123 of 1978 - Amending and modifying the redevelopment plan entitled 'C.B.D. Neighborhood Plan', dated July 15, 19 August 15, 1978
Mr. William D. Oswald
Attorney at Law
19 East 2nd South Street
Salt Lake City, Blab 84111
Dear Sir;
A public hearing was held before the Board of City Commissioners on
June 13, 1978, to consider amending and modifying the redevelopment
plan entitled "C,B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan", dated July 15,
1977, and adopted by ordinance on September 14, 1977, to provide for
projects to be undertaken by the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake
City during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1978 and terminating
June 30. 1979.
At that time, the hearing was concluded but the ordinance approving
the plan as presented was held in abeyance until a later date.
The Board of City Commissioners, at its meeting today, paused that
ordinance-BILL NO, 123 of 1978.
Yours truly,
City Recorder z.
Mayor Wilson
Comm.Agras Comm.Greener
Comm. Hail Comm.Phillips
Redevelopment OPC
Redevelopment Report 6
Redevelopment Report 12
VOTING MEM Salt Lake City,Utah, August 15 ,1978
Mr.Chairman �®
Agraz . ®= I move that the Ordinthee h stied.
Gree--r '
Phillips E .
AN ORDINANCE of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to the Redevelopment
Agency of Salt Lake City in accordance with Section 11-19-20, Utah Code Annotated
1953, as amended, modifying and amending the Neighborhood Development Plan en-
titled, "C.B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan," dated July 15, 1977, as previously
adopted as the official redevelopment plan for the project area on September 14, 1977.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City:
Section I. That the Neighborhood Development Program entitled, "C.B.D.
Neighborhood Plan,"dated July 15, 1977 be and the same is hereby amended to read
as follows:
1. It has become necessary and desirable to modify and amend the
present redevelopment plan entitled, "C.B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan,"
dated July 15, 1977, and adopted September 14, 1977, in certain respects as provided
by Section 11-19-23, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended. The amended redevelop-
ment plan shall be entitled, "C.B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan," dated
April 19, 1978.
2. The legal description of the amended boundaries of the project area
covered by the redevelopment plan entitled, "C.B.D. Neighborhood Development
Plan, " dated April 19, 1978, is as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the Southwest Corner of the intersection
of the Second West Street and Fifth South Street; thence North
along the West right-of-way line of Second West Street to the
Southwest Corner of the intersection of Second West Street
and Second South Street; thence West along the South right-of
way line of Second South Street to the Southwest Corner of the
intersection of Second South Street and Third West Street;
thence North along the West right-of-way line of Third West
Street to the Northwest Corner of the intersection of Third
West Street and South Temple Street; thence East along the
North right-of-way line of South Temple Street to the North-
west Corner of the intersection of South Temple Street and
Main Street; thence North along the West right-of-way line of Main Street
265 feet; thence East 132 feet to the East right-of-way line of Main Street;
thence East 340,25 feet; thence South 79 feet; thence East 14.5 feet; thence
South 60 feet; thence West 15.75 feet; thence South 126 feet to the North
right-of-way line of South Temple Street; thence East along the North right-
of-way line of South Temple Street to the Northeast Corner of the inter-
section of South Temple Street and State Street; thence South along the East
right-of-way line of State Street to the Northeast Corner of the intersection
of State Street and Second South Street; thence East along the North right-
of-way line of Second South Street to the Northeast Corner of the inter-
section of Second South Street and Second East Street; thence South along
the East right-of-way line of Second East Street to the Southeast Corner
of the intersection of Second East Street and Fourth South Street; thence
West along the South right-of-way line of Fourth South Street to the South-
west Corner of the intersection of Fourth South Street and Main Street;
thence North along the West right-of-way line of Main Street to the South-
west Corner of the intersection of Third South Street and Main Street;
thence West along the South right-of-way line of Third South Street to the
Southeast Corner of the intersection of Third South Street and West Temple
Street; thence South along the East right-of-way line of West Temple
Street to the Southeast Corner of the intersection of West Temple Street
and Fifth South Street; thence West along the South right-of-way line of
Fifth South Street to the place of beginning; all in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah, containing all of Blocks 41,50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67,
68, 69, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, and part of Block 88, Plat A, Salt Lake City
3. The purpose and intent of the Salt Lake City Commission with respect to the
project area is to accomplish the following purposes by adoption of the amended re-
development plan entitled, "C.B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan, " dated
April 19, 1978:
a. Removal of structurally substandard buildings to permit the return
of the project area land to economic use and new construction.
