122 of 1978 - Adding Chapter 32 providing for litter control. ROLL CALL t I(i /VOTING MEM Salt Lake City,Utah, August 10 ,19 78 Mr.Chairman I ■ Agraz 11111- I move that the Ordinance be passed. Gr = 117. .g MEI Hall EMI —:�'� Phillips ®. - Result IIIIII, ✓ ps' AN O INANCE Of-2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by adding a new Chapter 32 thereto, relating to litter control. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding a new Chapter 32 thereto as follows: Sec. 18-32-1. Definitions. For purposes of this Chapter the following definitions shall apply: (a) Litter is any quantity of uncontainerized paper, metal, plastic, glass or miscellaneous solid waste which may be classed as trash, debris, rubbish, refuse, garbage or junk. (b) Public property includes, but is not limited to, the fol- lowing exterior locations: streets, street medians, roads, road medians, catch basins, sidewalks, strips between streets and side- walks, lanes, alleys, public rights-of-way, public parking lots, school grounds, housing authority project grounds, municipal vacant lots, parks, playgrounds, other publicly-owned recreation facilities, and municipal waterways and bodies of water. (c) Private property includes, but is not limited to, the following exterior locations owned by private individuals, firms, corporations, institutions or organizations: yards, grounds, driveways, entranceways, passageways, parking areas, working areas, storage areas, vacant lots and recreation facilities. (d) Containers are locally-approved metal, heavy-duty paper or plastic receptacles used for the disposal and storage of solid waste. Sec. 18-32-2. Pedestrians and Motorists. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, discard, place or deposit litter in any manner or amount on any public or private property within the corporate limits of Salt L ke City, except in containers or areas lawfully provided therefor. (b) It shall be the duty of every person distributing commer- cial handbills, leaflets, flyers or any other advertising and information material to take whatever measures that may be necessary to keep such materials from littering public or private property. (c) To facilitate proper disposal of litter by pedestrians and motorists, publicly-patronized or used establishments and institutions shall provide, regularly empty and maintain in good condition adequate containers that meet standards prescribed hereunder. The requirement shall be applicable, but not limited to, fast-food outlets, shopping centers, convenience stores, supermarkets, service stations, commercial parking lots, mobile canteens, motels, hospitals, school and colleges. Sec. 18-32-3. Vehicles Transporting Loose Materials. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, institution or organization to transport any loose cargo by truck or other motor vehicle within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City unless said cargo is covered and secured in such manner as to prevent depositing of litter on public and private property in compliance with Chapter 2, Section 30 of this Title. (b) The duty and responsibility imposed by Subsection (a) shall be applicable alike to the owner of the truck or other vehicle, the operator thereof, and the person, firm, corporation, institution or organization from whose residence or establishment the cargo originated. Sec. 18-32-4. Loading and Unloading Operations. (a) Any owner or occupant of an establishment or institution at which litter is attendant to the packing and unpacking and loading and unloading of materials at exterior locations shall provide suitable containers for the disposal and storage of such litter and shall make appropriate arrangements for the collection thereof. (b) Further, it shall be the duty of the owner or occupant to remove at the end of each working day any litter that has not been containerized at these locations. Sec. 18-32-5. Construction/Demolition Projects. (a) It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent or contractor in charge of any construction or demolition site to cause, maintain, permit or allow to be caused, maintained or permitted the accumu- lation of any litter on the site before, during or after completion of the construction or demolition project. (b) It shall be the duty of the owner, agent or contractor to have on the site adequate containers for the disposal of litter and to make appropriate arrangements for the collection thereof or for transport by himself to an authorized facility for final disposition. (c) The owner, agent or contractor may be required by a City building inspector to show proof of appropriate collection, or if transported by himself, of final disposition at an authorized facility. Sec. 18-32-6. Household Solid Waste Containerization and Removal. (a) All residents located in any area in which collection is by Salt Lake City shall have sufficient container capacity to accom- modate their normal volume of solid waste between collections. Containers shall be either metal cans or weather-resistant plastic bags manufactured specifically for use in garbage and refuse collection. Plastic bags