123 of 1973 - Amending Section 18-15-1 (b), by adding Subsection (f); Sections 18-15-8 and 18-15-12; Section 18-15 ROLL CALL
/ VOTING Aye Nay
Salt Lake City,Utah, November 8 19 73
I move that the Ordir hnce be passed.
Harmsen /
Phillips 'I
Result ��-'
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 18-15-1(b) and adding to said
Section a new subsection (f); AMENDING Sections 18-15-8 and 18-15-12;
AMENDING Section 18-15-16 by adding thereto a new subsection (f);
AMENDING Section 18-15-27, subsection (b), and AMENDING subsection
(c) of Section 18-15-36, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, all relating to swimming pools.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 18-15-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to swimming pools (definitions),
be, and the same hereby is, amended by amending subsection (b) and
adding thereto a new subsection (f) to read as follows:
Sec. 18-15-1. Definitions. . . .
a. .
b. PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. Any swimming pool or hydro-
therapy pool or therapeutic pool, other than a private
residential swimming pool or wading pool, intended to be
used collectively by numbers of persons for swimming or
bathing or hydrotherapy treatments, operated by any person
as defined herein, whether he be owner, lessee, operator,
licensee, or concessionaire, regardless of whether a fee
is charged for such use.
d. .
e. .
f. MAN-PROOF FENCE. A man-proof fence or other barrier
at least 6 feet in height shall completely encircle the pool
area, except in the case of a hotel or motel pool or apart-
ment or condominium pool modifications are permissible in
consideration of architectural and landscaping requirements,
provided the barrier is not less than 4 feet high and pro-
vided further that it adequately fulfills the function of
excluding all spectators from the pool or enclosure. Every
such fence or barrier which has an entrance to the pool
through the fence shall be equipped with a self-closing gate.
SECTION 2. That Sections 18-15-8 and 18-15-12, Revised Or-
dinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to construction
of swimming pools, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as
Sec. 18-15-8. Construction permit required. It shall be
unlawful for any person to construct a public swimming pool,
therapeutic or hydrotherapy pool or to change the construction,
equipment or appurtenances of any existing public swimming
pool without first obtaining a permit therefore from the Health
No contract for swimming pool construction or reconstruction
work shall be let and no construction work shall be commenced,
until a construction permit has been received by the builder.
Sec. 18-15-12. Approved plans on construction site. At
least one set of plans bearing the approval stamp of the
Health Department shall be available on the construction site
at all times of construction and the pool and the accessory
facilities shall conform to and be built in accordance with
such plans unless the plans have been modified and the mod-
ification approved by the State Health Department.
SECTION 3. That Section 18-15-16, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to design and structural stability
of swimming pools, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding
to said section a new subsection (f) to read as follows:
Sec. 18-15-16. Design detail and structural stability . . .
a. .
b. .
d. .
f. All hydrotherapeutic pools shall be designed for a
maximum water depth of 4 feet of water and shall be provided
with recirculation equipment capable of producing a complete
turnover of bath contents at least 6 times in 24 hours.
SECTION 4. That Subsection (b) of Section 18-15-27, relating
to ladders in swimming pools and Subsection (c) of Section 18-15-36,
relating to disinfectant in swimming pools, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby are, amended to
read as follows:
Sec. 18-15-27. (b) Steps leading into the swimming
pool shall be of non-slip design, have a minimum tread of
12 inches and a maximum rise or height of 10 inches. There
shall be no abrupt drop off or submerged projections into
the pool except steps and ladders as described above.
Sec. 18-15-36. (c) The water shall at no time while
the pool is in use, contain residual chlorine at any point
in excess of 0.75 ppm. Water treated by the chlorine-ammonia
f,a L
process shall at no time, while the pool is open or in use,
and at such time the chlorine residual must be checked hourly,
contain residual chloramine at any point in excess of 1.0 ppm.
Chlorine residuals shall be kept above 0.35 ppm at all times.
SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it
is necessary to the peace, health, welfare and safety of the inhab-
itants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective im-
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 8th day of November, 1973.
hqp��� MAYOR
BILL NO. 123 of 1973
Published-November 20, 1973
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Sharon Payne
AN 6pRDI AMENAING Sect 1Seetla b)and adding to said
&tette&,h91 cti d t addlegENDING S floes 19454 and 1&lift
AMENDTAG 1 pchtillBb thereto new subsection If))
P.MENon VO f Sediiel 1&is p d n�rorlaaces'AM ND1 G sof Salt Lake thy,leLng first dnly.9worn>dep0.9P.S and says that l YXLS legal adver-
Utaee9)!pFdaI adinbe((S cam geld•=::8r salt L°Is cu.,sing clerk of the DESERET'NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
um'hlf ewS a er printed in the English language with general cir-
eECTlON dry966 on 1 0O M the Pooh)p ef di one s e,and p p
Lake me he '1s, h hat�E fe Ing Pads.'"(definitions).aaddingandoffending lb)and ulation in Utah, and published in Salt i.ake City, Salt Lake
• thereto o new subsection(t)to read as follows:'
Sec.18-15-1-Definitions.,.. .aunty,in the State of Utah.
