126 of 1960 - Levying a tax and for assessment of property in Lighting District No. 17-D. wpc.toe ae. eso mea.a.a. ' ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, November 22 196__ 0 VOTING Ayei Nay I move that the Ordinance be pas d. Christensen . . . Harrison . . . ^� Piercey . . . Romney . . . Mr. Chairman . AN OR I ANCE Resu l . . fit .V `v/ • AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX for the assessment of property in Lighting District No. I7-D, for the purpose of providing for the operation, mainten- ance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah does hereby levy and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 17-D, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and furnishing of electrical energy therefor, to-wit: Lots 1 to 58 inclusive; Upper Yale Addition, Lots 1 to 30 inclusive, Upper Yale 2nd Addition; Lots 1 to 29 inclusive, Block 2, and Lots 30 to 58 inclusive, Block 1, Yalecrest Park; subdivisions of part of Block 28, Five Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey; abutting on both sides of Yalecrest, Herbert and Yale Avenues from 17th to 18th East Streets, in Salt Lake City. This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and furnishing with electrical energy on the all night schedule for a period of ten years from October 24, 1960, to October 24, 1970, twenty-eight (28) ornamental standards, each equipped with one 4000 lumen incandescent lamp, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Six Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Five and 27/100 ($6,925.27) Dollars or $1 .57869 per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 4,386.72 feet abutting said portion of said improvement, and the cost of which operation, maintenance, pat- rolling and furnishing with electrical energy and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, 126 -2- blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement for a period of ten years according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said Improvement with Utah Power & Light Company, dated the 24th day of October, 1960, said levy to date and be effective from October 24, 1950, which is the date service began, and the city treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned: FRONTING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF YALE AVENUE. All of Lots 30 to 58 incl., Upper Yale Add. of Blk. 28, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF YALE AVENUE All of Lots 1 to 29 incl ., Upper Yale Add. of Blk. 28, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF YALECREST AVENUE All of Lots 30 to 58 incl . of Bik. 1 , Yalecrest Park, a sub. of Blk. 28, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF YALECREST AVENUE All of Lots 1 to 29 Incl. of Bik. 2, Yalecrest Park, a Sub. of Blk. 28, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HERBERT AVENUE All of Lots 16 to 30 incl ., Upper Yale 2nd Add. of Blk. 28, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HERBERT AVENUE All of Lots 1 to 15 incl ., Upper Yale 2nd Add. of Blk. 28, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey. as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets not exceeding 330 feet, and collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described In Section 1 of this ordinance in Lighting District No. 17-D of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the operation, Maintenance and patrolling of Incandescent lamps and furnishing with electrical energy, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and re- turned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. 126 -3- SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly installments, with interest on any delinquent installment unpaid at the rate of ten per cent per annum, which interest shall be charged from and after the due date of each installment, to-wit: one-tenth thereof fifteen days after the ordinance levying the tax for the payment of the improvement becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in three years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in four years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in five years there- after; one-tenth thereof in six years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in seven years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in eight years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in nine years thereafter; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Default in the payment of any such installment of principal when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is neces- sary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective Immediately. