126 of 1979 - Amending sections 37-5-3 and 37-10-1 specifying charges for increased sewer service, permit and conn September. 27, 1972
Mrs. Judy F. Lever
Assistant City Attorney
1.01 City and County Building
Salt Zaire City, Utah
Dear Mrs. Levers
On September 18, 1979, the City Commission passed an ordinance
BILL NO. 128 of 1979, specifying changes for increases rower service,
permit and connection fees.
Inasmuch as that ordinance required certain minor corrections to avoid
confusion, the Board of City Commissioners at its meeting today, passed
a now ordinance-BULL NO. 128 of 1979, correot1u' the ordinance of
September 18, 1979.
yours truly,
City Recorder
Public Utilities
Atty Report
. -Ordinanoe
/ VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 27 19 79
Mr.Chairman ✓
A raz I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Greener ✓
H K.CemPb,e11
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 37-5-3 and Section 37-10-1 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 as amended,
relating to sewer service, permit and connection fees.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 37-5-3 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to sewer service
charges, be and the same herehy is, amended to raise said fees
which shall read as follows:
Sec. 37-5-3. Sewer service charge. The sewer service
charge imposed by section 37-5-2 hereof, shall be as
(a) Classification.
(1) For each single dwelling unit, $3.50 per month.
(2) For each duplex, $3.50 per month per dwelling
(3) For each triplex, 53.50 per month per dwelling
(4) For each multiple dwelling, a minimum monthly
charge of $3.50 per dwelling unit, or $0.28 per 100
cubic feet of total water consumption, whichever is
(5) For all other users, a minimum monthly charge
of $4.40 or $0.28 per 100 cubic feet of total water
consumption, whichever is highest.
(b) Since the charges specified above reflect an
allowance for water which is consumed hut does not enter the
sewer system, any consumer who has more than one water
meter, one or more of which measures water eventually to be
discharged into the sewer and one or more others of which
measures water not entering the sewer system, said consumer
will be: (1) charged the amount specified in section 37-5-
3(a), (2) charged the sum of n.115 per 100 cubic feet of
water for water flowing through each meter, which measures
water at least part of which is discharged into the sewer,
and (3) assessed no sewer charge on the meter which measures
water, no part of which flows into the sewer system.
SECTION 2. That Section 37-10-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to sewer
fees, he, and the same hereby is, amended to provide for sewer
permit and connection fees by ADDING subsections (12) and (13)
which shall read as follows:
Sec. 37-10-1. Fees. The Public Utilities Director shall
charge and the City Treasurer shall collect the following
1. * * *
* * *
4. Sewer and miscellaneous inspection. 530.00
* * *
8. Installation of sewer special wye. 50.00
* * *
10. Sewer survey 70.00
11. Re-survey for change sewer line
additional charge 70.00
12. Assessment fee. Where connections involve main sewer
lines installed at City expense without assessment
to the property, an additional charge representing
the property owner's assessment shall be charged at
time of connection based upon property owner's
frontage 10.00
per front foot
13. Permit fee to cover cost of engineering,
surveying and inspection $150.00
14. Connection Fees.
(a) Residential single dwelling, and
condominium, per connection or
unit. 300.00
(h) Multi-family dwellings
(i) Duplex 450.00
(ii) Triplex 675.00
(iii) Townhouse (apartment)
per unit 225.00
(c) Hotels and motels
(i) Per dwelling unit without
kitchen or restaurant 150.00
(ii) Per dwelling unit with a
kitchen or restaurant 200.00
(d) General commercial and industrial
uses, per equivalent unit (one
equivalent and equals 20 fixtures
units based on Utah Plumbing Code) 300.00
(e) Trailer parks, per equivalent
fixture unit, three trailer spaces
shall equal one equivalent fixture
unit. 300.00
(f) Special industrial and commercial
uses, including car washes, laundromats,
etc., as designated by Public Utilitiss
Director shall he charged $300.00 per
equivalent fixture units based on
discharge capacity as specified in the
Uniform Plumbing Code.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 27th day of September,;d: 79.