b.PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. Any swimming pod or hydro-
therapy pool or therapeutic pool.other than private id ti Iswim-
pool ding pool,intended to'b usedcollectively by numbers That the legal notice of which a copy is yt ached hereto
o ce an e'fin as eY bathing M1 d th eY 1 tin ,s. ce-
oaby v P am as noebsttl ne 1 ib n b e I
operator,licensee,or concessionaire,regardless at whether a tee is Pub ordinance amending sect 18•-15-1 amendingsection
charged for such use. --
e;:: 18--15-16, section 18-15-8 section 18-15-1.2,
i. MAN-PROOF FENCE. A an-proof fence or other barrier at @@ `..7 _lic.t.isut_1R.--.14.46.
least 6 feet In height shall completely encircle the pool area,except In...___Et:GL 1C7T7-13u—�-'�'-`-"v"1
the as ot.a hotel ortl pool apartment orcooinam pool
modifications are perissible In consideraflon of arhitectural and land- Bill No 1'' of 1-
s bina revUlrements,provided the barrier is not less then 4 feet high
and provided further that It'adequateiy fulfills the function of excluding.
all spectators from the pod or enclosure.Every such fence or barrier
hich has on entrance to the pod"through the fence shah be eauipced
'evwith a self-closing gate.
SECTION 2.That Sections 18-15-8 and 18.15.12,Revised Ordinancesof Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to construction of swimming'
pools,be,and the same hereby are,amended to read as follows:
Sec.18-15-8.Construction permit reauined. If shall be unlawful for -a -
M UersOn to constrat a public swimming pool, therapeutic or
bvdrotheraee pool on to change the construction, equipment nr
ppurleances of any existing Public swimming pool without first ob-
taining a permit therefore from the Health Deportment. on Iructi0n work No contract for swimming pool construction or vas published in said newspaper on
shall be let and no construction work shall be commenced,until a coo-
i&iS12h Approved received
buildnsteo Lion,site.At Nast oneet
of plans bearing the approval stamp of the Health Deportment sll set
0.111301e'on then construction site't oll times of construction and the
and the accessory facilities tall conform to and be built in o
o dance with such Plans unless the plans hove been modified and the
Modificralan apPrOved by the State Health Department.
SECTION 3 That Section 10-1516,Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake. -- 7 a' j"
a,ity Utah,a1965 relating to design and structural stability at swimming
and the same hereby is,amended by adding to said section / :7
gaol br -�- .
a new subsectionU. a to read detail
d structural
- _ /_1�-r-i-'- ` L, S—
Sec.l&Isla.Desmn aemuandvradaral smbeev... -------'---• Legnl Advertising Clerk•
f. All hedrotheeopeutic pods shall,be designed for a maximum
water depth of 4 feet of ter and shall he provided with recirculation
equipment:capable f producing a complete turnover of both contents 26th day of
,i lead 6 times in 24 hours."SECTION I. That Subsection lb) of Section 8.15.27, relating to
ladders in:swimming pools and subsection Id of Section 18-1536, lab me this
bra to disinfectant in swimming Pools.Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City,Utah,1965,be,and the same hereby are,amended to read as
Seows: _
-slip design,have a minIntps iom19 tread into iof 12e I Inches 0 and
a maximumfLD. 19__
or height t 10 I M1 Th shall b abrupt drop off or sub-•
• emerged proiections Into the P DYE* s^^^od_ driers us described
above. w in
S 1015-36 l l The t shall 1 time while excess t 0 /)
contain Sid I chlorine of point e I h II t t 1 / -__,_ e —=----
the"Wa treated en the chlorine-ammonia use,
an I P CC••
fee pool i'. en r rl till. and 1 1 t 1'i chlorine a point u In
must be checked hourly,Contain Itl al cblar + Notary Public
eAcess of 1.0 UDm:Chlorine residuals shall be kept above 035 pUm ot
yll thnes.
SECTION 5.In the opinion of the Board ot Commissioners It i
,necesake City Mot this ordinance bec Welfare
ome effective i safety
mmediately.Inhabitants of
- SECTION 6.This ordinance shall take ailed upon its first Publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake City,Utah,
this BM doe of November,1971 E.J.GARN
, Mayor
City Recorder
BILL NO.123 of 173
Published-November 10,1973 __.... -----