124 of 1920 - Substitute for Bill No. 123, berry boxes, crates, etc. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 1 2, , 192 0 Barnes Burton Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Gmm 'kiss Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance Amending Section 18 0 of Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, as amended August 1, 1917, relating to the sale of fruits ;Inc:. vegetables packed in boxes or other paelmges. BE IT ORDAIr.ED by the Board of Corlioners of S it Lake City, Utah: SECTIO7 1. That Section 180 of Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, as amended August 1, 1917, relating to the sale of fruit and vegetables packed in boxes or other packages, be amended to read ad follows: SECTION 180 . It shall heunlawful to use berry cups, boxes, crates or sack n a second time as receptacles for fruit or vegetables, or to use unclean or unsanitary crates, boxes or sacks. It shall be anlawful for any dealer or vendor to transfer berries or snap. fruits from, one container to another, or from the containers in which such fruits or berries are packed by the producer. It shall he unlawful for any person to refuse to weigh any package or receptacle containing say article or property referred, to in this chapter, kept Jar -'71e, sold or offered for sale, upon demand of tl'e Scaler of 7cigLts sad hen cures so to do. It shall be .,_Inlawful for any person to sell or offer for ocie any fruit or vegetables in boxes or othcr c,mtpers 9 the quc,,Till7 which differs from that on the surfaceII . SECTIOr I . In the opinion of the Board of Co=issioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of t.Le inhabitabts of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective irmediately. SECTION III. This, ordinance shp,11 take effe t upon its .. z publication. Passed 1);,./ the Board of Co,--c.-lisioncrs of Bait Lake City, Utah, this 13t3- da,,, of SeptuoBer A.D.1()20./ -'17 C y e rdor. ' 1 _ ... 124 I .. , 1 I:1 i .' • • 6\- of 3k • .71frri., ril> p,) FE; 5 73' j I • • • • 1-- - d