b. Removal of impediments to land disposition and development through
assembly of land into reasonably sized and shaped parcels served by
improved public utilities and new community facilities,
c. Rehabilitation of buildings to assure sound long term economic activity
in the core area of Salt Lake City.
d. The elimination of environmental deficiencies, including among others
small and irregular lot subdivision, overcrowding of the land and in-
adequate off-street parking,
e. Achievement of an environment reflecting a high level of concern for
architectural and urban design principles, developed through encour-
agement, guidance, appropriate controls and professional assistance
to owner participants and redevelopers.
f, Implement the tax increment financing provisions of the
Utah Neighborhood Development Act, which is incorpor-
ated herein by reference and made a part of this Ordinance.
g. The strengthening of the tax base and economic health of
the entire community and of the State of Utah.
h. Provisions for improvements to public street, curbs,
and sidewalks, other public rights-of-way, street lights,
landscaped areas, public parking, and other public
4. The redevelopment plan entitled,"C.B.D. Neighborhood Develop-
ment Plan, " dated April 19, 1978, is incorporated herein by reference and made
a part of this Ordinance.
5. The C.B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan dated April 19, 1978,
is hereby designated as the official redevelopment plan of the project area,
6. The Salt Lake City Commission hereby determines and finds as
a. The project area comprising the major portion of the
central business district of Salt Lake City as above
described is a "blighted area" as defined in Section
11-19-2, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and
that the redevelopment of said area is necessary to
effectuate the public purposes set forth in the Utah
Neighborhood Development Act and public purposes
intended by the establishment of the Redevelopment
Agency of Salt Lake City.
b. The redevelopment plan would redevelop the above
described area in conformity with the Utah Neighbor-
hood Development Act and is in the best interests of the
public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the area and
the community.
c. The adoption and carrying out of the plan is feasible and
economically sound.
d. The redevelopment plan conforms to and is compatible
with the master plan of Salt Lake City, Utah.
e. The carrying out of the redevelopment plan will promote
the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the com-
munity and will effectuate the purposes and policy of the
Utah Neighborhood Development Act.
f. The condemnation of the real property, if and as provided
for in the redevelopment plan, is necessary to the execu-
tion of the redevelopment plan and adequate provisions
have been made for the payment of said property to be
acquired as required by law.
g. The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City has a feasible
plan for the relocation of persons, if any, to be temporarily
or permanently displaced from housing facilities in the pro-
ject area.
h. Persons displaced from the project area, if any, are able
to find or will be able to find either in the project area or
in areas not generally less desirable in regard to public
utilities and public and commercial facilities, and at rents
or prices within their financial means and available to them,
decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the
number of dwellings displaced and reasonably accessible
to their places of employment.
7. The Salt Lake City Commission is satisfied that permanent hous-
ing facilities will be available within three years from the time occupants of the
project area, if any, are displaced, and that pending the development of such
facilities, temporary housing at comparable rents to those existing at the time of
the displacement will be available in the general area.
8. This Ordinance adopting the amended redevelopment plan entitled,
"C.B.D. Neighborhood Development Plan, " dated April 19, 1978, incorporates
the provisions of tax increment financing permitted by the Utah Neighborhood Devel-
opment Act, and specifically Section 11-19-29, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as
amended, which provides as follows:
1. Any redevelopment plan may contain a provision that
taxes, if any, levied upon taxable property in a
redevelopment project each year by or for the benefit
of the State of Utah, any city, county, city and county,
district, or other public corporation (hereinafter some-
times called "taxing agencies") after the effective date
of the ordinance approving the redevelopment plan,
shall be divided as follows:
(a) That portion of the taxes which would be produced
by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year
by or for each of the taxing agencies upon the total
sum of the assessed value of the taxable property
in the redevelopment project as shown upon the
assessment roll used in connection with the tax-
ation of such property by such taxing agency, last
equalized prior to the effective date of such ordin-
ance, shall be allocated to and when collected shall
be paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies
as taxes by or for said taxing agencies on all other
property are paid (for the purpose of allocating taxes
levied by or for any taxing agency or agencies which
did not include the territory in a redevelopment pro-
ject on the effective date of such ordinance but to
which such territory has been annexed or otherwise
included after such effective date, the assessment
roll of the county last equalized on the effective date
of the ordinance shall be used in determining the
assessed valuation of the taxable property in the
project on the effective date); and
(b) That portion of the levied taxes each year in excess
of such amount shall be allocated to and when col-
lected shall be paid into a special fund of the redevelop-
ment agency to pay the principal of and interest on
loans, moneys advanced to, or indebtedness (whether
funded, refunded, assumed, or otherwise) incurred by
such redevelopment agency to finance or refinance, in
whole or in part, such redevelopment project. Unless
and until the total assessed valuation of the taxable
property in a redevelopment project exceeds the total
assessed value of the taxable property in such project
as shown by the last equalized assessment roll referred
to in subsection (1) (a) of this section, all of the taxes
levied and collected upon the taxable property in such
redevelopment project shall be paid into the funds of
the respective taxing agencies. When such loans,
advances, and indebtedness, if any, and interest thereon,
have been paid, all moneys thereafter received
from taxes upon the taxable property in such
redevelopment project shall be paid into the funds of
the respective taxing agencies as taxes on all other
property are paid.
