126 of 1977 - Amending Section 25-16-9 establishing positions in city Recorder's Office (City Court). 'VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, uu5 Mr. Chairman ✓ I move that th inane be passe Agraz ; z% Gner Hogensen // Phillips Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-16-9 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the office of the city recorder. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-16-9 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the office of the city recorder, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Sec. 25-16-9. The board of commissioners may appoint in the office of the city recorder of Salt Lake City the following deputies: 1. 1 chief deputy city recorder, in the absence or during the disability of the city recorder, the chief deputy city recorder shall exercise all of the functions and powers of the city recorder. 2. 1 chief clerk. 3. 1 deputy city recorder who shall act as super- visor of the city court, civil division. 4. 1 deputy city recorder who shall act as super- visor of the city court, criminal division. 5. 1 deputy city recorder who shall act as super- visor of the traffic violations bureau. 6. Assistant city recorders who shall act as deputy clerks of the city court. J 7. 1 administrative secretary. \ , 8. The board of commissioners may employ such other clerks, stenographers, secretaries and other employees as may be necessary for the proper conduct of said office at such salaries as may be designated by said board. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4th day of August, 1977. _712'.2 2.1_, A7AYOR CITY RECORD (SEAL) BILL NO. 126 of 1977 126Published August 10, 1977 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 J- ss. County of Salt Lake ANORDINARCE Shana D, Palmer AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING Section 1516-9 of the Re CWed Ordinances of Salt Lake ity,Utah.1966 relating to tie office of the city recbrder. Commtlorrd Ind t of he Board and Being first duly sworn,deposes andsays that he is legala ver- ke uro,utah using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) SECTION 1. That Section 26166 al the Revised oral- aca.ppaper printed in the English language with general cir- naf Salt Lake City,Utah, aaingtnen,efLl<amsdnme> cu publishedy"• Salt of Utah, and in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake hInv reorder,Ue, rtdMe ereby is arnHWed as follows-, County, Sec. 9&16-9. TM board or in the State of Utah. commissioners may appoint In the office of the city recorder of Salt Lake CID the following deputies: deb" city re That the legal notice of which a copy isattached hereto tder,in the absenceor during he disability of the city recor- der,the rniel deputy city mror- Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to the functionnsia Id moorsaof the5ity ---.- - -. recorder i 1 chief uty city recorder who ___ office of the city recorder t)lciidivision.of theciycourt, vl 4.I act en s rvlserrol the shall ascot criminal U pe .city 1 dep yoitYrecordion. ''— --- --'----'-------—__-- 5.1 deput ty site rvis r o who tsrtaflfic l violatiosupervisor s bu ereaur of the 6. Assistant city reCorders who shall act as deputy clerks of the city court 7.I administrative secretory. S. The board of commis. sinnersm employ such other ay clerks, stenographers, sec- retaries and other employees as may be necessary for the won Aug, 10 1977 er conduct of sale office at se was published in said newspaper on __----_--'- salaries as may be designated by said board. SECTION 4.This ordinance shallpublication. effecln 30 days after firstits Passed by the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City. Utah,tills 4111 day Cl August, 141/. TED L.WILSON o MILDRED V.HIGHAM L. ,` `\ . , s C! „y City Recorder �� \S f-� . /\ I • BILL NO.126 of 977 Legal Advertising Clerk ,Publlstwd Aug.10,1977 (D-46) Subscribed and sworn to before me this------------.12th_-_-_ - day of Aug•_____.___.._._ A.D. 19 77 . Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb, 13, 1978