(SEAL) vv
BILL NO. 126 of 1979
Published October 1, 1979
1 Z6'
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 18 ,1979
Mr.Chairman /
Agraz/ I move that the Ordinance be sed.
Phillips °
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 37-5-3 and Section 37-10-1 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 as amended,
relating to sewer service, permit and connection fees.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 37-5-3 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to sewer service
charges, he and the same hereby is, amended to raise said fees
which shall read as follows:
Sec. 37-5-3. Sewer service charge. The sewer service
charge imposed by section 37-5-2 hereof, shall be as
(a) Classification.
(1) For each single dwelling unit, $3.50 per month.
(2) For each duplex, $3.50 per month per dwelling
(3) For each triplex, $3.50 per month per dwelling
(4) For each multiple dwelling, a minimum monthly
charge of $3.50 per dwelling unit, or $0.28 per 100
cubic feet of total water consumption, whichever is
(5) For all other users, a minimum monthly charge
of $ 4.40 or $0.28 per 100 cubic feet of total water
consumption, whichever is highest.
(b) Since the charges specified above reflect an
allowance for water which is consumed but does not enter the
sewer system, any consumer who has more than one water
meter, one or more of which measures water eventually to be
discharged into the sewer and one or more others of which
measures water not entering the sewer system, said consumer
will be: (1) charged the amount specified in section 37-5-
3(a), (2) charged the sum of $.05 per Ion cubic feet of
water for water flowing through each meter, which measures
water at least part of which is discharged into the sewer,
and (3) assessed no sewer charge on the meter which measures
water, no part of which flows into the sewer system.
SECTION 2. That Section 37-10-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to sewer
fees, be, and the same hereby is, amended to provide for sewer
permit and connection fees by ADDING subsections (12) and (13)
which shall read as follows:
Sec. 37-10-1. Fees. The Public Utilities Director shall
charge and the City Treasurer shall collect the following
1. * * *
* * *
12. Permit fee to cover cost of engineering,
surveying and inspection S1.50.00
13. Connection Fees.
(a) Residential single dwelling, and
condominium, per connection or
unit. 300.00
(h) Multi-family dwellings
(i) Duplex 450.00
(ii) Triplex 675.00
(iii) Townhouse (apartment)
per unit 225.00
(c) Hotels and motels
(i) Per dwelling unit without
kitchen or restaurant 150.00
(ii) Per dwelling unit with a
kitchen or restaurant 200.00
(d) General commercial and industrial
uses, per equivalent unit (one
equivalent_ and equals 20 fixtures
units based on Utah Plumbing Code) 300.00
(e) Trailer parks, per equivalent
fixture unit. Three trailer spaces
shall equal one equivalent fixture
unit. 3on.on
(f) Special industrial and commercial
uses, including car washes, laundromats,
etc., as designated by Public Utility
Director shall be charged $300.00 ner
equivalent fixture units based on
discharge capacity as specified in the
Uniform Plumbing Code.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first.
Passed by the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 18th day of September, 9.
4..2d &7
BILL NO. 126 of 1979
Published October 1, 1979
City Recorder,Salt Lake City Corporation
Mr. Fenton and Maury Johnson of the Public Utilities
Department have indicated to us that this ordinance
is in error. Inasmuch as it doesn't publish until
Monday, Oct. 1, 1979, we probably could get it corrected.
Mr. Fenton can be reached on 6670.