9. The Salt Lake City Commission hereby determines and finds that
the parcels of real property described in the redevelopment plan entitled, "C.B.D.
Neighborhood Development Plan," dated April 19, 1978,under the heading Acquisi-
tion and Clearance, to-wit: parcels number 76_1 through 76-13, located in Block
76, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, are located within the boundaries of the pro-
ject area covered by the redevelopment plan and consist of buildings, improve-
ments or lands which are detrimental or inimical to the public health, safety or
welfare of the community as defined in Section 11-19-9, Utah Code Annotated
1953, as amended, and that the redevelopment of said parcels as provided in the
plan is in the public interest and will promote the public health, safety or welfare
of the community.
Section II. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, it is necessary to the peace, health, and welfare of the City of Salt Lake
that this Ordinance take effect immediately.
Section III. This Ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City this l5th day
of August,1978.
, ( /(' `.(' '
)4ennitris Phillips, Jr., Temporary Chhrman
Mildred V. Higham, y Recorder
Bill No. 123 of 1978
Published August 22, 1978
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE Shana De Palmer
AN ORDINANCE of Sett Lake City,Utah,relating to the
Redevelopment Aga of Sent Lake City In accordance with
Section 11-19-20, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended,
modifying and amending Y Neighborhood Doveionm.rt Plan
n itled,"C.N.D.Neighborhood Deve1 end Plan,"dare July
u '" the d elredevelonoent"an Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
e protect area on September In 1r777.
cm�it or b the Hormel eltommlssin as of Salt ba"¢ advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
Section 1.That the Neighborhood Development Program
entitled,"C.B.D Neighborhood Plan,"dated July 15,1977.be, (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
.and top same Is,hereby amended to read as follows:
I.It has became necemary and deeo-ahlo to modify and language with general circulation in Utah, and
tl the p et redevelopmett Ian entitled, C.O.D.
Ntignba mood pee°nioonenl clan,"dared Jaw 15, I9n, d published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
donM0 September 14,1977,In certain respects as provided by
Section 11-19-23,Utah Code Annotated 1963,as am he
ended.The State of Utah.
amended development plan hall be entitled, "C.B.D.
Nigh the l d Development Plan,"armed Apri 19,1970.
2.The legal description f the amerkfed boundaries of the
tholes, as o the entPiat,"dot .197e, That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
D Neighborhood fbyothe ter Plan,"dent lam entitled,
as follows,to'wir
Commandos of the Southwest Corner of the Intarseetian of
the Second Weet Street and Fifth South street;thence North
along the West right-of•way pre of Second West Street io tint Pub notice of an ordinance, Bill #.123
Southwest Corner of me interseetIon of Second West Street and
Second S Street;Bence West alone the South NW-of-way
line f Second South Street to the SWMweef Corner of the
North°lalam the Wersection of st rlgh0t•f-Siwan lint e ofhThird Wird iest Street 'Me
Northwest Corner of the Intereactlm,of Third West Street and
South Temple Street;Mance East aloe the North riohtai-way
line of South Tersely Street to the Nothwest Conner'of the
intersection of South Temple Street and Main Street;thence
North along the Meet rieM.oi-was'lire of Meth Street 265 tent,
fence Pare 132 feet to the East rlahtuf-war line of Maln Street;
thence East 340.25 feet;thence South 79 feat:thence East 14.5
feet6 feet la the North feet;
f-way thence West
oO edit T75 e thence
mple Strouth
Street East alone Me North right-of-way Ilfe f South Temple
Street 4o the Northeast Corner of the t glenncllan f South Tempe
Street and State etreetethence Seet along the East right-el--way
line of State Street to the Northeast Corner el the adersentlon of
State Street and.Second South Street;thence East along the •
North right-of-way lire of Second South Street to the Nor
Corner of the Intersection of Second South Street and Secondd Fool East
Street:them scum along Me East w MoFway lure of lid • Au n 22, 1978
Corner of Noe d was published in said newspaper on 9
Feet Street and Y urni South Street:thence West along the South
right-of-way line of Fourth South Street to Me southwest Corner
of the intersection of Fourth South Street and Main Street;thence
Nonh along the West right-of-way Iron of Main Street to the
Southwest Corner et the Intersection f Third South Street and YYY
Main Street: get to West slag the South f the Intersection
line of (� /l 1
Third South Street to d West
Temp C of the a South ado g _111 `7J
Third South Streett-of-way
and West Temple Street)thence South along _ -- ----
floe East rlght+N-of lino of West Tempe Street to the Southeast �����`�\`� ^��' ti
Street.athe the esf aloong the.eSSouth right-et-way Street ne o Legal Advertising Clerk
ke County,Utao h,eonlain of beginning)
all la Blocks 41,'i Lake 50,52,City,,S6,.571,
50.59,67,63,69,70,IS,le,77,70,and part of Block 08,Plat A,Salt
Lake City Survey.
