122 of 1902 - Ordinance 122 of 1902 – Relating to sale of intoxicating liquors, prohibiting the sale thereof on AN ORDINANCE . • AN ORDINANCE'IN :P-LAPION PO PRP SALE OF INTOXICA'PIN LIQUORS; PROHIBIPIND THE SALE THEREOF ON SUNDAYS AND TO VINOR2 AND OTHER PERSONS; PRESCRIO[N, CERTAIN RC:n,PRIC- TIONS AND REGNILAPIONS IN RELAPION PO PHE LICENSIN:= OP THE SALE OP INPDXICAPINO LIQUORS; PROVIDING FOR THL REVOCATION OF LICENSES IN CERTAIN CASES AND REPEALIId3 ALL INCONSIS- TEN'T ORDINANCG^. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. UNLAWFUL TO SELL LIQUOR WITHOU'P A LICENSE. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, barter, Aive away, serve or in any manner deal ' out or otherwise dispose of any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicstin3 liquors without obtaining a license so to do as hereinafter provided. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, aeon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceedin3 one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for 'each offense. Section 2. TERMS DEFINED. A manufacturer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is one; who manufacturer any of the before-mentioned liquors, and sells the same at wholesale, as follows: If in keys, not less than two sallons; if in bottles, not less than one dozen; hut no such liquor shall be sold or otherwise disposed of to be drank on the premises where manufactured. A wholesale dealer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is one who sells oh other- wise disposes of such liquors in any quantity of five (5) 3allons or more. A retail dealer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is one who sells or other- wise disposes of such liquor in any quantiry of less than five (5) Gallons, and also by the , lass or dram to be drunk on the premises where sold. A restaurant keener, as contemplated in this ordinance, is one who makes the cooking and servin? of food to the public his prinoinal occupation, or one who runs a unchroom or eatinV house in connection with a bakery, boardins house or hotel, o�her• ornestablishment, exceptin4 w'salOor A druAAist, as contemplated in this ordinance, is one who makes the compounding of medicines and the sale of drugs and medicines his chief occupation, and who, upon occasion , sells intoxicating liquor by the bottle or package, or in compounds or mixtures, but never exceedin3 five (5) gallons in quantity in any one sale; provided that any sale of intoxicating liquor by any druyyist in quantity of five (5) Gallons or more, shall be deemed to make of him a wholesaler, and subject him to the payment of a wholesaler's license as in this ordinance provided. The word person shall he deemed to include individuals, firms, associations or corporations; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the sindular; the masculine includes the feminine and the word minor shall be deemed to include all persons under the age of twenty-one years. Section p, UNLAWFUL TO SALL LIQUOR 'WITHOUT PROCURING A LICENSE AND GIVING BOND. ONE PAR ONL1 TO BE OPERATED UNDER EACH LICENSE. USE OP CELLAR FOR STORAGE PURPOSES PERMMIPPED. It shall be unlawful for any person enyayed in the sale or other dispo- sitior, of spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxi.catin5 liquors, or enya ed in any 1_22 • k • r (2) business where such liquors are at any time soli or otherwise disposed of as an adjunct of sail business, or whether enlaned in any such business at wholesale or , , retail, or both, in Salt Lake City, to conduct sail husiness without, first procur- ins a liquor license ant nivin; bon] therefor in the manner hereinafter prescribed, Erav%3e3, that no more than one bar shall he operated under one license, and provided further, that any person to whom a license is _sranted under this ordinance may use a cellar or storehouse for storale purposes only. Any Jerson violatinu any of the provisions of this section shall be learned suilty of a misdemeanor an], aeon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for period not exo.ee]in4 one hundred -;lays, or by both such fine an] imprisonment for each offense. Section 4. FCRV CR APPLICAPTCN ANC BOND FOR LI5UOR LICENStl. Applications for liquor licenses shall be made by petition to the City Council by the applicant and filed with the City Recorder; sail petition must- state definitely the particular place etwhich said liquors are to be manufactures, soli, or otherwise dispose] of; whether et wholesale or retail, and enet.her as a saloon, restaurant, or drus store. At the time of filin4 his petition, the applicant shall deposit with the City Treasurer an amount of money equal to one quarter's char for the license applied for, which sail sum of money shall he refunded to the applicant upon demand, in case the license petitioned for shall not be 5ranted by theiCity Council. The aopli- cant shell also file with the petition a bond rur;nin` to Salt Lake City conditioned that lurin3 the continuance of his licence he will keep an orderly and well reyalat- el house, an] that he will not allow 4a.nblin4 in any form within the premises where htis business is conducted; that he will pay all dama4es, fines and forfeitures which may be ad.ju14e] a5ainst him under the provisions of this ordinance and under the provisions of Title 82 of the Revised Statutes of Utah, 1°C9, an] the amendments thereto, which said bond shall be in the sum of one thousand dollars for all whole- sale and retail liquor dealers and manufacturers, an] the sum of five hundred Jolters for all restaurant keepers and druscists, with two or more individual sure- ties or one corporate surety, said sureties to be approved by the Mayor. To the sail bond shall be attached a justification to the effect that in the case of individual sureties, sail sureties are residents within Salt Lake County, State of Utah, a.nd worth the amount specified in said bond, over and above