123 of 1971 - Amending Sections 20-16-1, -4, -5, -6, -7 and -9, defining and establishing regulations for second h ROLL CALL
December 23 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah
Barker . . . . /
I move that the Ordinance be passed
Catmuil . ��
Garn i
Harrison . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 20-16-1, 20-16-4, 20-16-5, 20-16-6,
20-16-7 and 20-16-9, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,
as amended, relating to second hand dealers.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sec. 20-16-1, 20-16-4, 20-16-5, 20-16-6, 20-16-
7 and 20-16-9, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,
as amended, relating to second hand dealers be, and the same hereby are,
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 20-16-1. Definitions. For the purpose of this
chapter the following words shall have the meaning as herein
(1) Second Hand Dealer. "Second hand dealer" shall mean
any person who keeps a store, office or place of business for
the purchase, barter or exchange or sale of any second hand
merchandise of value, or who engages in the business of deal-
ing in second hand goods. For the purpose of this chapter,
a "second hand dealer" shall not be meant to include any
person who deals in the purchase, barter, exchange or sale of
used motor vehicles and trailers.
(2) Secondhand Precious Metal Dealer. "Secondhand precious
metal dealer" shall mean any person who engages in buying and
selling old gold, silver, platinum or other precious metal or
secondhand articles containing any of such metals.
(3) Junk Dealer. "Junk dealer" shall mean any person who
engages in buying or selling old metals, glass, rags, rubber,
paper or other junk from a fixed place of business.
(4) Junk Collector. "Junk collector" shall mean any person
not having a fixed place of business in Salt Lake City who
goes from house to house or place to place gathering, collecting,
buying, selling or otherwise dealing in old rags, papers, met-
als or other articles commonly known as junk.
Sec. 20-16-4. Records to be Maintained. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person licensed by this chapter to fail to keep a
substantial and well-bound book, in which he shall enter at the
time of purchase, in the English language:
(1) A true and accurate description of every secondhand
article purchased by him.
(2) The name, age, description and residence of the vendor.
(3) The amount paid.
(4) The date and hour of purchase.
Sec. 20-16-5. Legibility of Records. Inspection of
Records and Premises. All entries shall be made with ink
in a legible manner, and all records of secondhand dealers
shall be open to inspection by any police officer at any
time. The police department shall also be permitted to
have access to all premises licensed under this chapter for
the purpose of the inspection of said premises.
Sec. 20-16-6. Copies to police department. It shall be
unlawful for any person licensed by this chapter to fail to
submit a copy of all entries upon the records required to be
maintained by this chapter to the chief of police on the bus-
iness day following the entry, except that the records re-
garding merchandise purchased from other dealers need not be
so submitted but shall be retained by the dealer at his place
of business for inspection by the police department.
Sec. 20-16-7. Property to be kept thirty days before
disposition. It shall be unlawful for any person licensed
by this chapter to sell or otherwise dispose of any such
property for a period of thirty days from the date of receiv-
ing the same, unless expressly permitted to dispose of such
property by the police department prior to the expiration of
such period, except that such property may be redelivered to
the person selling or delivering same prior to the expiration
of the thirty days.
Sec. 20-16-9. Dealing with minors prohibited. It shall
be unlawful for any licensee under this chapter by himself,
his agents or servants, to purchase or receive any personal
property, book, current public school texxt fao e or any articles
whatsoever from any person under 21MIiiiim't t written consent
of a parent or guardian of said person.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utahl,
this 23rd day of December, 1971. /
ity c eVrV W
BILL NO. 123 of 1971
Published December 30, 1971
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING iec -_Ey_L-,_Carr____._ -.