3.The purpose and intent of the Salt Lake City he tollCommission,
wet)reeved todeMl�efecttheeaaisenaccomplish
nd'desel0he ant elan lore me this 25th day of
Purposes tl.This Ordlnoeehln.e ng hieemaitesl r Flail,o:otintplan
lt nutted,"C,0.n.Neighborhood Development Plan,"dated April entitled,"C.B.D.Neinhortmed Development Plan,"dated April
e,I970: I 1,1970,Incorporates the provisions of tax incranent financing
a.Removal of srouoturalov lend to eco owlldi o4anoe new 1 iced by ht Utah Neighborhood Develnsrient Act,and
1'ne rUctl f{h¢p'tact err a land to¢con°mlc a tl new A.D.1...7.$,.. specifically Section 11-19.29, 'flee Code Annotated 1053,as
n irucfi°n. lip nded,whim arovlCes as follow,:
co e. Removal of impeblyaIla to land disposition and I eel.Any t, vel°ppent plc may contain a talon that
development thvoug assembly of land into reauonabls and andtaxes,a any,levied t totrable Wocerty Ina rent Utah]rani
shped parcels served by improved public utilities and newpooled coati year by or for,di benefit f the Stateof Utah, y
community facilites. ity,county,city and county,district,er other publc r r i
e. ehabilitation f buildews to assure sound long team (hereinafters Mimes called"taxing ao des")attar the
economicc4Ivitn In the cure area f Salt Lake City. effective ate f the o dlnana approving Noe redevelopment
. e elimination of environmental deficiencies,Including `�plan,shall be divided as follows:
off H9 otters,small and Irrenular lot eubdivlslon,overcrowding a)That portion el to taros which would ber top by the
oe land and Inadequate off-street parking. rate urn which the tax Is levied each roar by or for each of Me
e.Achievement ur f an environment rellectine a high bout of taxing Mlencies open the total sumf the assensed van;;f the
for architectural and urban design principles,developed taxable property In the redevoloonent p olef es shown anon the
through en ur lice t, guidance,appropriate controls and assoasncsnt rot used In connection with the taxation of such
prNossloial assistance to owner particiants and redevelopers, by such taxing aga1CV,lent equalized prior to the
f.Implement the tax increment which
emulsions of the �1 date ofsuch ordinance,shall be allocated to and when
Utah Neighborhood Development Act, hich Is Incorporated collected shall be paid Into the feeble f the respective taxing
herein by reference and made a part f this Ordinance. agencies as taxes by for said taxing agencies all by
g.The strengthening of the tax base and.economic health of proPenty r paid(for the aap,ec of allocating texas levied by or
the entire community.and of the State of Utah. fa Y taxing eragency or agencies which did r include the
h.Provisions for imp _m tc to public Street,curbs,and territory in a redevelopment protect on the effective dote f such
sidewalks,otter public rights-of-way,street lights,landscaped ordinance hut to wiildn such territory Res bean annexed
areas,public paring,and Otter public Improvements. nOotherwiseincluded attar such effective dal the assessment roll
4 Te redevel°"m,enl Ian entitled, C.O.D.Neighborhood f thecounty last ermallasd oil the effective date of 011 dingo
by r• eference iand'glade a rant f this Ordinance is oroorateA herein shallern•be sed In in the Mai nl en'g the assimthrel fhe ffective date);land.f Me.taxable
5.The C.B.D.Neighborhood Development Plan dated April (b)That portion Of the tooled taxes each year In excess of
19,10111,is hereby deslgnatvt as the official redevelopment plan soots amount shall be allocated to and when collected shall lie
of Me er°iect area. paid into a Spacial fund of the redevelosnnent agency to pay the
6.The Salt Lake City Commission hereby determlres and principal of and irdereat loans,moneys advanced to,
finds as follows: lokotstednass(whether funded,refunnded asvlmad,Sr dtmrwlsel
• 1.protect areaprising UV motor portion f the incurred by such redevelopment agency to finance or reflitanea,