all .just debts an] liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution; and in the case of a corporate surety, sail justification shall be to the effect that, sail surety is qualified and authorized under the statutes of Utah to do business within sail State as a surety oomoany. Section 5. LTCE'ISE: 'TO RR ISSUSD ONLY TO 'THA cROPhl'5POR OF THE PLACE LICENSED. LIORNS(+s NONTRANSN55RARLE. No retail liquor license shall be issued to any person other than the proprietor of the place for which it is issued. A retail liquor license shall be non-transferable, except by consent of a majority of the City Council and it shall be unlawful for any person to do business under a license transferred to him without• such consent. Any person violatin4 any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed suilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be:punishe] by a fine in env sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. (2) Section 5. APPLICATIONS FOR RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSES PO PR REFERRED PO PHh CHIEF OF POLICE" FOR HIS RECOMMENDATION. P11 applications for retail liquor licenses shall be made by petition to the City Council and shall be immediately referred to the Chief of Police for his approval and in no case shall a license be issued without his approval thereof, endorsed upon, theapplication. The Chief of Police shall return all such applications with his approval or rejection to the City Council for final action thereof within five days after the receipt of such application by him. Section 7. SALE OF LIQUOR BY THE DRINK PY A RESTAURANT, HOTEL OR BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER PROHIPITED. It shall be unlawful for any restaurant, hotel or boarding house keeper to sell, give away, or in any manner dispose of any kind of intoxicat- ing liquor by the drink. Any such restaurant, hotel or boarding house keeper may obtain a license to sell bottled goods or intoxicating liquors in original packages only, by taking out a license, for "battle: goods at retail" as hereinafter provided. Any persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, soon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars',' or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense. Section 3. SALE OF INTOXICATING LICUORS 5' THE DRINK, OR IN QUANTITY EXCEEDING FIVE (5) GALLONS WITHOUT A WHOLESALER'S LICENSEE, B' DRUG SPORES, PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation conducting any wholesale or retail drug store or stores in Salt Lake City, to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intoxicating drink of any kind, by the drink to be drank on the premises at any time. It shall also be unlawful for any such person,firm or corporation to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intoxicating drink in any bottle or package in quantity less than five (5) gallons, unless said person, firm or corpor"t,io base n shall first after ewise procured a druggist's license to sell liquors as hereineprovided. It ,shallnbe unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intoxicating drink in quantity exceeding five (5) tal_lons, unless such person, firm or coroora.tion shall first have procured a. wholesaler's license as in this ordinance provided. Anv person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period nht exceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense. Section 9. LICENSES, WANNER OF ISSUING AND FORM. Upon the granting of any of the licenses in this ordinance mentioned, the applicant shall be entitled to receive, from the City Treasurer, a receipt for the amount of money deposited by him at the time of making his application which receipt shallIrecite the payment by the applicant of the amount of money required for the license'for the purpose specifi- ed in the application and in the grant by the City Council. Upon presentation of such receipt to the City Recorder, a license certificate shall be by him issued to the applicant which certificate shall state the name of the person, firm or corporation (4). licensel,the character of the license issued, the place of business of the licensee, the kind or kinds of liquor to be manufacture, sold or otherwise disposed of, the late of commencement and expiration of the license, an] that the person, firm or cor- poration therein named is July authorize] to carry on the business therein specified, at the place and for the period therein name], and that sail license is not transfer- able. Said certificate of license shall be siynel by the Recorder, with the seal of Salt Lake City affixed. Section 10. LICENSES PO EE ISSUED FOR THR,E MONTHS. Unless otherwise speci- fied all licenses issue] under the provisions of this ordinance shall be for a period of three months, but if the applicant desires he Tay apply for, and the City Council, in its discretion say ]rant, a license for a 4reater period, not exceeding in all one year. Section 11. AMOUNTS TO BE PAID FOR LICENSES. The foll.owin4 amounts shall be ani are hereby established as the quarterly ohar4e for licenses under the provisions of this ordinance, to-wit: As a manufacturer $150.00 As a wholesale dealer, 050.00 As a retail dealer, 200.00 As a restaurant-keeper (nor sale of bottle] loads at retail) 100.00 As a druist, 100.00 all sail sums shall be payable strictly in advance; provided that, in no case shall any payment sale or license issued, entitle\the licensee to conduct more than one place of business thereunder. Section 12. MANUFACTURER'S LICENSE REQUIRED FOR ROTTLIN3 OR CASKING LIQUORS NOT MANUFACTURED IN SALT LAKE COUNTY. Any person, firm of corpiration desiring to eng,a4e in the business of bottling or caskin4 any intoxicatin_ liquors not manufactur- ed in Salt Lake County shall be deemed a manufacturer ant it shall be unlawful for any person to carry on such business without first a.pplyin for and obtainin4 a manufacturer's license, unless such person holds a wholesale dealer's license. AnY person violetin4 any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a_uilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than than one hundred anl fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceelin4 one hundred lays, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offence. Section. 