125 of 1909 - Ordinance 125 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 108, Ninth Partial Estimate. 444 i
An ordinance levyin a tax and for the assessment of proyorty on
Tall streets within the district bounded on the west by the center line
of State Street, on the east by the center line of Thirteenth Best
Street, on the north by the south side of Ninth South Street, and on
the south by the city limits, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 29, 30, 32,
33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40 and 43, for the construction of cement side-
H walks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the trax and
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter
described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38,
40 and 43, for the construction of cement sidewalks, to-wit:
In Lots 6 to 11, inclusive, Block 6, Capitol Avenue Addition,
Block 12; 9, Block 12; 1 to S2, inclusive, Block 1; and 1 to 60, in-
clusive, B10ok 2, Carolina Subdivision, Block 20; 1 to 20, inclusive,
Block 1; and 1 to , inclusive, Block 2, Leadville Place Subdivision,
Block 20; 1 to 10, inclusive, and 29 to 33, inclusive, Pendleton's
1Subdivi.sicn, Block 20; 1 to 30, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 30, inclus-
ive, Block 2; 1 to 30, inclusive, Block 3; and 1 to 30, inclusive,
Block 4, Denver Place Subdivision, Block. 20; 1 to 28, inclusive,Biock
1; 1 to 13, inclusive, and 30 to 58, inclusive. Block 2, Lyndale Sub-
division, Block 20; 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 19 and 20, Block 20; 12 to
I22, inclusive, Block 1; and 1 to 22, inclusive, Block 2, Tinden Park
Subdivision, Block 21; 10 to 20, inclusive, Block 1; and 1 to 20, in-
clusive, Block 2, Linden Park Subdivision No. 2, Block 21; 1 to 20.
inclusive, Block 1; and 1 to 20, inclusive, Block 2, South Carolina
Subdivision, Block 21; 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 21,
Tall in Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, aioLtDu on the east
side of State Street between Martin and. Tempest Avenues; on both sid s
of Williams Avenue between Third East and Fifth East Streets; on both
sides of Fourth Best Street between Ninth South Street and Ze rtin
'Avenue; on both sides of Third Last Street between Ninth South Street
and I,ilartin Avenue; on the north side of Herbert Avenue between Third.
East and Fifth East Streets; on the south ride of Herbert Avenue be-
tween Second Snot and Fourth Host Streets; on both sided of Blair
Street between liorbert and Harvard Avenues; on the went side of Fifth
East Street between iintje South Street and Martin Avenue; on both
sidee of Denver Street between Hinth South Street end. Herbert Avenue;
on both aides of Edith Avenue between Fourth Sent and Fifth East
Streets; on both sides o 7 Exereee be'v;eei Third Eeet and y ourt
East Streets; on the south side of Harvard Avenue between Third East
and Fourth Ee t Streets; on the co.zth fie of Belmont Avon n between
Third Fast and Fourth East Streets; en the north eiie of Belmont Ave
nue between Stete and Second East Streets, and between Third East and
Fourth East Streets; on both sides of Bice Street between Ninth South
Street and Belmont Avenue; on the went 31.1e of Second East Street be-
tween Ninth South Street and De]c.,ont Aiunae; on the east Bide of Sec-
ond East Street between Herbert and liert n Avenues; eu' on both sides
of Roberta Street between Herbert en I:", rtie ',venue•.,.
