121 of 1980 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezoning property betwen 700 and 900 North. and Redwood Road and I-215 to R SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 121 of 1980 (Rezoning of Morton Meadows Area) AN ORDIANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO REZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has previously determined after public hearing and deliberations reviewing citizens' testimony, planning and demographic data and on inspection of that portion of the Rose Park community involving the Morton Meadows Subdivisions in the area between 700 and 900 North from' 607 feet west of the centerline of Redwood Road west to the east line of the Utah State Road Commission's proposed I-215 Belt Route that a comprehensive rezoning is appropriate in order to foster and preserve the viable neighborhood and housing existing within said area. Said Council desires by its actions, to encourage development and growth in a community that will be compatible with the best interests of these particular neighborhoods, as well as the development of the City as a whole, and therefore hereby adopts the following amendments to the Use District Map provisions of Title 51. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "Use District Map" as adopted by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED as follows: That the following described parcel of real property situated in the Rose Park Community involving areas included within the Morton Meadows Subdivision plats located between 700 North Street and 900 North Street and beginning at a line which is parallel to and approximately 607 feet west of the centerline of Redwood Road extending west to the west line of Section 26, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian which 121 �1 is near the proposed I-215 Belt Route, which is presently zoned Residential "R-6" be, and the same hereby is, rezoned to a Residential "R-2A" classification as described below and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: "R-6" to "R-2A" Beginning at a point which is 39.00 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 8, Jordan Plat "A" located within the southwest quarter section of Section 27, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence west along a north line of 700 North Street, 1,966 feet more or less to the west line of Section 27, Township 1 North, Range 1 West; thence north along said west line of Section 27, 1,479 feet more or less to the extended south line of 900 North Street; thence east approximately 1,966± feet along said south line of 900 North Street to a point which is on the northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 8, said Jordan Plat "A"; said corner also being approximately 607 feet west of the platted certerline of Redwood Road; thence south along the east lines of said Lot 9 and 2 of said Block 8, a distance of 1,479 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contains 67.73 acres more or less. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be effective 30 days from the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9th day of December , 1980. AP HAIRMAN ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on December 9, 1980 Mayor's Action OR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER �� (SEAL) —2- BILL NO, 121 of 1980 Published — December 17, 1980 121 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Shana D. Conaty SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Nd.121 of 1980 (Rezoning'of Morton Meadows Area) A.N. OR'OINANCE AMENDI O{�SECTION 51-12-2 Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal DI- NANCES'','OKH REVISED LLAKE P Y g CITY UTAH, 1965, AS advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily AMENDED, RELATING TO Sunday) REZONING AND FIXING (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English BOUNDARIES OF USE DIS- TWHEReAs;lheCltycounclt language with general circulation in Utah, and of Saar Lake City,Utah,has published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the Publ � determined after Y Y ic na img and deuera- State of Utah. Bons revie ,�11�1 citizens'test. rile lading andn demo- graphic data.and Insane lion of that portion of theRose MPark erlonmmunBs Involving nvolvi gthe That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Subdiisions in the area between 100 and 19h110 Norl nfllne 607 feet west the cenntrmihecast Redwood linef Pub notice of Ordinance #121 of 1980 the Utah S1ate.Road Commis- Rsion's proposed I-gas Dell oute that a comprehensive f appropriate In down toter. d r e the vi ble ing within SC d housingSald.Ceuncil desiresi sold Ilse actions,:to encourage de. veloement.k:and growth in a unity that will be c community with the Trost interests of these particular neighbor- hoods, well as the develop- meet of sthe City as a whole, tand therefore hereby adopts he following amendments to the Use District Map piovi slons of Title.51. NOW,THEREFORE,be It ordained by the city Council Dec. 17, 1980 of Salt Lake City.Utah: was published in said newspaper on SECTION 1,1hat the"Use ' District Mali'as adopted.by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake Cite, Utah,1965.as amended,relat lng tothe 11d of bo d I s \ of Use Dist, 1 be the 1`. ,\ l artn b AMENDED s loll \.i 1, !1 ;✓�.�`+ �, /..., '1 t0 ,_-. i to /v parcel f That the I 1 ll log 1pe property`t - {TI -t d Legal Advertising C erk o• �(/J} ednityln involving Rose l ing Park Included o Thin the Morton Meadows I 1 Subdivision plats located between 00 North Street and „°I*ng N,rm„s;r;ebi F 1�"n1- rn to before me this 26th day of lel to and approximately col Feel West of e centerline of lRedwood est Road extending ion 2e A .19...69.. Township I Norih, Range I West,Sail Lake B, A Me- ridian which e - / • " ed I215 Ben Roo., hki 1/// isnr fl -1k id I'-1 Ris be,and 1 here- by 2 rezoned I - Ill / R 2Aclassificationd de- scribed bet m b C n (iG t scribDistrict Map amended 1d .. chan0ed a«orAin0ly: Notary`Public Beginning pod which i 1 s 90 fast north of the southeast r f tot a.Mork corner Jordan Plat he located southwest within the onhiotter n TOwlnsh p Section Nori , ,plres Range 1 West, Salt Coke ease and Merld. Ian;thence west along a north fine of ]W North Stn 1,966 feet 981 less o the More line of Section 21, Township 1 North, Range 1 West,thence north long said west ine of Section2le 1,aI9 the) more ICsoltlh line of 900 North Street; thence east approximately 1,9M-1-- feet along Said south line of 900 North Street to a point which u on the northeast corner of Lot 9,Black a, said Jordan plat "A";said to also being a primately 60/ feet vts1 01 iho Matted centerline of Redwood Road; thence snulb atone the east lines of said Lot 9 and 2 of said Mork 3, a distance of 1,4/9 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contains 67/3 acres or less. SECTION 9.This Ordinance hall he effective 30 days fromthe date of i15 IBM publics Ion. Pas by the City Council t Sat Lake Cltb,Utah,ihls Oth Ong of December,Whitehead RnnaldJ AIRMAN CHhIrAIRMAN ATTEST: MildredV E CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on December 0,tnMayor's Action itd L MAVOR ja 1]Wilson 1 0f 2 ATTEST:• Mildred Mred V.Hlghain INBPIpLthOd.13eo 1br v,Ieee