shall have a minimum twenty gallon capacity, a 1.5 mill thickness and shall not contain glass items or other sharp objects. Waste contained in paper sacks, wooden boxes, barrels or pasteboard cartons shall not be removed by the City until properly contained. (b) No container shall be removed by the City if the container is filled to exceed 75 pounds in weight or is packed tight with solid waste so that the waste will not slide out easily from the container when being emptied. -2- q roc) is (c) All items too large to fit into containers, such as, but not limited to, appliances, furniture and mattresses, shall not be collected by the City except upon such exceptional occasions as shall from time to time be designated by the Department of Public Works. (d) All loose materials which normally fit into containers but which are excess as a result of special circumstances such as holidays shall be tied securely in bundles not exceeding 60 inches in length or 75 pounds in weight, to prevent them from blowing or scattering and shall be placed beside the containers. (e) Containers shall be kept covered at all times. Any container which does not conform to prescribed standards or which has defects likely to hamper collection or injure the person col- lecting the contents thereof or the public generally shall be replaced promptly by the owner or user of the container upon receipt of written notice of such defects from the Department of Public Works. Failure to do so within seven (7) days of such notification shall constitute a violation of this section. (f) Containers with garbage and other solid waste to be collected by Salt Lake City shall be set out for collection at curbside and on the days designated by the Department of Public Works. Such containers shall not be set out upon the street for collection prior to the evening of the day before collection and shall be set out on the day of collection by 7:30 a.m. All empty containers shall be removed from the street as soon as practicable after being emptied and in every case shall be removed from the street the same day as they are emptied. (g) It shall be unlawful for any resident to deposit household solid waste in any receptacle maintained on a sidewalk or at any other location for disposal of litter by pedestrians. Sec. 18-32-7. Commercial, Business and Multiple Residential Solid Waste Containerization and Removal. (a) Solid waste generated or stored for collection at commer- cial establishments and institutions, businesses, apartment houses, multiple dwelling units and public buildings shall be: (1) Kept containerized and covered or enclosed at all times; and (2) Shall be removed at the direction of the owners of such establishments or institutions at least once each week and on such additional occasions as are necessary to prevent adverse health and nuisance conditions. (b) It shall be unlawful for any owner, manager or employee of a commercial establishment or institution, businesses, apartment houses, multiple-dwelling units and public buildings to deposit solid waste from that establishment or institution in any receptacle maintained on a sidewalk or at any other location for disposal of litter by pedestrians. Sec. 18-32-8. Provision for Solid Waste Disposal and Storage Facilities at New Building. (a) Before building permits shall be issued for construction of commercial buildings and multiple-dwelling units, plans for the adequacy, location and accessibility of solid waste containerization and storage facilities must be approved by the Department of Develop- mental Services. -3- 199 (b) No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for said pre- mises until the department's approval of these facilities has been obtained. Sec. 18-32-9. Keeping Property Clean. (a) It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, occupant or lessee to keep exterior private property free of litter. This requirement applies not only to removal of loose litter, but to materials that already are, or become, trapped at such locations as fence and wall bases, grassy and planted areas, borders, embank- ments and other lodging points. (b) Owners, agents, occupants or lessees whose properties face on municipal sidewalks and strips between streets and sidewalks shall be responsible for keeping those sidewalks and strips free of litter. (c) It shall be unlawful to sweep or push litter from sidewalks and steps into streets. Sidewalk and step sweepings must be picked up and put into household or commercial solid waste containers. (d) Litter not removed from private property under the pro- visions of this chapter may be removed by the City pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 29, Title 18 of these ordinances, with costs for such cleaning or removal with costs and expenses to be assessed in accordance with the provisions of said Title. Sec. 18-32-10 Violation. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter either by failing to do those acts referred to herein or by doing any act prohibited herein, shall be subject to a fine in ale amount not to exceed $299.00 or imprisoned in jail not to exceed six months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day such violation is com- mitted or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this loth day of August, 1978. ./G 2 M YOR CITY RECORDE (SEAL) BILL NO. 122 of 1978 Published August 16, 1978 122 MDN-3',s Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN-ORDi ORDINANCE Shana De Palmer AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGyy Title 18 o1 file Revised COrdinancest ff elre Snit e ating to'l(nor°controlS,by adding a new He It ardelned by the Beard of Commisslaers of Self Lake City,Utah: Salt iakaciv,1ON Utah,T,that Title dthe the a,.Rn°ehe°abbyi Ordinancesamended by Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adding Sec.to- tInifie32 nn For follows:of this Chapter Me advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily following ttsaa°I° °f`a Lie I nyauanttiitvof ercadakkerlud Papa.,metal, plastid glass or miscellaneous solid overate which may be classed (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English as trash,debris,rubbish,refuse,gar orlunk. language with general circulation in Utah, and .(b) Pubtic properly includes,bid k net limited to,Me felt°w"sgeee°nl°r'9<°'1°"'slues'a,atre'e'nedl°na'r°eda'roed published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the medians,catch Maine,sldew Iks,stria between streets and Y Y dewalks,lane,,alleys,Win g1plhdtsy.p}}- ay,public parking State of Utah. sidewalks, Mel gronds, lousing r meldsty prefect grounds, mu Iclwpat vacant lids,parks,nicipaamds,other public odwned recreation facilities,and municipal waterways and bodies of "iir'Private property includes,hat Is t limited to,de That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto following exterior locations awned by privatah yards, firms. corporations,.Institutions or organizations: yards,-around, driveways,entranceways,eanagawaYs,parking areas,working an tor;geareas,vacant lots and recreation facilities. pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to areas,storage Containers are local) oved metal,ditar.ie a paper or lastic receptacles abed for the dleposal and afar..°1 wild waste. Sec.18-32-2.Pedeetoans and Motorists. litter control place°or deposit litter in yy manner or eirc to throw, afnny'discard, or private property within th@ corporate limits of Salt Lake City, In mMalvaro ov pm et iw're' vided tMretar.ex me It Ahab be the AKy d e garnet, aoyeeruting commercial handbill,,leaflets,flyers or any other Wven}Isiny d int°rmalipi materiel to lake whatever me°area.Met man be rnaeesaary to keep such materials from littering.nubile or Pr yate a�aa l of litter by trims and natorlsls, hA llcly°- ized or abed establiNimMis in�anndd instcondition eat shall ate°V�ainererslathat wordy Sttaandards prescribed heralndel.TM requiroesanpt call be applicable,but not Molted to, rmar et:outlets/ce stations,ryping emara[Val parking ts,mobile kod'apv canteens,motels,hospitals,toads end colleges. Sec.1841 Vehkles Transpertirp Loose Materials. Aug. 16, 1978 (a)It shall'be kna�Ownful la any person,firm,cyorporyation, was published in said newspaper on •or otheroter°roctliicl withhin the corporateOlimits of cargo Lakke I City unless saki cargo is covered and secured in such manner as to provost depositingottols litter, in A of and private properly In ` compliance M C of Section p 3a of this Title, \J (b))The duty end responsibility imposed by Subc,rrcllmt(a) I shall be mnlcahle alike to the owner of the truck or oiler s� chicle,Ma operator thereof,and the person,firm,restoration. �L. �.. �/V\v``_/\\\ i, -L .�-----_.u s_ nrstituti°n or orspnizaaMn from whose residence or establish Jam- menthe cargo originated. Legal Advertising Clerk (S(�ac.IB-32-waral-oading am(Unloading Operations. at isich rlitter Is attendant ttendant to the of n�kr lag an unpat or cking andte oading and unloading of materials at exterior locations shall pr vlda suitable containers tot rhediepos°i nod st°repr re such litter end shall make appropriate arrengermonts ter the collwllon thereof. Further,it shall be the duly of the owner or occupant to fore me this 23rd day of remove at to end of each working day any litter that has not been $containerized at these locations. (a)It shall de I°unlawwful for the ll°wrner,agent ar emdreetor In A.D. 19 78 charge of any construction or demolition site to cause,maintain, permit cuaio'Wnnterr98desite°ifo or lr°accmultn anylhos ceased, bore,during o after completion of the construction or demolition protect. .