125 of 1977 - Annexation, annexing certain property between 900 South and California Avenue, West from City Limits ' ROLL CALL ,,Ave r� VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 27 19 77,1'A)' Mr.Chairman • Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed. Greener d Hogensen Phillips tt AN ANCE Result II AN ORDINANCE EXTE ING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 379 of 1977, together with a plat showing the tract of land to be annexed by Horizon West Enterprises, requesting the tract of land hereinafter described, be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate plat or map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits to Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following tract of land in Salt Lake County, Utah: Beginning at a point on the west City limits of Salt Lake City, said point being N. 89°55'02" E. 776.00 feet and south 22.26 feet from the southwest corner of Section 9, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence S. 89°55'36" W. 1995.03 ` feet along the south line of California Avenue; thence N. 0°01'16" W. 3233.10 feet; thence S. -2- 89°55'20" E. 176.00 feet; thence N. 0°O1'16" W. 50.00 feet; thence S. 89°55'20" East 176.00 feet; thence N. 0°01'16" W. 84.45 feet to the south line of 900 South Street; thence S. 89°55'36" E. along said south line of 900 South Street 1644.27 feet; thence south 3362.61 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 153.28 acres including rights of way. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be, and the same hereby is, zoned as indi- cated on said plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and which tract of land shall be zoned as herein provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of location and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of July , 1977. 7 2 MAYOR 7H/J/Jh1j7� � CITY RECORDS (SEAL) BILL NO, 125 of. 1977 Published August 3, 1977 125 (Certified copy to City Auditor 8-9-77 for recording with County Recorder, etc.) dSEP 2 at - o m. 3003200 ;acorde G - Request e KATIE L.DIXON,R ordercc���� ���a Salt Lak oust ,1.•tt /ram ' ) STATE OF UTAH, 3/l J� ee, By l�/✓4 eputy �" ss. erg arpn on � '/�� City and County of Salt Lake, "F. 'Cia�- 7 r `, / 2416 67-SA'`s�/; 1, / e/" -y'7-/ 9'// r- I, MILDRED V, HIGHAM , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinances extending the limits of Salt Lake City (/I passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, July 27, 1977 as fret.Of record in my office. 4t�,�ti. •Cy' ,. j. 4,7 IN''ryy 1V WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said t `C (� 1 i r '7l k/ • l�t. , 9 th day of August, 197 7 (�j9 `�4� �/1, '. 6!t 94t SF�\, /City Recorder ' CO Published _ August 3, 1977 Ch BILL NO, 125 of 1977 /a5 OEPE LAKE CORIT�DINANCE AN EXTENIDINNG ANCTHE LIMITS OF SALT WHEREAS,Salt LakeI there tition Noo been 1977,,toeellth the �wlMla plat slowing the tract off land to be annexed by Horizon West Enterprises, e taken within theh limlNsof tractt Lake City;aherend rloed, WHEREAS the aeolr0opaetition Is signed by a melorlly of the one°third IIn velure tof CIledttr ,al as ^a..lrown rply�tghe le7t ' e> WHEREAS,the said I h In the as caused an accurate and or map to be made and certified to by a competgn survs7or and