This tax is 7.evt•sd to de'rey the expense of crnstreetieng cement
sidewalks four (4) feet aide and four (d) inciheti thick upon the eor-
tions of said streets opposite the property here inbefore and herein-
after described to be cseecially affected end beeefited by ..,,.id
prov meat, and it is hereby adjud;;ed, determined and oetcshiie;hod. that
said property will be especially ben,e$tted thereby to the full amount
of the tax hereby levied, and .paid parcel:: of land are hereby assessed
at on eival nod uniform rate In si.th the linear foot front-
azes upon said portions of said streets free tine upon and to a depth of
twenty-five (25) rent bank therefrom, nod the tax hereby levied and
to be assessed upon said parcelu of land ins le:lateen thoesand four
hundred forty-four and. 7/100 (w13,iA..4.07) dollers, or
6714549/1C,000,C0C (yru.67145d9) dolle-re liar front or ll.nonr foot of.
abutting property for sidewalks upon the streets above mentioned in
Sidewalk Districts Dos. 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40 and 43,
there being 27,468.81 feet of abutting property within the boundaries
of the lots, blocks and streets sleeve neeticeed ins yid districts,
which is the total cost and cost per front foot of said sidewalks ac-
cording to the contract entered into for the performance of sod work
and making said improveleent, with James Lenaedy, dated the 28th day o
September, 1908, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinenuc for the
purpose herein mentioned.:
The west side of Lots 6 to 11, incinciee, Block 6, Capitol Avsnu
Addition, Block 12; the west side of Lot 9, Block 12; the south side
of Lots 1 end 32, end 8 to 25, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 to
7, inclusive, and the west side of Lots 26 to 32, inclusive, Block 1;
the north side of Lots 12 to 31, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 t.
12, inclusive, the west side Lots 31 to 42, inclusive, and the sou h
side of Lots 1, and 42 to 60, inclusive, Block 2, Carolina Subdivisio',
Block 20; the north side of Lots 10 and 11, the east side of Lots 1 t'
10, inclusive, and the vest side of Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, Block 1
the north side of Lots 10 and 11, the east side of Lots 1 to 10, in-
ciusi e, and t7ne `,e,e oiL 11 to 2C, ie lesive, .lock 2, Lead-
vale Blues Bubl,I icie , n1oek 20; o east side yf Tote 29 to 38, in-
clusive, nut the west side of Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, 2endleton's
Subdivision, Block 20; the north nide of Lot,. 1G ,,J,Ila 17, the cant sid
of Lots 1, and 17 to 30, inclusive, the south side of Lots I and 2,
and the west side of Lots 2 to 16, i:nel'roiGo, 7103E. 1; the Beet : side
of Lots 16 acid 17, the east side of Tote 1, end. 17 to 30, i.ucleelve,
the south :wide of Lots 1 and 2, and the west side of Latt., 2 to 16, ink.
elusive, Block 2; the south side of Lot., 1 end 2, the east side of
Lots 1, and 17 to 30, :inclusive, s,sd the want side of Lots 2 to 16,
lncleeivo, Block 3; end. the youth side of Tote eed 2, t%is weet side
of Lots 2 to 16, ieeleeieo, ee.1_ the ee:et -i 'n T,Ot i, end 17 tb,nlf3,
inclusive, Block 4, Denver neck) Subdivision, Block 20; the south sit
of Lots 6 to 23, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive,
and the west side of Lots 23 to 28, inclusive, Bieck 1; tho north aid,
of Lots 1, and 42 to 58, inelu:;ive, the east side of Lots 1 to 13, in
elusive, and the west aide of Lots 30 to 42, inclusive, Block 2, Lyn-
dale Subdivision, Block 20; the east side of Lots 12 and 19, the norti
33 feet of the east side of Lot 20, the west side of the east 346.5
feet and the east side of the west 346.5 fest of Lot 12; the west sid.