10. SALE OF LIQUORS TO MINORS, INDIANS, INSANE OR DRUNKARDS PROHIBIT- ED. Any person, whether actin 4 for himself or as a.4ent, servant or employee of env other person or persons, or of any firs or corporation, who shall liven sell, furnish or deliver, or otherwise dispose of any intoxicatin4 liquor to any indian or minor, or to any person known to the community as an hibitual drunkard, or to any insane or idiotic person, whether said indian or minor or insane or idiotic person shall buy or receive the said liquor for his own use or consumption, or in whole or in part for the use or consumption of any other person or persons, shall be deemed Aunty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof, shall he punished by a fine in any sue not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceelin4 one hundred lays, or by both such fine and (5). imprisonment, for each offense. Section 14. VINORS,INDIANS,INSANE DR IDIOTIC PERSONS PROHIRIP,dD PROM BRING IN SALOONS. It shall be unlawful for any person to send or take any minor or Indian, orinsane or idiotic person into any saloon, wineroos, or apartment whatsoever, where ins intoxicating drink is soli or dispensed, exceptAdruy stores and the dinin4 rooms of hotels and restaurants. Any person violatin3 any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed w ilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any OUT not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceedin6 thirty Jays, or by both such fine and imprison- ment, for each offense. Section 15. UNLAWFUL FOR MINORS TO VISREPRSSENT AGE. It shall be unlawful for any person, ander the ado of twenty-one (21) years, to misrepresent his a3e and state himself to be over the ale of twenty-one (21) years, is order to lain admission to any saloon or to secure the sale to his. of any salt, spirituous, vinous or other intoxioatins liquor. Any person violatind any of the provisions of this section shall he deemed luilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shill be punished by a fine of not less than five (1'5.00) dollars, nor more than one hundred (T103.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than one hundred (100) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 1' FTMALES PROHIBITED FROM PRINS IN SALOONS OR WINERSO'dt2 BF1T'WEEN THE HOURS OH SSSVSN P.M. AND SEVEN A.V. It shall be unlawful for ar,y person, firs or corporation kcepinl any saloon, to have or keep in connection with, or as a part of his place of business, any wine room or other place, either with or without, doors, curtain or curtains, or screens of any kind, into which any female person shall be allowed to enter from the outside, or from such saloon, and there he supplied with any kind of liquor whatsoever; it shall likewise be unlawful for any such keeper of such saloon, to permit any female to be or remain in such saloon, at any time between the hours of seven o'clock in the afternoon and seven o'clock in the forenoon. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sun not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one-hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred and fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense. Section 17,DANCING;- DRUNRRNNRSS AND DISORDRRLY CONDUCT IN SALOONS PROHIBITED. It shall he unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or any alent, manager or bartender or employee of any person, firs or corporation, enla.led in the business of selling intoxicating liquors at retail, to permit lodging in the night time,. dancing, drunkenness or sleeoins, or to permit anv disorderly conduct in his saloon or place of business. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall he deemed 4uilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in • any sum not less than fifty dollars nor sore than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not ehceedinl one •hundred and fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; for •each offense. Section 1°. SASE OR DISPOSAL OR LIQUOR ON SUNDRY PROHIBITED. Tt shall be (5) unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or any manager, agent, bartender, or employee of any person, firm or corporation to sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of any intoxioating drink at any time during, the first lay of the week, commonly called Sunday, except he be a druggist, and then only for medical purposes upon the prescription of a regularly licensed physician. • Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof,shall be punished by a, fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment 'for a period not exceeding one hundred and fifty Jays, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense. Section 1P. PHYSICIANS PROdIllND FROM IOOMING PRESCRIPTIONS IN BLANK OR IN OIJiINTIIY WITH INPIN'P PO VIOLATN THIS ORDINANCE. It shall be unlawful for any soon physician to issue anynarescription or prescriptions in blank or in quantity or in any manner for the purpose of evading any of the provisions of this ordinance. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense. Section SO. INTNRIOR OF SALONS TO BE OPEN TO INSPECTION FROM THE EXTERIOR OR SUNDAY. All blinds, curtains and screens shall be withdrawn from the doors and windows of all saloons, bars, wineeroocs, and other places. where intoxicating liquors are sold, and all interior doors, screens and blinds and curtains shall he so opened that an unobstructed view of the interior of such places may be had from the side- walk or exterior of all such saloons, bars, rice.rcoms, or other places where intoxica- ting liquors are sold, during, all of the time on the first Jay of the week, commonly called Sunday. And it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation licensed to sell irtexicating liquors at such saloon, her, wir.eroomdor other place, or the manager or other person having temporary or permanent charge thereof to fail to comply with the provisions of this section. Any such licensee, or such manager, or other person, violating any of the provi- sions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be deemed guilty of a ai.sleme^cor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in dry Slim .ot less than fifty dollars nor more than one: hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for period not exceeding one hundred rind fifty days, or by both such fire and imprisonment, for each offense. Section 21. I:IORNSP 10 RE RMOV.FO FOR VIOLATION Cl 'THE PROVISIONS Oh THIS OFDINANCF.. Any person licensed to sell intoxicating liquors, na a rctail liquor dealer or saloonkeeper, restaurant lnecper or druggist, in ,hose place of business either or any of the offense; stated it this ordinance shall he committed, or who himself sha 1 he found goilty of either or any. of sail offenses shall thereby forfeit his license and the sane shall at once, aror Jae notice as prescril-el by law, he revoked by the City Council. (c). Section 27. LTCF'NSe, NOT TO =E RF'ISSIIFD TO AVv PFTiSON CONVICIFD OF AN:: VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCF. Any peme,on, firrr or corporation whose. license to sell intoxicat.in� li-quorshas been; revoke: by the City Council For any cause, shall thereafter he inelicitle, at the. iliccretior of the City Council, to receive any Hearse to sell intoxicatin5 liquors iu ;alt Lake City, an; no oerson shall be elicit,le to receive any license to sell Intoxic:atins liaaors in Salt Lake City who he,sthe:rctofcre been a member of any firm or c:arc cer of any corporation rbo<se li^,Tee has been revoke] as Herein provi e 1, Section NOT VORF'A THAN THROB LICCINSNS TO Hi IFS;]FD PO ANY P JISON 1'0 Sint, INTC,XICATINr;' Not Tore this three licences to :-ell intonicatin<: liquors in Salt Cake City shall be. i..ser-] et „nv one_ ti.mc. to the cane person, fire or oor;^r tion; an3 no 1icetse to sell irtoxicctin3 liquors shall he issuei to any fire or corporation, any member-n or stoc'khol]ers of ah,icch con i.nc3 boll e total of three such licenses. Section 74. r)NLyrlcLJL TO CFLL LIOcIOt ON ANY FLe'CTION DAY. it shall he unlawful. for cry re.roon, either license 3 or urliaen^.c3, to sell, cive away, or it any ..inner :ir000e- of :tiredly or iniirnotly, any sniritaous, vinous, Tait or otter irtcxicntirr0 liquor Cr cry Part of arcs ?av set apart. or to he: set apart f r ]enera.l or special election for any state, county or nuricipal office-re,, except nerr:bers of the Doer:] of Nucatior, except. for ne'iccl ourposr.o uoon the. pre.scrletion of a physician is herein— before proviie:3. Any oerccon violat.in= cry of thc crovisioro of thiee eectior shall he Jenne] Icuilt.y of nisi nr'nnor it-3 upon conviction thereof, ohral_l be punisle] by a Inc; in any sun not le.:,s t.h„ar, ter: Sollars Tor Tore, than one lamina] Sollars, or by impr•isorncnt for a perio] not exceehir,c_, one hunire] -in.ys, or by both suet, fine cni imotisornent,for eacb offense.. Section 25. 4HAYOR TO ISS.n PPOCL,AVAPIONc CLOSING FALOONC ON CERTAIN DAYS AT HIS DTSCRF'TION. The Vayor, whenever in his iu]cnert, the pence, cool or-.icr an] safety of the inhahitaots of the City shall require it, ar] on all laical holiiays, ray by proclamation, forbi] the sale or other 3i.srcositfor of any an] ail ir,t.oxicatir_ liquors for any stet:] perio] of tine, not excce inn it all te.erty—four consecutive: tours. Any person rah_ shall sell or in any nrr.ner Jishose of any such liquors in contre— ver;thor of any suoh proclrmation :<hc11 be ]en:rrrc] Cuilt.y of :, nisierrennor arl upon conviction thereof, shall he pur<isl-eci by a. fine. in ..r.v c:ua not less than fifty ]ollars nor n.orc than one banana lollirs, or by irprisonn,ent for 'oh excee;T— inc one herire] an] fifty ]cc-vs, or by both such fine ur] in,nriccc,nnent. Sectior 7,7% LTCL ONES AC.Oy21 pun, PROVISION113 Ole THIS CFDIH NANCO, Any licensee r.-oeivir] a license ur-3cr the, cmnuieior: of this or]ircnce shall be 3eene3 to here console_] the once- e.ith all the 3utiee:, oblic,.ations, restrictions e;o] linit ati onr-. herein pion 1e-3 for, trconec-i Cc Dart ari parcel of sail licensee without other or further notice er:] without each or any of such provisions Bain specifically incorporate] in tte 1iccnec to hirr c7r!ar<te.I. Seorior; %7. All oRD1NANOAS 1N OONFt1or h1!:Rr;CI-Ph Ru'Pf.ALt'D. All oruin•arces or- part,; of orlie Tees it 2onflict herewith, ens narticularly Sc-ct.iane 12 to c,, both inclusive, of Ot_-pter _ , of the Revic•e3 Cr]in•-.noe.e of ?alt. (,ske Oft.y 1 ^`-" -;na the agar]e.rto thereto, are: hr.rehv rerreras3. (7). ot.ion ORDINANCE TO TPXF, F,FF:CT ri7C!1 PPPPCVPL. This oriinance shall take effect upon approval. Paesei by the City Council cf Cali. Lake City, Utah, December 7th, 12C%, ana re.fe,rre.1 tc the Vavor for hi:, arprcval. City Recorier. Vstoea by the r,ravor,ar3 asyin rreseb,te1 to the City Council, aTenlei on rcccrn- Teriol by the V'r3yor, Fri r oi❑ canoed by the City Council by Tore than two-thir3n roa.jority, Dec. 17t.h, 1?C%, ari referrer to the boyor for his r-ncrovel. City RecoH er. Zpprove.i this 17th The of _noe.n[cr, Vavor. All ORDINNATCE. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE SALE On INTOXICATING LIQUORS; PROHIBITING TIE SALE THEREOF ON SUNDAYS AND TO 1:I TORS AND OTHER PERSONS; PRESCRIBING CERTAIIT RES`TRICTIOITS AND REGULATIONS IN RELA- TION TO THE LICENSING OF THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS; PROVIDING FOR T:•F REVOCATION 07 LICENSES IN CERTAIN CASES AND REPEALING ALL Ii� T4IC,-.-..