124 of 1978 - Amending Section 98 increasing chage for copies of traffic accident reports to $4.00. nuLL GALL (4,
VOTING MEM Salt Lake City,Utah, August 16 ,19 78
Mr.Chairman r`
Agraz ... ®- I move that the Ordinance be p sed.
Phillips ®.
Result 1111111 ORDI ANCE
61 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 98 of the Traffic Code of Salt
�J�Lake City, Utah, relating to accident reports.
`i\I'V Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
\\\" Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 98 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake
) City, Utah, relating to accident reports, be, and the same hereby
)Y , is, amended as follows:
Sec. 98. Accident reports. Duty of driver, witnesses,
and investigating officer to forward or render. Supple-
mental reports. (1) The driver of a vehicle involved in
) an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person
or total property damage to the apparent extent of two
hundred dollars or more shall forward a written report
of such accident to the financial responsibility division
of the department of public safety of the State of Utah
within five days after such accident.
(2) The financial responsibility division of the
department of public safety of the state of Utah may
require any driver of a vehicle involved in an accident
of which report must be made as provided in this section
to file supplemental reports whenever the original report
is insufficient in the opinion of the department and may
require witnesses of accidents to render reports.
(3) Every law enforcement officer who investigates a
motor vehicle accident of which report must be made as
required in this section, either at the time of and at
the scene of the accident or thereafter by interviewing
participants or witnesses, shall forward a written report
of such accident to the Financial Responsibility Division
of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Utah
within twenty-four hours after completing such investi-
gation. The Salt Lake City Police Department shall
furnish upon request to any applicant copies of officers'
reports of any traffic accident on file in such depart-
ment. A fee of Four Dollars ($4.00) for each copy of such
report shall be paid by the applicant in the office of
the Chief of Police, which office shall then issue a
receipt therefor which must be presented as a condition
precedent to the delivery of such report.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days
after first publication.
Passed by the Board of commissioners of Salt..La e City, Utah,
this 16th day of August , `k9 N. / ›
/ ,
K / Temporary Chairman
Y /
BILL NO, 124 of 1978
Published August 23, 1978
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Shana Palmer llq
ING&potion AL of the Traffic
Code of Salt Lake City,Utah,
relicritcr0 ineddeyttl Bots
ard ofCommissioners dinner of Salt Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
"i'E�r h: That Section 99 advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
f the Traffic Code of Salt Lake
City,Utah,relating to accident (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
, on"3'is,.;°r;,e.,;adasfollows: language with general circulation in Utah, and
Six. 98. Accident report,
Duty of driver, it ses,and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
esnadma oelwertelorwap State of Utah.
ender. Supplemental r
ports. i The
veilnnVOutaailaeoreutq It involved
resultingtotal p"nd),person or That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
Cdamage t ndred'dollars or more b
shall forward writtena report
of such accident t he financial
responsibility division of the pub notice to amend an ordinarlc e relatin� to
de"artenf of public safety of
the Slate of Utah within five
days after
T naeciih al reess�lsiblli-
I,y division of the depertinent of accident reports
public safely of the state of
Utah may require any driver of
vehicle involved in
dent of which report must he
made as provided in this section
to file supplemental retorts
whenever uffic enttin the°pinion ofrthe
epartment and Y require
witnesses of accidents to render
(3) Every law enforcement
vehicle investigates
ccident of which
• port must be made a re s re-
i�e in Ihis section,e4 of ,
oemo/anda,Mesceneof wasinsaidnewspaperon. z�u 23 a..9.78..,......
the accident or thereat by publishedgam.. ......
• interviewing participants
witnesses,shall forward a writ.
ten report of such accident to
the Financial Department of �)
of the Department of
public Safety of the State of
Utah comp)twenty-foursuch i vests f \ 11\'��^_
after completing such a City
V \.�:� ;'�.,-r ,`.-..,....,,E':?�:.. [�:�-.::� �_,.-..
Policrice. The sail Lake cry Leal AdvertisingClerk
e Department shall lic-
eelCoppiieesn.request officers'any
portsnof g
any traffic accident on file in
such Dollars(ff'00)for each Copy of
such report snap be paid by the 25th
ppilcant the office of the rn to before me this day of
Chief of Police,which opine
shall H, issue receiptfhere-
or which must be presented as A.D.19
ael condition precedent
r eweit to the 78
SECTION 2.This ordinance
shall take effect thirty(301 days
after first publication.
Passed by the Board of Cone
m,ssioners of Salt Lake City, / (�
1YCe'this tbth day of August,
JENNTNGS emporaryLCha Chairman
City Recorder
BILL Naid011978
Published Auuusf23._,9]8(C_dl)
My Commission Expires
Feb. 11, 1982