121 of 1911 - Ordinance 121 of 1911 – Repealing levy on Sewer Extension No. 248, Second Partial Estimate. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance repealing an ordinance entitled "An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property on all streets 'within the district bounded on the north by Fourth North Street, on the east by West Capitol Street, on the south by First North Street, and on the west by First West Street, in Sewer District No, 1, for the construction of sewers", passed by the City Council December 4, 1911, and approved by the Mayor December 5, 1911. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That an ordinance entitled "An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property on all streets within the ' district bounded on the north by Fourth North Street, on the east by West Capitol Street, on the south by First North Street, and on the west by First West Street, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of sewers", passed by the City Counoil December 4, 1911, and approved by the Mayor December b, 1911, be, and the same is hereby repealed. C SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take eflect,bpon approval. AA ,I�qe ,l Pa:iscd 1)y thr, Cityy Coynncii oS :-in1- ]nCM City, lit:rh, 57,;,�mhpx r '11;;h, 191.1, iin i 'Y.'nJ ;.CCr,u 1,o 1, _�o " �j k ti�i i. _. il. (lr(i r. Yi d this d Ti�of •i)ec ,rh•'r, 191.1., a• . ,- _F` r;r :;'ro Tors. . . ,-. `- ,,; : • • . EctAxicao lit_c . sagg#410 * aill 1144,4444 dessat444 4144 alith000pe itaigeosso Si 4444.04 its illi itel-rattiTq '.“.) *0060001POO stir 40t klititifte * lithili .tea*O4 iftell 4404aet 461 A1yea *At ma emetiose tafttaft adt falt.d44-. 1" .4 —4.4% ig eft* Of go tiriVit kW**ANO-4101-400440-111,- ... , . . — ;-,': •_.-- tr,tr4t14 -,inut 04-4"woillitjatssirmicaisma 1-428,00 40 W $04014 _.afteStstalN ofitssitspos ide setil J O ; ,I441 tb - .--. . p f,t '' , VA : - Ime to itetue. -..,1‘ - - • ' • 110W-qt-. . . f c':-+ . Er :-,- Trikmike • , .0. . 'aae "0 se '. -_ gitrtA filitsest‘,•.". - ::: '.1kilie temsi estsesib k - 7 *a ''-e orteg vis AS+ - , 4.,1 .14.#010 t4fig VS — 541. -01 ,L . t/sivhdia yawed - tt t r tarn q4 tam adt ij ate Th'i- .* Tadmee04 414410441 vikt ad* 44 4 - - .41141FIRS. IlLadaiitiala _ , Ft-f rsvms elk/ 111Prild-ftee .heLtteipft 444,e4 . 1.4vorracta setor **el* willit Ueda sematfyx0 maA, .3 U-:-IITOP_8 rf 1.:,,r-tr'