Ordin-,nsea of jolt -.1,a1.10 dla,3 of 1911',, he ',rift Inc sawe s.ro looreby shlonded so In .rod Tolioirys: 11376: The annyba rateo fbr a abofiy of ator Try:, lal I -Sse 33 137 uster- works to be 1aid annually in ablvanee, are be-rcby fif_ed and established as loll no, Churches not -tiling "sy,-,-cLais bo,or -Tor toilets, urinals bnd Fos° connect:ions Tnr sbfinklinti '116_ ot'ier sb-r-oses, flity ;Ltro— or loss' a„,() nei,ch additional 7Trd, 3 eents. For ,,iisshin;-J for eoh animal on 3remi0e3, oz, -1- 4-1r I . 11 _4,ri,ro,te dwelling occu.pied by one to, ily (five r'oms or lest . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .... . . ...... . . .. 4.00 Boob additional room. ... . , . :.ch n,dditi enal tint Ltr 5.00 io,bch both tub .. ,... 1.00 a.cb toilet.. 2.n0 ?nbl is .�e'u ooJ., , en ch . .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . ....50.00 For !Al other:,' V21 Cc-_, ''. 0? b" meter end naid. Tor -.t meter From :-rd h1tor fan. 1;lt,, 1919, whenever a lerviee ripe i_, installed ecnreo Lin_ �,n- ?PC _- 'ir w.ier tro1nc of _ .11 _take buty, or ,i'enever „r r crew -re, connected to a private tine which i-: To;L it le4 h:toe from the water I „,:ke City, w ;ar meter „�2..,_a he iUiL.Il.ec'_. � ,a l,e,n o� .t �. - Whenever u_-too meter is inat_a.7lect, the coat of i.n- i stollntion >>'a11. be -paid by the water r ner .( �t'I f1 1.Yirlt For in��tsl L �o^�: at cr cb line ton sa z�, t'i� to H )0� i n one inch For install .ti.on in =h<,.: e '°ni for si;es up to dnd including 1 inch '•' • � .00.. �15.00! �� For sires lit per t_^�,.n 1 i'nch_..... •• .• .•. .,., • •• zallowonce may i-,a of tvao tiou_sand enbie feet 19r every one wlna red ,rd; -roi r-:r:_iin oett.cen properly line :vtd curb line on all wietered rremises .i'or e -oh. avarice of the summer or spriphling see >on; OO'iever, tr -.'L the minimum the a'L;;: of 50 cents per mont-,1: most he uhid, and no more ih.cn two such credits shall be ":f1.o-',od in each csiendaiyear; I and provided 1'tia:•1'ner, tn_,t aueh crc;u is >h<1.1 not he allowed where such p"rk_ing is not properly rnsi nt_i ned. Where a. building is L.o es erected , ' , , ._-,4i_on ;hell be -ode for service eipe in the re0 1 .r me,nner,, -.nd all water consumed in the construction of s 'cn Dodd n -'-0 i be paid ;It h._',1J. no rnla;,,n'r7. for any con- tractor svt regulcr meter :.tes. � - tractor or other person enj: ^fed in brildi ng constr.,acati on nanrk -2- trz , to use water :I_faom the city water iftaine except throuh k:eter as provided hore.in, provid ad, however, the t not apply to buildinas under construction I'OT tE) city. It shall he 1111 Hi' :131•1 person to a()face 0.r destroy Fill,' drinkir liooetoin, 1„::).ter pipc, ve, or ayiour LOD arc e c on n 0 tOct with the wa ter toe, o t :bake (.1 ty. 9ECION 1395. ??.ITIM i7hen porbyliFiion is granted by the bard ot donrOssioners to ony ro, , 05 ye to put in a privete wo.ter the vyhole cod; • the some she be pad d by the pore on or 17or10r5 o inior duo! permission. 4,11 ,T1A011 Se):-ViCe ohell be majntained end kentI in yowl repair by the , and users there oi', t their own coot end expense. In all, c,,ses a eparate curb box ''rid shell be in tallA ad -Car eoch 3er—rr''..te property. thouid one connect to a pr:va te h oUl a er,,,it d-ro, -Lc; a ter works d rttent tbe ter hlay be -L off o,t e lfl until a perh,dtis Lode obt ond yensos Of 97-11AtirIC: -rd v,rnintrI on is paid. whebb3var a city ,J,a n 3hall ''are been la]d in Front alrood 77 connected to a privL,,to 'lne, the or'iar or occupant s1lo:11, nOP ce from -the Suns bocci(nit ef 1,Ia-'terworka, secure the noes a so:by' "enfl1 t rec onno •tfi On by the 15terworks Aeportment upon re,1 ty (xi' the Wato i3,1 .11E -3h1,t Off. oni.:(11.o,n of the 30 Co,Adioei one-fp .t, is necessary to the heal , peace oo dicnt , off -Lao btr; Ibis @11 y ti,L),t, this ordinonce become e:t' ec,ti,.re • 11111 1 \ , li 1! ....., ;,I IJ1 III ; 1 I Jj L'Iatdr 3: ';'Idi d ordf,nanae -311,1l d,d,ddc ,-;i' (-)c t ti-d-dnuary ldd 1,, 1919. 2a -led by the lina-rd crf Co,,,,di acioroi.- oif ,21t . ..-d1;d, di-; t,,,r, 11,,d•h, j )ed;r,rnber 24th , 1018. 1 ; ' 11 I, •. lira;;;ot.*•,,,ip—•:;d, ------ I ' 7 11 j; _,d ,y dd:eecydodi r. r 1 , d , ' 1 • 0 J , 1 'i I ; 11 i IJ1 , I ; d JI7 I 7 ' I 1 7 , J i i I 1 i 1 t I 1 ! 1,1 1 '. 1 ' 1 I I i 11'. e N Ci r'. xi \' � ex S,t .i e sOe ,-- E. [hh[am� �t- `�,u, .Al. a e / 4. :74 el trikl co ems-+ -- j: j •\ "a ... - .__... rep� < ikf 51 izil a., 0 .02 If 1 .„:' CA `, \