approved by the City Engineer,end to be tiled with ton City Recorder'end WHEREAS,the Bd pooeeetrd of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. aMr�ldevinng ng t e circurnsteition�dt�rs of l,,voted by uunnanlmwi " - \' vote of all members of said Board In favor of annexing Bald tract \ of land to Salt Lake City end directed Chet en Ordinance should be \ passed annexing said territory end the exfensien of the city limits , to Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD '. OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH: SECTION 1.That the city limits of Salt Lake City be,and the Same hereby are,enlarged and extended so as to Include the \ L following Beeelnol acteft anolO mIM6 weent CBs mini of Ulf Lake City, \gyp from t e souMwwest sneer of Sectioon 9,,T 776.00 f S,tand south Sall Lobe 6Base end Meridian end running thence S.89.55'36"W.1995.03 feet V earth along the s line of California Avenue;thence N.Obl'16"W. 3233.10 feet;thence S.hfSY20"E.176.00 feet;thence N.O'Ol'16" W.50.00 feet;thence B.a9.55.10"East 176.00 feet;thence N. `�\\ \ O'01.16"W.8e.65 feet tt to the south line of 900 South Street;thence feet, 33636i1 fd en of line bbeegiinnnina Contains C 1SI.2eecres including HMIs of way. \ the Awhole of 11w U�eEdeesORDAINED eroperly W DECLARED the same • 1 herebyND CEElol IT FURTIHER ORDAINd ED AND DECLARED that 1,\ '� when MN ordinance takes effect the told tract of lend above described shall Henceforth be within the corporate Omits of Salt / Lake CItY and which tract of land shall be zoned as herein of or p�ertalininnd all to Salnces,t LLobe luCiirlly,oreelextended boa Ind ame�de apollGbla and pertinent to hlne sell erect o/Iene,end'giant block.,.Rave end wove of told trM*hell be cmnroile0 end ppvomb:i by ten ordlnan .,rules and regulations g sold cltr In eht f behalf,end ten h eNments of the City of location alien L j distances. rance 11e taken therein et the et.nderas of tocanon and SECTION 3.Upon ten pelage St this ordinance,the Coy ' Recorder of Selt Lek a Clhshe li the,amen is hero,i:pyoedto (}_ mla,with the aunty Recorder of Selt Lake County,a cap of the ' \L ♦ os sroorvlded In such Cases together with a mN fi led cony othis C\\ ord1 SECTION 3.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,It j I. La Oto the peace,bee neeraohme i adso SaitSkeIioydieaebOrne effettiVe immediately. Lake Thls ordinance shall effect one,,its first\$\ .l publication.s by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. '� �) Uten,this lien day of July,1477. TED L.WIISON \! C[+ MILDRED V.NIGHAM N City Re77cordeer CD BILLL110.125 of 1977 , PubllehedAuoust3.1977 IC-931 44. CP Cy WI HORIZON WEST ANNEX OF EXTENSiON SALT LAKE CITY L1 / TS 1''''" .i''''„,�, A PART OF SEC 5 8, 9, /6 /7, T/S, R. /W, 1111 ALE= /"=200. • SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /, LAMAR P. SMITH, A REGISTERED ENG/NEER AND LAND SURVEYOR AS PRESCRIBED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH AND HOLD/NG CERTIFICATE NUMBER /109 DO HEREBY CERT/FY THAT TW/S /S A TRUE AND CORRECT MAP SHOW/NG THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED TO SALT LAKE CITY AND MORE PART/CULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PO/NT ON THE WEST CITY LIMITS OF SALT LAKE C/T Y, SAID PO/NT BEING N 89°55'02'E 776.00 FEET AND SOUT/I 22.26 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP / SOUTH, RANGE / WEST, SALT LAKE BASE AND ERID/AN AND RUNNING THENCE S 89°55 36"W /955.03 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF CAL/L-ORN/A AVENUE; THENCE N O°0/'/6"W i . � 1 EX/STiN6 C/TY 2/11/TS v 900 SOUTH STREET B9°5536"E /644.27' -----------------"'-''''''>. 