- . I r.rrC S Bo it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah S;otion 1. UiLLATTPUT TO SELL LIQUOR WITHOUT A LICENSE. It shall be unlawful for and person to manufacture, sell, barter, give away, eir`ve-,__ • { or in any manner deal out or otherwise disrose of any spirituous, -v-f.r.ou3, malt or other intoxicating. liquors without obtaining a li.- tense so to do as hereinafter provided. Any torso:_"violating any of the previsions of this cecti.on shall doo -red guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction iicrco , ,.:''tall be punic•nedby a fine in any „um not loss than fifty d 1a.. _ __er ..-pre than ore hundred -u.d fifty dollars, or by ompri.rom v.n-t: for a _ i net �ecli.nr ono hundred days, or by both such find :(-_ i f .T.Ti s ,:�.o_lt, for each offense. r Sc etion 2., TEIUTS B f1TLEL) A manufacturer, as contemplated in this erft.!;ance, is one who manufactures any of the before;-•mentioned iiru. sells the sane at wholesale, as follows: If in kegs, a%;t less i;1-!an two gallons; if in bottles, not less than one dozen; k no ,Hach liquor shall be sold or otherwise disposed of to be drun', on the premises where manufactured, *A 10311 iM0to 4Nari#'1 111041001.11114441014 fig Chid .14114100,00, .FS S• • 'be rills or otherwise disposes of such liquors is say quantity sr sure," toms �`! swims sri e4, retell 4eals ,: as epitestplatal in this ordinaasat SO oat: who sells or otherwise disposes of sueh liquor in mny quantity of loss than the (6) gallons, and alms by the glass or dram to be drunk on the presidium where sold". • period not exceeding one hundred drys, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense. Section 4/ FORM OF APPLICATION AND BOND FOR LIQUOR LICFNSL'. Applications for liquor licenses shall be made by petition to the City Council by the applicant and filed with the City Recorder; said petition must state definitely the particular place at. .ei.:n said liquors are to be manufactured., sold, or otherwise disposed whether at wholesale or retail, and whether as a saloon,. restrsrt? or drug store, i:d the time of filing his petition., the mp7,,i .,u. .. shall deposit with the City Treasurer an amount of money e:, _ . 00.e querteuts charge for the license applied for, which said s.onoy shall be refunded to the applicant upon demand, in ca.s_s tno Ltense p:.iiti.on^.' for shall not be granted by the City ou;::,'.;.. flie appli- cant shall also file with the petition a bond running to 51i, Lake City conditioned that during the continuance of his iicc i w ll keen an orderly and well regulated house, and that ha t,,i.;._ not :i:i!..ow gambling in any form within the premises where his busi.:a.ecs is con- ducted; that he will pay all daa .ges, fines and forfeituxesi which may be adjudged against him under the provisions of this or-iitn.?.noe and under the provisions of Title 32 of the Revised Statutos of Utah, 1.398, and the amendments thereto, which said bond shall so in the sum of one thousand dollars for all wholesale and recc:. .' ._. cc or dealers and manufanturers, and the sum of five ?:c.l.need fcr all restaurant keepers• and druggists, with two or more .,x,.-1.'.'v.:.c. ..__. sureties or one corporate surety, said sureties to be u proved. •,r the Mayor. To the said bond shall. be attache,1 a justifi.ca.+i.e n ts t.im effect that in the case of individual sureties, said Fui eti.es are residents within Salt Lake County, State of Utah, and woo th the amount specified in said bond, over and above all just debts and liabilities and exclsive of property exempt from execution; and in the case of a corporate surety, said justificat.'rn.. shall be to the effect that said surety is qualified and authorized under the statutes of Utah to do business within said State as a snooty c.inrany PLACE LICENSED. LICENSES NOITTRANSEEPAELE. No retail liquor license shall be issued to any person other than the proprietor of the place for which it is issued, A retail liquor license shall be non-trans- ferable, except by consent of a majority of the City Council and it shall be un1a7ful for any per= to do business under a license transferre-1 to him without snob consen,;. Any per;,1,,r vielutin any cf the :revisions of this seetE,n be deemed J,uil',;y- P misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, s-rail be 1.4-on:_sno,lb,:,, a f1.no in any sum not less tha-h ten dollars nor more t.,.?on ac_11.ao for each offensc. C, TfETAIL IIJoJ.a IJCF1.71S : , 'PO 1440,,9331 fer li40o0 . 1.conses seal. boAimmediate17,-° J777c4-, tho 20-4iosa11. 1 n- case shall a liconso bc ..1ssted • . , - his t4o:eof, endorsed ncor the apDliention. Thc aDplic:at ft t a? hi s apprc v;'7 e.- ,c'1,I., 0), ktnNreaf wi 'cin five days after tho receipt of susl. Soction 7. 0 .eiE 07 LIQVCE BE `1717. DR= CO DOA=NC, HOUSE KEE= FR311.1-31TED. ±t shall be unla,7:7-o", Too Loav restaurant, hotel or bearding house keeper to sell, &i.ve or in any ran= disoose of any kind of intoxicating liquor h. tee drinion An: r.;,eh restaurant, hotel or boarding house hooper may ol)- tain a license to sell bottled goods or intoxicating liquors in original packages only, by taking out a license for "bottle,: coods at retail" as hereinafter provided, Any persons viclatin any of the provisions of this section shall be deecd of u misdemeanor and, upon oonvio lion th,reof, shall be punishedby a f1ne in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period. net afceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine and inprisonment for each offense. ' ' f 1+46 e4. i'witive01010 0401 10 % 'redo, .a. moreppm. riffUWWW#T476. basawo' tog sa sites 0 WIT - 001140,41 41101144100 it rrrt+A 497. /;t.,,Jt. iiN. ; -..« ,- :-" r`+1.04.4. 1f_ ti ,.: dtor ,io Fs c . ,r i st, 4$ 7,i' loill 00511 410,' + • 4,1 r . ct'-,,Ay Itivt 'dMtr.:oa u. 1 1,: :. i` :.,. 3. 