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of November 1960. Mayor �1 n>Inn it co r Lighting District No. 17-D (SEAL) BILL NO. 126 of 1960 Published December 2, 1960 1_ 26 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D N Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No 126 of 1960. An Ordinance levying a tax for the assess- ment of property in Lighting District No. 16-D. was published in said newspaper on December 2, 1960. Legal Advertising-eter Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of December A.D. 19 60 Notary Public My Com issioa Expires leov. 25, 1961. 126 Legal Notices r SIDE£OF^H'RBOERT IS AVENUE. I _.. AN ORDINANCE LEV u • ] „ A t Rlk_28.5 Acre AN ORDINANCE LEVYING.A Pt t C Hic F Id Iry TAX for fh +s c,t E FR vTTINO TI *'TH SIDE po it.Y „L3",fi nR DJstrlet idin8.f IIr:PR=JRT AVENUE [oe el,e Puenose of peneidinS fo[ All of Ln1.;t In"i n t..Vnne,• the operation. maintenance and Y 1c Cud Ann.nl oak.."5 Ac,e petrol, f ' r, t 1 nn PI C R:n,� 1 5 and thetherefor ofurnishing' ` f 1 t seal officialfull - shown. n the enec 1t ordained by the Board of - d oth of thrd r�l a. he Commiss ner2 of Salt Lake Gitv,_ `'Ill ebacic from saldsns e ol, lot Ut✓PCTION 1.'I'hoti Ili Anard of ta.ceedins 330o[ect,and collect said Cn,n,nl.s f ,It k. C'1, SECTION h_That the t ]]tali d o h Gb- lc 1 P list Ad Cirri T vide forthr Peaftt n t the t.cter a nr,ed d n sfler desccibrde'woLiel,tihtrDit- tiaoncdand Y Re,cr a t,then hroaerty t„ct N. 61 D toy t described i S t 1 f t'is of providing f 1noperation, . . _In L bl Dlst't Nn. maintenance d patrolling f 17 a !Salt 1 akr Clt. f 'the nu,� nd s el Jmm�fie urtl furnishingI o of orocidinr for the opera- oflleLeetn'cal therefor, to- of tie In,n deffeot„Ire and dlolnish- llin Lots I t 58 Inclusive: V r 11electrical - here. Yale Atld'll L t 1 1 30 1 b o .d I tI __ Up I 2itd Ad't- d n 1 returned - d Lotoil 20 l I r RI k 2 I.t I II t o to t1 acid Lot'. 30 to b8 inclusive,Block P tl f Eaval e�tln.,andt Review I.Yalocrest Park; -:bdlvislnns nt the Board of Cenlnl,'SSlnn err, . C,rt of Rlock 2R,P'Ive Acre•Piet Salt Lake Citr areherehv ratified, my Field Survey: abutting o ap ,.L. ,d c ld la. both' of Yaiecrest. Herbert SECTION le Said tax shell he d ' A f' 17th t leasable 1 1 t 1 18t ner ennui. ti� t 4 t- 3]t L ke t ,"1 ty C Thl, t levied tot thethe 1-t f to installment tl at whichexpense h 11 h 'h ai atlo,. f mte,.aeoe (01... nd Hazer]- -. odor the due dates f loner f n des nt lain and each installment.to.,tlt:one-tenth furnishing 11 lectlical u C,6Y thereof fifteen S t,•c eoc the li 1 t schedule for a tossing the 1 f the n bd f t , Elom Oetonct 1 f the ay 24 1760 1 O tot 1070. effort.. rt ono-tenth thereof in one es t nt.v- h f.31 tnl thereof., t.tit thereof 4t000 od Iliimen f _ u J ( 1 tII hereof .'n three thereafter, t th ,d it 1 hex..a 'ud E thy. h th f fO„thereafter, minedin and bl"t tl h s'd h -t s .'IY 11 h" 11 b. fll- ,h .ft hone-tenth tide titaxebh„I n it f 11 ,t f Illparne-enth hereafter: thereof t f ai a red a calla! and uniform t s nt oaf ter: o,c tn.,tll •o,--day, with me linear hereof ; nin r years rho )tier: f in 't 's ,nd row mn a ham, mar ��, rr "'re' de ll f th-s re f such 1 t 1 _tc - the n hoc] i f t d d" �In 1l hod t>. R ':10 f I the1. li b b airs "h t '.cl 1.I.d a l t F so d on hillwii 151 da.s f o'n the dote said a Nrr I H t d is T S t TP"le t D It 'net]b ff f 1,le and 27/t 0 16.095271 Dollars h- ]100 t principal t hen �8ry..1n10 (rent-linear foot dus shall c :the mole of be 'nf ,.atol,ln,^. Hero tv. thrre being aid , 'urinal to whole due 4.18,72�fmm Ixtttt6 ddth_ .td n_ tI dolne 'or wbitlf Doer "o,,, maintenance, n whole shall thereafter dry„Ihe nterest r,Ilia end fvnf Ishlne with Ice- at the rate of'e lot n t "l e 6(. d i t. b.- nni n until paid.but fled th b hereinafter t odor to the date of 1 f n t and R within cnns,re the ai �� he [ the 1 t blocks ts'- amount st duo-of all interest at theto ahoy, mentioned , s d cl. t f sten o er which I thetotal I tt t. of t cent tic d Per annum to to in. d pant front fe t f Id en t f :d e f t s n ' rr a restored e costs. tc deiordtd. re the thn.r l t 2ntl' hi ll�er f 1rP11 s in is st ll .aid'. -1 c k' sa sd if fr.lt.ha, t occulted s t 'th Ut�h P,v ,ec I'I t'Cn y dated t11 a24th the Hoard 5f Comini s 'iniont Is O I 10f0 d l v t.- t t ! I E C nO rItY h If '•al t h 24. 1980 l d t I t. i k o *hat th Pio is -I Cl Salt .s h bauthorised11 t t 1. c E e eV'urwTI d t 1 c !e- roiled to 'Ili t'rn. tf_1 its first nobll,eall Shy ilie Is ndsnose tlhereindl nlen� Passed by Il,e Eoard nf Comn,t,o- FlereCN'loll ON TH,NORTH SIDE. this 22nd wranf*in,e1Cit>. Irtah' Ole YA[,E AVENUF, J BItACKF*1980 An of Lots:,0 to 58 incl-•Urnal ]avor�•V..Adel, f Rlk.28,6 Acre Plat HESSIAN HOC;F,Ncr:.N. C. Big of SnrvcY. if ON'I'Iam.SOUTH SIDE I lLhl'nS City A>cordnr OF YAI F AV Lh Ut District Nr. 17 D 411 f L t " l e ,,,,' Ai A NO. 2d f]9d0 N. Atrd. f RII 98.�5 A Plat P bl h d DCcen be[2,1060 313.643 Id 5:n't FRONTING ON HE NORTH SIDE OF YALFCREST AVENUE. • Ail of Leta 3n to'08 in.,.of Hlk. 1. ]':Ile Alt.IPl of a.sun. of le d 2R, � Acto Pint C. HiF Field 5„1'vev FR o"YA(. THE POFT13 SIDE Olr YALt,CR EST AVENUE All ,f Lnia o , Srl. of R1k 'l.�Y al don't Park, .Sn F. f S,iiivr8 5 Acre Odd,.,Biri Fic1d norft,i ivre.. ow e•• r,O0TH 125