1 0 /266.92 27Z 3�' • /V 0°0/'/6-$1 84.45" W\ I Ni ,Itb ''------- ` 3 89°55'20%e /76-00" N O'0/%b'"W SO 00' Z7777- S 89•4-s.2O", /76.00' ., / fG gRP ,4EyT GP14P4 S • Gpt4S • PSEriES 8 0 -9. 7.' 0 1/4f SECT/ON CORNER • i • d ' h N V o H o h t `O O a nl O a0 AREA TO BE Q s ANNEXED o - --- —�_ / 5Ht N V ° q m m L Z3 L h M • h W o 1_ • 0 0 8 o O N UTAH POWER ANq 2/GNT COMPANY ,Q/6NT OF WAY - N eS /0.08 ACRES' v 1 j o v 4 h , r 1 4 h a t O Ckl P 3 0 , !n 0 ZSOUTH %F CI SECT/0N 9 _ SOUTH 7/5.,R./ie, /2/B-86" 776.2/' �� /22_26' 1—— S 89°55'56"W / .02' • " �k• FUTURE EXTENT/ON CAL/CORN/A AVENUE s' 86Acaas -'�9 N89°55'02 E 776.00' — N89°55'02'4.. /86 /7 /6 (A-RP N 89°5533".6 2640.009 C S 89°56"56"Wt !*95.03' ' PO/NT OF BEG/NN/N i r I i - 1 . 3233./0 FEET; THENCE 5 89°53-20"E /76.00 FEET; THENCE NO°O/'/6"W 1,‘, 1 • 50.00 FEET; THENCE S 89°55'20"E /76.00 FEET; THENCE NO°D/'/6!l/ 84.45 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF 900 SOUTH STREET; THENCE ;3 S 89e55"36"E ALONG' SAID SOUTH L/NE OF 900 SOUTH STREET /644.27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 3362.6/ FEET TO THE POINT OF BEC/NN/N6, — . L CONTA/N/NS /53.28 ACRES /NCLUD/N6 /6NTS OF WAY. DATE /✓l`a�/ /9, /977 4A--- - / PRO ESS/O/'A ENG/NRER AND LAND SURVEYOR 3003201 6E- i) -e' /A77, . .- zCi-c):,?-9 7-W ,rt'-‘1- d'f'. ',„ . G r 1—1&/- ,,, . 1 v 1 S TAH 1 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION APPROVALS COUNTY OF SALT LAKE .,` Filed or Recorded at request of ■ APPROVED TH/S // DAY OF "j A.D. /9 77 Q KATIE L.DIXON ^"'" —--.r / ��� w ` a ` Record �t/Iyak�Gou�'tUtah /�v PLANN/N RECTOR Q /���jiY fYyly��~ 1 'S . By `Cheryl Warrington • 11 Deputy C?7,.� ]yy Y. / �' — APPROVED '` 0 - aL__ k /C% / /�'% CITY ATTORNEY ,.;t ' rill/ / -/ / _ ,2c 9 I I / / APPROVED �` FILED /�G� y CL 7 7-3-306, CITY ENG/NEER J i ` t Sik, J k �� r '4 _ 3( Form•1- ",P, IA �d eE DATE 7'�/7 77 ` I ti: L.B.¢M PRESENTED TO 74'E BOARD O, C/TY COMM/SS/ONERS AND � �� --`'-� r {.' ENGINEER AUTHf;? ,ED TO APPROVE, 771/S 27 DAY OF d� t 23' ___ u<-y A.£,k/,77 AT y 1 /C// TIME TH/S ANNEXA T/O.N �.�' WAS APPROVED A l/D CCEPTED. Q 471- yam- b „ ' CITY RE,CO ER i ` �` _t i 1• t ;4 I /✓a ,L 5, s e. ''), /. ,7 i zs 14J ARM.NSA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAII, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake nN oRaINANI;ti AN(ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKEVHFRE Shana D. Palmer WH[REAS,there has taan Mod with the Citythe Recorder of -- - ------- ---- Soft showing t City,Petition tan O.379 of annexed together with a West -- Fhow!nu fire trod of land to be n 0d by Horizon Woof ntakenses,in tho fopp eta text of lend tferalnaller described, Ietakenwithin tea Hn111-of Salt Is signed and WHEREAS,ea saldpeitHon d to o n amalmor of an Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advci- wn I the roof.WOne/ry and Me owners of than '.C1,In In vamp of all the real property,ed,des more Ind