'SkSo s}i tub Cov1.Lc -.cQ
-I lAt a ct- -0-61- 912-7 I/9
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 37.5-3 and Section
3,-101 of the RevisedRevised Ordinances of Self Lake City.Utah.t9h5 as
ainedating by the hoard on,missione S rmit and n Be ordained o sower of C of Salt Lake
City,Utah: I.That Section 37-5.3 of the Revised Ordinances of Being first duly l sworn,
Salt Lake•City,Utah,1965,as amended.relating to.sewe,serviceydeposes and says that he is legal
charges,be and the same hereby is.amended to raise said lees advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
whch shall read es follows:
S 174-3.Sewer service charge.The sewer service charge h
Imposed by suction 37-5-2 hereof,shall be as follows: (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Fn fish
(,)For each single dwelling unit,S3 SO per mon+n. language with g
(2)Por.each duplex,$3.50 per mouth per dwelling unit,
g b general circulation in Utah, and
(3)For each 0-iplex,33.W per month per dwelling unit. published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
at i9e0essr awehioo unit,
dwelling,a minimum monthly charge
umperdweMohevnit or ghvs per lW cubic feet of total wales State of Utah.
pns(5)For all other users,a minimum monthly charge of f4.40
or SO 20 nor 101 Cubic feet of total water consumption,whichever
is hllb) a the charge, rhed above rem consumption,
an allnwancn That the legal notice of which a
w< ,,consumedhut does not enter the sewe system, $ copy is attached hereto
toy wale•' er
who has more(hap one water muter,one no m
w•r and' wares .verso Iw to be measures
tMtner more
entering and sewer more ,said co whichnsume will Int II)charged Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
the amount specified in section 37.5-3(a),(2)charged the sum of
I O55 r 100 cuic b feel of water Inc ate flowingthrough each
meter,which measures water of least part of which is discharged sewer service, permit info the sewer,_and lo,.00 en,i no
whim charge on the meter
& connection fees
measuror wz sewer
SECTION 2.That Section 37.10.1 of the,Revied, sed Ordinances of
be.end thep at Lake rc be'ebv is,a ends to provide for sewer to nPermit
aand ndllcon,,raa fniteeshe ADDING sub'oenlons(121 and('3)which
Sec 37-10-1.Fees-Tho Public Utilities Director shall charge
and the City Treasurer shay collect the following lens.
r and miscellaneous inspection $30.130
0.•Insta tenon of sewer special woo. • 550.00
10 Sewer survey:' S70.00
sewer line ions innelrharge.slo.er was published in said newspaper on Oct. ]., 1979
11. t at
fce.Where thous invelve vn m sewer
Imes installed at City a without assessment oto the
additional chi ge representing the orcerry owner's
not ss a he chaireed at tone of connectioon based cool,
prpperivermit sfrontage- ,nn,front foot)$,10 00
11.Permit Ice to cover coot of engineering,
surveying and increctInn S15n.oa,A,C,crInFX:Iinn (/
(b)M It d Ili t runic. 300.M
01 Duplex .Spin Legal Advertising klerk
fli)Triplex 675.01
rc)HotelsTo anwnhoused motels(apartment)
in 1)per unit 725.00
lit Per dwell,unit without
kitchen or restaurant 150.00 \I
(ill Per dwelling unit with a re me this 5th day of
kitchen or restaurant 200.00
(d)General cemmerclal and industrial
uses,per equivalent unit Inn,
unitsbosoao°,durnPllals mbii(9Code) 0.no A.D, 19.Z9.,..
(e)T"aiter parks,per equivalent
si o equivalent unit,threeptl II spacesfixture
7 /
(1 S unit.
I in/I./Oriel dand ing car he d mats. . i- /
etc.,as designated by Public Ub l es
i t shall be charged ed 5300,00 ,r
u Ildischarge
gel canachy
Code. Notary
n me �<.��, NotaTy Pu' h•
SE(AAT ION 1 In 1 7I I the Board of Con _of 7
he ilt nhabitants e City,tofu Sall sLake 1Cityn that<th sgordinance end 1Qbecome
effective immediately.
SECTION d.This ordinance shall lake effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah,this 271h day of September,079.
BILL NO 126 o119,9
Published October 1.1979