of the east 726 feet of Lots 12 and 19, the north 33 feet of the west
side of the east 726 feet of Lot 20, the north 254.1 feet of tho east
side of the west 726 feet of Lot 3, the south 254.1 feet of tee east
side of the west 726 feet of Lot 4, the north 231.5 feet o." the south
254.6 feet of the east side of the we:t 726 feet of Lot 5, the least
side of the west 726 feet of Lot 11, the south 181.5 feet and the nor h
33 feet of the east side of the west 726 feet of Lot 10, the south
254.1 feet of the west side of the east 363 feet, and of the east aid
of the west 330 feet of Lot 4, the north 57.42 feet of the west side
of the east 363 feet and of the east side of the west 330 feet of Lot
3, the north 254.1 feet of the west side of Lot 3, the south 254.1
feet of the west side of Lot 4, the north 229.35 'net of the south
252.45 feet of the west side of Lot 5, the west side of Lot 11, the
'south 181.5 feet and the north 33 feet of the west side of Lot 10, th=
west 330 feet of the east 363 feet and the 'ee;t 330 feet of the north
uide of the south 254.1 feet of Lot 4, the west 726 .feet o tho south
side of the north 262.35 feet and of the north side of the south 252.'5
feet of Lot 5, the west 726 feet of the north side of the south 181.5
feet and of the south side of the north 33 feet of Lot 10, Block 20;
thee east side of Lots 12 to 22, inch, ivo, Block 1.; the; west .,ide of
Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, ord the east eiele of Lots 12 to 22, inclus-
ive, Block 2, Linden lark 3uhdivieion, '.Bock el.; the saes side of Lots
11 to 20, inclusive, end the south side or Lots 10 and 11, Block 1;
the west Nide of Lots 1 to 10, iucl.uoive, t h . south :110e of Lots 10
and 11, and the east side of Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, Block 2, Linde.
Park Subdivision, Fos 2, Block 21; the north side of Lots 9 and 10,
the east side of Lots 20, and 1 to 9, i1cle ive, the west side of Lots
10 to 18, inclusive, and the north 22 feet of the west side of Lot 19,
Block 1; the north side of Lots 9 and 10, the east side of Lots 1 to
9 i o�.rrs e, the north 22 feet of the east side of Let 20,r• the nort
r iJ i<et of ...the west do o -Lot 194aed the west plde of Its 10 to
+0,i' c,lusive, Block 2, 3ou: li aro�lriue ubdivisien, I3..ock.41; the ea t
3 f site L is 17, and 12 to d'41 inG3'�49), the not'th 2�Q,3 e:>t of th
"4' ` ,e` ,r d
1 a-ide?of Lot 15, the nox:t4i-l' 5 2 t4't Lead thellozLt 0 3 feet of
thery% , Sado of Lot 18, tl�e. fiQrtn 18'5:)9jfeet andr'he south. 5.4 fee
Ae st side of Lot 19,' 0 northe .6 feet bey the ea tr side of
Lot 4eP'2 d the south 272 festrof the east side of Lot 1, Block 21,
all i$i Five Acre "let "A", Ti �,'Fi.eld Turvey, as the same are shown
upon the official plats of said city to a depth of twenty-five (25)
feet back from said streets, and to collect said tax.
51iCTI01' 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in five equ41
! installments, as follows, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after
1 the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the
payment for such improvement; one-fifth thereof in two years after
such approval; one-fifth thereof to three ye-ire after such aeprova.l;
one-fifth thereof in four years after such approval; and one-fifth
thereof in five years after sunk approval. One or more of s aid in-
stallmonte or the whole tax may be paid on or before ten days after
the approval of the ordinance confirming' the levy of the tax. One or I
Amore installments, or the whole special tax may be paid on the day • k
installment becomes due, by payinE. tin: amount thereof and interest to
date of payment. Bach of sOld inetallreents shall bear interest at t. e
rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the date of the approval of
the ordinance confirming the levy of said tax until the date of delin-
quency, and eigi>.t (3) ear coat; eer ear:T.1 f em delinquency until paid.
{ SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effec %upon approval.
Sidewalk Extension ito. 108.
Ninth Partial Estimate. !Ai
Ninth 4. c-"'11
Passed by-the City Council of Salt La':e Ci.ty,Jtah, August 2.3, -,J
1909, and rofee•rod to the ."ae.or for his neer yu1
C/� ' ?_ co rc n r,
Approved this; -7y day of Aug st, 19(19.
;a yo r.
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