central business distrit0J Sall lake Clle a,Above ouribed is a f wisple or in pars,sack reteveiownent pooled.Unbsc and until
"blighted as deiifkd in eroctlor. 11-1,-2, Utah Code the total a ced luatlal of the taxable property in
Annotated 1953,as amended,and that the redevelopment ut said edsv0loemarf oleo exceeds the total assessed value o the
upehnecessary a effectuate the eabuc Purposes set forth in the taxable lnruuertv In such prole&as flown by tore Mot equall1ad
t*olnlibertrood Development Act and public purposesassessment roll referred to in subsection(I I(a)of this nactia,,
intended by the establishment ofn_the Redeveloonnf Adenf all of the taxes levied and collected aeon the taxable PIN,PB n In
Salt Lake Cite, Wch redevelopment project shall be paid into the funds of to
b. The redevelornruel elan would redevelop he above respective taxing agencies.When such Mane,tdvencos,and
described area in cnlitermlty with the Utah Neighborhood Indebtedness,N any,end Interest thereon,honenbeen paid,all
It dna Is In IIn fM°1Va areainterests
01 Me the
ehernubile°onco,y. honeys Mar fter received from to the taxable
c.'row adoption and carry).out e plan is feaslbie and' funds Of the respective taxingafa0ecelas aspeeledataxesll bependCII O of the other
fly soond. Property are paid.
ecO1 n.The redevelopment plan cordorms to and Is compatible .Tate Salt Lake City Canmleslon hereby datermhtes and
with the master plan of Sail Lake City,Utah_ finds that the parcels of re opentyY described In the
a.The ceercmne our°t the ratnvelnpmeni plan will promote redevforrneel den entitled,"C.B.D.Nelahborbood°evelon-
the public peace,health,safety and welfare of the community t Plan,"dated Ago 19,1979,under the heading Aceptelf)e
and will effectuate the purposes and policy f the Utahl asset
Clearance,to-wit:parcels number76-I through 7613,located
Noiatb°rhood Development Act. In Block 76,Plat"A,"Self Lake City Survey,are located within
f.The wlxemnotion f the real property,it and as provided ,I 510 boundaries of the protect area covered bo t e redeaelopmad
for in the redevelopment plan,Is nereseary to the execution f the elan and contort of buildings,Improvements or lends which a
redevelopment plait end adequate provisions have been made for elrimontel or inimical to Ms public health,sataty or welfare of
tee P romonth f said property to be ecnulred as required by law. the contemn/to, as dafhsed in Sectial 11-149, Utah Code
gg The Redevelopment Agency Of halt Lake City tins Annotated 1953,as amended,and that the redevet0pnent f Said
feasi• rorreerovaor ttor
the a redo dltsonmffl free,115,Ima IIg iny,,lito ben parcels as provided In Bp Plan is in his public Ifa-eat and will
promote Me public health,safety oe yrolfare Ofthe community.
hie proles/area. Section II.1n the opinion of the Board of Commesiwers of
h.et neon dlnoaed iron the protect area,if any,are able to Salt Lake City,Ir is necessary to to naece tam..and welfare of
find or willSn able to find either m the peeler"area orInarenanot the City f Salt Lake that M rn tnordlnantakeefrcrImmediately.
°rainy lest deslrahte In r 'nl to public utilities and public Section ill.This Ordinance shall take efNct at once upon Its
an'dcommercial facilities,and at rents or prices within their •first publication.
t Inariclal mans and available a them,dxapt,sate and parelat y Pecsed by the BaoM ofCsvnmieslol¢rs ofSalt Lake City this
dwelmgs equal In number to the nambor Sid dwellings dlsolaced 15M day of Auuet,1979.
and reasonably aa:caseible to their places ll employrrerd' JENNINDS PFIII.tLhoie JR.
7.Tho Sall Lelia Cif v Commission is satletiod that permenern -¢;?.wary Chainman
hoodoo lac llhips will.available within three years from tot: MILDRED V.NIGHARe '
time occupants of the prelim area,if any,are dieolaced,and that CI{y Race..pending the dovelon mnif .f facilities,1 vtnusing a4 (SEAL)
cpnlarable tenth to Ile^ 1 thg at the }iron of the BILL NO 171f 19711
displacement will be available i 1h..=n;re l 2,0a. DARDI._d-6y9115L2,0,7B