4,-*444,r 4 t;v '> ?.viA .,. t.4., Section • SALE P I1TTONICATL LIQUORS B HE DRINK• . BY DRUG S" PROHIBITED, ^""' '•''-- ." ' ---- - - It shal- unlawful , or any-.ers•., firm or orporatio -'onducting ",drug sto or st• -s in L-' e City to 7sell o--otherw ^e -'m ose of , J 1 o or into,;'eating • of y ki by the d- , ,t a imc. sha, oYbe u awful any ucl i per:- , firm o- co; po n to se or oth. rise se of any liciuo- or into-,- eating d nk in bottl ,r pac e, unless said p son, a" ci or cor ation 1 fire iavc Apr ured a druggists lice e to sell iquors ac aeroinaf r provi6ed. Any person violating, any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, cm<U11 be punished by a fine in any sum not less tan fifty dollars nor t more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred days-, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for e ach offense. Section 9. LICENSES, MANNER OF ISSUING AND POPJL Upon she drantinr;, of any of the licenses in this ordinance mcntiorr d., the ap- plicant shall be entitled to receive, from the City Treasurer; a re- ceipt for the amount of money deposited by him at the time of m eir:-. his application, which receipt shall recite the payment by the appli- cant of the amount of money required for the license for the purpose, specified in the application and in the grant by the City Counc7.< Upon presentation of such receipt to the City Recorder, a l-.ce:oso certificate shall be by him issued to the applicant which certificate shall state the name of the person, firm or corporation 12cen.,cd,, the character of the license issued, the place of business of the ].!:oen- see, the kind or kinds of liquor to be manufactured, sold or ot Jr- wi se diqp osed of, the date of commencment and expiration of the li•- cense, and that the person, firm or corporation therein natood is duly authorized to carry on the business therein specified., at the place and for the period therein named, and that said licen..e J '?L44 M • SECTION 8. SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS BY THE DRINK, OR IN QUANTITY EXCEEDING FIVE (5) GALLONS WITHOUT' A WHOLESALER'S Liam 3Y'reva ETQRXS, PROHIIBITED. it shall be unlawful for any persoc-r-.-- firm or corporation °oudueting any wholesale or retail drug store or stores in Salt Lake City, to sell or otherwise disposebof any liquor or intoxicating drink of say kind, by the drink to be drunk -�all alas be unlawful for ow sash, parson, firm or corporation to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intamioating drink in any bottle or package in quantity lass than five (8) gallons, saloon said person, firm or corporation shall first have prosarad a druggist's license to sell liquors as hereinafter provided.. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or otherwise dispose of any liquor or intoxicating drink in quantity exceeding five (5) gallons, unless such person, firm or corporation shall first have procured a whole- saler's license as in this ordinance provided. for each offense. Section 9. LICENSES, MANNER or ISSUING AND FOPIh Upon the grantinc of any of the licenses in this ordinance :^yen tiorr_d., t-re ap- e plicant shall be entitled to receive, from the City Treasurer; a re- ceipt for the amount of money deposited by him at the time of m;:k n:-:' his application, which receipt shall recite the payment by tUe cant of the amount of money required for the license for the pure.s specified in the application and in the T ant by the City Counc' Upon presentation of such receipt to the City Recorder, a ?'.cen',e certificate shall be by him issued to the applicant which certificate • shall state the name of the person; firm or corporation firer the character of the license issued, the place of business of the :L:'•.een- see, the kind or kinds of liquor to be manufactured, sold or oth r- wise diq)osed of, the date of commencment and expiration of the li- cense,cense, and that the person, firm or corporation therein nased duly authorized to carry on the business therein specified.; at the place and for the period therein named, and that said lice '"t transferable. Said ccrtifidate of license shall be signed by the Recorder, Grith the seal of Salt Ln]ee City affixed. Section l0, LICE:SES TO BE ISSUED FOR THRICE MONTHS, Unless _ccified all licenses issued under the provisions of th.ts .�ni1 be for a peruod of three months., but if the appli.•-• , :-. C cirnc he may apuly for, and the City Council, in ;. ;. .. g ._,- a license for a greater period, not exceeding in a_l7. :;. . on .11, 1 .107.1TTS TO BE PAID FOR LICENSES. The following • ae and arc hereby established as the quarterly aharge ,,eo s c under the provisions of this ordinance, tow;Lt,: • a manufacture-, y150; A.n a vdiolcsalo dea-er...................... 250, • a retail dealer SOO; 11 a restaurant-keeper (.EtQr•sale of bottled Amy 160, 10 a. druggist , r++.CLr /co :. s'.a.)_l ')e payable strictly in advance; pr ov l Ycd cl _a] ce payment made or license is, nd- eeti n.o '.:hr; --. ._.12,.,,,, mero than one place of business t. . c . c ., d ,.iea l20 1:52.2.1111110TURERS LICENSE BEQ,Ur I'_iED TOR LI',5O11.S NOT .:ANUT'kCTUI'.ED IN SALT NICE COITNTY. firm o 7 corporation desiring to engage in the business b;ti:_1. or c..s;::ing any _a o::icn.ting liquors not na.roeceturori n - , ,, ' l.. n. , �:��R._�; u,,.a.._ ... cloned a 7:1_.,..�li:lC tUrel �.."t 1. '�.�� ,- any person to carry on such business without finai; applyirg obtaining a manufacturer's license. Any person violating any of the provision.s cf this c . . be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction th f, be punished by a fine in any sum not less than I a:ty oone hundred and fifty dollars, or by iIn.prii ent fc not exceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine nab :wont for each offense. Section 13. SALE Q' LIQUORS TO D NORS; I7]DIALIi, ThS;A::T] Ut P1?C 3fr , Any person, wb er stimg....Le . a-ix: or as „ !. ,on ar '�al ; :;E1 IE T).$ j�_7 rack. J� ..Y l or pert..on , or of _). furnish or deliver, or �,, «ic,.,c�.nf L(uor i;o any Indian or U1; ,.� .i..3(, c?