126 of 1908 - Ordinance 126 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 34, Third Partial Estimate. AN •
O R D I is A i+ C E
An ordinance levying a tax and providing for the as>:;e'sen ant of
the property hereinafter described on First South Street between
Sixth East and Eighth East Streets, in iaving District Co. 27, for 1 j
the purpose of providing for the gradinen guttering and curbing, an4
paving thereof.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTIOE 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and
provide for the assessment of the sane upon the property hereinafter
described in Eavint: District lie. 27, for the purpose or ,,:'oviding
for the grading, guttering end curbin: , and paving of a portion of
said district, to-wit:
In Lots 5 and 6, block 54, and 1 and 2, Block GO, flat "Be,
abutting on the south side of First South Street between Seventh East
and Eighth East Streets, and on the north side of First South Street:
between Sixth East and Seventh East Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, glittering
and curbing with cement, and paving with Utah asphalt (said asphalt '
'pavement to be sixty (60) feet wide between curbs, r'nd nine (9) inches
thick) , the portions of said street opposite the property hic,'einbe-
fore and hereinafter described to he es_-- oiolly affected and bene-
fited lip said improvee!ent, and it is hereby adjudged, deter wined and
established that said property will Le especially benefited thereby
to the fall amount: of tLe tax hereby levied, and said parcels of
land are heveley assessed at an e al r r: nei,:ore! rate in accordance
with the linear foot fronta;ze upon said portion;. of said street
frontint_r upon and to a le,,th of twenty-five (25) feet back there-
from, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels
of land is ten thousand ei ,,_thece and 42j1'0 M0,007.42) dollars
or seven and 633952j1, ,0'0 ( '7.633932) dollars per front or linear
foot of abuttint property, there being 1320 feet of - tting prop-
erty wit;in t a e boun a - _ of lots, blocks r a st. aboveen
tioned in said distilit, whieh it tot__
126 I/- k
;foot of said improvement according to the contract entered into for
the performance of said ,c.ort fnd_ i kirL said improvement, with
2. J. tioren, dated the 24th day of April, 1908, and the Treasurer is
Thereby directed to assess in accordance with the provisiohs of this
or4nag.ce/fdr the purpose herein mentioned: 1
�) 44 1id th side of"Mot,,, n1 6 -1-lock 54; the- south ride of. Lot
pl d ek 60, t,1i;x3ry1'�iy Salt L ke Cit* jurve)£ a e
721! z - 6, a s
f :1sar}�-'are shown upon th 'oi` _wets of said Cit Co 7epEi of
:!t*.iitiy 6 (25) feet 1:(3d'h ftrn s d street, and t ! t i.d tax;.
ii /
�, ' Xg C.,417 2. Soide,,,i 1 ti,...: s,,e and be del.in ill" n eq.-Ludt.
+„ i
intt men s, as folloniecto-•.•rit;�r;rj ie-tenth t`ereol one Vejekafter E
fp ‘
ith4000roM.l of the or lice Go ij'"nin., the clothe�the ta.r•-rorr the
,( :,.:. i
ant i"or .such i::�piov -,�^: bnr,,: t; t ''� thereof in t.-c years after !
such. approval; one-tenth thereof in three years after such approval;i
one-tenth thereof in four yours after eh );>ravel; one-tenth there;-
'`of in five „err:, after such approval; one-tenth thereof in six ;yearsi
after such ap lroval; one-tenth thereof in 3eVen yours after such ap
proval; one-tenth thereof in eight years after such approval; or.e-
t ;nth thereof in nine „<:.r; after such ajprovcl; and one-tenth there
•of in ton years sitar sich approval. One „_ .:.ore of slid. instal1-
"n ce or t..., , hole 1 .,x rney be p-,i3. on or before ten .lays €i..'t the
;a1,eror,-1 of 1,- . nrds-,. .c eon Ifir .1,: th ley,/ oE' t')e tex. One or -no'e
':installment:;, or the whole ;y,ecinl tax :nay be pt.irS on the day any in=
ste.11nient becomes duo by nr:;yi the a::oui,t thereof and interest to
Idate of payment. ..ach o said installments shall be.'r interest at tine
'irate of e c (6! per cent per annum from the f ; of the c :_ r•cv• 1 of i
the o'rdinenee conIi, rini the bey- o' said tax until the ri_.te of deltti-
queney,and eieht (8) per cent par annum from inlinnoency until paid.;
SRCTIoi: This (,rain-nee shell t _Lr effect upon approval.
i'Pavinp Extension i?o. 34. Third l'€a.rtlet heti;:na.te. --
C----- -4/1/X/
f Passed 6y the City Council of Salt Lai Citp,l h, September - -
I 21, 1908, mid referred to the K. yor for his onnrovel.
--67 el•y Recorder.
. Approved tills , day of I3eptember,1908.
C� �da �r�_r,���er.