120 of 1979 - Amending sections 100-1-22 and 100-1-23 and adding section 100-1-6A, increasing th impound fee for u • ROLL CALL ( i
VOTING t Lake City,Utah, September 4 ,19 79
Mr.Chairman 1111111 ,�
I move that-the idinance passed.
A raz ®-
Greener ,( ( .fL (C'/6' <�
Campbell rj11111
Phillips ®.
Result ■.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 1 of Title 100 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 by AMENDING Sections
100-1-22 and 100-1-23, relating to impounding of animals and
ADDING a new Section 100-1-6A, relating to limitation on cats.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
That Sections 100-1-22 and 100-1-23 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to impounding of animals,
be, and the same hereby are, AMENDED as follows:
Sec. 100-1-22. Impounding - Disposition of animals.
(1) Animals shall be impounded for a minimum of three (3)
calendar days before further disposition, except as other-
wise provided herein. Any animal which is impounded and
is wearing a current license, rabies tag or other
identification designating the owner of the animal and
where such owner may be contacted, shall be impounded for a
minimum of five (5) calendar days before further disposition.
Reasonable effort shall be made to notify the owner of
any animal wearing a license or other identification during
that time. Notice shall be deemed given when sent to the
last known address of the listed owner. Any animal
voluntarily relinquished to the animal control facility by
the owner thereof for destruction or other disposition need
not be kept for the minimum holder period before release or
other disposition as herein provided.
(2) * * *
(3) * * *
(4) * * *
Sec. 100-1-23. Impounding - Redemption. The owner of any
impounded animal or his authorized representative may redeem
such animal before disposition provided he pays:
(1) The impound fee;
(2) The daily board charge;
(3) Veterinary costs incurred during the impound period,
including rabies vaccination;
(4) License fee, if required.
Fees shall be charged at the following rates:
Impound Fee
First confinement
Currently licensed dogs $15
Unlicensed dogs $30
Other animals with identification $15
Other animals without identification $30
Second or subsequent confinement $20
Per calendar day of confinement $3
Second ,or subsequent confinement shall mean a second or
subsequent impoundment of the same animal within the same
calendar year or before March 1 of the next calendar year.
No impound fee will be charged the reporting owners of
suspected rabid animals if they comply with Section 19
SECTION 2. That Chapter 1 of Title 100 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to animal control,
be, and the same hereby is, amended by ADDING a new Section
100-1-6A as follows:
Sec. 100-1-6A. Limitation on cats. No person or persons
at any one residence within the City shall at any one time
own or keep more than two (2) cats at any such residence.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 4th day of September , 1979.
G 6
BILL NO, 120 of 1979
Published September 8, 1979
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
A ORDINANCE AMENDING ChIt I of Tine 100 of Ihr Shana D. Conaty
Reviseb d Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Web,1V65 by AML ND'NG
Sections 1 1.22 and 100.1,3,rotation to in ndlnn or animals
and ADDING a new Section 100 -RA,reefing to Inn.tafrnn nn
Be It ordained by the Board of Cornmissionors of Salt 1 ake
City.,tan 2,P„heRey;Sedordirtanrr. Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is legal
That Sections 100-1-22 and 100.1-
beSab Lake Cdy,Utah,'968,relating tormpoundinnnf animals, advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
,and the same hereby aro,AMENDED as follows.
Se,. Onllb2. Impounding f)Isnosdion p mats. (I)
Animals shot'be Impounded for a minimum of threea(3)calendar (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
hererbCavan`im`alwhicnislimpoundedandi°'we�.acur:°nt language with general circulation in Utah, and
license,rabies ta''0 or other identification desIgnating the owner
of the Reim'land ones°such Winer mazy helcontacte sshano e published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
minimum n
disposition.Reasonable effort shal`be made to notify the State of Utah.
owner of any'animal wp r'rn9 a license or other Idretlfication
duo,'hal'woe.Notice shall be deemed given when sent In the
last known address el the tisfed owner.Any animal volenlacly
fo,''destruction or „er dikfo'si�lo ne a by the
for tee That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
minimum holder period before release ar other dlsooslllnr es
herein . .
Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
Sec. d animal
3.I m,alnv- Rednrnpson.The n
undetl animal a his anon n rho did bena s: owner
retl Tim
�;ry a)))i he onnerh msnnel eee eeey,ded be eevv: impoundin9 of animals
(2)The daily bf a,d charne: g
'l])veterinary costs
red dorimr the impound po nd,
a ' Jin rabiesvaccination:
(al lefeefr rd.
Fees shall be charged al the followinn ratos:
impound Fee
First confinement
Currently licensed dons S'S
Unlicensed dons S30
Other animals with identification Ott
Other animals without identification 430
Second'.subseauenl confinement E20
Perr'.alendar day of confinement Tt
svhseguend orn impoundment ont f Ines eret shall
y threosame withiean n r
calendar you e°beim March l ofathe next calends.-year. waspublished in said newspaper on Sept. 8, 1979
No impound fen Ih bn ehareod he repot Eno I owners of Y p
s rabid a^It^a Is if they rnmnlvwle addo'n 19 herein.
u SECTION 2.That Chanter We n00 a'the Pecker'
I Ord f Salt r k ln, Una 9 to a o1.
be,100 and the hereby amendedb ADDING ..Inn
00 dA
Sec.Ifp e6A.Lhulta a.ocr-SOnY Any
One r,sidence h fluCity I 1 re Hose keen r
men than1 (2)c 1 t h ion Meals.�d `.'
SECTION..le M not th.B d f Com l '
SarLk City, tots health d l Legal Advertising Clerk
the inhabitants of Sall Lake City thatthis oadlr ante bern»e b
elleclive immediately •
SECTION].',hi,ordinance shall ink,Piferl upon Its+I st
Public aflon.
Passed by e Board n'Con rnnors of Salt Lake City,
Utah,this etc dry of se esc.ebeN 2s aynr 18th
-fED I-wMsoN ire me this day of
City Recorder
(SEAL) A.D.1979
B d I NO 120 of Imo
Published September e,'EN IC-a01
e-fir y/�
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
yeb. 13., 1982
� t