- (b)it shall be the duty of the owner,anent or contractor to f/ have on the site adequate containers for the isposal of litter end / to make appropriate arrangements for to colleclten thereof a l-. / s 1'such-'-- disposition. I for transport by himself to en authorized facility for final (2)Snell be 3• .. }j . n ' r L� ertabl�shmsns or instrMlonsme at laaafl�at Il1°om'ers of (e)The°veer,agent or contractor ma,be rewired by a City such additional amnions as ere ''''' a°ry tt°p'''..a r....Notary Public facility. cu inspector to slaw prod M appropriate°oiled's ,o if one and nw-._ transported by himself,of final disposition et an authorized (b)It• "xtitlr.. facility. ..hell M wdoyAhi to any n'orrr,rnI Ott p r e Sec.18-32b.Household Solid Waste Codalnerizenon and °f coal es,bilahrrent 1reNfedlan, gLe1rul ores Removal. rbdepusl h]u�g,to 1rp that eng Un'n,5t N ins ppll@Ingh (a)All residents located in any area In which collection Is by depxnif solid users from Bret eafebllshmenf a Imtituhon i Salt Lake City hall have sulfide.container capacity b ° oirtaclemerbynedg,aaldowelk or at fib rotor lacatlon nodete their normal volume m solid waste between to tllspo I d filler b eodashSoda collections.Containers atoll be either metal tans or weather- Facilities al New Buildinng.br Solid Waste Dlapowl ate,forage resistant plastic bogs manufactured specifically for use In (e)Before building pet-nut.Mall be Issued for cw,otn,,pti garbage and refuse oeliecufhon. Plestic bogs shall pave of commercial bulldl7a and muitipledwelliea units,°lam far minimum twenty gallon capacity,a 1.5 min thickness and shall I fne adequacy, location and accessibility d wee ot contain glass Penner otter sharp obledls.Waste contained In ,tarterbahion end storm.faclfifies rmust be approved be°flln Mahe hacks,wooden boxes,barrels or motet°°rat cartons shall Department d Developmental ServVcsa.not be removed by the City until removed properly cordol MI No certificate p (b)No container shall be rent ed by the City It tM container premise NII the °ocUOa^�'shella be lefncl!pr vat° is filled Mexceed 75 pounds in weight or in packed tight with solid bee ebtel department's approval d these facilities has what°whetn...ate will not stale°Meanly from to container Sec.18.314 Keeping Property en of gems too (sl osh shall be lka dutyd Clmen, pout or leesss (el All,Items too s,large to fit into containers,such as,but not to keep tenor givers Proecr°Ir S reausrament limited o,appllarty P furniture and m Crotl ue,shall rotas alrpyd wf ado t0 removal ot tee°I "r Thl collected by the City except upon such epee:Mona'occasions as alrex:dv are,a bemnne,ireped009Bat Issdneri'cat b meMlela Met •shall from time to none be designated by the Department d ell bases,arasav rat°lamed areas,borders,nmbasllmae,s a, (A)All materials whichmodalnormally Ill Ion°ancno containers but s. 'and piton lodging gents which r a It of specie'circumstances such as 1 ib)Owners,al side olftr s p letseq rae°ea propantas holidays are be t118p securely In bundles not exceeding 80 inches sidewalks ide°n municipal responsible ford o;otr pew In length or 15 Ire In weight,t prevent Mon from blowing p' stria f keg shad I1f°b0r.rgrpgnl We for koepinp paps jljgpwejyi b scattering nd,hell be aacee keel Be tMrs. (cl Ihatoll be unlewlulo le)Containers shall be kept covered at all times.Any aMpeporpush llMer from sidewalks container which dose Mt conform to proscribe standards or 'and stops Ledo streeN Sidewalk nd msleVen ageepings mug} I which has defects likely to hamper colleclbii or Inter°the parson picked u l eat pW IMru Ipurlhgo or ontalrtan. merciel solid waif: collecting Ito contents thereof or the public weer/illy Mall be (d) Litter 1 ore orrvale a ropleced Promptly by the owner f t container umon provisions of NM chapter m be rem eat the IC Ms receipt d written notice°f such defects from the Department p b the proviso Ov by the Clio and blic Works.Failure to do w within seven(1)days°f such I costs ter such cleaning Canter}p,Title 10°f terse oyirarecgs,wI a nolltIcetion sall cplsritute a violation a this section. ate l0 be sassed In accordance cleaning orr re al wlN costs and Iriei'ea to be (£)Containers with g'Loge and other solid w Sec_tin .ViolatlOp. la prJNelom d sold Tla. collected and Salt Lake City soli be set oat for a waste f Public is • Any person violating the provisions d this Ca I curbside fod co ttai days shall not 0 by t o t upon the at Public I failing t°tl° guar Mar Woks.Such containers tothe shall not 11 eat b fore toe street for p�ibfted Mrel'n0son,Sll°II ba rued t°heroin q by dphmg enY be all be s trio to the day of of itte day beers.m.col Alll a nod �m d ypy.�p Ion I is<t ro e fire In an emW'd ngt b call I e set out on lose day of cdfaclion the Sir a.m.All empty pprr cored I°fell not to°aced six mpda;a,or cot lateen° shall be removed from tie street as span as h floe ab Imprlaommo'rt.Each day gush y101stton Is Practical.after being emptied and In y case Mil be ommltted a ltted b<omlppa quell cansihde a separate removed from Me street the same dy ashler Nare emptied. coffeumae and Mall be W+rIaMbN A9 sate. (n)It shall be unlawful for any resident to depend household SECTION 2.This Oreingnca shall fake smart Minty(3p)dava lad waste In any recent..malntelned on e sidewalk or et any slier its Ion}puMlulbn other location for dirmsal of litter by°edestriem. Passed by tine Board of Commissioners of Sail Lake City, Sec.18-32-7.C°mmerciet,BUSirens end Multiple Residential Utah,this loth day of August,1918. Solid'Nagle waste CO erinaton and Removal. TED L.WILSON ^s) 5°I establishments and institutions,bull masas1oc11aPart- Mll DREG V.NIGNAM Mayor et end houses,multiple dwell!.units ate nubile buildings doll hay Recorder (SEAL) be:0)Kept containerized end covered or enclosed at all times; BILL NO.Ind 1978 bed Published August ls,1978 B-BSl y'1