122 of 1912 - Paving Extension No. 68, First Partial Estimate.' ROLL CALL
-malt Lake City, Utah, .__.Aug. 19th 191..2..
VOTING Yea No I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lawrence VPli
Commissioner of Streets RePublic Improvements
Mortis i _ _...
Mr.Chairman I
An ordinance lovyir a, tax chd for the assessment of property
Oil Fifth East Street between Third South and ITinth South Streets,
in Paving District No. 27, for the urpoe of providin for the
grading, guttering and curbing, and paving thereof.
Be it ordained by the Board of bonril cioliero of Salt .e he
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commit,sioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and orovide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Listrict
I ,
Co. 27, for the purbose of providing for the grading, guttering
and curbing, and paving thereof, to-wit:
In Lots 1 and 8, Block 37; 2, 3, 4 red 5, Block 58; 4 and. 5,
Block 33; 1, 6, 7 and is, Block 34; 1 and 8, Block 2i/6, 7 and 8,
Block 20; 1 and 8, Block 9; 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 6, all in Flat
"B", Salt Lake City Survey, abuttinz on both sides of Fifth East
Street between Third South and Fifth South Streets, and on the
west side of Fifth East Street between *.t.r.i4 South and. Ninth South
This tax is levied to defray the expense or gradiEg, gatterin'.:
and curbing with cement, and paving with asphalt a roadway. (said
road-icy to be sixty (60) feet between curbs and nine and one-half 1
ica*k/kt 9 ) inches thick, the portions of said street oposite the
property horeinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially '
affected and benefited by said improvement, anl. it is hereby adju
determined and established that said property will be e:.Tecially
benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby,leviea, an
said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform
rate in accoraance with the linear foot frontage upon said port to s
of said street fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25)
feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed
upon said paxcels of lend is fifty-three thousehd ninety-two vhd,''g
67/100 ( 53,092.67) dollars; twenty-nine thousand eibt hundred
twenty-seven and 97.;10 (5N29,827.91) dollars, or eleven. and
298451/1000000 (w11.298451) dollars per front or liner Loot of
abutting property for said roadway between Third South and fifth
South Streets, there being 2640 feet of abottine; property within
the boundaries of t'-e lots, bloc]ee Sala street above mentioned'in
said district; and twenty-three thousand two hundred sixty-four
and 76/100 (5j23,264.76) dollars, or ei;f..t and. 8958081/10,000,000
(0.8958081) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting :pro_nerty
for said. roadway betc-een Fifth South and Ninth South Streets, there
being 2615.25 feet of abutting property within the boundaries of
the lots, blocks and street above mentioned. in said district, which
is the total cost and cost per front foot of said pavement, accord-
ing to the contract entered into for the performance of said Bork
II -
and. making said improvement, with P. J. :loran, dated. the 24th day
of November, 1911, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and
directed. to assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordi-
nance, for the purpose herein mentioned:
Fifth East Street between ird Louth and Fifth South Sts.
The east side of Lots 1 and 8, Block 37; the west side of Lots
2, 3, 4 end 5, Block 38; the west side of Lots 4 and 5, Block
the east side of hots 1, 6, 7 and 8, 'Bloc;_ 34, Plat "B", Salt Lake
City Survey.
Fifth East Street between Fifth South and. Ninth South Streets.
The east side of Lots 1 and 8, Block 23; the east; side of Lots
1, 6 and. 7, the east side of the north 74.25 feet of Lot 8, the
east side of the south 66 feet of Lot 8, Block 20; the east side
of Lots 1 and 8, Block 9; the east side of Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8,
Block 6, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown
upon the official plats of said city to a depth of twenty-five
(25) feet book from said street, and to collect said tax.
. I
SECTION 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in ten
equal yearly installments with interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each
installment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one year outer the
ordinance cerrfirmie the levy of the tax for payment for such
improvement becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in two ,yearn afte -
said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in three years
after said ordinance becoaco effective; one-tenth thereof in four
years after said ordinance be.domcs effective; one-,tenth thereof ini
five years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereb
of in six years after said ordinance b•�comes effective; one-tenth
thereof in seven years after said ordinance becomes effective; one
tenth thereof in ei-,ht years after said ordinance becomes effectiv, ,
one-tenth thereof in nine years often said ordinance becomes effect-
ive; and one-tenth thereof in ten years after said ordi.n..ace becomes
effective. One or more installments, in t.rc order in hi eh. they
are poyable, or the w:aole - ecial to , may be paid <:.t any time
within thirty days after the crdinance confirming the levy of the
tax becomes effective, without interest. In the event of any in-
sta4-ent; or the interest aforesaid, not bein; paid on the date
the same becomes due, the ,hole amount of ti,c special tax unpaid
at the time said installment cud interest are due, ..;fall become
dub , ad- pc--i-Plc, arid shall draw interest at the note of eight per
cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed.; provided,
one or more installments, in the order in which they are payable,
or the :'hole special tax v-npe.id, may be raid on the day any insta*
ment beccrres due, by i Copt-np the amount tl;ereof and interest to
said date.
SECTIOJJ 3. This ordinance st,a.11 take effect one day after
its first _pulioatiou.
Paving Extension No. GB.
_''rst Partial Xsti.mate.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Uta ,August 19th, 1912.
Mayor. s City eoo der
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