�s.,a„c Cl any drank...-r.wn to the cor.n'�ni Fy as an habitual m Tf'.AG]'. or to any person r� V her,her said Indian or a r J--1 b011 or receive the maid . own ;.r,- ec,_ r c c^., in whole or in part for the covse or por5ons, shall be deemed 5, he o,A, Shall Y o pun dollars nor more than la or ,y imprisopment for a period not ty ,,_ air fine 17 nrra ir.>o�nraen't, cifeasoo erection In I I11%P5I INDIANS, INSANE OR IDIOTIC PERSONS PROHIBIT^ a.i i. be o.pla iul for any person to send or take any minor or Indian, or insane or idiotic person into saloon., irinerorr, apa;..,al,nt whateoev r, yhere intoxicating dfing 15 sold or .oodl dry ari7c sores and c:`n.:.ng SECTION 15. UNLAWFUL FOR MINOR TO MISREPRESENT AGE. It shall he unlaw- ful for any person, under the ale of twenty-one (21) years, to misrepresent his aae and state himself to he over the age of twenty-one (21) years, in order ,; to gain admission to any saloon or to secure the sale to him of any malt, I i spirituous, vinous or ether intoxicating liquor. Any person vlolatina any of the provisions of this section shall he deedied Guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall he punished by a fine of not le>s than five ($5.00) dollars, nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than one hundred (100) days, or by hoth such fine and imprisonment, • agont, servant or eolpi_cyce of r:xL1GA or persons, or of or cortio-s-1, sly $hE,11iicsoil, furnish or delivor, or otherwise dispose of any int=ieting liquor to any Indian or • minor, or to any person 17.so7n to the community as an habitual drunk- • to arc. orsJ., whether said Indian or buy or receive the said ilo his cite ase or csn.rur-xotion, or in whole or in part for the • cr-,fltior c-ner '0Or00A or persons, shall be deemed the reef shall be pun- by a fine too one C loss than fil'ty doliars nor more than , Pt ao.O. fity 'Iollacs, or by imprib,oment for a period not one lounr . Pi.y, a' Ly such fine and iiorisonmenta • o each effensco Section 14° MINORS, IPDIANS, INSANE OR IDIOTIC PERSONS PROHIBIT- SA"LOOS. io1-lall be u.-elowfni for any person to send or take any minor or Indians or insane or idiotic person into tony saanona wineror, or apartoont whatsoevcra where intoxicating drinr is sold or dir,pcnsed, cr;:;ep•;ing or1tr.4 stores and the dning rooms of hotels and restaurants. Any person violating any of the prr,virAcns of this section shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shni3 fs.1 be punished by a fine in any sun not less than five dollars nor more h '7 , than twenty-five dollarc, or by imprjcoument for a period not ex.- . t ceeding thirty days, or by both such fino and imprisonment, for each offense. /6'. irt , Section 1=5. PEWLTPS PROHIBITED I'ROM BRING IN SALOONS ORIVINE- ROOMS BETWElli TEE HOURS Of OINEN P V, An fTEN A. M. v.ball be unlawful for any person, firm or corporaq,i a he€.2-,Ang any saloon, • Lo, 4AmqmmumWL„ to have or keep To connocklon ,- as a .sart of his ' place of business, any wino roa of eta" or with out doors, curtain or curtais , or ,,ove-::Is r,f Fry k-171,1„ Tate which f:.no'e person shall be allowed to enter from the outside, or from such saloon, itrntnurnwt or ot]aeu^ pl^'^a, and there be supplied with any kind of l.i.gour whatsoever; it shall likewise bo unlawful for any such keeper cf such saloon, it nthnn_r,inc►, to permit any female to be or remain in such saloon; at any time between the hours of seven o'clock in the afternoon and seven o'clock in the forenoon. Any person violating airy of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished. by a fine in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one-hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred and fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense. Section Imo. DANCING, DRUNKENNESS AND DISORDERLY CONDUCT IN DA-• LOONS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration, or any agent, manager or bartender or employee of any per- son, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of selling intoxi- cating liquors at retail, to permit lodging in the night time, danc- ing, drunkenness or sleeping, or to permit any disorderly conduct in his saloon or place of business. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a period net e;.cceding one hundred and fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense, 41 Se,ci;ior_ ., SALE OR. DISPOSAL OP LIQUOR ON SUN'DAY P.ROPSBI l'ED. It rnli.be unlawful for any person; firm or corporation, or any manager; ngent, bartender, or employee of any person, firm or corpor- ation to soli, give away, or othenwisc di sn ore of any intoxicating drink at mop lime clueing tro first day of the week, commonly called Sundny, e;ccewt he be.tip,druggist., and then only for medical purposes -9- upon the prescription of a regularly licensed physician. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall Ix punished by a fine in any sun not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for a • period not exceeding one hundred and fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each offense. /9. Section 1E. PHYSICIANS PROHIBITED FROM ISSUING PRESCRIPTIONS IN BLANK on IN QUAN'TIT-Y WITH INTENT TO VIOLATE THIS ORDI1NANCE. It shall b< unlawful for any physician to issue any such prescription or pre s0 ti ens in blank or in quantity or in any manner for the pn_;.cce of ova.: inF: any of the provisions of this ordi nance. Any .ati-Ig any of the provisions of this section shall c.f a ,_isdc:ne aner and upon conviction thereof, shall b.., keoNc; e;,.";; fine ire any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than ccc hundred and fifty dollars or by imprisonment for a period nct c rccod_:i.ny one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment o . h offense, 20 IBTERIOR ON SALOONS TO BE OPEN TO INSPECTION FROM T1TE _;C f,i:0'_? C._. SUNDA . ill blindr , curtains and screens shall be %.1i, raJn from timedoors and windows of all