0616-1,20:16.1 74,65,pp.al'r�116-)
Snd ]ran rey,letl Utah, 1965, s
all rake City, coed as she
m ntleti, relating to secondhand
dealers. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that Ito is legal adver-
Ra Ir prdalned b me Board m
wm miaamnas teu Laka Citr. using clerk of the DESERVE NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
SECTION'1:•tT6at see. 20 on newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
II0.16-4, 20-16.5,n2p-16yr 20.16 1
1G-Id-y,of the Revlsed Ordinances of I Wendel re1Illnp ofan,ofd pane culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
dealers mberjeendo theeasa.e thereby County, in the State of Utah.
lare,Sec.a 20-1d-1. Definitions. For the
'Ver7s"sallhrneveothe,he t II 5
herein defined: "10hing a That the legal notice of whicha copy is attached hereto
01 Secondhand Dealer. "Second-
hand dealer•' hall n any person
ho keeps shall orrice,"plats Ordinance, amending Sec 20-1 ••1, 20-16--r!, 20 1.6-•5, &f3srxE
eostexchhre li ie mi ire purer artv secondhand
hendith or f business
o r who
secondhand d ods. For q desi re 20-•].b-•6, 20-16 7 and 20-•.6•-9 devised Ordinance
dhchanter,a goods. For the s
er thisnobe an"secondhand purpose
ana not nr`ipineltAeahy oi`Oalf,-Ia1e Li-City,-Utah 1963; as arnendocl, re`la.ting
who deels`i�use parmure motor cles ae d, Co second hand dealers. ;3ill Tdo a 123 of 1971
motor Seconds hand nd trailers.
Dealer."Secondhand recious metal)
dealer"shall man any person who,
gi99 de er p Ylnp n d sClling Oltl
lt,na mot,Sr e r Inar articles
clots metalsecondhand articles
a ralnhw a eaer.c) n tOda
sshall meanJean anya l person 2 wwho ticalgesl
In buying or (ling old merlals,l --------- --------- -.--.
�lass, ergs, oed a pope' r o hcri
u k iron a foxed o "c ku colleo.i
!e) Junk Collector, Jon^t ha,
Inn shall mean anparson r nay- waspublished in said newspaper on
Lp a Cit place of businessfrohouse solo
Lake City who Rocs from honeri too
house p place 10 mote oatnering, DEC 30, 1971
e Meeting. Uuying, Iling other-
melal or other articles lcommonly
Save?20-lddk Records to be Maln.
fa lined,I+shall Ae unlawful rot soul
person licensed ub Inti chapter In ------, ---
fall to keep a substantial and well-I
bound book,in urchin e, shall enter,
at one time or purchase,L me l:.ng 1/ (
lisn language: accurate descin- `(I) A Irua and ------'-'---'"--
tihrsea by hlrrl"ondhend article put- g
t21 The home,age,deecnalmn and hogs)Advertising Clerk
residence of the vender.
(ej The Caer"endo l:ri;r of purchase.
4(1-16-s.Leolbllltn of Records.
Inspection of Recotds and Premises.
All entries hell be eat with Ink in
n legible manner,and all cords r
laenand dy"rrT hen be pen is
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an l fame. bone Patine dspari mend
snail o be perm))ce In under
s to all premises I rpos`d of"tho
access chapter far the pp pp e A.D. 19__77-_.
Inspectioni�saltl re s¢s. ---- ---- -
c. 1t. I Copl be P Ilse for
art ens I1 Shall be this
Iany person tensed by ih s f all
to fall to Unit a copv of all
,entries maintained
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ahased von ollmr dtalers n ell ' -----
le a tbhe de er shah la Nnlary'Public
)Mind ryy the Inspection
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business for Inspector DV the police
daparlm74.7 Property to be kepi
shellV days before Ilspn.tnr,'. It
shall be u leY/fti for nY 'son
od by+nos cheater sell ro oth-
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Ire . ele-9. lco wins
Sec. ]0�16.9..Deallnp with Inor^.
r hioited. It shall be unS ri for
license¢under this chaplet by
purchase his acmes or servants,
properly,book,current publicescheol
texibnnk,o articles haltsoever
vom a y nerSon dera2l without
i the dlalnt`f eaonsent on. parent
glaf1ON 2 r the opinion of the
Boats of Cd miss ne f s n es
N foe c chef Sa end welfare
th}he is ordinance
of colt take C.
that Ihis ordinance become ficcllve
3.This rdlnancF shall
fake het upon Its first opuhlommis
Passed by iho Board f Coln hi
loners of Salt Lake City,Ofah,this
03rd dIn of DecemBRAC KEN LEE
DIL1.15 11'1 of iet:
PubllsheA Oecemlrer 30,1471_(G-46)