ono-third mn5,sltuareq Inuatract rara(nalmrra5rrloed;and tr.vang clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) WHEREAS,the said petitioner has caused an accurate purr newspaper n tatted in the English language with general cir- or arvnd be made City Endows,to by to be fl ed with ther andCity F Recc order and culat6on in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake otterxa i Ipsaidpetitionofsaidownee'r alldlractofand, County, in the State of Utah. and considering the circumstances thereof,voted by unaninans vote of all members of sold Board In Inver of annoslno said wartof latoi to Salt Lake City a It obYcrted that an ordinance 5ho:lltl toe 5ed annexing said ter Merya„d the extension of he city limits That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto to Sall Lake City accordingly. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH' SECION I.That'll.city limits of Salt Lake City he,ana lot Pub notice of an ordinance extending the limits Sarno hereby aI' ft and enlendivl So as to Include the ---- ------ ----- following teem off l landnd In Salt Leke County,Utah: [hilnnlrId at a point on tho west City Thous of Salt Lake City, said point being N.SESSI.19"E fed.776.00 feet omi south 71 26 ic from the southwest corner of Section 9,T1s,RIW,Salt Lake Pam of Salt Lake City era Meridian and runningthence S.An S5'36'•W.1995.e 91 -� -- --- ---'-----'---- eel aloof;the sout lne of Calfornia Agent.,thence N.NUl'I6"6"Net; 5•E.1 thence N.eo i s" W.00. feet;thence S.500 East 6. theme N.0 '16"W. 0.a1 to the tooth lineal 900 South Street;Mra•ccS.8s~ n01g 16It n tM1 Ilea of South it.0 1Mnsfeet,thence smith 13[. foot to Me point?Of beginning.Contains IZ32nIncludingHi/Moot AND BE IT FaHERORDAINED ANDDECLARED the wholeof f bovedescribed properly be,and the same hereby Is,renal as indicated on sold Ont. nNDBrI EDP/ InER ORDAINED AND DECLARED s dinncee eb teec'tiltsa Iat of land ----------"- -- above escritr:d shall thenretolth be within he of enr,t:a.'ikons of Sal/ - ---- ----- ----' Lake City and which tract of land shall be tared as herein a vil-hal,ark/all o'dlnnnces,luelvllrldun-,lulls and obR,atlals ai or Irnandng?son i n1 atY-e eI l I' over l t ryde Aug. 3, 1977 peon,'bees and ays me5a.d""+`ra shalt to and died er,, was published in said newspaper on __ 1. mean,'obeys eor ways et sold and snarl Im man olled and i oaf I 1,1 henallt,Ilnd the rut I and the City tEngik of ineer city theta-oho.be stake.therein nas the standards fit 111.11onsnnd Recu of SECTION5 1 Latta Cllon y shall Eliot,an this Is hereby Illrnectsalto life,with thy County Ian,ardor of Salt Lake County,s coon of Ma al or Mat above mentioned,f l ifs I and aekatowledged, ----- -- -r s wedded eh cases,together Incertified Grey of this -, d 5 FC iION 3 In the I f the Board of Cdnogosioners,It _ ,r-\� \ c 5n.e ytthne .pale anti roof tad '_�_.�_,_ cA. � '� ir,root ihC d 1 r-tin» of hlv Legal publication. tll an.-a u r„kp Eire �I Ids nr,t Advertising Clerk Nasseo by the Board of Commissioners of sail Ladle ClIy. Utah,this kph day of,hay,197%. FED L.WII.SON MIL()RED V.HICIIAM • N1Wvor City Record, (SEAL) BILL NO.Il5of 191% 5th _ day of BILL O.125Almost 3,1917 ;G92)fOTe 1'aP this ._ ._ __..._ Aug, -----._ A.D. I9_77_._. Notary Public My Commission Expires B'eb. 13, 1978