saloons, bars, winerooms, and other places where intoxicating liquors are sold, and all in- terior doors, screens and blinds and curtains shall be so opened that an unobstructed view of the interior of such places may be had from the sidewalk or exterior of all such saloons, bars, winerooms, or other places where intoxicating liquors are sold, during all of t the time on the first day •of the week, commonly called Sunday. And it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at such saloon, bar, wineroom, or other place, or the manager or other person having temporary or permanent charge thereof to fail to comply with the provisions of this section. Any such licensee, Or such manager, or other person, violating 2 1O- any of the provisions of this section shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sru:I not loss than fifty dollars nor more than ono hundred ;end fifty do?.:!.-:_. , or by impri soz:rnt for a period not exceeding one hsu�trod nod fi:rty ,lays, or by both such fine and. imprisonment, for c:d.e1 offcse. 2/ : . LI.( ;:.TS O BE 1T]VOKED FOR VIOLATION OF TIE PROVI- 0 t[c ;: h`. person licensed to sell intoxicating .^tail 7.i.cuo: dealer or saloonkeeper, restaurant keep- st, in whose place of business either or any of the of- this ordinance shall be committed, or who himself 17. Cro":n't. ;wilt;* of either or any of said offcnscs shall thereby ,r..c.., 'h.--s licence and the same shall at once, upon duo notice as :!csu '.uod by lay.^, be revoked by the City Council. ax. Section Ai. LICENSE NOT TO BE REISSUED TO Ally PERSON CONVICTED co 11'! 707:d`,T'i:0 7 OF THIS ORDINANCE. Any person, firm or corporation 1?_1u,., license soli intoxicatin ligenre hasbeen revoked by the ,.. to • Council for any cause, shall thereafter be i.neligible,.to re- • . tic nso tc soll intoxicating liquors in Salt Lake City, and no person shall be eligible to receive any license to sell intoxicat- ing liquors in Salt Lal.e City who has theretofore been a member of rrz«.o r any firm or gtnnirw n1rtrr of any corporation whose license has boon re- voked as herein provided. 23. Section 22. NOT MOPE THAN THE LICENSES TO BE ISSJED TO ANY PERSON TO SPZI, INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Not more than three licenses to sell intoxicating liquors in Salt Lake City shall be isaxed at any one time to the same person, firm or corporation; and no liecnse to sell intoxicating liquors shall be issued to any firm or corpora- tion, any members or stockholders of which combined hold a total of three such licenses. ' -il- 24 Section . UNLAVFUL TO ;ELL LIQUOI'. ON ANY L^IECTIO T DAY,; It shall be unlawful for any person, either licensed or unlicensed, to sell, give away, or in any manner dispose of directly or indir- ectly, any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquor on any part of any day set apart or to be sot apart for general or special election for any state, county or municipal officers, except members of the board of education, except for medical purposes upon tho proscription of a physician as hereinbeforo provided. Any parson violating any of the provisions of this section shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum not loss than ton dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not ex- ceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense. 2S Section 4. MAYOR TO ISSUE PROCLAPMATION CLOSIITG SALOONS ON C :RT/-.Ili DAYS AT HIS DISCRETION. The Mayor, whenever in his judgment, peaces good order and safety of the inhabitants of the Cit• shall require it, and on all legal helidnys, may by proclama- tion, forbid the sale or other disposition of any and all intoxicat- ia5 liciuors for any stated period of time, not exceeding in all ...cn.y four consecutive hours. 1,:v person who shall sell or in any manner dispose of any such l.`.c. lore in contravention of anyr such proclamation shall be deemed misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- c .. :y a fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one hundrcd and fifty days, or by both such fine,and imprisonment. 26. Section . LICENSEES ACCEPTING LICENSES ACCEPT TIE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. Any licensee receiving a license under the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed to have accepted the same With all the duties, obligations, restrictions and limitations herein i .. • -12- provided foi i;xheSsed' a part and parcel of said lioenae without other or fftrt"er Rxi4.4ioc,+arid ^ithout each or any of much proviriots Leine cpecif±cra13 inco `poratod in the license to him granted. 2 . Section ALL 0:t7I AirCES IN CODT_'LXCT HEREWITH REPEALED. All ordinances or parts cyi ordinances in conflict herewith, and parti- culnrly Sections 19 to 29, both inclusive, of Chapter 22 of the ieviccd. Ordinances of Snit Lake City 1892, and the amendments there- • to, nro hct-e",y repealed. 28 Section 2 . oRDIZTI..1i E x0 TAittOilf7ECT UPON APPROVAL. This erdinmec shall tckc effect upon ni al. Passed by the City Council cf.Salt •Lake CI . , Utah, December 8t1,, 1902, and referred to the Mayor for his approval. ' Y_ City Reserder, Vetoed by the Mayer, and agiinpresentetii to the Ay Cohnefir amended as reeem. Tgd d by.th@ Ma 4r a d .� assail bfir the Citty CC uneii 4y eer Haan twa. r�s marsr.7ty,y9L. 4gtt`NI and re�Ferred is itrg 0 a to �pogatE,,. Approved this L7dav of Decenher, 1 902. �jY 'rder, 'Mayor. <, :; 122 �� fG: o - 1 r-r. , • o- ti r .., ti --, ' .ems"-tz.- Cci�'o;� i Zieprirt No►,..�t-, . - �!' ;mead ainxt A[Iiid i . . e 709- �Y� U• ' c, . A.sDe L 0. . Presented to the git/.Cottocii,` frT :m — u�. ' ✓ i L ,..mo L J » • «, f r - a an_d7—'(,0 c DEG 8 "194Z �- >` { , . r h y0. � �j y : is r.� � G -r�r 0 fr 0 -4 >';. C. C!/Ij �� n. f, m O `"i 0 ti - k .., `; '-'- 1C�,ti011 ill, • _ f C - * 3,O IYS'I<ROM. , cqy R«Terms a> 414 _ ...,.... _ s CCI b 11, �. to � � , w s44 t o r t _....; —6W-1. c' r i w ¢ { ew.f + ,,