123 of 1909 - Ordinance 123 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 273, re: garbage districts. Ai ORDIkAZCE . AA ordinance amandin and ro-onoctiJ_ 3ection 273 of th_. Revised 0rmceeC Galt Take City of 1903, in regard to garbage districts, as amended by an ordinunoo paeL,dd by the city %oral], Rif/. 7, 1908, and approved by the Mayor November 6, 1908, and as amended by an or- dinance passed by the City Council March 3, 7,9-,9, and a ovid by the Mayor March 9, 1909; and enacting two new sections to beI..-ao 0,3 3ection2 2:73a eat 8771), boudtt -.. 70p. 3 ;.11;14 4. Be it ordained, by the City Council of Salt ht_he Cij, 'th: 3MOTTO7 1. That Section 273 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt D.,ke City of 1903, in reca:d to 3arbae :11. trictf.„ a, a:.a by an Jcdiu:Incoeae d. f, City Oeauetl 17ovomber 5, 1908, and 'approved by the Mayor November 6, 1905, eri ad ! 13ol by en urdinao pacsad the City Connuil March 8, 1009, aisi approved by the Mayor March 9 1909, he, and the sane i3 hereby umedded aid reacted. ;i0 ai roa as follows: 3MC7F37 273. FOITP, GARBAGE DISTDICT6. There shall be and there are hereby established ait'lin the 11.mit:, of Cult TAo four garbut:e districts, to be known and designated as Garbage District NO. 1, (701"1;k0 ni2triot R . 8, Carba;:e ni,„;tt 7o. 3 and Garbage District No. 4. The Board of Health is hereby el,;,:uDd f.t.) emplo7 sit. ex- 000li,L ,o,—rteon (17, mon, each with team an0 wain, to remove garbage from said, districts, under the following torm end pay- . mental f.o hull paper, to be known as paper wagons Roe. 1, 3, 6, 10 and 15, wbo shall receive not excao,dLig .2crin 3.0117e o . io for each rind every day actually eml2loyed; and one man with team, and wagon to haul garbage, to be known an 7-2,t0,i, :L. 17, receive (12; no ate porimired oulds for each and every hundred pounds of garbage hauled from said districts and de_A-sitodx,d:t 12,1 II garbage station. One man`with team and wagon to haul garbage, to be known as wagon No. 14, who shall receive not axce::ding lifleen i5) cents per inured for ocoh and every hundred pounds of garbage hauled III from said district, and deposited at the garbage station. Ten ...en with teams haul g _ ,::.gv, to be kno:an as Wagons ITos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,13, and 16, who shall each receive the following price _ . h e r . _.c,.- _ _ . .. ant eve ._v_ grad rounds of garbage hauled from said districts and deposited at the garbage station, to-wit: Six (6) cents per hun- dredpounds from _To ve:eber let until April 20th; and seven (7) cents per hundred pounds from May lot to November lot of each and every year. S2StISZ 2. .__ ._ Le ti o e, to l,o ..,-gown as Sections 275a and 275b, bounding Garbage Districts hoe. 3 and 4, are hereby enacted to read as follows: 275a. SL,U Jli..:1 .... . .J..Ji..1 Ja Sc. 2:.. Z. r uce Dis- trict No. 3 shall comprise that portion of Salt Spice City bound- ed as follows: it Beginning at the southwest s hu::. „f Sweat Scat and ninth �I Joeth Streets, rn.nin:a Chance south on the east side of Second East Street to Liartin Avenue; thence west on the south aide of sty.,a Jerdan 7.lvc , t„once; nowt_. cm e east sideof said i.?iver as it winds and turns, to Ninth South Street; thence east on the north side Uf i!i.:alih sest',''i plait of .. _l-ninj",'. SLCTI.,L 275b. :aC it)1Lcl .ti. DU-3T7IICT NO. 4. Garbage Dis- trict No. 4 shill coal ise :ctportion. of—Seat .d . .it bound—. uo aa;i...ui: at the th;a uai; Oscar of Second rat w.d. ninth South Streets, thence along the no rt^ aide of Ninth South Street to the eastern it __.. c" S,lt y_._._ to them, ' I. 4 A `.; -3- southern:,limits or the City; t*ena :weSt .along the southern limits of the 'Ciity to the 41;.,t vide o Sobwid rest Street; thence north to ho 'place u bei;itILilit;. SECTIOLT 3. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinance.. ,and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the exten.; 6.f.suen. conflict. SECTIO U N 4. This tordinco shall take :effect Upon. approva f '1(1 14,1...„1.;",,, , -,A,21•1 % 1 tic)v4-7 o- A (Pn �ae S x, t n,i S. ou J: 11 .-. ©c..40: : ; •V.' ~- i,.r 1 :.. ; , R I--q. . r. , . or: iz. ttl$11::, -- „Jr:: 2'... ' ; 1\ r. ,_. (,Erg. - fr,.: 1 `t ':� -4c, or) A t' Cf.'s' ti 1 r